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Data Privacy-Rachel Dreiling discussed the contract 91ȱ awarded to SPEDx and the recent ruling requiring 91ȱ to repay more than 2.5 million back to the federal government as a result of the contract. Rachel discussed concerns regarding statues related to data privacy and the need to have more stringent statutes. Rachel sent an article to be emailed to CAC. Dispute Resolution: IEP Facilitation & Impartial Hearing Officers-JoAnn Wofford discussed concerns regarding the need for IEPs and progress reports to be more data driven. JoAnn cited language from recent due process hearing decisions that she was seeing across multiple hearing decisions-the implementation of the students IEP was not reasonably calculated to allow the student to make progress in light of the students unique circumstances. Teacher Certification & Paraprofessionals Qualifications/Training-Shemica S. Allen discussed the need for required professional development for paraprofessionals as it relates to renewing their instructional aide certificate and the need for instructional aide certificates to have a renewal requirement. Discussion was held about paraprofessionals being required to complete professional development hours similar to teachers & other educational professionals in the state. Alicia Giordano asked should the professional development be provided by the district or more district led on particular topics or should it be left up to the paraprofessional. Laurie Rodriquez suggested it should be more district led & recommended based on student & district need in such areas as teaching/instructional strategies, disability conditions, data collection, and behavioral management strategies. Mental Health-Laura Villarreal shared a mental health work group located SB 11 published 6/6/19 titled Relating to Policies, Procedures, and Measures for School Safety and Mental Health Promotion in Public Schools and the Creation of the Texas Child Mental Health Care Consortium. The research paper that we referenced was published in Health and Human Services Public Access, Lancel Psychiatry, 2014 titled Mental Health Interventions in Schools. Laurie Rodriquez shared about the opening of Dickinson ISDs Gator Wellness Center to address social/emotional learning and mental health. High School Graduation Requirements/Funding of 18+ Transition Programs-Laurie Rodriguez reported legislative changes would most likely have to be made in Texas Education Code (TEC) Chapter 28 (courses of study), Chapter 29-F (CTE), and Chapter 48 (school finance). Suggested state elective credit might go in TEC Section 28.025 under high school diploma. Committee might also consider proposing an amendment to the State Plan for CTE to reflect recommendations and changes to TEC Section 29.182. Agatha reviewed the information each subcommittee will need to present at the September 28th meeting regarding their recommendations for the legislative report. 1:55 Break 2:00 Keith Swink presented suggested changes to Chapter 89 Adaptations for Special Populations as a result of legislative changes and recommendations from the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP). Laurie Rodriquez made a motion to vote on endorsing the changes proposed by 91ȱ to Chapter 89. Alicia Giordano seconded the motion. The CAC voted to endorse the changes proposed by 91ȱ to Chapter 89. 2:45 Public Comments-Agatha Thibodeaux Steve Aleman, Policy Specialist with Disability Rights Texas-Steve commented a new advisory committee on funding was created as a result of House Bill 3 named the Special Education Funding Allotment Committee. The Special Education Funding Allotment Committee is also working on a legislative report that the CAC might want to review so recommendations are aligned. Steve also commented the Governors Committee on People with Disabilities is also completing a legislative report with some special education recommendations. Steve suggested the CAC should look at the reports from these two committees as it completes its legislative report. Laurie Rodriquez asked that 91ȱ provide the CAC with copies of both committees legislative reports. 