PDSES Parent Portal FAQs

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Click on the following links below to go to questions on that topic:


Application Status Table

Uploading and Attaching Documentation

Appealing a Denial

The following are common questions and answers about the application process. For step-by-step guidance, including sample screenshots of the PDSES Parent Portal, please view the PDSES Application and Parent Portal Instructions.

The FAQs on this page are specific to the PDSES Parent Portal. You can view the complete list of PDSES Program FAQs.


If you have questions about the application process that are not answered here, please email PDSEShelp@region10.org. My SPEDTex account questions should be directed to SPEDTex by calling 855-773-3839 or emailing inquire@spedtex.org.


Who can complete the Parent-Directed Special Education Services (PDSES) application?

Applications must be submitted by the student's parent, defined as “a resident of this state who is a natural or adoptive parent, managing or possessory conservator, legal guardian, custodian, or other person with legal authority to act on behalf of (the) child” ()

Note: Only one parent can apply for each student. The first to add their student to their parent profile will be allowed to apply - the system will not allow the student to be added to more than one parent profile.

Is my student currently eligible for the PDSES program?

To receive a PDSES grant, your student must be eligible at the time you submit your application and remain eligible throughout the grant period. To be eligible, your student must:

  • be currently enrolled in a Texas public school, grades Pre-K - 12th (including 18+ programs),
  • be receiving special education services through an individualized education program (IEP), AND
  • have not received a PDSES/SSES grant in the past. PDSES (formerly SSES) is a one-time only grant.

My student is currently being evaluated for special education, can I apply?

You should not apply for your student unless they are currently eligible for PDSES at the time you submit your application. If your student is in the process of being evaluated, please wait to apply until after the initial Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) committee meeting determines your student is eligible to receive services through special education.

I am not getting emails from the program, what should I do?

You can log in to the PDSES Parent Portal to check your status at any time, and you will also receive emails each time your status changes.

If you are not receiving those emails:

  1. Check that your email address is correct - Log in to your PDSES Parent Portal and confirm your MySPEDTex Login email address is correct. You can also add and/or confirm your secondary email address. If your MySPEDTex Login email needs to be changed, reach out to SPEDTex: 855-773-3839 or inquire@spedtex.org.
  2. Check that PDSES emails are not going to your spam/junk folder - if this is happening, we recommend flagging these emails as “this is not spam / junk”.
  3. Contact us for help - if you continue to have trouble, please email PDSESHelp@region10.org or call SPEDTex at 855-773-3839.

Adding Parent/Guardian Information

What information do I need to provide as a parent/guardian?

You will need to provide the following:

  1. Parent/Guardian's first and last name
  2. Street address - note: this cannot be a P.O. Box
  3. City, state, and zip code - note: you must live in Texas
  4. Phone number
  5. Your My SPEDTex Login email will be automatically populated - you cannot change this in the application, if you wish to change your My SPEDTex account email, please reach out to SPEDTex: 855-773-3839 or inquire@spedtex.org.
  6. Secondary email - you may add a second email address to receive notifications about the PDSES application. This is not required.
  7. Communication preference -you can select to receive notifications in English or Spanish.

After you have entered your information, click the “SUBMIT” button.

What if I need to edit my information in the parent/guardian section?

After you have entered your information and submitted, you will see an “EDIT” button. You may click this and edit your information at any time. Please note, you cannot change your My SPEDTex login email address within the PDSES parent portal. If you wish to change your My SPEDTex email, please contact SPEDTex at 855-773-3839 or inquire@spedtex.org. After, click the “SUBMIT” button to save any edits.

Adding a Student to a Profile

How do I add a student to my PDSES Parent Portal account?

Step 1: Click the "Add Student" button located below the Parent/Guardian section to open the “Student Lookup” page.

