Grade-Level Retention Data, 2006-07
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The links below provide access to grade-level retention data for Grades K-12 by , gender, , program participation (, , , , , and ) and other student characteristics (, , , , and ). The Division of Research and Analysis masks some data to comply with federal regulations concerning student privacy, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
Comparing a student's grade level in the spring of one school year to the student's grade level in the fall of the next school year determines grade-level retention. The grade-level retention rate for 2006-07 is the percentage of students who attended in 2006-07 and were retained in grade in the fall of 2007. The grade-level retention rate equation is:
For more information on the retention rate calculation, please see Grade-Level Retention in Texas Public Schools, 2006-07.
Data Search
Select from the following to view or download a report for a statewide report or a single campus, district, or education service center (ESC) region:
Data Download
To download a comma-delimited (.csv) file containing data for all campuses or all districts in the state, please choose from one of the following options. Please note that downloads may take a few minutes and file size may vary depending on the version of Microsoft Excel you are using.
[17.8 MB] and Campus-level record layout
[5.6 MB] and District-level record layout
Contact Information
For questions or comments, please email the Division of Research and Analysis, Accountability Research Unit, or contact the unit by phone at 512-475-3523.
This page last updated April 2015