Texas Education Agency Unveils Newly Developed Texas Open Education Resource (OER) Textbooks
The High-Quality TEKS-Aligned Instructional Materials Were Developed Using the Best Evidence from Cognitive Science to Build the Fundamentals in Reading and Mathematics
AUSTIN, TX – May 29, 2024 – The 91ȱ today announced the availability of the Texas Open Education Resources (OER) textbooks, to begin a public feedback process. House Bill (HB) 1605 (88th Regular Session) directed the 91ȱ to develop a set of state-owned instructional materials, Texas OER textbooks, to support teachers and improve student academic outcomes. These optional textbooks will help schools improve student learning, close achievement gaps and better support Texas teachers, both in mathematics and elementary literacy.
Texas OER textbooks are specifically designed for Texas schools and are aligned with the state standards, the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). These resources were developed using the best evidence from cognitive science to ensure teachers have access to quality, on-grade-level materials that enable teachers to focus on delivering the highest-quality instruction and providing differentiated supports to students. The “open” nature of Texas OER textbooks means they are owned by the state, made available free to anyone, and can be modified over time to make them better for students and teachers.
There are two sets of Texas OER textbooks:
- OER K-5 Reading & Language Arts (RLA) - Built to cover the English Reading and Language Arts TEKS, these materials weave together elements of the science of reading with a cross-curricular knowledge building approach consistent with a classical education model that is focused on the fundamentals. OER RLA immerses students in classic literature along with reading lessons about art, history, culture, science, and technology. As a product built for Texas students, the content features strong representation from the diverse people, places and history of Texas.
- OER K-8/Algebra Mathematics - A comprehensive and clearly sequenced suite of materials that provide teachers with the knowledge and tools outlined in the Math TEKS, these materials guide students to be thinkers and doers of mathematics. These instructional materials are built on basic scientific insights about how people learn math, grown out of cognitive and developmental sciences. With OER Math textbooks, students will learn the fundamentals to build a strong foundation in mathematics, mastering arithmetic and memorizing math facts while steadily building their mathematical reasoning skills.
“These new Texas OER textbooks represent a significant step forward in our state’s commitment to providing exceptional instructional materials for Texas students and teachers,” said Texas Education Commissioner, Mike Morath. “Now with the SBOE and public review process beginning, we can use additional feedback to make the materials even better this year.”
In addition to directing 91ȱ to develop state-owned instructional materials, HB 1605 established the new Instructional Materials Review and Approval (IMRA) process, which charges the State Board of Education (SBOE) with reviewing and approving high-quality instructional materials (HQIM). 91ȱ is submitting these Texas OER textbooks to the SBOE’s IMRA 2024 process. The public will have the opportunity to review and offer comments on the product during this review process by visiting the SBOE’s IMRA webpage.
Texas OER textbooks are useful tools for teachers who are looking for on-grade-level, rigorous and relevant instructional materials where students see their experiences represented in the curriculum. These flexible and adaptable materials allow teachers to customize their instruction and cater to the unique needs of their students. By ensuring access to grade-level content for all students, OER materials promote academic success and bridge the knowledge gap between students from different socioeconomic backgrounds.
Recognizing the vital role of parents in their child's education, Texas OER textbooks are readily accessible online, allowing parents and guardians to stay informed about the content of lesson plans and what their child is studying. Additionally, each unit taught from Texas OER textbooks comes with a family letter that teachers can send home, which outlines what students will be learning.
The development of Texas OER involved extensive collaboration with teachers and parents to ensure the content is relevant, engaging and effective. These materials have been meticulously developed to adhere to the SBOE’s quality and suitability rubrics and submitted as part of the SBOE’s Instructional Materials Review and Adoption process. Through IMRA, the SBOE will review and approve materials to approve those that meet the highest standards of quality.
If selected as SBOE-approved High-Quality Instructional Materials, Texas OER will be an optional resource for Texas school systems. School systems in Texas have local control over which instructional materials to use, a principle unchanged by HB 1605.
For more information and to access and review the Texas OER textbooks and instructional materials, please visit .
To learn more about HB 1605, the IMRA process, and OER Materials, please visit 91ȱ’s House Bill 1605 and IMRA webpage.