Step 2: On the “Student Lookup” page, you will need to provide the following information for your student:

  • Identification Number:
  • Unique Identification Number (UID) - If you know your student's 10-digit UID you can enter it here. See below for more information about UIDs. OR
  • Social Security Number (SSN) or State Alternate ID (S#) - (only needed if you do not know your student’s UID) – you can use your student’s SSN (9-digits) or S# (the letter “S” followed by 8-digits) to lookup the UID. If you do not know your student’s SSN or S#, you will need to contact your student’s school - the PDSES program and 91ȱ are unable to provide this information.
  • Student Information:
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Date of Birth

Note: the information you provide MUST match state records. For more, see the table of error messages below regarding the message, “The information entered does not match state records.”

Step 3: Once you have added the correct information, click the “Search” button and your student will appear in the boxes below.

Step 4: Confirm your student's information is correct and click the “Add to Profile” button.

Important: Adding your student to your profile does not mean that you have applied for your student. To do that you must click “Apply” next to your student’s information on the homepage – See the “Applying for a Student” section below.

What is a Unique Identification Number (UID)?

A UID is a 10-digit number given to each student in a Texas public school. It is used by the state to identify students without using their social security numbers. The UID is different from a local ID number that may be given by your school district (i.e., Student ID or District ID).

How do I get my student’s Unique Identification Number (UID)?

  • You can use the “Student Lookup” in the PDSES Parent Portal in the “Add a Student” page using the identification number you used to register your student. This will either be your student’s Social Security Number (SSN) or, if you did not use an SSN, a number given to you by the school at registration called a State Alternate ID (S#). These start with the letter "S" and have eight digits. OR,
  • You can contact your student’s school. Note: the UID is different than a local ID provided by the district.

What if I don't know my student's SSN, or S#?

The PDSES program and 91ȱ are unable to provide this information. You will need to contact your student’s school. They will need to confirm you have permission to receive this information.

Can I look up my student using only their name?

No. You must provide your student’s exact information to match with state records.

How do I add another student?

Once you have added your first student to your parent profile, you will repeat the process for adding additional students.

Student Table

Below the Parent/Guardian section, the PDSES Parent Portal will show a table listing all the students you have added:

Column TitleDescription
UIDYour student’s UID within the state TSDS records system
Student NameYour student’s name within the state TSDS records system
Application IDYou application ID number. Clicking this link will show you a record of the application you submitted; this is also where you can go if you wish to upload attachments
Submission DateThe date you submitted your application
StatusShows the status of your application (see the Status Table below for more)
Status DetailsShows additional details for the status of your application (see the Status Table below for more)
Status DateShows the most recent date your status was updated
PriorityShows if state data shows your student qualifies to receive reduced-price meals
FundedShows if your account has been created and funded or not
AttachmentsShows if you have added attachments and uploaded documentation
Parent EmailShows the primary email address for parent communication
ActionProvides action buttons with options such as APPLY, CANCEL, WITHDRAW, and APPEAL

Applying for a Student

Now that I have added my student(s) to my profile, how do I submit their application(s)?

After you have added your student(s), you will see them listed in the “Students” section below the “Parent/Guardian” information on the homepage. Click on the “Apply” button on the row for your student, then complete the steps on the application submission page. If you have more than one student, you will repeat these steps.

What if I do not see an “Apply” button for my student(s)?

If the “Apply” button does not appear in the “Action” column for one or more of your students, this is likely because an application has already been submitted for this student in the past. PDSES (formerly SSES) is a one-time only grant and you cannot apply for a student that has already received an account. If you need assistance, reach out to PDSESHelp@region.org.

What is required to submit the application?

