ࡱ> psijklmno] Qbjbj{{ 1\1\G| | - - . . .$......P~.d0 ..^<~>(>>>?A|B@1333333$W .@B??@B@BW . .>>4lLILILI@BT .> .>6LI@B1LILIbUD>0%eDC8^0"JEJ J .#@B@BLI@B@B@B@B@BWWG@B@B@B@B@B@B@BJ@B@B@B@B@B@B@B@B@B| > ,: MData File LayoutsRevisionSchool Leaver 203 recordSchool Leaver and Graduation Program 203 recordAIntroductionRevisionData Submission Purpose The data that is reported to the Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) is used to analyze Texas public education data through data reports, evaluations, AEIS/Accountability ratings, and funding calculations. Data Submission Purpose The data that is reported to the Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) is used to analyze Texas public education data through state and federal reporting, evaluations and monitoring, Texas Academic Performance Report/Accountability ratings, and funding calculations. MIntroductionRevisionPEIMS Records Submission Schedule The following chart illustrates the applicability of each PEIMS record to each Submission. PEIMS Records Submission Schedule The following chart illustrates the applicability of each PEIMS record to each Submission. Add the PEIMS 203 Student - School Leaver and Graduation Program record to the Summer collection for the collection of the Foundation High School Program data. See attachment at the end of this document.A010 ORGANIZATION DATA DISTRICTDescription RevisionDescription The 010 Organization Data record identifies the education service center (ESC), school district (LEA), or charter school (LEA) that is reporting PEIMS data for a particular PEIMS collection.Description The 010 Organization Data record identifies the education service center (ESC), school district (LEA), or charter school (LEA) that is reporting PEIMS data for a particular PEIMS collection. In addition, the 010 record collects the Student and Community Engagement indicators (E1531 E1540) and the local school board information requests.P010 ORGANIZATION DATA DISTRICT13-14 Post Addendum Addition: New Business Rule010 Organization Data -District Record Layout None.010 Organization Data -District Record Layout FINE-ARTS-CATEGORY-CODE (E1531) indicates the performance rating locally assigned to the LEA or campus in community and student engagement for fine arts. TEC 39.0545(b)(1)(A) A LEA must use criteria developed by a local committee to evaluate the performance in fine arts.P010 ORGANIZATION DATA DISTRICT13-14 Post Addendum Addition: New Data Element010 Organization Data -District Record Layout None.010 Organization Data -District Record Layout Add Fine Arts Category Code E1531 to columns 44-45 of the 010 Organization Data District record.P010 ORGANIZATION DATA DISTRICT13-14 Post Addendum Addition: New Business RuleBusiness Rules None.Business Rules WELLNESS-AND-PHYSICAL-ED-CATEGORY-CODE (E1532) indicates the performance rating locally assigned to the LEA or campus in community and student engagement for wellness and physical education. TEC 39.0545(b)(1)(B) A LEA must use criteria developed by a local committee to evaluate the performance in wellness and physical education.P010 ORGANIZATION DATA DISTRICT13-14 Post Addendum Addition: New Data Element010 Organization Data -District Record Layout None.010 Organization Data -District Record Layout Add Wellness and Physical Ed Category code E1532 to columns 46-47 of the 010 Organization Data District record.P010 ORGANIZATION DATA DISTRICT13-14 Post Addendum Addition: New Business RuleBusiness Rules None.Business Rules COMMUNITY-AND-PARENTAL-INVOLVEMENT-CATEGORY-CODE (E1533) indicates the performance rating locally assigned to the LEA or campus in community and student engagement for community and parental involvement. TEC 39.0545(b)(1)(C) A LEA must use criteria developed by a local committee to evaluate the performance in community and parental involvement.P010 ORGANIZATION DATA DISTRICT13-14 Post Addendum Addition: New Data Element010 Organization Data -District Record Layout None.010 Organization Data -District Record Layout Add Community and Parental Involvement Category code E1533 to columns 48-49 of the 010 Organization Data District record.P010 ORGANIZATION DATA DISTRICT13-14 Post Addendum Addition: New Business RuleBusiness Rules None.Business Rules 21ST-CENTURY-WORKFORCE-DEVEL-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE (E1534) indicates the performance rating locally assigned to the LEA or campus in community and student engagement for 21st Century Workforce Development program. TEC 39.0545(b)(1)(D) A LEA must use criteria developed by a local committee to evaluate the performance of the 21st Century Workforce Development program.P010 ORGANIZATION DATA DISTRICT13-14 Post Addendum Addition: New Data Element010 Organization Data -District Record Layout None.010 Organization Data -District Record Layout Add 21st Century Workforce Devel Pgm Category Code E1533 to columns 50-51 of the 010 Organization Data District record.P010 ORGANIZATION DATA DISTRICT13-14 Post Addendum Addition: New Business RuleBusiness Rules None.Business Rules SECOND-LANG-ACQUISITION-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE (E1535) indicates the performance rating locally assigned to the LEA or campus in community and student engagement for second language acquisition program. TEC 39.0545(b)(1)(E) A LEA must use criteria developed by a local committee to evaluate the performance of the second language acquisition program.P010 ORGANIZATION DATA DISTRICT13-14 Post Addendum Addition: New Data Element010 Organization Data -District Record Layout None.010 Organization Data -District Record Layout Add Second Lang Acquisition PGM Category Code E1535 to columns 52-53 of the 010 Organization Data District record.P010 ORGANIZATION DATA DISTRICT13-14 Post Addendum Addition: New Business RuleBusiness Rules None.Business Rules DIGITAL-LEARNING-ENVIRONMENT-CATEGORY-CODE (E1536) indicates the performance rating locally assigned to the LEA or campus in community and student engagement for digital learning environment. TEC 39.0545(b)(1)(F) A LEA must use criteria developed by a local committee to evaluate the performance of the digital learning environment.P010 ORGANIZATION DATA DISTRICT13-14 Post Addendum Addition: New Data Element010 Organization Data -District Record Layout None.010 Organization Data -District Record Layout Add Digital Learning Environment Category Code to columns 54-55 of the 010 Organization Data District record.P010 ORGANIZATION DATA DISTRICT13-14 Post Addendum Addition: New Business RuleBusiness Rules None.Business Rules DROPOUT-PREVENTION-STRATEGIES-CATEGORY-CODE (E1537) indicates the performance rating locally assigned to the LEA or campus in community and student engagement for dropout prevention strategies. TEC 39.0545(b)(1)(G) A LEA must use criteria developed by a local committee to evaluate the performance of the dropout prevention strategies.P010 ORGANIZATION DATA DISTRICT13-14 Post Addendum Addition: New Data Element010 Organization Data -District Record Layout None.010 Organization Data -District Record Layout Add Dropout Prevention Strategies Category code E1537 to columns 56-57 of the 010 Organization Data District record.P010 ORGANIZATION DATA DISTRICT13-14 Post Addendum Addition: New Business RuleBusiness Rules None.Business Rules EDUCATIONAL-PGM-FOR-GT-STUDENTS-CATEGORY-CODE (E1538) indicates the performance rating locally assigned to the LEA or campus in community and student engagement for educational program for gifted and talented students. TEC 39.0545(b)(1)(H) A LEA must use criteria developed by a local committee to evaluate the performance of the educational programs for gifted and talented students.P010 ORGANIZATION DATA DISTRICT13-14 Post Addendum Addition: New Data Element010 Organization Data -District Record Layout None.010 Organization Data -District Record Layout Add Educational PGM for GT Students Category Code to columns 58-59 of the 010 Organization Data District record.P010 ORGANIZATION DATA DISTRICT13-14 Post Addendum Addition: New Business RuleBusiness Rules None.Business Rules OVERALL-RATING-CATEGORY-CODE (E1539) indicates the performance rating locally assigned to the LEA or campus in community and student engagement for overall performance rating. TEC 39.0545(a) A LEA must use criteria developed by a local committee to evaluate overall district performance.P010 ORGANIZATION DATA DISTRICT13-14 Post Addendum Addition: New Data Element010 Organization Data -District Record Layout None.010 Organization Data -District Record Layout Add Overall Rating Category Code E1539 to columns 60-61 of the 010 Organization Data District record.P010 ORGANIZATION DATA DISTRICT13-14 Post Addendum Addition: New Business RuleBusiness Rules None.Business Rules STATUTORY-REPORTING-AND-POLICY-COMPLIANCE-CODE (E1540) indicates whether the LEA or campus has met compliance with statutory reporting and policy requirements by using criteria established by a local committee. TEC 39.0545(b)(2) A LEA must use criteria developed by a local committee to evaluate compliance with statutory reporting and policy requirements for the LEA.P, A010 ORGANIZATION DATA DISTRICT13-14 Post Addendum Addition: New Data Element010 Organization Data -District Record Layout None.010 Organization Data -District Record Layout Add Statutory Reporting and Policy Compliance Code E1540 to column 62 of the 010 Organization Data District record. Change the applicable code table for data element E1540 from C088 to C200. A010 ORGANIZATION DATA DISTRICTRecord Layout Revision to Code table010 Organization Data -District Record Layout E1540 STATUTORY-REPORTING-AND-POLICY-COMPLIANCE-CODE uses code table C088010 Organization Data -District Record Layout E1540 STATUTORY-REPORTING-AND-POLICY-COMPLIANCE-CODE uses code table C200A010 ORGANIZATION DATA DISTRICTNew Business RuleBusiness Rules None.Business Rules TOTAL-NUM-SCHOOL-BOARD-REQUESTS (E1556) indicates the total number of requests submitted outside of a school board meeting by a member of the districts board of trustees (school board) for information, documents, and records as specified in TEC SECTION 11.1512. The total number will be reported in Submission 3 only and must be blank in submissions 1, 2, and 4. The data collection period is from June 1 through May 31 of each year. This data is not reported by Open Enrollment Charter Schools.A010 ORGANIZATION DATA DISTRICTNew Data Element010 Organization Data -District Record Layout None.010 Organization Data -District Record Layout Add TOTAL-NUM-SCHOOL-BOARD-REQUESTS E1556 to columns 62-65 of the 010 Organization Data District record.A010 ORGANIZATION DATA DISTRICTNew Business RuleBusiness Rules None.Business Rules TOTAL-COST-SCHOOL-BOARD-REQESTS (E1557) indicates the cost of fulfilling the total number of requests submitted outside of a school board meeting by a member of the districts board of trustees (school board) for information, documents, and records as specified in TEC SECTION 11.1512. The total cost will be reported in Submission 3 only and must be blank in submissions 1, 2, and 4. The data collection period is from June 1 through May 31 of each year. This data is not reported by Open Enrollment Charter Schools.A010 ORGANIZATION DATA DISTRICTNew Data Element010 Organization Data -District Record Layout None.010 Organization Data -District Record Layout Add TOTAL-COST-SCHOOL-BOARD-REQUESTS E1557 to columns 66-71 of the 010 Organization Data District record.A010 ORGANIZATION DATA DISTRICT13-14 Post Addendum Addition: Reporting RequirementsReporting Requirements Each LEA and ESC PEIMS data file must contain one and only one 010 District record for each applicable submission. A LEA or ESC cannot report the county district number of another LEA or ESC on the 010 District record within their own PEIMS data file. Reporting Requirements Each LEA and ESC PEIMS data file must contain one and only one 010 District record for each applicable submission. A LEA or ESC cannot report the county district number of another LEA or ESC on the 010 District record within their own PEIMS data file. Submission 3: With the exception of the Texas Juvenile Justice Department (TJJD) (227622), all districts must assign and report performance ratings for the community and student engagement indicators (E1531 E1540).. A010 ORGANIZATION DATA DISTRICTRevised ExampleExample #2 Example #2 Added reporting for School Board information requests.P020 ORGANIZATION DATA CAMPUSRevised DescriptionDescription The 020 Organization Data record identifies the schools that are operated by a LEA (school district or charter school). This includes the campus charters that are approved by the Texas Education Agency for certain school districts. Description The 020 Organization Data record identifies the schools that are operated by a LEA (school district or charter school). This includes the campus charters that are approved by the Texas Education Agency for certain school districts. In addition, the 020 record collects the Student and Community Engagement indicators (E1531 E1540). P020 ORGANIZATION DATA CAMPUS13-14 Post Addendum Addition: New Data Element020 Organization Data -Campus Record Layout None.020 Organization Data -Campus Record Layout Add Fine Arts Category Code E1531 to columns 47-48 of the 020 Organization Data Campus record.P020 ORGANIZATION DATA CAMPUS13-14 Post Addendum Addition: New Business RuleBusiness Rules None.Business Rules FINE-ARTS-CATEGORY-CODE (E1531) indicates the performance rating locally assigned to the LEA or campus in community and student engagement for fine arts. TEC 39.0545(b)(1)(A) A LEA must use criteria developed by a local committee to evaluate the performance in fine arts.P020 ORGANIZATION DATA CAMPUS13-14 Post Addendum Addition: New Data Element020 Organization Data -Campus Record Layout None.020 Organization Data -Campus Record Layout Add Wellness and Physical Ed Category Code E1532 to columns 49-50 of the 020 Organization Data Campus record.P020 ORGANIZATION DATA CAMPUS13-14 Post Addendum Addition: New Business RuleBusiness Rules None.Business Rules WELLNESS-AND-PHYSICAL-ED-CATEGORY-CODE (E1532) indicates the performance rating locally assigned to the LEA or campus in community and student engagement for wellness and physical education. TEC 39.0545(b)(1)(B) A LEA must use criteria developed by a local committee to evaluate the performance in wellness and physical education.P020 ORGANIZATION DATA CAMPUS13-14 Post Addendum Addition: New Data Element020 Organization Data -Campus Record Layout None.020 Organization Data -Campus Record Layout Add Community and Parental Involvement Category Code E1533 to columns 51-52 of the 020 Organization Data Campus record.P020 ORGANIZATION DATA CAMPUS13-14 Post Addendum Addition: New Business RuleBusiness Rules None.Business Rules COMMUNITY-AND-PARENTAL-INVOLVEMENT-CATEGORY-CODE (E1533) indicates the performance rating locally assigned to the LEA or campus in community and student engagement for community and parental involvement. TEC 39.0545(b)(1)(C) A LEA must use criteria developed by a local committee to evaluate the performance in community and parental involvement.P020 ORGANIZATION DATA CAMPUS13-14 Post Addendum Addition: New Data Element020 Organization Data -Campus Record Layout None.020 Organization Data -Campus Record Layout Add 21st Century Workforce Devel PGM Category Code E1534 to columns 53-54 of the 020 Organization Data Campus record.P020 ORGANIZATION DATA CAMPUS13-14 Post Addendum Addition: New Business RuleBusiness Rules None.Business Rules 21ST-CENTURY-WORKFORCE-DEVEL-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE (E1534) indicates the performance rating locally assigned to the LEA or campus in community and student engagement for 21st Century Workforce Development program. TEC 39.0545(b)(1)(D) A LEA must use criteria developed by a local committee to evaluate the performance of the 21st Century Workforce Development program.P020 ORGANIZATION DATA CAMPUS13-14 Post Addendum Addition: New Data Element020 Organization Data -Campus Record Layout None.020 Organization Data -Campus Record Layout Add Second Lang Acquisition PGM Category Code E1535 to columns 55-56 of the 020 Organization Data Campus record.P020 ORGANIZATION DATA CAMPUS13-14 Post Addendum Addition: New Business RuleBusiness Rules None.Business Rules SECOND-LANG-ACQUISITION-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE (E1535) indicates the performance rating locally assigned to the LEA or campus in community and student engagement for second language acquisition program. TEC 39.0545(b)(1)(E) A LEA must use criteria developed by a local committee to evaluate the performance of the second language acquisition program.P020 ORGANIZATION DATA CAMPUS13-14 Post Addendum Addition: New Data Element020 Organization Data -Campus Record Layout None.020 Organization Data -Campus Record Layout Add Digital Learning Environment Category Code E1536 to columns 57-58 of the 020 Organization Data Campus record.P020 ORGANIZATION DATA CAMPUS13-14 Post Addendum Addition: New Business RuleBusiness Rules None.Business Rules DIGITAL-LEARNING-ENVIRONMENT-CATEGORY-CODE (E1536) indicates the performance rating locally assigned to the LEA or campus in community and student engagement for digital learning environment. TEC 39.0545(b)(1)(F) A LEA must use criteria developed by a local committee to evaluate the performance of the digital learning environment.P020 ORGANIZATION DATA CAMPUS13-14 Post Addendum Addition: New Data Element020 Organization Data -Campus Record Layout None.020 Organization Data -Campus Record Layout Add Dropout Prevention Strategies Category Code E1537 to columns 59-60 of the 020 Organization Data Campus record.P020 ORGANIZATION DATA CAMPUS13-14 Post Addendum Addition: New Business RuleBusiness Rules None.Business Rules DROPOUT-PREVENTION-STRATEGIES-CATEGORY-CODE (E1537) indicates the performance rating locally assigned to the LEA or campus in community and student engagement for dropout prevention strategies. TEC 39.0545(b)(1)(G) A LEA must use criteria developed by a local committee to evaluate the performance of the dropout prevention strategies.P020 ORGANIZATION DATA CAMPUS13-14 Post Addendum Addition: New Data Element020 Organization Data -Campus Record Layout None.020 Organization Data -Campus Record Layout Add Educational PGM for GT Students Category Code E1538 to columns 61-62 of the 020 Organization Data Campus record.P020 ORGANIZATION DATA CAMPUS13-14 Post Addendum Addition: New Business RuleBusiness Rules None.Business Rules EDUCATIONAL-PGM-FOR-GT-STUDENTS-CATEGORY-CODE (E1538) indicates the performance rating locally assigned to the LEA or campus in community and student engagement for educational program for gifted and talented students. TEC 39.0545(b)(1)(H) A LEA must use criteria developed by a local committee to evaluate the performance of the educational programs for gifted and talented students.P020 ORGANIZATION DATA CAMPUS13-14 Post Addendum Addition: New Data Element020 Organization Data -Campus Record Layout None.020 Organization Data -Campus Record Layout Add Overall Rating Category Code E1539 to columns 63-64 of the 020 Organization Data Campus record.P020 ORGANIZATION DATA CAMPUS13-14 Post Addendum Addition: New Business RuleBusiness Rules None.Business Rules OVERALL-RATING-CATEGORY-CODE (E1539) indicates the performance rating locally assigned to the LEA or campus in community and student engagement for overall performance rating. TEC 39.0545(a) A LEA must use criteria developed by a local committee to evaluate overall campus performance.P, A020 ORGANIZATION DATA CAMPUS13-14 Post Addendum Addition: New Data Element020 Organization Data -Campus Record Layout None.020 Organization Data -Campus Record Layout Add Statutory Reporting and Policy Compliance Code E1540 to column 65 of the 020 Organization Data Campus record. Change the applicable code table for data element E1540 from C088 to C200. P020 ORGANIZATION DATA CAMPUS13-14 Post Addendum Addition: New Business RuleBusiness Rules None.Business Rules STATUTORY-REPORTING-AND-POLICY-COMPLIANCE-CODE (E1540) indicates whether the LEA or campus has met compliance with statutory reporting and policy requirements by using criteria established by a local committee. TEC 39.0545(b)(2) A LEA must use criteria developed by a local committee to evaluate compliance with statutory reporting and policy requirements for the LEA.A020 ORGANIZATION DATA - CAMPUSRecord Layout Revision to Code table020 Organization Data -Campus Record Layout E1540 STATUTORY-REPORTING-AND-POLICY-COMPLIANCE-CODE uses code table C088020 Organization Data -Campus Record Layout E1540 STATUTORY-REPORTING-AND-POLICY-COMPLIANCE-CODE uses code table C200A020 ORGANIZATION DATA - CAMPUSReporting Requirements: Revised Reporting RequirementNoneReporting Requirements With the exception of the Texas Juvenile Justice Department (TJJD) (227622), all districts must assign performance ratings for the community and student engagement indicators (E1531 E1540) to all active instructional campuses in the LEA, except for Disciplinary Alternative Education Program (DAEP) campuses, Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (JJAEP) campuses, and certain Alternative Education Program (AEP) campuses that serve only students in TJJD facilities.A020 ORGANIZATION DATA Example RevisedExample 1Example 1 Revised to explain Fall, Mid Year, and Extended Year submissions.A020 ORGANIZATION DATA Example RevisedExample 2Example 2 Revised to explain Summer submission.P030 DISTRICT FINANCE DATA-BUDGETRevision: Business RulesOption to Change the Start Date of the Fiscal Year In order to change the fiscal year start date to July 1, 2014, districts must file with 91ȱ no later than June 30, 2013, a Notification of Intent to Change the Fiscal Year Start Date to July 1, 2014. This form (FIN-003) is available on the 91ȱ website at  HYPERLINK "http://www.tea.state.tx.us/school.finance/audit/FIN_003.pdf" http://www.tea.state.tx.us/school.finance/audit/FIN_003.pdf.Option to Change the Start Date of the Fiscal Year In order to change the fiscal year start date to July 1, 2015, districts must file with 91ȱ no later than June 30, 2014, a Notification of Intent to Change the Fiscal Year Start Date to July 1, 2015. This form (FIN-003) is available on the 91ȱ website at  HYPERLINK "http://www.tea.state.tx.us/school.finance/audit/FIN_003.pdf" http://www.tea.state.tx.us/school.finance/audit/FIN_003.pdf.M030 DISTICT FINANCE DATA-BUDGETRevision: Business RulesORGANIZATION-CODE (E0319) Table of Resource Guide Organization/Campus IDs.ORGANIZATION-CODE (E0319) Table of Resource Guide Organization/Campus IDs. Removed specific edit references.P032 DISTRICT FINANCE DATA-ACTUALRevision: Business RulesOption to Change the Start Date of the Fiscal Year In order to change the fiscal year start date to July 1, 2014, districts must file with 91ȱ no later than June 30, 2013, a Notification of Intent to Change the Fiscal Year Start Date to July 1, 2014. This form (FIN-003) is available on the 91ȱ website at  HYPERLINK "http://www.tea.state.tx.us/school.finance/audit/FIN_003.pdf" http://www.tea.state.tx.us/school.finance/audit/FIN_003.pdf.Option to Change the Start Date of the Fiscal Year In order to change the fiscal year start date to July 1, 2015, districts must file with 91ȱ no later than June 30, 2014, a Notification of Intent to Change the Fiscal Year Start Date to July 1, 2015. This form (FIN-003) is available on the 91ȱ website at  HYPERLINK "http://www.tea.state.tx.us/school.finance/audit/FIN_003.pdf" http://www.tea.state.tx.us/school.finance/audit/FIN_003.pdf.M032 DISTRICT FINANCE DATA-ACTUALRevision: Business RulesORGANIZATION-CODE (E0319) Table of Resource Guide organization/campus IDs.ORGANIZATION-CODE (E0319) Table of Resource Guide organization/campus IDs. Removed specific edit references.A040 STAFF DATA - IDENTIFICATION/DEMOGRAPHICRevision: Reporting RequirementsReporting Requirements The 040 Staff Identification/Demographic record is submitted in both Submission 1 and Submission 3. However, only staff with ROLE-IDs 047 and 087 are to be submitted in Submission 3. Reporting Requirements A 040 Staff Data Identification/Demographic record must be reported for the following submissions: Submission 1 Staff as of the Fall snapshot date (the last Friday in October): Staff who are employed (on the payroll) or are volunteering on the Fall snapshot date. These staff are reported with 040, 043, 050, and 060 records. Contracted classroom teachers assigned to the classroom on the Fall snapshot date. These contracted classroom teachers are not considered employees of the LEA, so they are reported with 040, 043, and 050 records only. Staff who do not meet the conditions above are not reported in submission 1. For example: Staff who have left employment before the Fall snapshot date. Staff who have not begun employment as of the Fall snapshot date, even if they have begun employment by the time the data is submitted. Submission 3 Staff with ROLE-IDs 047 (Substitute Teacher) and 087 (Teacher). These staff are reported with 040, 043, and 050 records.A050 STAFF DATA - EMPLOYMENT - PAYROLL SUMMARYAddition: Reporting RequirementsReporting Requirements If a person does not work the same amount of days as shown on the contract, then the actual number of days the employee will work must be reported. This situation may occur when a person does not begin work at the start of the school year. Reporting Requirements NUMBER-OF-DAYS-EMPLOYED and PERCENT-DAY-EMPLOYED are reported as it was planned for the school year as of the Fall snapshot date. If a staff persons situation changes after the Fall snapshot date, report that person only as they were employed on the Fall snapshot date (i.e. if changing from full time to part time after the snapshot date, report them as full time). If a person does not work the same amount of days as shown on the contract, then the actual number of days the employee will work must be reported. This situation may occur when a person does not begin work at the start of the school year.M060 STAFF DATA-EMPLOYMENT PAYROLL ACCOUNTINGRevision: Business RulesORGANIZATION-CODE (E0319) Table of Resource Guide organization/campus IDs.ORGANIZATION-CODE (E0319) Table of Resource Guide organization/campus IDs. Removed specific edit references.P090 STAFF DATA- RESPONSIBILITESRevision: Role-ID VS Service-ID MatrixRole-ID VS Service-ID Matrix Role-ID Role Name 012 Instructional Officer Role-ID VS Service-ID Matrix Role-ID Role Name 012 District Instructional Program Director P101 STUDENT DATA DEMOGRAPHICRevision: Business RulesCAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE (E0903) This data element is reported only for those students who have been coded 01-03, 06-07, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, or 23 for the STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE. This includes legally transferred students, Public Education Grant (PEG) students, students enrolled in open enrollment charter schools, students served in a Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (JJAEP), students who live outside the boundaries of the state of Texas, and students that do not regularly reside in the district but are court ordered to a Texas Juvenile Justice Commission (TJPC) facility, a Texas Juvenile Justice Department (TJJD) (formerly TYC) facility, or a residential treatment center facility. CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE (E0903) This data element is reported only for those students who have been coded 01-03, 06-07, 21, or 23 for the STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE. This includes legally transferred students, Public Education Grant (PEG) students, students enrolled in open enrollment charter schools, students served in a Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (JJAEP), students who live outside the boundaries of the state of Texas, and students that do not regularly reside in the district but are court ordered to a Texas Juvenile Justice Commission (TJPC) facility, a Texas Juvenile Justice Department (TJJD) (formerly TYC) facility, or a residential treatment center facility. M101 STUDENT DATA DEMOGRAPHICRevision: Business Rules AS-OF-STATUS-CODEAS-OF-STATUS-CODE (E1002) indicates the student's current status in the district on the Submission 1 and 3 as-of dates. AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is required in Submissions 1 and 3. For submission 4, the AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is Blank. AS-OF-STATUS-CODEs A through G are used in Submission 1 and only in Submission 1 and indicate student enrollment status within the school-start window and on the PEIMS fall as-of-date in the current year. AS-OF-STATUS-CODE X is used in both Submissions 1 and 3 for students in grades EE-06. AS-OF-STATUS-CODEs H and I are used in Submission 3 and only in Submission 3 and indicate student enrollment status in the district on the final day of the school year. Submission 1 AS-OF-STATUS-CODEs: For prior year grade EE-06 students, AS-OF-STATUS-CODE should be X, regardless of current year grade. For prior year grade 7-12 students, AS-OF-STATUS-CODE should be A through G. Examples of submission 1 AS-OF-STATUS-CODE use: Example Prior year grade level Current year grade level Allowable AS-OF-STATUS-CODES 1 05 06 X 2 06 06 X 3 06 07 X 4 07 07 A-G 5 07 08 A-G AS-OF-STATUS-CODE (E1002) indicates the student's current status in the district on the Submission 1 and 3 as-of dates. For Submission 1, AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is required indicates a students school-start window and Snapshot date enrollment status for the current year. For Submission 3, AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is required indicates a students enrollment status in the district on the final day of the school year For Submission 4, the AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is not reported. AS-OF-STATUS-CODEs A through G are used in Submission 1 and only in Submission 1 and indicate student enrollment status within the school-start window and on the PEIMS fall as-of-date in the current year. AS-OF-STATUS-CODEs A, D, and E indicate that the student was enrolled last year but not in the school-start window this year. AS-OF-STATUS-CODEs B, D, and F are used by 91ȱ to determine the fall as-of date enrollment for each district. Students coded with Bs may or may not have been enrolled in the district during the prior year. AS-OF-STATUS-CODE C is used to notify 91ȱ that a student has been in the district in the school-start window during the current year, but not on the fall as-of date. Students coded with Cs may or may not have been enrolled in the district during the prior year. Districts are required to report students who were not prior year students and were not enrolled on the current year fall as-of date. Students coded with Cs are not counted as enrolled students when 91ȱ publishes enrollment counts by district. AS-OF-STATUS-CODE X is used in both Submissions 1 and 3 for students in grades EE-06. AS-OF-STATUS-CODEs H and I are used in Submission 3 and only in Submission 3 and indicate student enrollment status in the district on the final day of the school year. Submission 1 AS-OF-STATUS-CODEs: For prior year grade EE-06 students, AS-OF-STATUS-CODE should be X. For prior year grade 7-12 students, AS-OF-STATUS-CODE should be A through G. Examples of submission 1 AS-OF-STATUS-CODE use: Example Prior year grade level Current year grade level Allowable AS-OF-STATUS-CODES 1 05 06 X 2 06 06 X 3 06 07 X 4 07 07 A-G 5 07 08 A-G 6 06 08 (double promotion) A-G Note: Example 6 is the rare circumstance that a student in grade 6 is promoted to grade 8 by the as-of date. This places the student into the leaver group, and the student should report an AS-OF-STATUS-CODE other than X. M101 STUDENT DATA DEMOGRAPHICRevision: Business Rules AS-OF-STATUS-CODEAS-OF-STATUS-CODE MATRIX WITH CORRESPONDING EDITSAS-OF-STATUS-CODE MATRIX WITH CORRESPONDING EDITS Added 102 record to Required Records column. Added error levels to Edits column. Added edit 10147 to AS-OF-STATUS-CODE X row. Added edit 10148 to AS-OF-STATUS-CODE C, G row. Added edit 1012R to AS-OF-STATUS-CODE B, F, C, G rows. Removed edit 10150 from AS-OF-STATUS-CODE C, G row as this edit was deleted as a duplicate of 10148. See revised table at the end of this document.M101 STUDENT DATA DEMOGRAPHICRevision: Business Rules GRADE-LEVEL-CODEGRADE-LEVEL-CODE (E0017) indicates the current grade level of the student. Grade level of a school leaver refers to the last grade of enrollment. Students who complete a grade, but do not return to school within the school-start window the following year, will be reported with the grade level during the last year of enrollment. Grade level is reported on the 101 Student - Demographic record. GRADE-LEVEL-CODE (E0017) indicates the current grade level of the student. For Submission 1, the Grade Level Code of a student enrolled in the current school reflects the most current grade level of the student. For Submission 1, the Grade Level Code of a school leaver refers to the last grade of enrollment. Students who complete a grade, but do not return to school within the school-start window the following year, will be reported with the last grade level during the last year of enrollment. For Submission 3 and 4, Grade Level Code refers to the last grade level at the end of the school year or on the last day of enrollment of the school year.A102 STUDENT DATA DEMOGRAPHICRevision: Business RulesFOSTER-CARE-INDICATOR-CODE (E1528) indicates whether a student is in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) currently, or for certain students that were previously in the conservatorship of DFPS. None. The Foster Care Indicator Code is reported in fall, summer, and extended year submissions (submissions 1, 3, and 4). The data is needed in submission 4 to comply with TEC 25.007 concerning the Agencys legislative requirement to facilitate access to credit recovery, high school completion, and dual credit programs. Please refer to the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook Pre-kindergarten section 7.2.6 for additional information and documentation concerning pre-kindergarten foster care student eligibility. The following link HYPERLINK "http://www.tea.state.tx.us/FosterCareStudentSuccess"http://www.tea.state.tx.us/FosterCareStudentSuccess provides additional information related to the foster care provisions, resources, and opportunities for LEAs. Documentation required for a school to report a student as a Foster Care student is as follows: For Foster Care Indicator Code 0, no documentation is required because the student is not currently in the conservatorship of the Texas DFPS when enrolling in the school. For Foster Care Indicator Code 1, the enrolling caregiver must provide a copy of the Texas DFPS Placement Authorization Form (Form 2085) or a court order that designates the student is in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services. For Foster Care Indicator Code 2, the Pre-kindergarten student is enrolling in school for the purpose of participating as an eligible student in a Pre-kindergarten program and eligibility documentation must be provided. At least annually, the Texas DFPS and Child Protective Services will mail verification letters of PK eligibility to the parents and caregivers of eligible children who in turn must provide this verification documentation to the school at enrollment. Foster care status data should be handled with the utmost sensitivity and in accordance with all FERPA guidelines.FOSTER-CARE-INDICATOR-CODE (E1528) indicates whether a student is in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) currently, or for certain students that were previously in the conservatorship of DFPS. The general term foster care for education purposes includes all students in the managing conservatorship (legal custody) of the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS). This includes students placed by DFPS with a Kinship caregiver, when the child remains in the legal custody of Texas DFPS. The Texas Legislature only authorized 91ȱ permission to collect the foster care status of students in Texas DFPS Managing Conservatorship. Students in foster care from other states must not be reported as foster care for PEIMS reporting purposes. The Foster Care Indicator Code is reported in fall, summer, and extended year submissions (submissions 1, 3, and 4). The data is needed in submission 4 to comply with TEC 25.007 concerning the Agencys legislative requirement to facilitate access to credit recovery, high school completion, and dual credit programs. Please refer to the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook Pre-kindergarten section 7.2.6 for additional information and documentation concerning pre-kindergarten foster care student eligibility. The following link HYPERLINK "http://www.tea.state.tx.us/FosterCareStudentSuccess"http://www.tea.state.tx.us/FosterCareStudentSuccess provides additional information related to the foster care provisions, resources, and opportunities for LEAs. Documentation required for a school to report a student as a Foster Care student is as follows: For Foster Care Indicator Code 0, no documentation is required because the student is not currently in the conservatorship of the Texas DFPS when enrolling in the school. For Foster Care Indicator Code 1, schools may accept any official Texas Department of Family and Protective Services form, listed below, that designate that a student is in Texas DFPS Managing Conservatorship. A school may also accept a copy of the court order for this purpose. Acceptable Documentation: All forms in the 2085 series: Foster Care/Residential Care - 2085 FC Kinship or Other Non-Foster Caregiver - 2085 KO Verified Kinship Foster Caregiver - 2085 KF Legal Risk - 2085 LR Home and Community-based Services (HCS) - 2085 HCS Supervised Independent Living - 2085 SIL Designation of Education Decision-Maker - 2085 E Designation of Medical Consenter - 2085 B DFPS Kinship Caregiver Agreement - 0695 Court-Order naming Texas DFPS as the Temporary Managing Conservator (TMC) or Permanent Managing Conservator (PMC). For Foster Care Indicator Code 2, the Pre-kindergarten student is enrolling in school for the purpose of participating as an eligible student in a Pre-kindergarten program and eligibility documentation must be provided. At least annually, the Texas DFPS and Child Protective Services will mail verification letters of PK eligibility to the parents and caregivers of eligible children who in turn must provide this verification documentation to the school at enrollment. The foster care status of students is highly confidential. Foster care status and related information should be handled with the utmost sensitivity and in accordance with all FERPA guidelines. All foster care related documents should be stored under lock and key with other privacy protected records. Providing training for registrars, counselors, and school staff on confidentiality and sensitivity when enrolling students in foster care is highly recommended.M110 STUDENT DATA ENROLLMENTRevision: Business RulesSTUDENT-ID (E0001) is the student's Social Security number or a state-approved alternate identification number. When available, the student's Social Security number should be used. If this number is not available, follow the instructions in Section 2 for the assignment of an alternate identification number. The first character of STUDENT-ID must be "S" or "0"-"8". (Implemented by edits 10001 and 10504).STUDENT-ID (E0001) is the student's Social Security number or a state-approved alternate identification number. When available, the student's Social Security number should be used. If this number is not available, follow the instructions in Section 2 for the assignment of an alternate identification number. The first character of STUDENT-ID must be "S" or "0"-"8". (Implemented by edit 10001).P110 STUDENT DATA ENROLLMENTRevision: Business RulesAT-RISK-INDICATOR-CODE (E0919) indicates whether a student is currently identified as at-risk of dropping out of school using state-defined criteria only (TEC 29.081, Compensatory and Accelerated Instruction). A student at-risk of dropping out of school includes each student who is under 21 years of age and who: .AT-RISK-INDICATOR-CODE (E0919) indicates whether a student is currently identified as at-risk of dropping out of school using state-defined criteria only (TEC 29.081, Compensatory and Accelerated Instruction). A student at-risk of dropping out of school includes each student who is under 26 years of age and who: ..A163 STUDENT DATA - SPECIAL EDUCATIONRevision: Business RulesPRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE (E0041) indicates the type of primary disability recorded in the student's individualized education program (IEP) that meets criteria specified in 19 TAC 89.1040. ... For students eligible for special education services such as visually impaired, auditorially impaired, and/or deaf-blind, always include such disabilities as either the primary, secondary, or tertiary disability. When deaf-blind is the primary disability it generally is not necessary to document visually impaired and auditorially impaired as secondary and tertiary disabilities, unless the student is served by the Regional Day School for the Deaf. In that case, a student must be coded as auditorially impaired.PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE (E0041) indicates the type of primary disability recorded in the student's individualized education program (IEP) that meets criteria specified in 19 TAC 89.1040. ... For students eligible for special education services such as visually impaired, auditorially impaired, and/or deaf-blind, always include such disabilities as either the primary, secondary, or tertiary disability. When deaf-blind is the primary disability it is not necessary to document visually impaired and auditorially impaired as secondary and tertiary disabilities.M163 STUDENT DATA - SPECIAL EDUCATIONRevision: Business RulesCHILD-COUNT-FUNDING-TYPE-CODE (E0832) indicates under which federal program the student receiving special education and related services is counted. The following guidelines should be used in determining the CHILD-COUNT-FUNDING-TYPE-CODE for special education students. CHILD-COUNT-FUNDING-TYPE-CODE eligible students include special education students ages 3 through 21, who: meet the requirements of 19 TAC 89.1040 and 19 TAC 89.1050; are enrolled and receiving special education and related services through an IEP or individualized services plan as of the PEIMS snapshot date; have on file a current individualized education program or individualized services plan; and have on file a current full and individual evaluation. Report a CHILD-COUNT-FUNDING-TYPE-CODE of 0 for special education students who do not meet requirements as specified for CHILD-COUNT-FUNDING-TYPE-CODE 3. These students are less than 3 and greater than 21 years of age on the PEIMS fall snapshot date. Report a CHILD-COUNT-FUNDING-TYPE-CODE of 3 for special education students who meet requirements as specified for CHILD-COUNT-FUNDING-TYPE-CODE 3. These students are at least 3 and less than 22 years of age on the PEIMS fall snapshot date.CHILD-COUNT-FUNDING-TYPE-CODE (E0832) indicates under which federal program the student receiving special education and related services is counted. The following guidelines should be used in determining the CHILD-COUNT-FUNDING-TYPE-CODE for special education students. CHILD-COUNT-FUNDING-TYPE-CODE eligible students include special education students ages 3 through 21, who: meet the requirements of 19 TAC 89.1040 and 19 TAC 89.1050; are enrolled and receiving special education and related services through an IEP or individualized services plan as of the PEIMS snapshot date; have on file a current individualized education program or individualized services plan; and have on file a current full and individual evaluation. Report a CHILD-COUNT-FUNDING-TYPE-CODE of 0 for special education students who do not meet requirements as specified for CHILD-COUNT-FUNDING-TYPE-CODE 3. These students are less than 3 on the PEIMS fall snapshot date and greater than 21 years of age on September 1. Report a CHILD-COUNT-FUNDING-TYPE-CODE of 3 for special education students who meet requirements as specified for CHILD-COUNT-FUNDING-TYPE-CODE 3. These students are at least 3 on the PEIMS fall snapshot date and less than 22 years of age on September 1.A163 STUDENT DATA - SPECIAL EDUCATIONRevision: Business RulesREG-DAY-SCH-PROG-DEAF-CODE (E0833) indicates the student is receiving instructional services from the regional day school program for the deaf (RDSPD). ... Please note the following guidelines for the reporting of PEIMS data in the fall submission for RDSPD students: Only one LEA may report PEIMS data on RDSPD student. If there are sending and receiving LEAs involved, an agreement should be made between the LEAs regarding which LEA will report PEIMS data. It is recommended that this agreement be in writing. All students in the RDSPD must have a disabling condition of AI (03) (Auditory Impairment) as either their primary, secondary, or tertiary disability. This must reflect exactly what the ARD/IEP states. If a RDSPD student is deaf-blind, the disabling condition should be coded as AI (03) and D-B (05) in appropriate order of disabling condition. REG-DAY-SCH-PROG-DEAF-CODE (E0833) indicates the student is receiving instructional services from the regional day school program for the deaf (RDSPD). ... Please note the following guidelines for the reporting of PEIMS data in the fall submission for RDSPD students: Only one LEA may report PEIMS data on RDSPD student. If there are sending and receiving LEAs involved, an agreement should be made between the LEAs regarding which LEA will report PEIMS data. It is recommended that this agreement be in writing. All students in the RDSPD must have a disabling condition of AI (03) (Auditory Impairment) or DB (05) (Deaf-Blind) as either their primary, secondary, or tertiary disability. This must reflect exactly what the ARD/IEP states. If a RDSPD student is deaf-blind, the disabling condition should be coded as AI (03) and D-B (05) in appropriate order of disabling condition. A163 STUDENT DATA - SPECIAL EDUCATIONRevision: Reporting RequirementsReporting Requirements For students eligible for special education services such as visually impaired, auditorially impaired, and/or deaf-blind, always include such disabilities as either the primary, secondary, or tertiary disability. When deaf-blind is the primary disability it generally is not necessary to document visually impaired and auditorially impaired as secondary and tertiary disabilities, unless the student is served by the Regional Day School for the Deaf. In that case, a student must be coded as auditorially impaired. Reporting Requirements For students eligible for special education services such as visually impaired, auditorially impaired, and/or deaf-blind, always include such disabilities as either the primary, secondary, or tertiary disability. When deaf-blind is the primary disability it is not necessary to document visually impaired and auditorially impaired as secondary and tertiary disabilities. M, A203 SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAMAddition: New Data Element Addendum Revision: Changed from using C088 to using C199203 SCHOOL LEAVER Data-Student Record None203 STUDENT - SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAM Record Layout Add E1541 FHSP-PARTICIPANT-CODE to Column 42. Change the applicable code table for data element E1541 from C088 to C199. M, A203 SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAMAddition: New Data Element Addendum Revision: Changed from using C088 to using C199203 SCHOOL LEAVER Data-Student Record None203 STUDENT - SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAM Record Layout Add E1542 FHSP-DISTING-LEVEL-ACHIEVE-INDICATOR-CODE to Column 43. Change the applicable code table for data element E1544 from C088 to C199. M, A203 SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAMAddition: New Data Element Addendum Revision: Corrected data element from E0923 to E1544. Changed from using C088 to using C199.203 SCHOOL LEAVER Data-Student Record None203 STUDENT - SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAM Record Layout Add E1544 STEM-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE to Column 55. Change the applicable code table for data element E1544 from C088 to C199. M, A203 SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAMAddition: New Data Element Addendum Revision: Changed from using C088 to using C199203 SCHOOL LEAVER Data-Student Record None203 STUDENT - SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAM Record Layout Add E1545 BUSINESS-AND-INDUSTRY-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE to Column 56. Change the applicable code table for data element E1545 from C088 to C199. M, A203 SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAMAddition: New Data Element Addendum Revision: Changed from using C088 to using C199203 SCHOOL LEAVER Data-Student Record None203 STUDENT - SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAM Record Layout Add E1546 PUBLIC-SERVICES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE to Column 57. Change the applicable code table for data element E1546 from C088 to C199. M, A203 SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAMAddition: New Data Element Addendum Revision: Changed from using C088 to using C199203 SCHOOL LEAVER Data-Student Record None203 STUDENT - SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAM Record Layout Add E1547 ARTS-AND-HUMANITIES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE to Column 58. Change the applicable code table for data element E1547 from C088 to C199. M, A203 SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAMAddition: New Data Element Addendum Revision: Changed from using C088 to using C199203 SCHOOL LEAVER Data-Student Record None203 STUDENT - SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAM Record Layout Add E1548 MULTI-DISCIPLINARY-STUDIES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE to Column 59. Change the applicable code table for data element E1548 from C088 to C199. M, A203 SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAMRevision: Description Description The 203 Student Leaver Data record identifies students who were enrolled at some point during the prior school year and did not graduate, earn a GED by August 31, or return to school enrollment by the last Friday in September. Description The 203 Student School Leaver and Graduation Program record is reported in Submission 1 and Submission 3. In Submission 1, the 203 Student School Leaver record identifies students who were enrolled in grades 7-12 at some point during the prior school year and did not graduate, earn a GED by August 31, or return to school enrollment by the last Friday in September. In Submission 1, the 203 Student School Leaver record also identifies students who have graduated in the prior school year. In Submission 3, the 203 Student Graduation Program record identifies the intent of grade 9-12 students enrolled in the Foundation High School Program by collecting the Participant Code, Distinguished Level of Achievement Indicator Code, and the Endorsement Indicator Codes.M203 SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAMRevision: Business Rules CAMPUS-IDCAMPUS-ID (E0266) indicates the unique campus identification number registered with the Texas Education Agency. It is the linking of DISTRICT-ID with the campus identification number. None None An instructional campus: 1) has an assigned administrator, 2) has enrolled students who are counted for average daily attendance, 3) has assigned instructional staff, 4) receives federal and/or state and/or local funds as its primary support, 5) provides instruction in the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), 6) has one or more grade groups in the range from early education through grade 12, and 7) is not a program for students enrolled in another public school. An alternative instructional unit: 1) is an instructional site, center, program, or arrangement that is not governed by an individual campus organization, and 2) does not meet the above standard definition of an instructional campus. Submit the previous year's CAMPUS-ID even if the campus is closed in the current year.CAMPUS-ID (E0266) indicates the unique campus identification number registered with the Texas Education Agency. It is the linking of DISTRICT-ID with the campus identification number. For Submission 1, CAMPUS-ID on the 203 Student School Leaver record refers to the identification number of the campus in which the student was last enrolled. Submit the previous year's CAMPUS-ID even if the campus is closed in the current year. For example, if a student completes the eighth grade at a middle school (Grades 6-8), and then fails to return to school at a high school (Grades 9-12) the following fall, the student is reported as a school leaver in Grade 8 from the middle school campus. If the Campus from which a student is a school leaver in the prior school year is no longer operational in the current school year, then the 203 Student School Leaver record must report the leaver data event using that students previous school years CAMPUS-ID. For Submission 3, CAMPUS-ID on the 203 Student Graduation Program record refers to the campus that the high school student was enrolled in on the last day of the school year, or the last day of enrollment during the school year. For example, if a student was enrolled at both campus 004 and campus 003 during the course of the school year and was last enrolled at campus 003, then the 203 School Leaver record should reflect the Foundation High School Program data from campus 003 and not 004. An instructional campus: 1) has an assigned administrator, 2) has enrolled students who are counted for average daily attendance, 3) has assigned instructional staff, 4) receives federal and/or state and/or local funds as its primary support, 5) provides instruction in the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), 6) has one or more grade groups in the range from early education through grade 12, and 7) is not a program for students enrolled in another public school. An alternative instructional unit: 1) is an instructional site, center, program, or arrangement that is not governed by an individual campus organization, and 2) does not meet the above standard definition of an instructional campus. None (Moved and combined above) M203 SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAMRevision: Business Rules LEAVER-REASON-CODELEAVER-REASON-CODE (E1001) indicates the reason a prior year grade 7-12 student has not enrolled in the district during the current school year. LEAVER-REASON-CODE is footnoted to indicate codes that exclude students from being counted as dropouts in the state accountability system. LEAVER-REASON-CODE (E1001) indicates the reason a prior year grade 7-12 student has not enrolled in the district during the current school year. LEAVER-REASON-CODE is only reported in Submission 1. All Leaver Reason Codes, other than code 98, require that the LEA obtain or maintain the documentation for each Leaver Reason Code as specified in Appendix D, Leaver Reason Codes and Documentation Requirements. The LEAVER-REASON-CODE code table C162 is footnoted, as follows, to indicate the codes that exclude students from being reported as dropouts in the state and federal accountability systems. School leavers with this LEAVER-REASON-CODE are counted as dropouts for state accountability purposes: code 98. School leavers with this LEAVER-REASON-CODE are counted as dropouts for federal accountability purposes: codes 88, 89, 98. These designations are provided for information purposes only. They are not the final or comprehensive description of the definitions used for dropout and completion processing. For more information please see the Secondary School Completion and Dropouts in Texas Public Schools. Appendix D provides an expanded definition and specific guidelines on acceptable documentation for each of the leaver reason codes listed in code table C162. M203 SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAMRevision: Business Rules DATE-OF-GRADUATIONDATE-OF-GRADUATION (E0791) indicates the month and year that the student graduated from high school. None DATE-OF-GRADUATION (E0791) indicates the month and year that the student graduated from high school. DATE-OF-GRADUATION is only reported in Submission 1. The DATE-OF-GRADUATION for a student must fall within the time period of enrollment for the prior school year, up to and including the summer period between the prior school year and the current school year. (i.e. August 2013 through August 2014)M203 SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAMRevision: Business Rules GRADUATION-TYPE-CODEGRADUATION-TYPE-CODE (E0806) indicates the type of plan under which the student graduated. NoneGRADUATION-TYPE-CODE (E0806) indicates the type of plan under which the student graduated. The GRADUATION-TYPE-CODE is only reported only in Submission 1 to identify those students who have graduated from high school in the previous school year. Graduation data is reported for all students who graduated during the prior school year, including summer graduates up through August 31st. To graduate, students must satisfy the requirements under 19 TAC, Section 74, Subchapter B. Special education students must satisfy requirements under 19 TAC, Section 89.1070. The GRADUATION-TYPE-CODE code represents the program with the most stringent requirements that was completed by the student. Refer to the Texas State Graduation Requirements found on the 91ȱ website at HYPERLINK "http://www.tea.state.tx.us/index2.aspx?id=2147486096"http://www.tea.state.tx.us/index2.aspx?id=2147486096 . GRADUATION-TYPE-CODE 33 - Foundation High School Program will be retired at the end of the 2014-2015 school year. GRADUATION-TYPE-CODE 34 is published in the 2014-2015 Legacy PEIMS Data Standards, but will not be available for reporting 2013-2014 graduates in the 2014-2015 school year Fall submission. GRADUATION-TYPE-CODE 34 is published early to give LEAs the ability to track Foundation High School Program graduates during the 2014-2015 school year. M203 SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAMRevision: Business Rules GRADUATION-TYPE-CODE Graduation Type Code Chart 1Graduation Type Code Chart 1 2007-2008 and thereafter (TAC Chapter 74, Subchapter F) ** The TAC 89.1070 as currently in effect and available via the link provided to the Texas Administrative Code. TAC 74.62  HYPERLINK "http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/rules/tac/chapter089/ch089aa.html" \l "89.1070" TAC 89.1070(b)(2)** Minimum General Education and Special Education 27 TAC 74.63  HYPERLINK "http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/rules/tac/chapter089/ch089aa.html" \l "89.1070" TAC 89.1070(b)(1)** Recommended General Education and Special Education 28 TAC 74.64  HYPERLINK "http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/rules/tac/chapter089/ch089aa.html" \l "89.1070" TAC 89.1070(b)(1)** Distinguished General Education and Special Education 29 Graduation Type Code Chart 1 Revise the participation dates for codes 27-29. 2007-2008, 2008-2009, 2009-2010, 2010-2011, and 2011-2012 (TAC Chapter 74, Subchapter F) ** The TAC 89.1070 as currently in effect and available via the link provided to the Texas Administrative Code. TAC 74.62  HYPERLINK "http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/rules/tac/chapter089/ch089aa.html" \l "89.1070" TAC 89.1070(b)(2)** Minimum General Education and Special Education 27 TAC 74.63  HYPERLINK "http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/rules/tac/chapter089/ch089aa.html" \l "89.1070" TAC 89.1070(b)(1)** Recommended General Education and Special Education 28 TAC 74.64  HYPERLINK "http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/rules/tac/chapter089/ch089aa.html" \l "89.1070" TAC 89.1070(b)(1)** Distinguished General Education and Special Education 29 M203 SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAMRevision: Business Rules GRADUATION-TYPE-CODE Graduation Type Code Chart 1Graduation Type Code Chart 1 Graduation Type Code Chart 1 Add the following rows to GRADUATION-TYPE-CODE Chart 1: 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 (TAC Chapter 74, Subchapter G) ** The TAC 89.1070 as currently in effect and available via the link provided to the Texas Administrative Code. TAC 74.72  HYPERLINK "http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/rules/tac/chapter089/ch089aa.html" \l "89.1070" TAC 89.1070(b)(2)** Minimum General Education and Special Education 30 TAC 74.73  HYPERLINK "http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/rules/tac/chapter089/ch089aa.html" \l "89.1070" TAC 89.1070(b)(1)** Recommended General Education and Special Education 31 TAC 74.74  HYPERLINK "http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/rules/tac/chapter089/ch089aa.html" \l "89.1070" TAC 89.1070(b)(1)** Distinguished General Education and Special Education 32 M203 SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAMRevision: Business Rules GRADUATION-TYPE-CODE Graduation Type Code Chart 1Graduation Type Code Chart 1 Graduation Type Code Chart 1 Add the following rows to GRADUATION-TYPE-CODE Chart 1: 2013-2014 (TAC Chapter 74, Subchapter BB) TAC 74.1022 Foundation High School Program General Education and Special Education 33 2014-2015 (TAC Chapter 74, Subchapter B) TAC 74.1021, TAC 74.12 Foundation High School Program General Education and Special Education 34 M203 SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAMRevision: Business Rules GRADUATION-TYPE-CODE Graduation Type Code Chart 2Graduation Type Code Chart 2 Year Entering Grade 9 Curriculum Requirements in Effect During School Year High School Program Graduation Codes 1998 1999 through 2006-2007 (TAC Chapter 74, Subchapters B, D, and E) *The version of TAC 89.1070 (b)(2) in effect for students graduating under Subchapters B, D, and E is no longer available electronically via the 91ȱ website but may be accessed via the link provided to the Texas Register. **Amendments to TAC 89.1070 adopted to be effective Nov. 11, 2007, require satisfactory performance on the statewide assessment for the recommended and distinguished high school programs for all students entering grade 9 in 2007-2008 and thereafter; therefore, graduation codes 19 and 20 may be used for students entering the ninth grade prior to the 2007-2008 school year only. TAC 74.12, 43, 53 only TAC 89.1070(b)(2)* HYPERLINK "http://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth113998/m1/201/"27 Tex Reg 3103 Recommended ** Completed the minimum curriculum and credit requirements for the Recommended High School Program applicable to students in general education and participated in or were exempted from the statewide assessment instrument identified in the IEP General Education Not applicable Special Education 19 TAC 74.13, 44, 54 only TAC 89.1070(b)(2)* HYPERLINK "http://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth113998/m1/201/"27 Tex Reg 3103 Distinguished ** Completed the minimum curriculum and credit requirements for the Distinguished Achievement Program applicable to students in general education and participated in or were exempted from the statewide assessment instrument identified in the IEP General Education Not applicable Special Education 20 1998-1999 and thereafter (TAC Chapter 74, Subchapter B, D, E, and F) TAC 74.11, 42, 52 TAC 89.1070 (b)(2) HYPERLINK "http://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth113998/m1/201/"27 Tex Reg 3103 Minimum Completed the minimum curriculum and credit requirements for the Minimum High School Program applicable to students in general education and participated in (or prior to 2007-2008 was exempted from) the statewide assessment instruments identified in the IEP. General Education Not applicable TAC 74.62 Special Education 18 Graduation Type Code Chart 2 Revise the participation dates and TAC citations for codes 18, 19, and 20. Year Entering Grade 9 Curriculum Requirements in Effect During School Year High School Program Graduation Codes 2001 2002 through 2006 - 2007 (TAC Chapter 74, Subchapters D and E) *The version of TAC 89.1070 (b)(2) in effect for students graduating under Subchapters D and E is no longer available electronically via the 91ȱ website but may be accessed via the link provided to the Texas Register. **Amendments to TAC 89.1070 adopted to be effective Nov. 11, 2007, require satisfactory performance on the statewide assessment for the recommended and distinguished high school programs for all students entering grade 9 in 2007-2008 and thereafter; therefore, graduation codes 19 and 20 may be used for students entering the ninth grade prior to the 2007-2008 school year only. TAC 74.43 and 74.53 only TAC 89.1070(b)(2)* HYPERLINK "http://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth113998/m1/201/"27 Tex Reg 3103 Recommended ** Completed the minimum curriculum and credit requirements for the Recommended High School Program applicable to students in general education and participated in or were exempted from the statewide assessment instrument identified in the IEP General Education Not applicable Special Education 19 TAC 74.44 and 74.54 only TAC 89.1070(b)(2)* HYPERLINK "http://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth113998/m1/201/"27 Tex Reg 3103 Distinguished ** Completed the minimum curriculum and credit requirements for the Distinguished Achievement Program applicable to students in general education and participated in or were exempted from the statewide assessment instrument identified in the IEP General Education Not applicable Special Education 20 2001-2002 through 2013-2014 (TAC Chapter 74, Subchapter D, E, F, and G) TAC 74.42, 74.52 TAC 89.1070 (b)(2)* HYPERLINK "http://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth113998/m1/201/"27 Tex Reg 3103 74.62, and 74.72 TAC 89.1070 (b)(2) Minimum Completed the minimum curriculum and credit requirements for the Minimum High School Program applicable to students in general education and participated in (or prior to 2007-2008 was exempted from) the statewide assessment instruments identified in the IEP. General Education Not applicable Special Education 18 M203 SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAMAddition: New Business RulesNoneFHSP-PARTICIPANT-CODE (E1541) indicates whether a student is currently enrolled in (pursuing) the Foundation High School Program. The FHSP Participant Code is only reported at the end of the school year for any student that was enrolled in grades 9-12 and is, at the end of the year, enrolled in (pursuing) the Foundation High School Program at the end of the year. (Submission 3 only)M203 SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAMAddition: New Business RulesNoneFHSP-Disting-Level-ACHIEVE-Indicator-Code (E1542) indicates whether a student is currently pursuing or has successfully completed the distinguished level of achievement program under the Foundation High School Program as provided by TEC 28.025 (b-15). The FHSP-Disting-LEVEL-ACHIEVE-Indicator-Code must be reported at the end of the school year for any student who was enrolled in (pursuing) the Foundation High School Program. (Submission 3) The FHSP-Disting-Level-ACHIEVE-Indicator-Code must be reported in the fall submission (Submission 1) for students who graduated under the Foundation High School Program. (Graduation Type Code 34) Note: The FHSP-Disting-Level-ACHIEVE-Indicator-Code cannot be reported in the 2014-2015 school year Fall Submission for students who graduated under the Foundation High School Program (Graduation Type Code 33) during the 2013-2014 school year. This field will first be reported at the end of the 2014-2015 school year (Submission 3) for students who are enrolled in (pursuing) the Foundation High School Program (Graduation Type Code 34). M203 SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAMAddition: New Business RulesNoneSTEM-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE (E1544) - indicates whether a student is currently enrolled in (pursuing) or has successfully completed a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Endorsement. The STEM Endorsement Indicator Code must be reported at the end of the school (Submission 3) year for any student enrolled in (pursuing) the Foundation High School Program. The STEM-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE must be reported in the fall submission (Submission 1) for students who graduated under the Foundation High School Program. (Graduation Type Code 34) Note: The STEM-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE cannot be reported in the 2014-2015 school year Fall Submission for students who graduated under the Foundation High School Program (Graduation Type Code 33) during the 2013-2014 school year. This field will first be reported at the end of the 2014-2015 school year (Submission 3) for students who are enrolled in (pursuing) the Foundation High School Program (Graduation Type Code 34).M203 SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAMAddition: New Business RulesZoneBUSINESS-AND-INDUSTRY-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE (E1545) - indicates whether a student is currently enrolled in (pursuing) or has successfully completed a Business and Industry Endorsement. The BUSINESS-AND-INDUSTRY-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE must be reported at the end of the school year (Submission 3) for any student pursuing the Foundation High School Program. The BUSINESS-AND-INDUSTRY-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE must be reported in the fall submission (Submission 1) for students who graduated under the Foundation High School Program. (Graduation Type Code 34) Note: The BUSINESS-AND-INDUSTRY-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE cannot be reported in the 2014-2015 school year Fall Submission for students who graduated under the Foundation High School Program (Graduation Type Code 33) during the 2013-2014 school year. This field will first be reported at the end of the 2014-2015 school year (Submission 3) for students who are enrolled in (pursuing) the Foundation High School Program (Graduation Type Code 34). M203 SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAMAddition: New Business RulesNonePUBLIC-SERVICES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE (E1546) - indicates whether a student is currently enrolled in (pursuing) or has successfully completed a Public Services Endorsement. The PUBLIC-SERVICES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE must be reported at the end of the school year (Submission 3) for any student enrolled in (pursuing) the Foundation High School Program. The PUBLIC-SERVICES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE must be reported in the fall submission (Ssubmission 1) for students who graduated under the Foundation High School Program. (Graduation Type Code 34) Note: The PUBLIC-SERVICES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE cannot be reported in the 2014-2015 school year Fall Submission for students who graduated under the Foundation High School Program (Graduation Type Code 33) during the 2013-2014 school year. This field will first be reported at the end of the 2014-2015 school year (Submission 3) for students who are enrolled in (pursuing) the Foundation High School Program (Graduation Type Code 34). M203 SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAMAddition: New Business RulesNoneARTS-AND-HUMANITIES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE (E1547) - indicates whether a student is currently enrolled in (pursuing) or has successfully completed an Arts and Humanities Endorsement. The ARTS-AND-HUMANITIES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE must be reported at the end of the school year (Submssion 3) for any student enrolled in (pursuing) the Foundation High School Program. The ARTS-AND-HUMANITIES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE must be reported in the fall submission (Submission 1) for students who graduated under the Foundation High School Program. (Graduation Type Code 34) Note: The ARTS-AND-HUMANITIES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE cannot be reported in the 2014-2015 school year Fall Submission for students who graduated under the Foundation High School Program (Graduation Type Code 33) during the 2013-2014 school year. This field will first be reported at the end of the 2014-2015 school year (Submission 3) for students who are enrolled in (pursuing) the Foundation High School Program (Graduation Type Code 34). M203 SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAMAddition: New Business RulesNoneMULTI-DISCIPLINARY-STUDIES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE (E1548) - indicates whether a student is currently enrolled in (pursuing) or has successfully completed a Multi-Disciplinary Studies Endorsement. The MULTI-DISCIPLINARY-STUDIES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE must be reported at the end of the school year (Submission 3) for any student enrolled in (pursuing) the Foundation High School Program. The MULTI-DISCIPLINARY-STUDIES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE must be reported in the fall submission (Submission 1) for students who graduated under the Foundation High School Program. (Graduation Type Code 34) Note: The MULTI-DISCIPLINARY-STUDIES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE cannot be reported in the 2014-2015 school year Fall Submission for students who graduated under the Foundation High School Program (Graduation Type Code 33) during the 2013-2014 school year. This field will first be reported at the end of the 2014-2015 school year (Submission 3) for students who are enrolled in (pursuing) the Foundation High School Program (Graduation Type Code 34). M203 SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAMRevision: Reporting RequirementsReporting Requirements [ The entire Reporting Requirements section has been revised and reorganized. ] Reporting Requirements See revised section at the end of this document M203 SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAMRevision: Revised ExampleExample #1 Example 1 has been replacedExample #1 Example 1 has been replaced with reporting of leavers who are not graduates (such as ineligible students and dropouts) in Submission 1. M203 SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAMRevision: Revised ExampleExample #2 Example 2 has been replacedExample #2 Example 2 has been replaced with reporting of Graduates under different graduation programs in Submisison 1 M203 SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAMAddition: New ExampleExample #3 None.Example #3 Example 3 has been added for end of year reporting of Foundation High School Program participation in Submission 3.PA425 DISCIPLINARY ACTION DATA STUDENTAddition: New Reporting RequirementReporting Requirements None.Reporting Requirements Except for the reason of bringing a firearm to school, a student who is younger than 10 years of age may not be expelled for engaging in conduct described in TEC 37.007. Students who are less than 10 years of age and commit an otherwise expellable offense may be placed to a DAEP via a DAEP conference hearing in lieu of an expulsion hearing. Students under the age of 10 who bring a firearm to school must be expelled with placement to a DAEP.PA415 Course Completion Data - StudentRevisionCOLLEGE-CREDIT-HOURS collects the number of college hours that a student earned while taking a dual credit course. This field will have values ranging from 0 to 3. If a student takes a dual credit course and does not complete the course, then the COLLEGE-CREDIT-HOURS will be reported as 0. COLLEGE-CREDIT-HOURS collects the number of college hours that a student earned while taking a dual credit course. This field will have values ranging from 0 to 3. If a student takes a dual credit course and does not complete the course, then the COLLEGE-CREDIT-HOURS will be reported as 0.  PEIMS Records Submission Schedule The following chart illustrates the applicability of each PEIMS record to each Submission. Record TypeSubmission 1Submission 2Submission 3Submission 4010XXXX011XX020XXXX030X032X033X040XX043XX050XX055X060X090X100XXX101XXX102XXX110X163X169X170X203XX300X305X400X405X408X410X415XX425X435X461X500XX505XX510XX 101 STUDENT DATA - DEMOGRAPHIC AS-OF-STATUS-CODE MATRIX WITH CORRESPONDING EDITS AS-OF-STATUS-CODEPrior Year GradeRequired RecordsDisallowed RecordsEditsXEE-06100 101 102 11020310154. (fatal) If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is EE-06, then AS-OF-STATUS-CODE must be X. 10147. (fatal) If AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is "B", "D", "F", or "X", then there must be a 110 record with a matching STUDENT-ID. Note: Students who were in grades EE-6 in the prior year are also reported with AS-OF-STATUS-CODE X.A07-12100 101 102 20311010145. (fatal) If AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is A,C,E, or G, then there must not be a 110 Student - Enrollment record with a matching STUDENT-ID. 10194. (fatal) If AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is A, then there must be a 203 Student - School Leaver record with a matching STUDENT-ID.E07-12100 101 102 203*11010145. (fatal) If AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is A,C,E, or G, then there must not be a 110 Student - Enrollment record with a matching STUDENT-ID. 10146. (warning) If AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is D or E", then there should be a 203 Student - School Leaver record with a matching STUDENT-ID.B, F07-12100 101 102 110203 (unless LEAVER-REASON-CODE=01)10147. (fatal) If AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is B, D, F or X, then there must be a 110 Student - Enrollment record with a matching STUDENT-ID. 10148. (fatal) If AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is B or C, then there must not be a 203 Student - School Leaver record with a matching STUDENT-ID, unless LEAVER-REASON-CODE is 01. 1012R. (fatal) If AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is F or G, then there must not be a 203 record with a matching STUDENT-ID.C, G07-12100 101 102110 20310145. (fatal) If AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is "A", "C", "E" or "G", then there must not be a 110 Student - Enrollment record with a matching STUDENT-ID. 10148. (fatal) If AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is B or C, then there must not be a 203 Student - School Leaver record with a matching STUDENT-ID, unless LEAVER-REASON-CODE is 01. 1012R. (fatal) If AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is F or G, then there must not be a 203 record with a matching STUDENT-ID.D07-12100 101 102 110 203* 10146. (warning) If AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is "D", or "E", then there should be a 203 Student - School Leaver record with a matching STUDENT-ID. 10147. (fatal) If AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is "B", "D", "F", or "X", then there must be a 110 Student - Enrollment record with a matching STUDENT-ID. 203 STUDENT - SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAM Reporting Requirements Submission 1 Reporting Requirements The 203 Student - School Leaver record reporting includes all dropouts, graduates, and other school leavers identified during the previous school year for students in grades 7 - 12. Included are all students who fail to re-enroll in the fall by the end of the school start window. (The school-start window extends from the first day of school through the last Friday in September.) This includes students in special education and other special, ungraded, or state-approved alternative programs. Students who have previously completed all graduation requirements in one school year, but do not pass the exit-level assessments until the next school year, are reported as graduates in the year in which the assessments were passed. School districts that do not serve all grade levels, such as K-8 districts, will not use the 203 Student - School Leaver record to report students in grade 7 or above who have completed all grades offered in the home district and are transferred to a neighboring K-12 district. These students are considered movers. In the event of district or charter school consolidations, the absorbing district or charter school must report the school leaver data for the consolidated district. For example, if Texas ISD absorbs Learning ISD through a consolidation, then Texas ISD must report the final leaver (dropout and graduate) data for Learning ISD. Districts must take appropriate measures to ensure that prior year students who are "no shows" in the current year are not "rolled over" in the student system and reported as enrolled students in the district's PEIMS Submission 1. If this happens, these students may be on the district's underreported student listing the next year. If a student was in grade 7-12 during the prior year, does not enroll in the district within the school-start window, does not enroll in another Texas public school, does not receive a General Educational Development (GED) in Texas by August 31st, and is not accounted for by other state reconciliation processes, then a 203 Student - School Leaver record is reported. A 203 Student - School Leaver record is not reported in certain circumstances as follows: grade 7-12 students who were enrolled during the prior year and are enrolled in the school-start window of the current year in any Texas public school. received a General Educational Development (GED) certificate within Texas by August 31st, a student who was previously reported as a graduate. prior school year grade EE-6 students. Leavers and graduates are reported with different combinations of records depending on their status in the prior and current school years. The chart below indicates the coding required for students in grades 7-12 based on prior year and current year student enrollment data. Refer to the 101 Student Demographic record for detailed requirements related to the As-OF-STATUS-CODE. Leaver Reporting Requirements Based on Prior Year and Current Year Student Enrollment Statuses for Students in Grades 7-12 Enrolled in the district at some point in prior school yearEnrolled in the district in current yearEnrolled in the district in current year within the school-start windowEnrolled in the district in the current year on fall as-of dateAS-OF-STATUS-CODERecord RequiredMover or GED received by Aug. 31 of prior school year100101102110203NoYesYesYesBYesYesYesYesNoYesYesNoCYesYesYesNoYesNoYesFYesYesYesYesNoYesNoNoGYesYesYesYesYesYesYesBYesYesYesYesYesYesYesNoCYesYesYesYesYesNoYesDYesYesYesYesYesNoYesYesNoYesDYesYesYesYesOptionalYesYesYesNoNoEYesYesYesYesNoYesYesNoNoEYesYesYesOptionalYesYesNoNoNoAYesYesYesYesNo Submission 3 Reporting Requirements The 203 Student Graduation Program record identifies the Foundation High School Program graduation intention of grade 9 12 students enrolled at the end of the school year or their enrollment term for the school year. This reporting is accomplished by collecting the Foundation High School Program Participant Code, Distinguished Level of Achievement Indicator Code, and the Endorsement Indicator Codes. Foundation High School Program Graduation Intention Reporting Requirements Grade Level on Last Day of EnrollmentAS-OF-STATUS-CODERecord Required100101102203EE- 6XYesYesYesNo7-8HYesYesYesNo7-8IYesYesYesNo9-12HYesYesYesYes9-12IYesYesYesYes If a student is reported as enrolled in the Foundation High School Program, then they must also be reported with the Distinguished Level of Achievement Indicator Code and the Endorsement Indicator Codes. Otherwise, the Distinguished Level of Achievement Indicator Code and the Endorsement Indicator Codes must be blank.     2014-2015 Data Standards Change Document - Section 2 Data Submission Requirements Version  Record #  Change 2013-2014 Post Addendum Version2014-2015 Post Addendum Version  P: Preliminary Version M: March Version A: Addendum Version 2. PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 38 2014-2015 Data Standards Change Document - Section 2 Data Submission Requirements  2. 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