3:00 Justin Porter presented on special education updates regarding number of special education students in the state, special education considerations for 20-21 school year, teletherapy pricing agreements, informational videos for parents, and significant disproportionality. A copy of the presentation was emailed to the CAC. 3:45 Discussion, recommendations, and possible action on current minutes and future meeting topics-Agatha Thibodeaux Future meeting topics include Amys presentation on how she advocates for her needs in various settings and how paraprofessionals were utilized in her education, committee members reporting to the committee on what is working & not working for stakeholders in their community in regards to virtual/distance learning, Jennifer Alexander presenting a presentation on monitoring, and Jens presentation on standardized testing and how it impacts special education. Current minutes were reviewed and accepted by the Committee at 3:59. 4:00 Motion to Adjourn Jen Stratton made a motion to adjourn. Amy Litzinger seconded motion. Meeting adjourned at 4:00. 4ATUx    - . 3 M P Z f µ}si_Užh=_OJQJ^Jh-OJQJ^Jh OJQJ^JhOJQJ^Jh9OJQJ^JhhJwOJQJ^JhJwOJQJ^Jhq{OJQJ^Jhhq{OJQJ^JhhOJQJ^Jhh5OJQJ^JhU5OJQJ^Jh''5OJQJ^Jh}5OJQJ^JhuhU5OJQJ^J!4Ux   ;  T U gd gdgdgd,fgdU dgd,f dgdpd^p`gd} $da$gdU      / ; a | ùߘtit_U_UH_HUhUhQ OJQJ^JhUOJQJ^Jhgq#OJQJ^Jh[ 5OJQJ^Jh?hU5OJQJ^JhJw5OJQJ^Jh5OJQJ^Jh,fh,fOJQJ^Jh OJQJ^JhuZOJQJ^JhJwOJQJ^Jhh5OJQJ^J *hhOJQJ^JhhOJQJ^JhOJQJ^Jh-OJQJ^J   T U a b   % A I X  7 I Q i Żţ{{pb{{XXh&)WOJQJ^JhV9hJw>*OJQJ^JhJw>*OJQJ^Jh OJQJ^Jh'lOJQJ^Jh+~OJQJ^JhOJQJ^JhOJQJ^JhV9h>*OJQJ^JhJwOJQJ^JhOJQJ^Jh6h5OJQJ^Jh]kh5OJQJ^Jh5OJQJ^Jh,fOJQJ^J!i p $yz{|}09]X_gh"Aal콲⨞⨔}쨨sh OJQJ^JhhJwOJQJ^Jh+~OJQJ^Jh<OJQJ^Jh'lOJQJ^Jh WOJQJ^JhJw>*OJQJ^JhV9hJw>*OJQJ^JhhOJQJ^JhOJQJ^Jh&)WOJQJ^JhJwOJQJ^Jh-OJQJ^J- }D6y#H]^vwgdQ dgdqgd%dgdKgdrdgd5Njgd5Njgd gd dgdJw+=]HRSXY`bCDr5NXjڿڵڵuuh<OJQJ^Jh W>*OJQJ^JhOJQJ^Jh+~OJQJ^JhhOJQJ^JhCOJQJ^JhOJQJ^J!hh WB*OJQJ^Jphh9OJQJ^Jh WOJQJ^Jhh WOJQJ^JhV9h W>*ϴ.!&356"<Jx˽˰|rrer[QhrOJQJ^Jh5NjOJQJ^JhhAOJQJ^JhAOJQJ^JhOJQJ^Jh+~OJQJ^JhCOJQJ^JhC5OJQJ^Jh5OJQJ^Jhh=xiOJQJ^JhhH*OJQJ^JhOJQJ^Jh WOJQJ^Jh=xiOJQJ^JhhOJQJ^Jh<OJQJ^Jxy9U]r'K`jk"#47X׶xndh9OJQJ^Jh9H.OJQJ^Jh?OJQJ^JhrOJQJ^Jh OJQJ^JhOJQJ^Jh5OJQJ^Jh5OJQJ^JhChAOJQJ^Jh7OJQJ^JhN7OJQJ^JhOJQJ^Jh5NjOJQJ^Jh5Nj5OJQJ^JhAOJQJ^J'FH}<HeQWY[\]^ɿyoeyXMhY25OJQJ^JhUh]OJQJ^Jh+zOJQJ^Jh9OJQJ^JhOJQJ^Jh%yOJQJ^Jh &OJQJ^JhOJQJ^Jh!r"OJQJ^Jhh OJQJ^JhQOJQJ^JhO\OJQJ^JhU(OJQJ^Jh]OJQJ^Jh]5OJQJ^JhN75OJQJ^JhrhJwOJQJ^J^`bcuvwƼ}shawOJQJ^Jh/WVOJQJ^Jh+zOJQJ^Jh'OJQJ^Jh%yOJQJ^JhsOJQJ^JhUhQ OJQJ^Jh &OJQJ^JhY2OJQJ^Jhq5OJQJ^JhT7hq5OJQJ^Jh &5OJQJ^Jh95OJQJ^J,1h/ =!"#$% x666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666p62&6FVfv2(&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@66666 OJPJQJ_HmH nH sH tH J`J Normal dCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA D Default Paragraph FontRiR 0 Table Normal4 l4a (k ( 0No List 4U 4 >0 Hyperlink >*phPK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭Vj\{cp/IDg6wZ0s=Dĵw %;r,qlEآyDQ"Q,=c8B,!gxMD&铁M./SAe^QשF½|SˌDإbj|E7C<bʼNpr8fnߧFrI.{1fVԅ$21(t}kJV1/ ÚQL×07#]fVIhcMZ6/Hߏ bW`Gv Ts'BCt!LQ#JxݴyJ] C:= ċ(tRQ;^e1/-/A_Y)^6(p[_&N}njzb\->;nVb*.7p]M|MMM# ud9c47=iV7̪~㦓ødfÕ 5j z'^9J{rJЃ3Ax| FU9…i3Q/B)LʾRPx)04N O'> agYeHj*kblC=hPW!alfpX OAXl:XVZbr Zy4Sw3?WӊhPxzSq]y 6 i x^ L# @0(  B S  ?-.WX  A A   U[]_`bvrGk'/Uyu|)Y2s [ C h :Tj:-9Npq hfTQ -h!!r") #Q#gq#%X&''(U(D2,-9H.X41>1 356*C67N7V95f9C];gd;<G<>+?FtԲ԰-ܰ/³&)Wu={(v=澱5$]'0'ڳݳ۱/$跡Dp+T,ڑ-ݗ8<8a6K6R%?]}N#<q>Q] W.CIN+z |P &w5E=f%yiGX0$QUWQr B_s+(-' ;]be 3 U(A\m,zO\@@UnknownG.[x Times New Roman5Symbol3. .[x Arial7..{$ CalibriC.,.{$ Calibri LightA$BCambria Math"hX"GX"GL +L +!r0KQHP  $PQ 2!xxhdW  Windows UserHollingsworth, Derek Oh+'0  < H T`hpxWindows UserNormalHollingsworth, Derek2Microsoft Office Word@F#@@Kjj@@KjjL ՜.+,0 hp  Region 13 ESC+   Title  !"#%&'()*+,-./012356789:;=>?@ABCFGJRoot Entry F{jjIData 1Table$:WordDocument .6SummaryInformation(4DocumentSummaryInformation8<MsoDataStore+zjj0zjjM2EYUWSNDIFJ==2+zjj0zjjItem  PropertiesUCompObj r   F Microsoft Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q