First, click “Apply” for your student, to open the application submission page. Before you can click the “Submit Application” button, you must complete three steps:

  1. Acknowledge the PDSES 30-Day Account Activation Requirement: This states that, if you are awarded an account, you must log in to your online ClassWallet Marketplace account (where you spend the grant funds) and accept the PDSES Parental Acknowledgement and Agreement. If you do not complete these steps within 30-days of receiving your award email, account funds may be removed.
  2. Certify that you have legal authority for your student(s): If you cannot certify that you meet the program’s definition of parent, you should not participate in the PDSES program. According to , a parent is “a resident of this state who is a natural or adoptive parent, managing or possessory conservator, legal guardian, custodian, or other person with legal authority to act on behalf of (the) child.” When you submit your application, you must certify that you have this authority, and you may be required to provide documentation to verify this upon request from program administration when/if this is in question. If you apply for a student without legal authority, or are unable to verify, your account will be subject to cancellation.
  3. Certify the information provided is accurate and true: Check the box and your first and last name will populate.

Note – The application submission page also provides parents the option to add attachments. This step is not required and is not necessary for most applicants.

After completing all required steps, click the “Submit Application” button. If you have additional students, you will need to repeat these steps.

Do I need to add an attachment or upload documentation before I submit my application?

Some families will need to upload their student’s IEP, but most parents can skip this step since state records are all that are needed to confirm most students’ eligibility. Only parents of students who became eligible for PDSES after October 1st of the current school year need to upload documentation. If you are not sure if you need to complete this extra step, see the question: “How do I know if I need to upload documentation?

How do I apply for more than one student?

You will repeat the process by completing the application submission page for each student.

What should I do if the application seems stuck or is not working?

When many people are using the system at the same time, your application might take a while to load. Please be patient. If it still doesn't work, try refreshing your browser, wait a few minutes, and try again. The application works best on a desktop/laptop using Chrome. If you still have problems, please email PDSESHelp@region10.org for help.

When should I expect a decision to be made on my application?

All applications will be processed after the application window has closed and in the order they were received. This process might take several weeks after the application closes. You will receive your decision by email, and you can check your status in the PDSES Parent Portal.

Application Error Messages

If you receive an error message that is not on the list below or need additional help, you can reach out to PDSESHelp@region10.org. My SPEDTex account questions should be directed to SPEDTex by calling 855-773-3839 or emailing inquire@spedtex.org.

Error MessageWhat the message meansWhy you are getting this message, and recommendations on how to fix
"Student is currently added to another profile"This means that the student you are trying to add has already been connected to the profile of a different account. Students may only be assigned to one PDSES Parent Portal account and applications can only be submitted once per student.

There are two possible reasons for this message:

  1. You may have created more than one My SPEDTex account, and the student is already connected to that account. If this is the case, you will need to login to that My SPEDTex account and apply from there, or, if you wish to transfer your student from one My SPEDTex account to another, reach out to SPEDTex for assistance.
  2. Someone else may have already added this student to their PDSES Parent Portal. For example, your student’s other parent(s) may have already applied. If this is true you will not be able to apply since only one application can be submitted per student. If you feel someone may have applied for your student without permission, please reach out to PDSES help.
"An account has already been awarded for this student"This means records show a grant was already awarded to your student in the past and you cannot apply again.The PDSES program (previously SSES) began in 2021 and is a one-time only grant, you are not able to apply for a student that has already received an account.
"The information entered does not match state records”This means that the student information you entered does not match the Texas Student Data System (TSDS).We recommend double-checking the information you entered. If your student’s name contains special characters, such as hyphens and/or apostrophes, make sure those are included. If you continue to have trouble, contact your student’s school to confirm their TSDS information.
"Must provide a valid Social Security Number or 'S#'."This means that you have not entered your student’s identification number correctly. The problem may be that you are mistyping the number, or that you are entering an SSN when the system needs the S# to create a match.

To fix this we recommend that you:

  1. Reenter the SSN or S# again making sure that:
    1. The entered SSN is exactly 9 digits in length without any letters or special characters, OR
    2. The entered S# consists of an uppercase or lowercase letter 'S' followed by 8 digits.
  2. Contact your student’s school to confirm whether you enrolled your student with an SSN or S#.
“You must agree to the<missing agreement(s)> to submit this application"to submit this application."This means that you have not completed one or more of the application requirements.

