Amendments to Health Education TEKS to be Considered November 20, 2020

Grade 4

Strike “pregnancy” and “the process of fertilizationand healthy fetal development” from §115.16(b)(20):

(20) Reproductive and sexual health--anatomy, puberty, and reproduction, and pregnancy. The student analyzes adolescent development, the process of fertilization, and healthy fetal development. The student is expected to:

Grade 5

Strike "and behavioral" from §115.17(b)(6)(E):

"describe situations that call for professional mental and behavioral health services"

Strike “healthy fetal development” from §115.17(b)(22):

(22) Reproductive and sexual health--anatomy, puberty, reproduction, and pregnancy. The student analyzes adolescent development, and the process of fertilization, and healthy fetal development. The student is expected to:

Grade 6

Reinsert "and the emotional risks associated with adolescent sexual activity" in§115.26(b)(23)(G):

"identify why abstinence from sexual activity is the only method that is 100% effective in preventing pregnancy; STIs/STDs, including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS); and the emotional risks associated with adolescent sexual activity;"

Grades 6-12

Restore "dating/romantic relationships”

dating/romantic relationships dating and romantic relationships