Secondary Transition Guidance

Transition services are a coordinated set of activities designed to help the child move from school to post-school activities. The age at which transition planning must begin, however, differs under federal and state law. Under Texas law, not later than when a student reaches 14 years of age, the Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) Committee must consider and, if appropriate, address the following issues in the individualized education program (IEP):

  1. Appropriate student involvement in the student's transition to life outside the public school system;
  2. Appropriate involvement in the student's transition by the student's parents and other persons invited to participate by: a. The student's parents; or b. The school district in which the student is enrolled;
  3. Appropriate postsecondary education options, including preparation for postsecondary level coursework;
  4. An appropriate functional vocational evaluation;
  5. Appropriate circumstances for facilitating a referral of a student or the student's parents to a governmental agency for services or public benefits, including a referral to a governmental agency to place the student on a waiting list for public benefits available to the student; and
  6. The use and availability of appropriate:
    a. Supplementary aids, services, curricula, and other opportunities to assist the student in developing decision-making skills; and
    b. Supports and services to foster the student's independence and self-determination, including a supported decision-making agreement.
  7. Beginning with the first IEP to be in effect when the student turns 18 years of age:
    1. Appropriate involvement in the student’s transition by the student's parents and other persons invited to participate by: a. The student; b. The school district in which the student is enrolled; or c. has the student's consent to participate pursuant to a supported decision-making agreement.
    2. The availability of age-appropriate instructional environments, including community settings or environments that prepare the student for postsecondary education or training, competitive integrated employment, or independent living, in coordination with the student's transition goals and objectives.

Beginning not later than the first IEP to be in effect when the child turns 14, or younger if determined appropriate by the ARD Committee, the IEP must include appropriate measurable post-secondary goals based upon age-appropriate transition assessments related to training, education, employment, and where appropriate, independent living skills. The IEP must include transition services, including courses of study, needed to assist the child in reaching those goals.

For support to understand transition planning requirements and recommended practices, see the following information or visitÌý.

State Resources

As of September 1, 2018, aÌýNotice of Transfer of Rights Model Form with Information and ResourcesÌýis available for use by school districts in notifying students and parents about information and resources regarding guardianship and alternatives to guardianship. Included is a list of government services and public benefits for which referral may be appropriate.ÌýA Spanish-language Transfer of Rights Model FormÌýis also available.

A local educational agency (LEA) is required, not later than one year before the 18th birthday of a student with a disability, to provide to the student and the student’s parent:

  1. Written notice regarding the transfer of rights and information and information and resources regarding guardianship, alternatives to guardianship, including supported decision-making agreement and other supports and services that may enable the student to live independently; and
  2. Ensure that the student’s IEP includes a statement that the district provided written notice.

Additionally, the LEA is required to provide information regarding guardianship or alternatives to guardianship if the student or student’s parents request it.

The Ìý²¹»å»å°ù±ð²õ²õ¾±²Ô²µÌýÌýis available from ESC 18.

Resources and online learning related to are available on the Texas SPED Support website, including the .

°Õ³ó±ðÌýÌýwebsite provides parents with information about Special Education in Texas. On the site’s home page, parents will find information most relevant to the age group of their child. Transition topics can be found underÌýAge RangesÌý11-16 and 17 -21.

The 91Èȱ¬ participated with theÌýÌýand theÌýÌýon an Employment-First Task Force, created by the 83rd Texas Legislature, Regular Session (2013). During its tenure, the task force was responsible for promoting competitive employment opportunities that provide a living wage for individuals with disabilities, including the state'sÌý. 91Èȱ¬ formally adopted theÌýpolicy.

Effective July 15, 2022, aÌýMemorandum of Understanding (MOU)Ìýwas signed between theÌýÌý(TWC) and 91Èȱ¬. The MOU is to promote collaboration in the delivery of transition services, including pre-employment transition services, for students with disabilities transitioning from secondary education to employment and independent living mandated by the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA), as amended, and the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). The implementing regulations for both WIOA and IDEA require the formalization of interagency agreements concerning the transition services for students with disabilities who have an IEP. The MOU will help improve the dissemination of information about TWC’s Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services and specify the process 91Èȱ¬ and TWC will use to develop and update the mechanism used to target students.

State Agencies

The is a 27-member board that ensures all Texans with developmental disabilities have the opportunity to become independent, productive and valued members of their communities. The Council works to ensure that the service delivery system provides comprehensive services and supports that are easy to access and that are cost effective.

The helps Texas meet the goals of the state’s higher education plan, . Meeting these goals means a bright future of economic vitality, social independence, and civic engagement for the citizens of Texas.

National Resources

The following resources provide information at the national level:Ìý

°Õ³ó±ðÌýÌý(NASDSE) has been providing dedicated leadership to continuously improve educational services and outcomes for students with disabilities in the states and federal territories for 70 years. Focusing on policies and practices to improve educational outcomes for students with disabilities is critical to ensuring their full participation and contribution in education, employment, and society.

°Õ³ó±ðÌýassists with the dissemination of research findings and develops professional papers, briefs, teaching materials, and other publications designed to share information with a wide and diverse audience about research, promising practices, and policy recommendations.

Ìýsupports the national implementation IDEA provisions to ensure successful school outcomes for students with disabilities by assisting local education agencies to increase school completion rates and decrease dropout rates among students with disabilities.

°Õ³ó±ðÌý assists states in building capacity to support and improve transition planning, services, and outcomes for youth with disabilities. Objectives include assisting State Education Agencies with collecting data on IDEA (2004) Part B State Performance Plan Indicator 13 and using that data to improve transition services.

°Õ³ó±ðÌý)Ìýimproves results for infants, toddlers, children and youth with disabilities aged birth through 21 by providing leadership and financial support to states and local districts.