Please go back and select these three checkboxes to agree to the terms for:

  1. 30-Day Account Activation Requirement
  2. Legal Authority to apply for a student
  3. Certify the information provided is accurate and true and provide your name.

Application Status Table

The table below lists the statuses you might see for your student on the PDSES Parent Portal and provides a brief description of each. If need additional help, you can reach out to PDSESHelp@region10.org.

StatusStatus DetailsDescription
SubmittedSubmittedYour application has been successfully submitted. We will review applications after the application window closes. You will receive status updates by email, and you can check your status in the PDSES Parent Portal.
Submitted - With AttachmentsYour application and attachments have been successfully submitted. We will review these after the application window closes. You will receive status updates by email, and you can check your status in the PDSES Parent Portal.
In ReviewDocuments attached - Application is being reviewedYour application and documents are under review. The process to review applications with attachments can take several weeks. You will receive status updates by email and can check your status in the PDSES Parent Portal.
EligibleFundedYour student is eligible for a PDSES grant. Your student’s account has been funded. Check your email for next steps.
Waiting to be fundedYour student is eligible for a PDSES grant, but you must wait for your account to be funded. We are unable to provide a date you can expect to receive your funded account. You will receive an email when your account has been funded, and you can check your status in the PDSES Parent Portal.
DeniedStudent does not attend a Texas public school and is not served through special education.Your student is not eligible for a PDSES grant. According to our records they are not enrolled in a Texas public school. If you believe this is incorrect, you may appeal within the PDSES Parent Portal. See the appeals section for more information on how to appeal.
Student is not served by special education.Your student is not eligible for a PDSES grant. According to our records they are not receiving special education services. If you believe this is incorrect, you may appeal within the PDSES Parent Portal. See the appeals section for more information on how to appeal.
Student receives services through proportionate share. Student does not receive their instruction in a Texas public school.Your student is not eligible for a PDSES grant. According to our records they are not receiving instruction in a Texas public school. If you believe this is incorrect, you may appeal within the PDSES Parent Portal. See the appeals section for more information on how to appeal.
AppealApplication has been appealed - In ReviewYour appeal has been received and is under review. You will receive status updates by email and can check your status in the PDSES Parent Portal. See the appeals section for more information about the appeals process.
Appeal - EligibleFundedYour appeal is complete. Your student is eligible, and their account has been funded. Check your email for next steps.
Waiting to be fundedYour appeal is complete. Your student is eligible for a PDSES grant, but you must wait for your account to be funded. We are unable to provide a date you can expect to receive your funded account. You will receive an email when your account has been funded, and you can check your status in the PDSES Parent Portal.
Appeal - DeniedAppeal DeniedYour appeal is complete and was unsuccessful. This ends the appeal process. You can apply again in the future if your student becomes eligible.
CancelledParent/Guardian can apply againYour application has been cancelled. You can apply again during the next application window if your student is eligible.
Parent requestedYou requested to cancel your application.
BlankYour application and/or PDSES account has been cancelled. You cannot apply again for this student.

Uploading and Attaching Documentation

The PDSES Parent Portal “Add Attachment” feature provides a way for parents to upload documentation to help the PDSES team confirm eligibility for students.

When can I upload files to confirm my student’s eligibility?

Parents can upload their student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) to the PDSES parent portal at two different times:

  1. During the application window - You can upload an IEP before you submit your student’s application. However, if you don't have your student’s IEP ready to upload when you apply, you can still submit their application. After you have the IEP ready, you can log back into your PDSES Parent Portal to upload it any time before the application window closes. Note, this is not required; see the Upload Documents section to determine if this step is necessary for your student.
  2. During the appeals process – After the application window closes, parents who receive a denial notification can appeal. Uploading documentation is required to complete the appeals process. See the appeals section for more information on how to appeal.

How do I attach files to my student’s application?

