Emergency Commissioner of Education Rules
The Texas Education Agency has filed the following rule actions with the Texas Register on an emergency basis as authorized under Texas Government Code, §2001.034.
The following links present the preamble filed with the Texas Register in PDF format. The preamble includes information describing the emergency rule action as well as the rule text. The PDF contains a bookmark that will allow you to navigate directly to the beginning of the rule text using the bookmarks feature of your PDF reader.
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Emergency New 19 TAC Chapter 100, Charters, Subchapter AA, Commissioner's Rules Concerning Open-Enrollment Charter Schools, Division 1, General Provisions, §100.1020, Determination of Academic Accountability
Summary: The new section implements the requirements of Texas Education Code (TEC), §12.1141, Renewal of Charter; Denial of Renewal; Expiration, which requires the commissioner to adopt a procedure for renewal, denial of renewal, or expiration of a charter for an open-enrollment charter school at the end of the term of the charter; and TEC, §12.114, Revision, which requires the commissioner to provide to the charter holder written notice of approval or disapproval of an expansion amendment not later than the 60th day after the date that a charter holder submits a completed request for approval for an expansion amendment.
Resumen en Español: La nueva sección aplica los requisitos de la sección (§) 12.1141 [“Renovación de estatutos; negación de renovación; vencimiento”] del Código de Educación de Texas (TEC), que exige que el comisionado adopte un procedimiento para la renovación, negación de renovación o vencimiento de una carta constitutiva para una escuela autónoma de inscripción abierta al final del plazo de la carta constitutiva, y de la sección (§) 12.114 [“Modificación”] del Código de Educación de Texas (TEC), que exige que el comisionado facilite al titular de la carta constitutiva una notificación por escrito de aprobación o desaprobación de una modificación de ampliación a más tardar el 60.° día después de la fecha en que el titular de la carta constitutiva presente una solicitud cumplimentada para la aprobación de una modificación de ampliación.
Effective Date: February 5, 2024
Publication in Texas Register: February 16, 2024
For questions about the process of proposing, adopting, or publishing Texas Administrative Code rules; reviewing existing rules; or petitioning for rule changes, email the Rulemaking Division at rules@tea.texas.gov.