Physical Education TEKS Review Work Group Drafts
Final Recommendations (July 2020)
At the June/July 2020 State Board of Education (SBOE) meeting, the board asked the physical education content advisors聽to address guidance provided by the SBOE and finalize recommendations for revisions to the physical education TEKS. The document below reflects final recommendations for revisions to the physical education TEKS. Click on the item below to download a PDF.
Physical Education TEKS Review Final Recommendations (PDF, 3094 KB)
Work Group E
Work Group E met in March 2020 and completed draft recommendations in a series of webinars that concluded in April 2020. The work group鈥檚 charge was to review recommendations from Work Groups A, B, C, and D for vertical alignment and any redundancies or gaps in content. The work group made additional recommendations to finalize the draft.
Work Group E recommendations are provided below. Click on the item below to download a PDF.
Physical Education TEKS Review Work Group E Draft Recommendations (PDF, 2268KB)
Work Group D
Work Group D met in February 2020. The charge for the meeting was to draft recommendations for three strands: lifetime wellness, performance strategies, and social and emotional health. Work Group D also reviewed and provided additional recommendations for the Work Group C strands, health and physical activities and movement patterns/movement skills as well as the proposed new high school courses. All Work Group D recommendations are provided below. Click on the items below to download a PDF.
Lifetime Wellness Strand Recommendations (PDF, 933KB)
Performance Strategies Strand Recommendations (PDF, 999KB)
Social and Emotional Health Strand Recommendations (PDF, 1064KB)
Health and Physical Activities/Fitness Strand (PDF, 1240KB)
Movement Patterns/Movement Skills Strand (PDF, 1714KB)
Proposed New Physical Education High School Courses (PDF, 889KB)
Work Group C
Work Group C met in December 2019. The charge for the meeting was to draft recommendations for two strands: health and physical activities and movement patterns/movement skills.
Work Group C recommendations are provided below. Click on the items below to download a PDF.
Health and Physical Activities and Fitness Strand Recommendations聽(PDF, 1290KB) Finalized February 28, 2020.
Movement Patterns/Movement Skills Strand Recommendations聽(PDF, 1358KB) Finalized February 28, 2020.
High School Courses (PDF, 1797KB) Finalized February 28, 2020.
Work Group B
Work Group B met in October 2019. The charge for the meeting was to identify the grade levels and/or courses at which the topics recommended by Work Group A should be taught.
Physical Education Work Group B Recommendations (PDF, 675KB)
Work Group A
The State Board of Education-appointed content advisors for physical education outlined a new framework for the physical education TEKS in their consensus recommendations. Work Group A met in September 2019. The work group was charged with adding topics for the strands and substrands to the framework recommended by the content advisors. The work group also identified where student expectations from the current TEKS for physical education would fit in the proposed framework.聽
Physical Education Work Group A Recommendations 聽(PDF, 180KB)
Curriculum Standards and Student Support Division
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