Follow these steps to upload documentation using the “Attachment” feature:

  1. The “Add Attachment” button will be in one of these places depending on when you are uploading documents:
    • Before you submit your application. The “Attachment” feature is below the three checkboxes where you will submit your student’s application.
    • After you have submitted your application. If you have already submitted your application AND the application window has not closed, click on your student’s application ID to open the record of your application submission. From there, click “Attachment.”
    • If you are appealing your application denial. The “Attachment” button will be within the “Appeal” page after you have clicked the “Appeal” button.
  2. Clicking on “Attachment” will take you to the upload screen. Search for and upload the correct file(s) saved on your computer or device (you may need to download them onto your computer or device if you have not already). You can:
    • Upload a digital PDF copy of your student’s IEP that the school has provided (preferred), or
    • Take pictures of all the pages (typically 20-50 pages) of your student’s IEP, , and upload.
    • Note: please make sure your file is named using the following format: Student First Name_Student Last Name_Document Type (Example: John_Smith_IEP).
  3. If you are uploading more than one document, follow the process above.
  4. Once you have attached all documents, return to the homepage where you will see a chart showing each attachment you uploaded.

How do I know if I need to upload documentation?

During the application window, you should upload documentation to confirm your student’s eligibility only if your student became eligible for PDSES after October 1st of the current school year.

For example, if:

  1. Your student started receiving special education services after October 1st of the current school year - If your student’s IEP paperwork shows special education services started after October you should upload IEP documentation. Our records will show your student is not receiving special education services.
  2. Your student recently started attending a Texas public school - if your student enrolled in a Texas public school after October 1st of the current school year (even if his/her Initial ARD was held before October 1st) you should upload documentation. Our records will show that your student is not enrolled in a Texas public school.

Do I have to upload documentation to complete the application process?

No, most parents can skip this step. State records will confirm most students’ eligibility without additional documentation. Only parents of students who became eligible for PDSES after October 1st of the current school year should upload documentation. Additionally, if you do not upload documentation during the application process and your student receives a denial, you will be able to appeal that decision and upload documentation at that time.

What documentation is needed?

The only documentation we will accept to determine your student’s eligibility is his/her Individualized Education Program (IEP) from the most recent Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) committee meeting. The dates on the IEP must show the student is currently being served by special education, and the document must include all pages and be signed by all members of the ARD committee. As a reminder, only parents of students who recently became eligible for PDSES (after October 1st of the current school year) need to upload documentation. If you do not have a digital copy of the correct ARD/IEP paperwork, please reach out to your student’s school.

What is an IEP from the ARD committee meeting?

An Individualized Education Program (IEP) is the plan created by the Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) committee to support your student's disability through specialized instruction. This document is specific to each student and is reviewed during a student's annual ARD meeting. The length of the document depends on each student but is typically 20-50 pages. An IEP includes your student's disability, current performance, goals, objectives, schedule of services, and deliberation notes of what was discussed in the meeting. The document also includes a signatures page which lists the name, title, and signature of each person in attendance at the ARD meeting.

How do I know I have the correct documentation?

We recommend checking three areas to make sure you upload your student’s ARD/IEP documentation and not some other special education document:

  1. Check the length – the ARD/IEP paperwork is long (typically 20-50 pages), while most other documents (except for FIE evaluation reports) are typically only a few pages.
  2. Check for “Individualized Education Program (IEP) Meeting” in the title of the first page. (Evaluation reports such as a Full and Individual Evaluation (FIE) have “Full and Individual Evaluation” in the title)
  3. Check near the end for the signatures page – ARD/IEP paperwork contains a page with a table which lists the name and role of all members present and provides space for their signature.
Correct DocumentationIncorrect Documentation - Will NOT be accepted
Individualized Education Program/ Admission, Review, and Dismissal (IEP/ARD)Full and Individual Initial Evaluation (FIIE)
Full and Individual Evaluation (FIE)
Version that says “DRAFT”
Unsigned version
Invitation to an ARD committee meeting
Medical report
Progress report
Individualized Education Program (IEP) Amendment
Individualized Education Program (IEP) Goals Report
Consent to Evaluate form
504 Plans

What type of file should I upload?

You must upload a digital file such as a PDF.

If you do not have a digital copy of the correct ARD/IEP paperwork, please reach out to your student’s school. If you do not have a digital copy, the following links will show you how to convert to photos to a PDF, how to combine multiple images into a single PDF, and how to correctly name your files.

  • Converting photos and single documents into a PDF file:
  • Combining multiple files (such as images) into one PDF:
  • Naming your files: Once you have converted your documents, please name the file using the format: Student First Name_Student Last Name_Document Type (Example: John_Smith_IEP)

Appealing a Denial

Who should appeal their student’s denial decision?

You should appeal if your student’s application was denied, and you can provide documentation to show they are eligible. There are some instances where a student’s state data is different from their current school data. This can happen when a student starts receiving services for special education or is enrolled in school after October 1st of the current school year.

You should appeal if:

  1. Your student started receiving special education services after October 1st of the current school year. If your student’s IEP paperwork shows special education services started after October 1st you should appeal and upload their documents. OR
  2. Your student recently started attending a Texas public school. If your student enrolled in a Texas public school after October 1st of the current school year (even if his/her Initial ARD was held before October 1st) you should appeal and upload their documentation.

How do I appeal?

  1. Login to your PDSES Parent Portal.
  2. On the home page click on the “Appeal” button in the “Action” column for the student you want to submit an appeal for.
  3. This will open the “Appeal My PDSES Application Decision” page.
    • Before uploading attachments, read the instructions to decide if you should appeal.
    • Follow the instructions on how to add attachments and upload documentation.
    • Describe the reason for your appeal in the text box provided.
  4. Confirm all fields and attachments are correct and click “Submit Appeal”.

What documentation do I need to submit an appeal?

The only documentation we will accept to determine your student’s eligibility is his/her Individualized Education Program (IEP) from the most recent Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) committee meeting. The dates on the IEP must show your student was being served by special education on or before the day you submitted your application, and the document must include all pages and be signed by all ARD committee members who were present.

See “How do I know I have the correct documentation?” and the “What type of file should I upload?” sections to make sure you are uploading the correct documentation in the right file format.

What is an IEP from the ARD committee meeting?

An Individualized Education Program (IEP) is the plan created by the Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) committee to support your student's disability through specialized instruction. This document is specific to each student and is reviewed during a student's annual ARD meeting. The length of the document depends on each student but is typically 20-50 pages. Among other things, it includes your student's disability, current performance, goals, objectives, schedule of services, and deliberation notes of what was discussed in the meeting. The document also includes a signatures page which lists the name, title, and signature of each person in attendance.

How can I check the status of my appeal?

You can log into your PDSES Parent Portal to check the status of your appeal within the “Students” section of your homepage. Also, an email will be sent when your student’s appeal status changes.

What should I do if I haven't received any communication regarding my appeal?

The PDSES appeal process may require back and forth communication between you and a PDSES administrator. If the administrator who is processing your appeal needs additional information you might receive an email or phone call. In addition, you will receive an email each time your student's status is changed. If you haven't received any email updates, see the section on “I am not getting emails from the program, what should I do?” or email PDSESHelp@region10.org.

How long does the appeal process take?

Appeals are processed in the order they are received and can take a couple of months to complete. To make this process quicker, you should upload the correct documentation. Appeals can be delayed if the PDSES team has to request additional documentation.

How long do I have to appeal?

Parents have until the last Friday in October following the application window to submit their appeal. All attachments must be received by this day.

What if I choose to not appeal?

If you received a denial and choose to not appeal, you can reapply for your student(s) during the next application window. We will not reprocess applications; parents must reapply for their student(s).

SSES Contact Information
Contact Information

If you have additional questions or need help, email us atPDSEShelp@region10.org or call SPEDTex at 1-855-773-3839.

SpedTex Special Education Information Center

Special Education or IEP-Related Questions?

Phone: 1-855-SPEDTEX (1-855-773-3839)