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Laurie Rodriguez expressed her concern with two recommendations which included the verbal and written request for special education testing and requiring a paraprofessional to have a bachelors degree. The committee decided to include different perspectives with the recommendations as needed. Amy Litzinger made a motion to accept the visions and values statement. JoAnn Wofford seconded the motion. Consensus vote was taken on accepting the visions and values statement of the report. The committee agreed on the visions and values statement. The committee reviewed the draft report and discussed each recommendation. Full and Individual Evaluation-consensus was reached to keep the recommendation in the report with different perspectives added. Admission, Review and Dismissal Process/Refusals to Convene ARD meeting-consensus was reached to remove the recommendation from the report. 10:25-10:35 Break 10:35 Reconvene discussion, recommendations, and possible action on CAC 2021 Legislative Report- Agatha Thibodeaux Admission, Review and Dismissal Process/Impartial Hearing Officers-consensus was reached to keep the recommendation in the report as submitted in the draft. 11:00 Public Comments-Agatha Thibodeaux No requests for public comments were received. 11:01 Reconvene discussion, recommendations, and possible action on CAC 2021 Legislative Report- Agatha Thibodeaux Staff Qualifications-discussion was held on the recommendation and eliminating the piece about requiring paraprofessionals to have a bachelors degree. Consensus was reached to keep the recommendation in the report with different perspectives added. Person-Centered Planning-consensus was reached to have issues concerning person-centered planning be a stand-alone recommendation and not included with the staff qualification recommendation. Edits will need to be made to this recommendation. Transition/Graduation Requirements-recommendations were agreed upon during the last meeting. Two recommendations were made concerning the following: a revision to the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook and vocational credits for students who receive special education. There will be a recommendation from the mental health subcommittee to discuss at the next meeting on November 10th. 11:25 Discussion, recommendations, and possible action on current minutes and future meeting topics-Agatha Thibodeaux Laurie Rodriguez suggested an update from 91ȱ on COVID issues concerning and related to special education such as compensatory services. Amy Litzinger suggested a presentation on person-centered planning. Agatha Thibodeaux suggested an update from 91ȱ on how to best interact an advise the agency. Motion was made by Laurie Rodriguez to approve the minutes and seconded by Amy Litzinger. Minutes were approved. 11:47 Motion to Adjourn Laurie Rodriguez made a motion to adjourn. Teresa Bronsky seconded motion. Tentative next draft will be emailed to CAC members the first week in November. Meeting adjourned at 11:50. 4>?DQRSax     񷪠rrh[hQGhOJQJ^Jh&OJQJ^Jhhw*OJQJ^Jhw*OJQJ^Jhh"OJQJ^Jh"OJQJ^Jhh kOJQJ^Jh_OJQJ^Jhp_OJQJ^JhhOJQJ^Jhh5OJQJ^Jh''5OJQJ^Jhlh5OJQJ^Jh?C5OJQJ^Jh 5OJQJ^JhuhU5OJQJ^J4RS  T U / 0 , - y z gdgdgd,fgdU dgd,f dgdw* dgd $da$gdU 2 ? @ A J N O P Y ] ^ _ l m { ڵ񫡔|qcXcNhgq#OJQJ^Jh[ 5OJQJ^Jh?hU5OJQJ^Jhw*5OJQJ^Jhlh5OJQJ^Jh,fh,fOJQJ^JhhOJQJ^JhuZOJQJ^JhlhOJQJ^J *hhOJQJ^Jhw*hw*OJQJ^Jhw*OJQJ^Jhhw*OJQJ^Jh$OJQJ^Jhh5OJQJ^J % = ? 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