ࡱ>  cbjbj$$ ABF|F|PZg++++++++8,4I.L +E^7)8?8?8?83:t;t<<ʜ̜̜̜̜̜̜E~̜+)=+:/:)=)=̜++?8?8(IAIAIA)=+?8+?8ʜIA)=ʜIAIAh?8@<{+=D <EV4â=âxâ+$W<0<"IA<<dW<W<W<̜̜?W<W<W<E)=)=)=)=âW<W<W<W<W<W<W<W<W< *: PA010 ORGANIZATION DATA DISTRICTNew Business RuleNone.FINE-ARTS-CATEGORY-CODE (E1531) indicates the performance rating locally assigned to the LEA or campus in community and student engagement for fine arts. TEC 39.0545(b)(1)(A) A LEA must use criteria developed by a local committee to evaluate the performance in fine arts.PA010 ORGANIZATION DATA DISTRICTNew Data Element: E1531Add Fine Arts Category Code E1531 to columns 44-45 of the 010 Organization Data District record.PA010 ORGANIZATION DATA DISTRICTNew Business RuleNone.WELLNESS-AND-PHYSICAL-ED-CATEGORY-CODE (E1532) indicates the performance rating locally assigned to the LEA or campus in community and student engagement for wellness and physical education. TEC 39.0545(b)(1)(B) A LEA must use criteria developed by a local committee to evaluate the performance in wellness and physical education.PA010 ORGANIZATION DATA DISTRICTNew Data Element: E1532Add Wellness and Physical Ed Category code E1532 to columns 46-47 of the 010 Organization Data District record.PA010 ORGANIZATION DATA DISTRICTNew Business RuleCOMMUNITY-AND-PARENTAL-INVOLVEMENT-CATEGORY-CODE (E1533) indicates the performance rating locally assigned to the LEA or campus in community and student engagement for community and parental involvement. TEC 39.0545(b)(1)(C) A LEA must use criteria developed by a local committee to evaluate the performance in community and parental involvement.PA010 ORGANIZATION DATA DISTRICTNew Data Element: E1533Add Community and Parental Involvement Category code E1533 to columns 48-49 of the 010 Organization Data District record.PA010 ORGANIZATION DATA DISTRICTNew Business RuleNone.21ST-CENTURY-WORKFORCE-DEVEL-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE (E1534) indicates the performance rating locally assigned to the LEA or campus in community and student engagement for 21st Century Workforce Development program. TEC 39.0545(b)(1)(D) A LEA must use criteria developed by a local committee to evaluate the performance of the 21st Century Workforce Development program.PA010 ORGANIZATION DATA DISTRICTNew Data Element: E1534Add 21st Century Workforce Devel Pgm Category Code E1533 to columns 50-51 of the 010 Organization Data District record.PA010 ORGANIZATION DATA DISTRICTNew Business RuleNone.SECOND-LANG-ACQUISITION-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE (E1535) indicates the performance rating locally assigned to the LEA or campus in community and student engagement for second language acquisition program. TEC 39.0545(b)(1)(E) A LEA must use criteria developed by a local committee to evaluate the performance of the second language acquisition program.PA010 ORGANIZATION DATA DISTRICTNew Data Element: E1535Add Second Lang Acquisition PGM Category Code E1535 to columns 52-53 of the 010 Organization Data District record.PA010 ORGANIZATION DATA DISTRICTNew Business RuleNone.DIGITAL-LEARNING-ENVIRONMENT-CATEGORY-CODE (E1536) indicates the performance rating locally assigned to the LEA or campus in community and student engagement for digital learning environment. TEC 39.0545(b)(1)(F) A LEA must use criteria developed by a local committee to evaluate the performance of the digital learning environment.PA010 ORGANIZATION DATA DISTRICTNew Data Element: E1536Add Digital Learning Environment Category Code to columns 54-55 of the 010 Organization Data District record.PA010 ORGANIZATION DATA DISTRICTNew Business RuleNone.DROPOUT-PREVENTION-STRATEGIES-CATEGORY-CODE (E1537) indicates the performance rating locally assigned to the LEA or campus in community and student engagement for dropout prevention strategies. TEC 39.0545(b)(1)(G) A LEA must use criteria developed by a local committee to evaluate the performance of the dropout prevention strategies.PA010 ORGANIZATION DATA DISTRICTNew Data Element: E1537Add Dropout Prevention Strategies Category code E1537 to columns 56-57 of the 010 Organization Data District record.PA010 ORGANIZATION DATA DISTRICTNew Business RuleNone.EDUCATIONAL-PGM-FOR-GT-STUDENTS-CATEGORY-CODE (E1538) indicates the performance rating locally assigned to the LEA or campus in community and student engagement for educational program for gifted and talented students. TEC 39.0545(b)(1)(H) A LEA must use criteria developed by a local committee to evaluate the performance of the educational programs for gifted and talented students.PA010 ORGANIZATION DATA DISTRICTNew Data Element: E1538Add Educational PGM for GT Students Category Code to columns 58-59 of the 010 Organization Data District record.PA010 ORGANIZATION DATA DISTRICTNew Business RuleNone.OVERALL-RATING-CATEGORY-CODE (E1539) indicates the performance rating locally assigned to the LEA or campus in community and student engagement for overall performance rating. TEC 39.0545(a) A LEA must use criteria developed by a local committee to evaluate overall district performance.PA010 ORGANIZATION DATA DISTRICTNew Data Element: E1539Add Overall Rating Category Code E1539 to columns 60-61 of the 010 Organization Data District record.PA010 ORGANIZATION DATA DISTRICTNew Business RuleNone.STATUTORY-REPORTING-AND-POLICY-COMPLIANCE-CODE (E1540) indicates whether the LEA or campus has met compliance with statutory reporting and policy requirements by using criteria established by a local committee. TEC 39.0545(b)(2) A LEA must use criteria developed by a local committee to evaluate compliance with statutory reporting and policy requirements for the LEA.PA010 ORGANIZATION DATA DISTRICTNew Data Element: E1540Add Statutory Reporting and Policy Compliance Code E1540 to column 62 of the 010 Organization Data District record.PA010 ORGANIZATION DATA - DISTRICTAddition: Reporting RequirementsReporting Requirements Each LEA and ESC PEIMS data file must contain one and only one 010 District record for each applicable submission. A LEA or ESC cannot report the county district number of another LEA or ESC on the 010 District record within their own PEIMS data file. Reporting Requirements Each LEA and ESC PEIMS data file must contain one and only one 010 District record for each applicable submission. A LEA or ESC cannot report the county district number of another LEA or ESC on the 010 District record within their own PEIMS data file. Submission 3: With the exception of the Texas Juvenile Justice Department (TJJD) (227622), all districts must assign and report performance ratings for the community and student engagement indicators. P011 ORGANIZATION DATA - SHARED SERVICES ARRANGEMENTAddition: Reporting RequirementsReporting Requirements NoneReporting Requirements Shared services arrangements are used by school districts and/or education service centers to share personnel or services, when one entity cannot justify the cost of employing a specialized staff member, but a group can justify a portion of the salary. Specific guidance is provided in the FAR module of the Financial Accountability System Resource Guide and PEIMS Data Standards for school districts (as government entities) to record and report the results of operations of shared service arrangements. This guidance does not apply to non-profit charter schools since they are 501(c)(3) entities rather than government entities; therefore, non-profit charter schools are required to record the results of shared service arrangements within their own financial statements. If one entity maintains the accounting transactions for all entities sharing services, that entity must provide the necessary accounting information to each of the participating entities to record transactions. However, any charter schools with a governmental charter holder (city, university, community college, etc.) are still required to follow governmental accounting standards and would follow shared service accounting guidelines.PA020 ORGANIZATION DATA CAMPUSNew Business RuleNone FINE-ARTS-CATEGORY-CODE (E1531) indicates the performance rating locally assigned to the LEA or campus in community and student engagement for fine arts. TEC 39.0545(b)(1)(A) A LEA must use criteria developed by a local committee to evaluate the performance in fine arts.PA020 ORGANIZATION DATA CAMPUSNew Data Element: E1531None Add Fine Arts Category Code E1531 to columns 47-48 of the 020 Organization Data Campus record.PA020 ORGANIZATION DATA CAMPUSNew Business RuleNone WELLNESS-AND-PHYSICAL-ED-CATEGORY-CODE (E1532) indicates the performance rating locally assigned to the LEA or campus in community and student engagement for wellness and physical education. TEC 39.0545(b)(1)(B) A LEA must use criteria developed by a local committee to evaluate the performance in wellness and physical education.PA020 ORGANIZATION DATA CAMPUSNew Data Element: E1532None Add Wellness and Physical Ed Category Code E1532 to columns 49-50 of the 020 Organization Data Campus record.PA020 ORGANIZATION DATA CAMPUSNew Business RuleNone COMMUNITY-AND-PARENTAL-INVOLVEMENT-CATEGORY-CODE (E1533) indicates the performance rating locally assigned to the LEA or campus in community and student engagement for community and parental involvement. TEC 39.0545(b)(1)(C) A LEA must use criteria developed by a local committee to evaluate the performance in community and parental involvement.PA020 ORGANIZATION DATA CAMPUSNew Data Element: E1533None Add Community and Parental Involvement Category Code E1533 to columns 51-52 of the 020 Organization Data Campus record.PA020 ORGANIZATION DATA CAMPUSNew Business RuleNone 21ST-CENTURY-WORKFORCE-DEVEL-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE (E1534) indicates the performance rating locally assigned to the LEA or campus in community and student engagement for 21st Century Workforce Development program. TEC 39.0545(b)(1)(D) A LEA must use criteria developed by a local committee to evaluate the performance of the 21st Century Workforce Development program.PA020 ORGANIZATION DATA CAMPUSNew Data Element: E1534None Add 21st Century Workforce Devel PGM Category Code E1534 to columns 53-54 of the 020 Organization Data Campus record.PA020 ORGANIZATION DATA CAMPUSNew Business RuleNone SECOND-LANG-ACQUISITION-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE (E1535) indicates the performance rating locally assigned to the LEA or campus in community and student engagement for second language acquisition program. TEC 39.0545(b)(1)(E) A LEA must use criteria developed by a local committee to evaluate the performance of the second language acquisition program.PA020 ORGANIZATION DATA CAMPUSNew Data Element: E1535None Add Second Lang Acquisition PGM Category Code E1535 to columns 55-56 of the 020 Organization Data Campus record.PA020 ORGANIZATION DATA CAMPUSNew Business RuleNone DIGITAL-LEARNING-ENVIRONMENT-CATEGORY-CODE (E1536) indicates the performance rating locally assigned to the LEA or campus in community and student engagement for digital learning environment. TEC 39.0545(b)(1)(F) A LEA must use criteria developed by a local committee to evaluate the performance of the digital learning environment.PA020 ORGANIZATION DATA CAMPUSNew Data Element: E1536None Add Digital Learning Environment Category Code E1536 to columns 57-58 of the 020 Organization Data Campus record.PA020 ORGANIZATION DATA CAMPUSNew Business RuleNone DROPOUT-PREVENTION-STRATEGIES-CATEGORY-CODE (E1537) indicates the performance rating locally assigned to the LEA or campus in community and student engagement for dropout prevention strategies. TEC 39.0545(b)(1)(G) A LEA must use criteria developed by a local committee to evaluate the performance of the dropout prevention strategies.PA020 ORGANIZATION DATA CAMPUSNew Data Element: E1537None Add Dropout Prevention Strategies Category Code E1537 to columns 59-60 of the 020 Organization Data Campus record.PA020 ORGANIZATION DATA CAMPUSNew Business RuleNone EDUCATIONAL-PGM-FOR-GT-STUDENTS-CATEGORY-CODE (E1538) indicates the performance rating locally assigned to the LEA or campus in community and student engagement for educational program for gifted and talented students. TEC 39.0545(b)(1)(H) A LEA must use criteria developed by a local committee to evaluate the performance of the educational programs for gifted and talented students.PA020 ORGANIZATION DATA CAMPUSNew Data Element: E1538None Add Educational PGM for GT Students Category Code E1538 to columns 61-62 of the 020 Organization Data Campus record.PA020 ORGANIZATION DATA CAMPUSNew Business RuleNone OVERALL-RATING-CATEGORY-CODE (E1539) indicates the performance rating locally assigned to the LEA or campus in community and student engagement for overall performance rating. TEC 39.0545(a) A LEA must use criteria developed by a local committee to evaluate overall campus performance.PA020 ORGANIZATION DATA CAMPUSNew Data Element: E1539None Add Overall Rating Category Code E1539 to columns 63-64 of the 020 Organization Data Campus record.PA020 ORGANIZATION DATA CAMPUSNew Business RuleNone STATUTORY-REPORTING-AND-POLICY-COMPLIANCE-CODE (E1540) indicates whether the LEA or campus has met compliance with statutory reporting and policy requirements by using criteria established by a local committee. TEC 39.0545(b)(2) A LEA must use criteria developed by a local committee to evaluate compliance with statutory reporting and policy requirements for the LEA.PA020 ORGANIZATION DATA CAMPUSNew Data Element: E1540None Add Statutory Reporting and Policy Compliance Code E1540 to column 65 of the 020 Organization Data Campus record.PA020 ORGANIZATION DATA CAMPUSReporting Requirements: Revised Reporting Requirement NoneReporting Requirements With the exception of the Texas Juvenile Justice Department (TJJD) (227622), all districts must assign performance ratings for the community and student engagement indicators to all active instructional campuses in the district, except for Disciplinary Alternative Education Program (DAEP) campuses, Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (JJAEP) campuses, and certain Alternative Education Program (AEP) campuses that serve only students in TJJD facilities. P030 DISTRICT FINANCE DATA-BUDGETRevision: Business RulesOption to Change the Start Date of the Fiscal Year In order to change the fiscal year start date to July 1, 2013, districts must file with 91ȱ no later than June 30, 2012, a Notification of Intent to Change the Fiscal Year Start Date to July 1, 2013. This form (FIN-003) is available on the 91ȱ website at  HYPERLINK "http://www.tea.state.tx.us/school.finance/audit/FIN_003.pdf" http://www.tea.state.tx.us/school.finance/audit/FIN_003.pdf.Option to Change the Start Date of the Fiscal Year In order to change the fiscal year start date to July 1, 2014, districts must file with 91ȱ no later than June 30, 2013, a Notification of Intent to Change the Fiscal Year Start Date to July 1, 2014. This form (FIN-003) is available on the 91ȱ website at  HYPERLINK "http://www.tea.state.tx.us/school.finance/audit/FIN_003.pdf" http://www.tea.state.tx.us/school.finance/audit/FIN_003.pdf.P030 DISTRICT FINANCE DATA-BUDGETAddition: Business RulesObject code, code table C137 OBJECT-CODE (BUDGET) has been combined with C159 OBJECT-CODE. Code table C137 OBJECT-CODE (BUDGET) has been removed. P030 DISTRICT FINANCE DATA-BUDGETAddition: Business RulesFund code, code table C148 FUND-CODE (BUDGET) has been combined with C145 FUND-CODE. Code table C148 FUND-CODE (BUDGET) has been removed. P030 DISTRICT FINANCE DATA-BUDGETAddition: Special Reporting RequirementsSpecial Reporting Requirements None.Special Reporting Requirements Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Texas School for the Deaf, and Texas Juvenile Justice Department schools do not report the 030 Budget Data record.P032 DISTRICT FINANCE DATA-ACTUALRevision: Business RulesOption to Change the Start Date of the Fiscal Year In order to change the fiscal year start date to July 1, 2013, districts must file with 91ȱ no later than June 30, 2012, a Notification of Intent to Change the Fiscal Year Start Date to July 1, 2013. This form (FIN-003) is available on the 91ȱ website at  HYPERLINK "http://www.tea.state.tx.us/school.finance/audit/FIN_003.pdf" http://www.tea.state.tx.us/school.finance/audit/FIN_003.pdf.Option to Change the Start Date of the Fiscal Year In order to change the fiscal year start date to July 1, 2014, districts must file with 91ȱ no later than June 30, 2013, a Notification of Intent to Change the Fiscal Year Start Date to July 1, 2014. This form (FIN-003) is available on the 91ȱ website at  HYPERLINK "http://www.tea.state.tx.us/school.finance/audit/FIN_003.pdf" http://www.tea.state.tx.us/school.finance/audit/FIN_003.pdf.P032 DISTRICT FINANCE DATA-ACTUALAddition: Special Reporting RequirementsSpecial Reporting Requirements None.Special Reporting Requirements Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Texas School for the Deaf, and Texas Juvenile Justice Department schools do not report the 032 Actual Data record.P033 DISTRICT FINANCE DATA - SHARED SERVICES ARRANGEMENT ACTUALRevision: Business RulesFund code, code table C160 FUND-CODE (SSA ACTUAL) has been combined with C145 FUND-CODE. Code table C160 FUND-CODE (SSA ACTUAL) has been removed. P033 DISTRICT FINANCE DATA - SHARED SERVICES ARRANGEMENT ACTUALAddition: Special Reporting RequirementsTexas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Texas School for the Deaf, and Texas Juvenile Justice Department schools do not report the 033 Shared Service Arrangement Actual Data record. P040 STAFF DATA-IDENTIFICATION/DEMOGRAPHICRevision: Business RulesTOTAL-YEARS-PROF-EXPERIENCE (E0130) indicates the number of verifiable years of creditable experience as specified in 19 TAC, Chapter 153. TOTAL-YEARS-PROF-EXPERIENCE is intended to reflect only the completed years of professional experience (not including current year). Some staff classified as professional by a district may not meet the requirements for receiving professional experience, such as non-degreed, non-certified business managers, and should be reported with "00" for this field. TOTAL-YEARS-PROF-EXPERIENCE (E0130) indicates the number of verifiable years of creditable experience as specified in 19 TAC, Chapter 153.1021. TOTAL-YEARS-PROF-EXPERIENCE is intended to reflect only the completed years of professional experience (not including current year). Professional staff include: Teachers, full-time librarians, full-time counselors, full-time school nurses, other employees who are required to hold a certificate issued under TEC, Chapter 21, Subchapter B, and any other personnel reported by a school district to the Public Education Information Management System with a "professional" Role-ID (E0721). Some staff classified as professional by a district may not meet the requirements for receiving professional experience, such as non-degreed, non-certified business managers, and should be reported with a value of "00" for this field. P040 STAFF DATA-IDENTIFICATION/DEMOGRAPHICRevision: Business RuleMIDDLE-NAME (E0704) identifies a person's legal middle name. This field may be blank for staff and students. For staff and students, enter the middle name as shown on the identification documentation. If the staff person or the student has no middle name, the field must be left blank. Do not use any other text such as NONE, NA, NMI, etc for the middle name if the staff person or the student has no middle name. Do not use periods or any other punctuation other than a hyphen or a single apostrophe. (implemented by edits 04049 and 10015)MIDDLE-NAME (E0704) identifies a person's legal middle name. For staff, enter the middle name as shown on the identification documentation. MIDDLE-NAME for staff should match what is on official documentation such as a teacher certificate, adminstrator certificate, Social Securtity Card, and/or a birth certificate. If the staff person has no middle name, the field must be left blank. The middle name field may be reported as blank for staff only when the staff person does not have a middle name on their identification documentation from the list above. Do not use any other text such as NONE, NA, NMI, etc for the middle name if the staff person has no middle name. Do not use periods or any other punctuation other than a hyphen or a single apostrophe. (implemented by edit 04049)M040 STAFF DATA-IDENTIFICATION/DEMOGRAPHICAddition: Reporting RequirementsNoneIf a LEA has contracted out all or part of a campus operation to a third party vendor, the LEA is still required to report the teachers (Role ID 087 and 047) individual identification and demographic information through the 040 Staff Identification/Demographic record. Even though the teachers are contracted through a third party vendor, the teachers are teaching at a campus in the LEA and must be reported so that the information can be included in the staff full-time equivalent (FTE) calculations for the Academic Excellence Indicator System and the 91ȱ Data Portal as required by law. It would not be appropriate to omit a contracted teacher who is teaching at a campus in the LEA from the staff data reporting on the 040 record . M040 STAFF DATA-IDENTIFICATION/DEMOGRAPHICAddition: Special Reporting RequirementsNoneThe Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Texas School for the Deaf, and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department schools are only required to report teachers (Role ID 087 and 047) in the summer submission (Submission 3) for the purpose of supplying the required information for the 91ȱ Data Portal. A040 STAFF DATA-IDENTIFICATION/DEMOGRAPHICRevision: Business RuleFor staff, enter the middle name as shown on the identification documentation. MIDDLE-NAME for staff should match what is on official documentation such as a teacher certificate, adminstrator certificate, Social Securtity Card, and/or a birth certificate. If the staff person has no middle name, the field must be left blank. The middle name field may be reported as blank for staff only when the staff person does not have a middle name on their identification documentation from the list above. Do not use any other text such as NONE, NA, NMI, etc for the middle name if the staff person has no middle name. For staff, enter the middle name as shown on the identification documentation (Social Security Card). If the staff person has no middle name, the field must be left blank. The middle name field for staff may only be reported as blank when the staff person does not have a middle name on their identification documentation (Social Security Card). Do not use any other text such as NONE, NA, NMI, etc for the middle name if the staff person has no middle name on their identification documentation (Social Security Card). A040 STAFF DATA-IDENTIFICATION/DEMOGRAPHICRevision: Business RuleNoneFor staff, enter the first name as shown on the identification documentation (Social Security Card). A040 STAFF DATA-IDENTIFICATION/DEMOGRAPHICRevision: Business RuleNoneFor staff, enter the last name as shown on the identification documentation (Social Security Card). M043 STAFF DATA DEMOGRAPHICDeletionDelete data element E0924 DEMOGRAPHIC-REVISION-CODE from the 043 record from column 25.M043 STAFF DATA DEMOGRAPHICAddition: Reporting RequirementsIf a LEA has contracted out all or part of a campus operation to a third party vendor, the LEA is still required to report the teachers (Role ID 087 and 047) individual demographic information through the 043 Staff Demographic record. Even though the teachers are contracted through a third party vendor, the teachers are teaching at a campus in the LEA and must be reported so that the information can be included in the staff full-time equivalent (FTE) calculations for the Academic Excellence Indicator System and the 91ȱ Data Portal as required by law. It would not be appropriate to omit a contracted teacher who is teaching at a campus in the LEA from the staff data reporting on the 043 record.M043 STAFF DATA DEMOGRAPHICAddition: Special Reporting RequirementsThe Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Texas School for the Deaf, and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department schools are only required to report teachers (Role ID 087 and 047) in the summer submission (Submission 3) for the purpose of supplying the required information for the 91ȱ Data Portal. P045 STAFF DATA STAFF ID NUMBER CHANGENote: This data record is planned for retirement effective with the 2013-2014 school year. Currently, 91ȱ plans to retire this record for the March 2013 release of the 2013-2014 PEIMS Data Standards. M045 STAFF DATA STAFF ID NUMBER CHANGEDeletion of record 045 STAFF DATA STAFF ID NUMBER CHANGEM050 STAFF DATA EMPLOYMENT PAYROLL SUMMARYAddition: Reporting RequirementsIf a LEA has contracted out all or part of a campus operation to a third party vendor, the LEA is still required to report the teachers (Role ID 087 and 047) individual employment information through the 050 Staff Employment record. Even though the teachers are contracted through a third party vendor, the teachers are teaching at a campus in the LEA and must be reported so that the information can be included in the staff full-time equivalent (FTE) calculations for the Academic Excellence Indicator System and the 91ȱ Data Portal as required by law. It would not be appropriate to omit a contracted teacher who is teaching at a campus in the LEA from the staff data reporting on the 050 record.M050 STAFF DATA EMPLOYMENT PAYROLL SUMMARYAddition: Special Reporting RequirementsThe Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Texas School for the Deaf, and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department schools are only required to report teachers (Role ID 087 and 047) in the summer submission (Submission 3) for the purpose of supplying the required information for the 91ȱ Data Portal. M055 DISTRICT FINANCE DATA CONTRACTED INSTRUCTIONAL STAFFAddition: Special Reporting RequirementsNone.The Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Texas School for the Deaf, and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department schools do not report the 055 Contracted Instructional Staff record. P060 STAFF DATA - EMPLOYMENT PAYROLL ACCOUNTINGRevision: Business RuleObject code, code table C139 OBJECT-CODE (PAYROLL) has been combined with C159 OBJECT-CODE. Code table C139 OBJECT-CODE (PAYROLL) has been removed. P060 STAFF DATA - EMPLOYMENT PAYROLL ACCOUNTINGAddition: Special Reporting RequirementsSpecial Reporting Requirements None.Special Reporting Requirements Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Texas School for the Deaf, and Texas Juvenile Justice Department schools do not report the 060 Payroll Data record.M090 Staff Data ResponsibilitiesAddition: Special Reporting RequirementsTexas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Texas School for the Deaf, and Texas Juvenile Justice Department schools do not report the 090 Staff Data record.P100 STUDENT DATA - IDENTIFICATIONRevision: Business RulesMIDDLE-NAME (E0704) identifies a person's legal middle name. For students and staff enter the middle name as shown on the identification documentation. If the student or staff person has no middle name, the field must be left blank. The middle name field may be reported as blank for students and staff only when the student or staff person does not have a middle name on their identification documentation. Do not use any other text such as NONE, NA, NMI, etc for the middle name if the staff person or the student has no middle name. Do not use periods or any other punctuation other than a hyphen or a single apostrophe. (implemented by edits 04049 and 10015)MIDDLE-NAME (E0704) identifies a person's legal middle name. For students, enter the middle name as shown on the identification documentation used for school enrollment. If the student has no middle name, the field must be left blank. The middle name field may be reported as blank for students only when the student does not have a middle name on their identification documentation. Do not use any other text such as NONE, NA, NMI, etc for the middle name if the student has no middle name. Do not use periods or any other punctuation other than a hyphen or a single apostrophe. (implemented by edit 10015)PA100 STUDENT DATA - IDENTIFICATIONRevision: Special Reporting RequirementsChildren served by the Texas School for the Deaf (TSD), the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (TSBVI) and the Texas Youth Commission (TYC) are reported by these state operated programs while the child is in attendance in these programs. District and parental referrals to the TSD, district referrals to the TSBVI and youth adjudicated to the TYC will be reported by these respective institutions. Note: Students enrolled at TSD, TSBVI, and TYC are not eligible for average daily attendance funding and must be reported with an ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE of not in membership, or ineligible for ADA. Please note the following exception: LEAs that provide the educational component for certain TYC facilities, and therefore collect ADA on these youth, will report these students in place of TYC. Children served by the Texas School for the Deaf (TSD) and the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (TSBVI) are reported by these state operated programs while the child is in attendance in these programs. District and parental referrals to the TSD and district referrals to the TSBVI will be reported by these respective institutions. Note: Students enrolled at TSD and TSBVI are not eligible for average daily attendance funding and must be reported with an ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE of not in membership, or ineligible for ADA. Texas Juvenile Justice Department (TJJD) (formerly TYC) students are reported by this state operated program while the child is in attendance in this program. Students who are enrolled in the Texas Juvenile Justice Department (TJJD) (formerly TYC) are only eligible for ADA and are not eligible for any other program funding (i.e special education, career and technical, bilingual/ESL, etc). Please note the following exception: LEAs that provide the educational component for certain TJJD facilities, and therefore collect ADA on these youth, will report these students in place of TJJD. P101 STUDENT DATA - DEMOGRAPHICAddition: Business RulesSTUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE (E1000) indicates whether the student: attends an open enrollment charter school; is served in a juvenile justice alternative education program (JJAEP); attends school in the district through a Public Education Grant (PEG); attends school by means of a transfer between school districts; attends school in the district, lives outside the boundaries of the state of Texas, and therefore is not an inter-district transfer; lives in Texas but outside district boundaries and is served in a juvenile pre-adjudication secure detention facility or a juvenile post-adjudication secure correctional facility; lives in Texas but outside district boundaries and is served in a residential treatment center; is served by the Texas School for the Deaf as a parent referral; or is a student with a disability enrolled by their parent(s) in a private school (including a home school) but who receives special education and/or related services from the public school district under an individualized services plan (ISP). All open-enrollment charter schools must report a STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE other than 00 for each student that is enrolled. This rule applies to each PEIMS submission that reports students. Open-enrollment charter schools may use any applicable STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE 01 24 depending on the individual enrollment circumstances of each student. STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE for school districts, excluding open-enrollment charter schools, may be any code 00 24 depending on the individual enrollment circumstances of each student. STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODEs 13 24 are only to be reported by LEAs that serve students in Texas Juvenile Probation Commission facilities (county juvenile detention centers), Texas Juvenile Justice Department (Formerly Texas Youth Commission) schools, and Residential Treatment facilities. STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE (E1000) indicates whether the student: attends an open enrollment charter school; is served in a juvenile justice alternative education program (JJAEP); attends school in the district through a Public Education Grant (PEG); attends school by means of a transfer between school districts; attends school in the district, lives outside the boundaries of the state of Texas, and therefore is not an inter-district transfer; lives in Texas but outside district boundaries and is served in a juvenile pre-adjudication secure detention facility or a juvenile post-adjudication secure correctional facility; lives in Texas but outside district boundaries and is served in a residential treatment center; is served by the Texas School for the Deaf as a parent referral; or is a student with a disability enrolled by their parent(s) in a private school (including a home school) but who receives special education and/or related services from the public school district under an individualized services plan (ISP). All open-enrollment charter schools must report a STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE other than 00 for each student that is enrolled. This rule applies to each PEIMS submission that reports students. Open-enrollment charter schools may use any applicable STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE depending on the individual enrollment circumstances of each student. Open Enrollment Charter Schools may not report STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE 03 Public Education Grant (PEG). Charter school campuses are not included on the PEG list (even if their performance meets the eligibility criteria) because charters are schools of choice and students at a charter school are eligible to transfer back to their home school district whenever they desire. STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE for school districts, excluding open-enrollment charter schools, may be any code 00 24 depending on the individual enrollment circumstances of each student. STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE 12 (Private School) is only reported for special education students who are enrolled in a non-public school (private school or home school) and are served with special education services under an Individualized Service Plan (ISP). For Submission 1, these students must be reported with ADA Eligibility Code 0 Enrolled, Not in Membership. Additionally, these students must also be enrolled on the Snapshot date (last Friday in October) to be reported with Student Attribution Code 12. Otherwise, if these students are secondary students (grades 7-12) and were enrolled in the prior year and/or the current year, then they will likely be reported with Student Attribution Code 00 No Attribution. For Submission 3, Student Attribution Code 12 students are not reported with an attendance record for the time of enrollment that they were not in membership. STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODEs 13 24 are only to be reported by LEAs that serve students in Texas Juvenile Probation Commission facilities (county juvenile detention centers), Texas Juvenile Justice Department (Formerly Texas Youth Commission) schools, and Residential Treatment facilities. P101 STUDENT DATA - DEMOGRAPHICRevision: Business RulesECONOMIC-DISADVANTAGE-CODE (E0785) indicates the student's economic disadvantage status. When reporting ECONOMIC-DISADVANTAGE-CODE, districts that are in the second or third year of operation under Provision 2 of the National School Lunch and Child Nutrition Program may use the student eligibility data from the base year for those students who are still in the district. Such districts must report any new students as either code 00 or code 99. Although districts must determine the economic status of each student, this cannot be accomplished through the former school lunch eligibility process. However, districts can ask for economic status information as a part of the enrollment process. For Submission 1, ECONOMIC-DISADVANTAGE-CODE is reported based on a students status as follows: AS-OF-STATUS-CODEs B, D, and F report students status as of the October snapshot date; AS-OF-STATUS-CODEs C, E, and G report students last status in the current year; AS-OF-STATUS-CODE A report students last status from the prior year For Submission 3, ECONOMIC-DISADVANTAGE-CODE is reported based on a students last status. For Submission 4, ECONOMIC-DISADVANTAGE-CODE is not reported. ECONOMIC-DISADVANTAGE-CODE (E0785) indicates the student's economic disadvantage status. Regardless of the level of participation in a school lunch program, LEAs determine the Economic Disadvantaged status of students each school year upon enrollment. In many cases the Economic Disadvantaged status is derived from documents used in the National School Lunch Program (NLSP). If these documents are not available to assist LEA staff in determining the Economic Disadvantaged status of students, then the LEA may need to develop its own survey instrument using the available criteria from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). For LEAs participating in the NSLP Provision 2 program When reporting the ECONOMIC-DISADVANTAGE-CODE, districts that are in the second or subsequent year of operation under Provision 2 of the National School Lunch and Child Nutrition Program may use the student eligibility data from the base year for those students who are still in the district. Provision 2 LEAs must report any new student enrolled in the second or subsequent year of the program as either Economic Disadvantaged code 00 or 99 depending upon the eligibility of the student. Although Provision 2 LEAs must also determine the economic status of each new student, this cannot be accomplished through the use of the Free and Reduced Price Lunch Application Form. LEAs can ask for information needed to determine the Economic Disadvantaged Status of students as a part of the enrollment process. For Submission 1, the ECONOMIC-DISADVANTAGE-CODE is reported based on a students status as follows: AS-OF-STATUS-CODEs B, D, and F report students Economic Disadvantaged Status as of the October snapshot date; AS-OF-STATUS-CODEs C, E, and G report students last Economic Disadvantaged Status in the current year; AS-OF-STATUS-CODE A report students last Economic Disadvantaged Status from the prior year. For Submission 3, ECONOMIC-DISADVANTAGE-CODE is reported based on a students last status at the end of the school year or at the end of the students enrollment period; whichever comes last. For Submission 4, ECONOMIC-DISADVANTAGE-CODE is not reported. The Economic Disadvantaged Code must be blank. M101 STUDENT DATA DEMOGRAPHICDeletionRemove data element E0924 DEMOGRAPHIC-REVISION-CODE from the 101 record from column 52.M101 STUDENT DATA DEMOGRAPHICRevisionSummary of C161 STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODEs 13-24. Summary of C161 STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODEs 21-28. Updated ChartA101 STUDENT DATA DEMOGRAPHICRevisionSTUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODEs 13 24 are only to be reported by LEAs that serve students in Texas Juvenile Probation Commission facilities (county juvenile detention centers), Texas Juvenile Justice Department (Formerly Texas Youth Commission) schools, and Residential Treatment facilities. STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODEs 21 28 are only to be reported by LEAs that serve students in Texas Juvenile Justice Department (Formerly Texas Youth Commission) schools or Residential Treatment facilities. P102 STUDENT DATA - DEMOGRAPHICData Element: AdditionNoneEARLY-READING-INDICATOR-CODE (E1522) has been added to the 102 Student Data- Demographic record in column 29.P102 STUDENT DATA DEMOGRAPHICDescription: RevisionDescription The 102 Student-Data - Demographic record collects the unique number assigned to a student by the Texas Education Agencys TSDS Unique ID application.Description The 102 Student-Data - Demographic record collects the unique ID number assigned to a student by the Texas Education Agencys TSDS Unique ID application and the Early Reading Indicator Code for Kindergarten, First, and Second grade students. P102 STUDENT DATA DEMOG RAPHICBusiness Rules: AdditionNoneEARLY-READING-INDICATOR-CODE (E1522) indicates whether a student is eligible for accelerated reading instruction as a result of reading difficulties or having dyslexia as indicated by the administered reading instrument. The EARLY-READING-INDICATOR-CODEs 1, 2 and 3 only apply to students in grades KG, 01, and 02. Students enrolled in all other grade levels should be reported with a blank. For Submission 1: report eligibility status based on the Beginning of Year assessment results. For Submission 3: report eligibility status based on the latest assessment results available for the student. For Submission 4: The EARLY-READING-INDICATOR-CODE must be blank for all students.P102 STUDENT DATA DEMOGRAPHICSpecial Reporting Requirements: AdditionSpecial Reporting Requirements : NoneSpecial Reporting Requirements : The 102 Student Data record must be reported for students enrolled at Texas School for the Deaf, Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and Texas Juvenile Justice Department (formerly Texas Youth Commission).PA102 STUDENT DATA DEMOGRAPHICData Element E1528 additionNoneAdd Foster Care Indicator Code E1528 to column 30 of the 102 Student Demographic record.PA102 STUDENT DATA DEMOGRAPHICBusiness Rules: Data Element E1528 additionNoneFOSTER-CARE-INDICATOR-CODE (E1528) indicates whether a student is in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) currently, or for certain students that were previously in the conservatorship of DFPS. The Foster Care Indicator Code is reported in the fall, summer, and extended year submissions (submissions 1, 3, and 4). The data is needed in submission 4 to comply with TEC 25.007 concerning the Agencys legislative requirement to facilitate access to credit recovery, high school completion, and dual credit programs. Please refer to the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook Pre-kindergarten section 7.2.6 for additional information and documentation concerning pre-kindergarten foster care student eligibility. The following link HYPERLINK "http://www.tea.state.tx.us/FosterCareStudentSuccess"http://www.tea.state.tx.us/FosterCareStudentSuccess provides additional information related to the foster care provisions, resources, and opportunities for LEAs. Documentation required for a school to report a student as a Foster Care student is as follows: For Foster Care Indicator Code 0, no documentation is required because the student is not currently in the conservatorship of the Texas DFPS when enrolling in the school. For Foster Care Indicator Code 1, the enrolling caregiver must provide a copy of the Texas DFPS Placement Authorization Form (Form 2085) or a court order that designates the student is in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services. For Foster Care Indicator Code 2, the Pre-kindergarten student is enrolling in school for the purpose of participating as an eligible student in a Pre-kindergarten program and eligibility documentation must be provided. At least annually, the Texas DFPS and Child Protective Services will mail verification letters of PK eligibility to the parents and caregivers of eligible children who in turn must provide this verification documentation to the school at enrollment. Foster care status data should be handled with the utmost sensitivity, and in accordance with all FERPA guidelines. Chart for determining Foster Care Indicator CodePA102 STUDENT DATA DEMOGRAPHICBusiness Rules: Data Element E1529 AdditionNoneMILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE (E1529) indicates a student enrolled in a school district or open-enrollment charter school who is a dependent of a member of the United States military service in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard on active duty, the Texas National Guard, or a reserve force of the United States military. The MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE is reported only for students grades PK-12. The Interstate Compact on Military Students only pertains to students in grade levels KG 12. Students in grade level PK are included to determine eligibility for participation in the Pre-kindergarten program. The MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE is reported for Submissions 1 and 3 only. The MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE is not reported in Submission 4. Students in grade level PK who are eligible for pre-kindergarten as the result of being a dependent of certain military personnel can be coded with any applicable MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODEs 1-4. MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE 4 (military personnel killed or injured while on active duty) can only be reported for PK students. A uniformed member of the United States military service in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard on active duty, the Texas National Guard (Army, Air Guard, or State Guard), or a reserve force of the United States military considered Missing In Action (MIA) should be presumed to be on active duty until such time as a death of the military member has been confirmed. The term "dependent", with respect to a member of a uniformed service, means the spouse of the member, an unmarried child of the member, an unmarried person who is placed in the legal custody of the member and is dependent on the member for over one-half of the person's support, resides with the member unless separated by the necessity of military service or to receive institutional care as a result of disability or incapacitation, or under such other circumstances as the Secretary concerned may by regulation prescribe and is not a dependent of a member under any other paragraph. (37 USC Sec. 401)PA102 STUDENT DATA DEMOGRAPHICBusiness Rules: Data Element E1529 RevisionStudents in grade level PK who are eligible for pre-kindergarten as the result of being a dependent of certain military personnel can be coded with any applicable MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODEs 1-4. MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE 4 (military personnel killed or injured while on active duty) can only be reported for PK students. Students in grade level PK who are eligible for pre-kindergarten as the result of being a dependent of certain military personnel can only be coded with MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE 4. MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE 4 (dependent of active duty military, a military member injured or killed while on active duty) can only be reported for PK students. All other Pre-Kindergarten students (eligible or ineligible) must be reported with MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE 0. PA102 STUDENT DATA DEMOGRAPHICBusiness Rules: Data Element E1529 AdditionNonePre-Kindergarten students can only be reported with MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODEs 0 and 4. Students in grade levels K 12 can only be reported with MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODEs 0, 1, 2, and 3. PA102 STUDENT DATA DEMOGRAPHICExamplesExample #1Example #1 Add Foster Care Indicator Code. Add Military Connected Student Code.PA102 STUDENT DATA DEMOGRAPHICExamplesExample #2Example #2 Add Foster Care Indicator Code Add Military Connected Student Code.PA102 STUDENT DATA DEMOGRAPHICExamplesNoneAdd Example 3.P105 STUDENT DATA - STUDENTData Element: DeletionEARLY-READING-INDICATOR-CODE (E1522) in column 28.EARLY-READING-INDICATOR-CODE (E1522) in column 28 has been deleted from the 105 Student Data record.P105 STUDENT DATA - STUDENTDescriptionDescription The 105 Student Data record indicates whether a student is eligible for accelerated reading instruction as a result of reading difficulties or having dyslexia as indicated by the administered reading instrument.Description This 105 Student Data record is submitted only when a student's identification number has changed since the most recent PEIMS data submission. Note: This data record is planned for retirement effective with the 2013-2014 school year. Currently, 91ȱ plans to retire this record for the March 2013 release of the 2013-2014 PEIMS Data Standards.P105 STUDENT DATA - STUDENTBusiness Rules: DeletionEARLY-READING-INDICATOR-CODE (E1522) indicates whether a student is eligible for accelerated reading instruction as a result of reading difficulties or having dyslexia as indicated by the administered reading instrument. The EARLY-READING-INDICATOR-CODEs 1, 2 and 3 only apply to students in grades KG, 01, and 02. Students enrolled in all other grade levels should be reported with a blank. For Submission 1: report eligibility status based on the Beginning of Year assessment results. For Submission 3: report eligibility status based on the latest assessment results available for the student. For Submission 4: The EARLY-READING-INDICATOR-CODE must be blank for all students.EARLY-READING-INDICATOR-CODE (E1522) has been deleted from the 105 Student Data record and moved to the 102 Student Demographic Data Record.P105 STUDENT DATA - STUDENTReporting Requirements: RevisionReporting Requirements A 105 Student Data Record is submitted for each Kindergarten, First Grade, and Second Grade student to indicate their Early Reading Indicator status.Reporting Requirements A 105 Student Data record is submitted when a student is providing their district with a changing alternate ID or a Social Security number. Note: This data record is planned for retirement effective with the 2013-2014 school year. Currently, 91ȱ plans to retire this record for the March 2013 release of the 2013-2014 PEIMS Data Standards.P105 STUDENT DATA - STUDENTSpecial Reporting Requirements: RevisionSpecial Reporting Requirements The 105 Student Data record must be reported when applicable for students enrolled at Texas School for the Deaf, Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and Texas Juvenile Justice Department (formerly Texas Youth Commission).Special Reporting Requirements The 105 Student Data record must be reported when applicable for students enrolled at Texas School for the Deaf, Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and Texas Juvenile Justice Department (formerly Texas Youth Commission). Note: This data record is planned for retirement effective with the 2013-2014 school year. Currently, 91ȱ plans to retire this record for the March 2013 release of the 2013-2014 PEIMS Data Standards.P105 STUDENT DATA STUDENTExamples: RevisionExample 1 NoneExample 1. Note: All data that is illustrated in this example cannot be reported effective beginning with the 2013-2014 Summer submission. M105 STUDENT DATA STUDENTDeletionDeletion of record 105 STUDENT DATA STUDENTP110 STUDENT DATA - ENROLLMENTBusiness Rules: AdditionNone.Each school district and charter school shall establish procedures for convening a Grade Placement Committee to prescribe accelerated instruction for each student who fails to demonstrate proficiency on the second administration of the assessment instrument(s) required for promotion. A student who does not pass the third assessment instrument(s) required for promotion may be promoted by unanimous decision of his or her Grade Placement Committee. Refer to TEC 28.0211(c) and TAC 101.2007 for Grade Placement Committee information and roles. In C171, SSI-PROMOTION-RETENTION-CODE, does not meet SSI requirements refers to students who do not pass the appropriate assessment instrument(s) required for promotion. This includes students who are tested and do not pass the assessment instrument(s) and students who are absent or do not receive test scores. When a student who participates in the SSI transfers/relocates to another public school or charter district in Texas, the receiving district should obtain Grade Placement Committee documentation from the students previous school district through the records request process. This documentation should include the previous districts accelerated instruction and promotion/retention decision(s) and/or provide valuable details about the students progress and assessment score(s) so that the receiving district may better decide whether the SSI student should be promoted or retained. Grade Advancement Requirements of the Student Success Initiative: Additional information on the Student Success Initiative can be accessed by visiting the Student Success Initiative webpage located on the 91ȱ Division webpage on the 91ȱ website. The following URL is for the Student Success Initiative webpage:  HYPERLINK "http://www.tea.state.tx.us/student.assessment/resources/ssi/index.html" http://www.tea.state.tx.us/student.assessment/resources/ssi/index.html A FLOWCHART detailing the decision making process for SSI grade advancement can be accessed from the Student Success Initiative webpage. The document name is Interactive Flow Chart and can be found under the document grouping entitled Grade Placement Committee Manual. A FLOWCHART detailing the decision making process for SSI grade advancement for students receiving special education services can be accessed from the Student Success Initiative webpage. The document name is Flowchart for Students Receiving Special Education Services and can be found under the document grouping entitled Grade Placement Committee Manual.P110 STUDENT DATA - ENROLLMENTBusiness Rules: DeletionThis data element is suspended for the 12-13 school year. All LEAs will be forced to report a blank. None.A110 STUDENT DATA ENROLLMENTBusiness Rules: DeletionNote: The term immigrant has three definitions approved by the Texas Education Agency. Each definition serves a unique purpose. The NCLB definition serves to identify the recent immigrants for the Title III program. The 91ȱ Divisions definition assists in determining the appropriate evaluation of the LEP students in Texas. The English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) I and II definition determines eligibility of the LEP students who may receive high school credit for these two courses. For the sole purpose of the statewide Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS), any Limited English Proficient (LEP) student who has resided outside the fifty United States for at least two consecutive years can be designated an immigrant student and may qualify for exemption from the State Assessment if additional criteria as specified on the LPAC Decision-Making Procedural Manual are met. (LPAC Decision-Making Process for the Texas Assessment Program (Grades 3-12): Procedural Manual and Forms). 19 TAC 101.1005, 101.1007, 101.1009. The current manual may be accessed using the following URL:  HYPERLINK "http://www.tea.state.tx.us/student.assessment/" http://www.tea.state.tx.us/student.assessment/ If the student has ever been coded as immigrant they can take and receive graduation credit for ESOL I and ESOL II (time in this instance is not an issue with regard to the 3 year status referred to in the data element definition of immigrant). If the student is not an immigrant but is identified as LEP, then the student may be reported as English as a Second Language (ESL) for funding purposes. However, the district must document in the Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC) annual review form the services being provided to meet the students needs.None.A110 STUDENT DATA ENROLLMENTBusiness Rules: RevisionImmigrant status under the Title III Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient and Immigrant Students of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, should not be confused with immigrant status as defined for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Districts should not assume responsibility for determining the extent to which students are legal or illegal immigrants under DHS regulations. Definition of immigrant should not be confused with definition used for state assessment purposes or definition used for student eligibility to English I for Speakers of Other Languages or English II for Speakers of Other Languages taught in high school.Immigrant status under the Title III Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient and Immigrant Students of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, should not be confused with immigrant status as defined for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Districts should not assume responsibility for determining the extent to which students are legal or illegal immigrants under DHS regulations.A110 STUDENT DATA ENROLLMENTBusiness Rules: Revision91ȱ-approved tests that measure the extent to which the student has developed oral and written language proficiency and specific language skills in English; satisfactory performance on the reading assessment instrument under the Texas Education Code, 39.023(a), or an English language arts assessment instrument administered in English, or a score at or above the 40th percentile on both the English reading and the English language arts sections of a 91ȱ-approved norm-referenced assessment instrument for a student who is enrolled in Grade 1 or 2; and 91ȱ-approved criterion-referenced written tests when available, other 91ȱ approved tests when criterion referenced written test is not available, and the results of a subjective teacher evaluation.91ȱ-approved tests that measure the extent to which the student has developed oral and written language proficiency and specific language skills in English; satisfactory performance on the reading assessment instrument under the Texas Education Code, 39.023(a), in English, or a score at or above the 40th percentile on both the English reading and the English language arts sections of a 91ȱ-approved norm-referenced assessment instrument for a student who is enrolled in Grade 1 or 2; satisfactory performance on the writing assessment instrument under the Texas Education Code, 39.023(a), or satisfactory performance on a 91ȱ approved writing proficiency assessment when criterion referenced written test is not available, and the results of a subjective teacher evaluation.PA110 STUDENT DATA ENROLLMENTData Element E1038 deletionPK-MILITARY-INDICATOR-CODE (E1038) Column 30Deleted PK-MILITARY-INDICATOR-CODE (E1038) Column 30PA110 STUDENT DATA ENROLLMENTData Element E1041 deletionPK-FOSTER-CARE-INDICATOR-CODE (E1041) Column 46Deleted PK-FOSTER-CARE-INDICATOR-CODE (E1041) Column 46PA110 STUDENT DATA ENROLLMENTData Element E1038 deletionPK-MILITARY-INDICATOR-CODE (E1038) indicates whether the student is the child of an active duty member of the armed forces of the United States, including the state military forces or a reserved component of the armed forces, who is ordered to active duty by proper authority. The member of the armed forces is a parent or official guardian of the child. The term member of the armed forces includes: active duty uniformed members of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, or Coast Guard assigned to duty stations in Texas; active duty uniformed members of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, or Coast Guard who are Texans and have eligible children residing in Texas; activated/mobilized uniformed members of the Texas National Guard (Army or Air Guard), or activated/mobilized members of the Reserve components of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, or Coast Guard who are Texas residents regardless of the location of the reserve unit; and uniformed service members who are Missing in Action (MIA). Also eligible is a child of a member of the armed forces of the United States, including the state military forces or a reserved component of the armed forces, which was injured or killed while serving on active duty. For additional guidance in reporting PK-MILITARY-INDICATOR-CODE, please refer to the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook. None PA110 STUDENT DATA ENROLLMENTData Element E1041 deletionPK-FOSTER-CARE-INDICATOR-CODE (E1041) indicates whether a prekindergarten student is or ever has been in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services following an adversary hearing held as provided by Section 262.201, Family Code. The PK-FOSTER-CARE-INDICATOR-CODE is only reported for Pre-kindergarten students. This is one of several eligibility criteria for a student being categorized as eligible for the Pre-kindergarten program. Please refer to the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook Pre-kindergarten section for additional information concerning this data element. nonePA110 STUDENT DATA ENROLLMENTData Element E1530 addition.NoneAdd Dyslexia Indicator Code E1530 to column 52 of the 110 Student Enrollment record.PA110 STUDENT DATA ENROLLMENTBusiness Rules: Data Element E1530 addition.NoneDYSLEXIA-INDICATOR-CODE (E1530) indicates whether a student is identified as having dyslexia or related disorders as defined in TEC 38.003. "Dyslexia" means a disorder of constitutional origin manifested by a difficulty in learning to read, write, or spell, despite conventional instruction, adequate intelligence, and sociocultural opportunity. "Related disorders" includes disorders similar to or related to dyslexia, such as developmental auditory imperception, dysphasia, specific developmental dyslexia, developmental dysgraphia, and developmental spelling disability. The Dyslexia Indicator Code is only collected in Submission 1.PA110 STUDENT DATA ENROLLMENTExample RevisionExample 1Example #1 Add Dyslexia Indicator Code to example 1.PA110 STUDENT DATA ENROLLMENTExample RevisionExample 2Example #2 Add Dyslexia Indicator Code to example 2.PA110 STUDENT DATA ENROLLMENTExample RevisionExample 3Example #3 Add Dyslexia Indicator Code to example 3.P110 STUDENT DATA - ENROLLMENTBusiness Rules: AdditionSSI-PROMOTION-RETENTION-CODE None.SSI-PROMOTION-RETENTION-CODE Each school district and charter school shall establish procedures for convening a Grade Placement Committee to prescribe accelerated instruction for each student who fails to demonstrate proficiency on the second administration of the assessment instrument(s) required for promotion. A student who does not pass the third assessment instrument(s) required for promotion may be promoted by unanimous decision of his or her Grade Placement Committee. Refer to TEC 28.0211(c) and TAC 101.2007 for Grade Placement Committee information and roles. In C171, SSI-PROMOTION-RETENTION-CODE, does not meet SSI requirements refers to students who do not pass the appropriate assessment instrument(s) required for promotion. This includes students who are tested and do not pass the assessment instrument(s) and students who are absent or do not receive test scores. When a student who participates in the SSI transfers/relocates to another public school or charter district in Texas, the receiving district should obtain Grade Placement Committee documentation from the students previous school district through the records request process. This documentation should include the previous districts accelerated instruction and promotion/retention decision(s) and/or provide valuable details about the students progress and assessment score(s) so that the receiving district may better decide whether the SSI student should be promoted or retained. Grade Advancement Requirements of the Student Success Initiative: Additional information on the Student Success Initiative can be accessed by visiting the Student Success Initiative webpage located on the 91ȱ Division webpage on the 91ȱ website. The following URL is for the Student Success Initiative webpage:  HYPERLINK "http://www.tea.state.tx.us/student.assessment/resources/ssi/index.html" http://www.tea.state.tx.us/student.assessment/resources/ssi/index.html A FLOWCHART detailing the decision making process for SSI grade advancement can be accessed from the Student Success Initiative webpage. The document name is Interactive Flow Chart and can be found under the document grouping entitled Grade Placement Committee Manual. A FLOWCHART detailing the decision making process for SSI grade advancement for students receiving special education services can be accessed from the Student Success Initiative webpage. The document name is Flowchart for Students Receiving Special Education Services and can be found under the document grouping entitled Grade Placement Committee Manual.P110 STUDENT DATA - ENROLLMENTBusiness Rules: DeletionSSI-PROMOTION-RETENTION-CODE This data element is suspended for the 12-13 school year. All LEAs will be forced to report a blank.SSI-PROMOTION-RETENTION-CODE None.M163 STUDENT DATA SPECIAL EDUCATIONBusiness Rules: AdditionNone.Add DISTRICT-OF-RDSPD-SERVICE to columns 52-57.M163 STUDENT DATA SPECIAL EDUCATIONBusiness Rules: AdditionNoneDISTRICT-OF-RDSPD-SERVICE (E1527) indicates the district identification number of the RDSPD Fiscal Agent that is providing RDSPD services. This district is registered with the Texas Education Agency. DISTRICT-OF-RDSPD-SERVICE on the 163 Special Education record must match a RDSPD Fiscal Agent District on the 011 record. M203 STUDENT LEAVER DATA - STUDENTBusiness rules: Revision Coding of Students Who Meet All Graduation Requirements under TAC Chapter 74 (Includes Students Graduating Under TAC 89.1070 (b)(1)) Chart 1Coding of students who meet all graduation requirements under TAC Chapter 74 and Chapter 101.3022 (or the assessment requirement in place at the time of the students enrollment in grade 9) Chart 1M203 STUDENT LEAVER DATA - STUDENTBusiness rules: Revision This chart applies to all students in general education and to students receiving special education services graduating under TAC 89.1070 (b)(1) (or earlier similar rules) for whom the required curriculum content was not modified or substituted. If content was modified or substituted, refer to Chart 3. (Instructional accommodations determined by a Section 504 committee or Admission Review and Dismissal (ARD) committee that do not result in curriculum content modifications, are permitted in each scenario above.) Chart 1 applies to all students in general education and to students receiving special education services for whom the required curriculum content was not modified or substituted and satisfactory performance on the exit-level assessments in place at the time of the students enrollment in grade 9 was required. M203 STUDENT LEAVER DATA - STUDENTBusiness rules: Revision The codes in this chart apply to students graduating under the minimum, recommended, or distinguished graduation programs, including students receiving special education who graduate according to TAC 89.1070 (b)(1) (and earlier similar rules). See Charts 2 and 3 for students receiving special education services graduating under TAC 89.1070 (b)(2), TAC 89.1070(c) or TAC 89.1070(d). Students receiving special education services for whom the curriculum content was not modified, and who meet the minimal requirements of the recommended, or distinguished program, may have that achievement recognized on the Academic Achievement Record. Instructional accommodations that do not alter curriculum content are allowed under these plans. The codes in this chart apply to students graduating under the minimum, recommended, or distinguished programs, including students receiving special education who graduate according to TAC 89.1070 in effect at the time of the students enrollment in grade 9. See Charts 2 and 3 for students receiving special education services graduating under TAC 89.1070 for whom the students ARD committee determined that satisfactory performance on a required state assessment was not required. Students receiving special education services for whom the curriculum content was not modified, and who meet the minimal requirements of the recommended or distinguished program must have that achievement recognized on the Academic Achievement Record. M203 STUDENT LEAVER DATA - STUDENTBusiness rules: Revision Instructional accommodations for students with disabilities that do not result in curricular content modifications do not impact graduation requirements. Examples of accommodations that do not impact the graduation plan include one-on-one instruction, small group instruction, multi-sensory approaches, extended time on projects, study guides, highlighted texts, programmed materials, preferential seating, immediate feedback, Braille, books on tape, screen readers, interpreter, word processor, oral testing, un-timed testing, extended time to complete assignments, shortened tests, alternative evaluation strategies (draw a diagram, develop a model, perform the answer), etc. Instructional accommodations for students with disabilities that do not result in curricular content modifications do not impact graduation requirements. Examples of accommodations that do not impact the graduation plan include one-on-one instruction, small group instruction, multi-sensory approaches, extended time on projects, study guides, highlighted texts, programmed materials, preferential seating, immediate feedback, Braille, books on tape, screen readers, the use of an interpreter or word processor, oral testing, un-timed testing, extended time to complete assignments, shortened tests, alternative evaluation strategies (draw a diagram, develop a model, perform the answer), etc. The use of these and other accommodations is allowed under all three graduation programs. M203 STUDENT LEAVER DATA - STUDENTBusiness rules: Revision Coding of Students Who Meet the Graduation Requirements under TAC 89.1070(b)(2) (For Students who meet the Curriculum and Credit Requirements under TEC Chapter 74 and are participated in the statewide assessment instrument identified in the IEP) Chart 2 Coding of students who meet the curriculum and credit requirements under TEC Chapter 74 and participated in or were exempted from the statewide assessment instrument(s) identified in the IEP Chart 2M203 STUDENT LEAVER DATA - STUDENTBusiness rules: Revision This chart applies to students receiving special education services graduating under TAC 89.1070 (b)(2) (or earlier similar rules) for whom the required curriculum content was not modified or substituted AND the student participated in the statewide assessment instrument identified in the IEP. If content was modified or substituted, refer to Chart #3. (Instructional accommodations determined by a Section 504 committee or Admission Review and Dismissal (ARD) committee that do not result in curriculum content modifications, are permitted in each scenario above.) Chart 2 applies to students receiving special education services graduating under TAC 89.1070 (b)(2) (currently or previously in effect) for whom the required curriculum content was not modified or substituted AND the student participated in (or prior to 2007-2008 was exempted from) the statewide assessment instrument identified in the IEP. M203 STUDENT LEAVER DATA - STUDENTBusiness rules: Additions NoneAmendments to TAC 89.1070 adopted to be effective Nov. 11, 2007, require satisfactory performance on the statewide assessment for the recommended and distinguished achievement high school programs for all students entering the ninth grade in 2007-2008 and thereafter; therefore, graduation codes 19 and 20 may be used for students entering the grade 9 prior to the 2007-2008 school year only.M203 STUDENT LEAVER DATA - STUDENTBusiness rules: Revision Students receiving special education services for whom the curriculum content was not modified and who meet all of the requirements of the recommended or distinguished program, including satisfactory performance on the standard exit-level assessments, may have that achievement recognized on the Academic Achievement Record, even if the student originally participated in a modified assessment (or was previously exempted from satisfactory performance on ) the standard exit-level assessment requirement in place at the time of the students enrollment in grade 9. In the event that a student completes all of the requirements of the recommended or distinguished program, including satisfactory performance on the standard exit-level assessments, that student should be coded with one of the codes in Chart 1. Instructional accommodations that do not alter curriculum content are allowed under these plans. Students receiving special education services for whom the curriculum content was not modified and who meet all of the requirements of the recommended or distinguished program, including satisfactory performance on the standard exit-level assessments, must have that achievement recognized on the Academic Achievement Record, even if the student originally participated in a modified assessment (or was previously exempted from satisfactory performance on the standard exit-level assessment requirement in place at the time of the students enrollment in grade 9). In the event that a student completes all of the requirements of the recommended or distinguished program, including satisfactory performance on the standard exit-level assessments, that student should be coded with one of the codes in Chart 1. M203 STUDENT LEAVER DATA - STUDENTBusiness rules: Revision Instructional accommodations for students with disabilities that do not result in curricular content modifications do not impact graduation requirements. Examples of accommodations that do not impact the graduation plan include one-on-one instruction, small group instruction, multi-sensory approaches, extended time on projects, study guides, highlighted texts, programmed materials, preferential seating, immediate feedback, Braille, books on tape, screen readers, the use of an interpreter or word processor, oral testing, un-timed testing, extended time to complete assignments, shortened tests, alternative evaluation strategies (draw a diagram, develop a model, perform the answer), etc. Instructional accommodations for students with disabilities that do not result in curricular content modifications do not impact graduation requirements. Examples of accommodations that do not impact the graduation plan include one-on-one instruction, small group instruction, multi-sensory approaches, extended time on projects, study guides, highlighted texts, programmed materials, preferential seating, immediate feedback, Braille, books on tape, screen readers, the use of an interpreter or word processor, oral testing, un-timed testing, extended time to complete assignments, shortened tests, alternative evaluation strategies (draw a diagram, develop a model, perform the answer), etc. The use of these and other accommodations is allowed under all three graduation programs. M203 STUDENT LEAVER DATA - STUDENTBusiness rules: Revision Coding of Students Who Meet the Graduation Requirements under TAC 89.1070(c) and 89.1070(d) (For Students with Curriculum Modifications According to an IEP) Chart 3Coding of students graduating under TAC 89.1070 with curriculum modifications according to an IEP) Chart 3M203 STUDENT LEAVER DATA - STUDENTBusiness rules: Revisions This chart applies only to students receiving special education services graduating under TAC 89.1070(b)(3)(A-C) or TAC 89.1070(b)(4) for whom the required curriculum content was modified or substituted and documented in the students IEP. If content was not modified or substituted, refer to charts 1 or 2. (Instructional accommodations determined by a Section 504 committee or Admission Review and Dismissal (ARD) committee that do not result in curriculum content modifications, are permitted in each scenario above.) Chart 3 applies only to students entering ninth grade in 2007-2008, 2008-2009, or 2010-2011, receiving special education services, and graduating under TAC 89.1070(c)(2)(A)-(C) or TAC 89.1070(d) or entering ninth grade in 2011-2012 and thereafter and graduating under TAC 89.1070(b)(3)(A)-(C) or TAC 89.1070(b)(4) for whom the required curriculum content was modified or substituted as required by the students IEP. If content was not modified or substituted, refer to Charts 1 or 2.M203 STUDENT LEAVER DATA - STUDENTBusiness rules: Revisions The minimum graduation high school program is the only graduation option for a student graduating under TAC 89.1070(b)(3)(A-C) or TAC 89.1070(b)(4). Students receiving special education services, who meet the requirements under TAC 89.1070(b)(3)(A-C) or TAC 89.1070(b)(4) may graduate and be awarded a standard high school diploma. The Minimum High School Program is the only graduation option for a student for whom the required curriculum content was modified or substituted as required by the students IEP (Such a student is graduating under TAC 89.1070(b)(3)(A)-(C) or TAC 89.1070(b)(4).) M203 STUDENT LEAVER DATA - STUDENTBusiness rules: Revision Instructional accommodations for students with disabilities that do not result in curricular content modifications do not impact graduation requirements. Examples of accommodations that do not impact the graduation plan include one-on-one instruction, small group instruction, multi-sensory approaches, extended time on projects, study guides, highlighted texts, programmed materials, preferential seating, immediate feedback, Braille, books on tape, screen readers, interpreter, word processor, oral testing, un-timed testing, extended time to complete assignments, shortened tests, alternative evaluation strategies ( draw a diagram, develop a model, perform the answer), etc. Instructional accommodations for students with disabilities that do not result in curricular content modifications do not impact graduation requirements. Examples of accommodations that do not impact the graduation plan include one-on-one instruction, small group instruction, multi-sensory approaches, extended time on projects, study guides, highlighted texts, programmed materials, preferential seating, immediate feedback, Braille, books on tape, screen readers, the use of an interpreter or word processor, oral testing, un-timed testing, extended time to complete assignments, shortened tests, alternative evaluation strategies ( draw a diagram, develop a model, perform the answer), etc. The use of these and other accommodations is allowed under all three graduation programs.M203 STUDENT LEAVER DATA - STUDENTBusiness rules: revision  Graduation Type Code Charts 1, 2 & 3 have been updated.M203 STUDENT LEAVER DATA - STUDENTBusiness rules: Additions Please note: Any student, including students receiving special education services, who meets any of the requirements above and is coded with any of the graduation codes in Chart 1, Chart 2, or Chart 3 is a Texas public school graduate and must be awarded a standard high school diploma. M203 STUDENT LEAVER DATA - STUDENTBusiness rules: Additions Students receiving special education services for whom the curriculum content was not modified, and who meet the minimal requirements of the recommended, or distinguished program, may have that achievement recognized on the Academic Achievement Record, even if they were previously exempted from the exit level assessment instrument under TEC 39.027(a)(2)(B). Instructional accommodations that do not alter curriculum content are allowed under these plans. Students receiving special education services for whom the curriculum content was not modified and who meet all of the requirements of the recommended or distinguished program, including satisfactory performance on the standard exit-level assessments, may have that achievement recognized on the Academic Achievement Record, even if the student originally participated in a modified assessment (or was previously exempted from satisfactory performance on ) the standard exit-level assessment requirement in place at the time of the students enrollment in grade 9. In the event that a student completes all of the requirements of the recommended or distinguished program, including satisfactory performance on the standard exit-level assessments, that student should be coded with one of the codes in Chart 1. Instructional accommodations that do not alter curriculum content are allowed under these plans. M203 STUDENT LEAVER DATA - STUDENTBusiness rules: Additions Instructional accommodations for students with disabilities that do not result in curricular content modifications do not impact graduation requirements. Examples of accommodations that do not impact the graduation plan include one-on-one instruction, small group instruction, multi-sensory approaches, extended time on projects, study guides, highlighted texts, programmed materials, preferential seating, immediate feedback, Braille, books on tape, screen readers, interpreter, word processor, oral testing, un-timed testing, extended time to complete assignments, shortened tests, alternative evaluation strategies (draw a diagram, develop a model, perform the answer), etc. Instructional accommodations for students with disabilities that do not result in curricular content modifications do not impact graduation requirements. Examples of accommodations that do not impact the graduation plan include one-on-one instruction, small group instruction, multi-sensory approaches, extended time on projects, study guides, highlighted texts, programmed materials, preferential seating, immediate feedback, Braille, books on tape, screen readers, the use of an interpreter or word processor, oral testing, un-timed testing, extended time to complete assignments, shortened tests, alternative evaluation strategies (draw a diagram, develop a model, perform the answer), etcM305 STAFF DATA 91ȱCHER CLASS ASSISGNMENTReporting Requirements: RevisionAt least one 305 Teacher Class Assignment record must be submitted in submission 3 for each reportable unique class (course section) that was offered during the school year. Report all courses offered through a campus regardless of the method of instructional delivery. If a student is being instructed in a particular service on or through a campus by a teacher employed or contracted for by the LEA, then the information for that SERVICE-ID should be reported on a 305 Teacher Class Assignment record. Each LEA must begin tracking the course sections for reporting purposes as of the PEIMS fall snapshot date and for any course sections that were completed prior to the PEIMS fall snapshot date. At least one 305 Teacher Class Assignment record must be submitted in submission 3 for each reportable unique class (course section) that was offered during the school year. If a student is being instructed in a particular service on or through a campus by a teacher employed or contracted for by the LEA, then the information for that SERVICE-ID should be reported on a 305 Teacher Class Assignment record. Each LEA must begin tracking the course sections for reporting purposes as of the PEIMS fall snapshot date and for any course sections that were completed prior to the PEIMS fall snapshot date. M305 STAFF DATA 91ȱCHER CLASS ASSISGNMENTSpecial Reporting Requirements: RevisionIf a LEA has contracted out all or part of a campus operation to a third party vendor, the LEA is still required to report the teachers (Role ID 087 and 047) individual class assignments through the 305 Teacher Class Assignment record. Even though the teachers are contracted through a third party vendor, the teachers are teaching at a campus in the LEA and must be reported so that the information can be included in the 91ȱ Data Portal as required by law. It would not be appropriate to code a contracted teacher who is teaching at a campus in the LEA with a Non-Campus Based Instruction Code. PA400 ATTENDANCE DATA STUDENTBusiness Rules: RevisionStudents who are enrolled in the Texas School for the Deaf (TSD), Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (TSBVI), and Texas Juvenile Justice Department (TJJD) (formerly TYC) must report the attendance their students using TOTAL-INELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT for the period of time that they are in attendance at either school. This rule is enforced by a fatal edit. Students who are enrolled in the Texas School for the Deaf (TSD) and Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (TSBVI) are to be reported with a 400 Student Basic Attendance record using TOTAL-INELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT for the period of time that they are in attendance at the school. Students who are enrolled in the Texas Juvenile Justice Department (TJJD) (formerly TYC) are only eligible for ADA on the 400 Student Basic Attendance record and are not eligible for any other program that might be collected on the 400 Student Basic Attendance record. PA400 ATTENDANCE DATA STUDENTSpecial Reporting Requirements: RevisionStudents who are enrolled in the Texas School for the Deaf (TSD),Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (TSBVI), and Texas Juvenile Justice Department (TJJD) (formerly TYC) are to be reported with a 400 Student Basic Attendance record using TOTAL-INELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT for the period of time that they are in attendance at the school. Students who are enrolled in the Texas School for the Deaf (TSD) and Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (TSBVI) are to be reported with a 400 Student Basic Attendance record using TOTAL-INELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT for the period of time that they are in attendance at the school. Students who are enrolled in the Texas Juvenile Justice Department (TJJD) (formerly TYC) are only eligible for ADA on the 400 Student Basic Attendance record and are not eligible for any other program that might be collected on the 400 Student Basic Attendance record. M405 SPECIAL EDUCATON ATTENDANCE DATA STUDENTBusiness Rules: AdditionNoneAdd DISTRICT-OF-RDSPD-SERVICE to columns 74-79.M405 SPECIAL EDUCATON ATTENDANCE DATA STUDENTBusiness Rules: AdditionNoneDISTRICT-OF-RDSPD-SERVICE (E1527) indicates the district identification number of the RDSPD Fiscal Agent that is providing RDSPD services. This district is registered with the Texas Education Agency.A415 COURSE COMPLETION DATA - STUDENTBusiness Rules: DeletionHigh school students enrolled in English I for Speakers of Other Languages (03200600) and English II for Speakers of Other Languages (03200700) may not receive high school graduation credit unless they are LEP and are immigrants to the United States. None.M425 STUDENT DISCIPLINARY ACTIONBusiness Rules: AdditionNoneACTUAL-LENGTH-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT (E1008) Include only the actual number of instructional school days that the student was in attendance when calculating this number. Do not include days absent. M435 STUDENT RESTRAINT-STUDENTReporting Requirements: AdditionNoneA school district shall report electronically to the agency information relating to the use of restraint by a peace officer performing law enforcement duties on school property or during a school-sponsored or school-related activity. A report submitted under this rule must be consistent with the requirements as documented in the PEIMS Data Standards 435 Student Restraint data record. LEA police officers are licensed peace officers who are employed by a police department created by a particular LEA school board. School Resource Officers (SRO) are licensed peace officers who are employed by a state, county, or municipal law enforcement agency who provide a police presence at a school district or charter school, or at a school campus.      2013-2014 Data Standards Change Document - Section 2 Data Submission Requirements Version  Record #  Change 2012-2013 Unique ID Version2013-2014 Post Addendum Version  P: Preliminary Version M: March Version A: Addendum Version PA: Post Addendum Version 2. PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 10 :;[d= ? 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