19 TAC Chapter 233

Categories of Classroom Teaching Certificates

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Categories of Classroom Teaching Certificates

§233.1. General Authority
§233.2. Early Childhood; Core Subjects
§233.3. English Language Arts and Reading; Social Studies
§233.4. Mathematics; Science
§233.5. Technology Applications and Computer Science
§233.6. Bilingual Education
§233.7. English as a Second Language
§233.8. Special Education
§233.9. Gifted and Talented
§233.10. Fine Arts
§233.11. Health
§233.12. Physical Education
§233.13. Career and Technical Education (Certificates not requiring experience and preparation in a skill area)
§233.14. Career and Technical Education (Certificates requiring experience and preparation in a skill area)
§233.15. Languages Other Than English
§233.16. Driver Education Endorsement
§233.17. Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps