ࡱ>   ۻbjbjޤ ;`ƴƴ=]]]]]qqq8u$ q~^A2A2(i2i2i2333m~o~o~o~o~o~o~(ʃ~o~]26332626o~]]i2i2p~BBB26l]i2]i2m~B26m~BBOh[Pi20r@@q:OY~~0~PXH:H [PsPH]R\+3k4hB4T'5 333o~o~>333~26262626H333333333 #: P0100B13-14 Post Addendum Revision: Removed Submission 3This record's mandatory fields are INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, and DISTRICT-NAME. Edit Type: F Submission: 1, 2, 4 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Campus, CharterThis record's mandatory fields are INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, and DISTRICT-NAME. Edit Type: F Submission: 1, 2, 4 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Campus, CharterP, M, A0100C13-14 Post Addendum Addition: New edit 14-15 March Revision: Corrected edit # from 1000C to 0100C 13-14 Post Addendum Revision 05/23/14: Removed fields from FINE-ARTS-CATEGORY-CODE through STATUTORY-REPORTING-AND-POLICY-COMPLIANCE-CODE. 14-15 Addendum: Added fields TOTAL-NUM-SCHOOL-BOARD-REQUESTS, TOTAL-COST-SCHOOL-BOARD-REQUESTS. Removed Rule Applies to Campus, CharterThis records mandatory fields are INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, DISTRICT-NAME, FINE-ARTS-CATEGORY-CODE, WELLNESS-AND-PHYSICAL-ED-CATEGORY-CODE, COMMUNITY-AND-PARENTAL-INVOLVEMENT-CATEGORY-CODE, 21ST-CENTURY-WORKFORCE-DEVEL-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE, SECOND-LANG-ACQUISITION-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE, DIGITAL-LEARNING-ENVIRONMENT-CATEGORY-CODE, DROPOUT-PREVENTION-STRATEGIES-CATEGORY-CODE, EDUCATIONAL-PGM-FOR-GT-STUDENTS-CATEGORY-CODE, OVERALL-RATING-CATEGORY-CODE, and STATUTORY-REPORTING-AND-POLICY-COMPLIANCE-CODE. Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterThis records mandatory fields are INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, DISTRICT-NAME, TOTAL-NUM-SCHOOL-BOARD-REQUESTS, and TOTAL-COST-SCHOOL-BOARD-REQUESTS. Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: DistrictA0100DNew editNoneThis record's mandatory fields are INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, and DISTRICT-NAME. Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: Campus, CharterP, A0100313-14 Post Addendum Addition: New edit 14-15 Addendum: Added TOTAL-NUM-SCHOOL-BOARD-REQUESTS and TOTAL-COST-SCHOOL-BOARD-REQUESTSFINE-ARTS-CATEGORY-CODE, WELLNESS-AND-PHYSICAL-ED-CATEGORY-CODE, COMMUNITY-AND-PARENTAL-INVOLVEMENT-CATEGORY-CODE, 21ST-CENTURY-WORKFORCE-DEVEL-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE, SECOND-LANG-ACQUISITION-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE, DIGITAL-LEARNING-ENVIRONMENT-CATEGORY-CODE, DROPOUT-PREVENTION-STRATEGIES-CATEGORY-CODE, EDUCATIONAL-PGM-FOR-GT-STUDENTS-CATEGORY-CODE, OVERALL-RATING-CATEGORY-CODE, and STATUTORY-REPORTING-AND-POLICY-COMPLIANCE-CODE must be blank. Edit Type: F Submission: 1, 2, 4 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Campus, CharterFINE-ARTS-CATEGORY-CODE, WELLNESS-AND-PHYSICAL-ED-CATEGORY-CODE, COMMUNITY-AND-PARENTAL-INVOLVEMENT-CATEGORY-CODE, 21ST-CENTURY-WORKFORCE-DEVEL-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE, SECOND-LANG-ACQUISITION-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE, DIGITAL-LEARNING-ENVIRONMENT-CATEGORY-CODE, DROPOUT-PREVENTION-STRATEGIES-CATEGORY-CODE, EDUCATIONAL-PGM-FOR-GT-STUDENTS-CATEGORY-CODE, OVERALL-RATING-CATEGORY-CODE, STATUTORY-REPORTING-AND-POLICY-COMPLIANCE-CODE, TOTAL-NUM-SCHOOL-BOARD-REQUESTS, and TOTAL-COST-SCHOOL-BOARD-REQUESTS must be blank. Edit Type: F Submission: 1, 2, 4 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Campus, CharterP, A0100413-14 Post Addendum Addition: New edit 13-14 Post Addendum Revision 05/23/14: Added "Excluding Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622), "; Removed Rule Applies to CampusExcluding Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622), OVERALL-RATING-CATEGORY-CODE must not be 00. Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterExcluding Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622), OVERALL-RATING-CATEGORY-CODE must not be 00. Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Charter P, A0100513-14 Post Addendum Addition: New edit 13-14 Post Addendum Revision 05/23/14: Added "Excluding Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622), "; Removed Rule Applies to CampusExcluding Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622), FINE-ARTS-CATEGORY-CODE, WELLNESS-AND-PHYSICAL-ED-CATEGORY-CODE, COMMUNITY-AND-PARENTAL-INVOLVEMENT-CATEGORY-CODE, 21ST-CENTURY-WORKFORCE-DEVEL-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE, SECOND-LANG-ACQUISITION-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE, DIGITAL-LEARNING-ENVIRONMENT-CATEGORY-CODE, DROPOUT-PREVENTION-STRATEGIES-CATEGORY-CODE, and EDUCATIONAL-PGM-FOR-GT-STUDENTS-CATEGORY-CODE should not all be 00. Edit Type: SW Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterExcluding Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622), FINE-ARTS-CATEGORY-CODE, WELLNESS-AND-PHYSICAL-ED-CATEGORY-CODE, COMMUNITY-AND-PARENTAL-INVOLVEMENT-CATEGORY-CODE, 21ST-CENTURY-WORKFORCE-DEVEL-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE, SECOND-LANG-ACQUISITION-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE, DIGITAL-LEARNING-ENVIRONMENT-CATEGORY-CODE, DROPOUT-PREVENTION-STRATEGIES-CATEGORY-CODE, and EDUCATIONAL-PGM-FOR-GT-STUDENTS-CATEGORY-CODE should not all be 00. Edit Type: SW Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, CharterA01006Addition: New editNoneTOTAL-NUM-SCHOOL-BOARD-REQUESTS should be greater than 0. Each LEA should be reported with at least one request submitted outside of a school board meeting by a member of the board of trustees for information, documents, and records. Edit Type: W Sumbission: 3 Rule Applies To: District A0100713-14 Post Addendum Addition 05/23/14: New editExcluding Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622), the following fields must not be blank: FINE-ARTS-CATEGORY-CODE, WELLNESS-AND-PHYSICAL-ED-CATEGORY-CODE, COMMUNITY-AND-PARENTAL-INVOLVEMENT-CATEGORY-CODE, 21ST-CENTURY-WORKFORCE-DEVEL-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE, SECOND-LANG-ACQUISITION-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE, DIGITAL-LEARNING-ENVIRONMENT-CATEGORY-CODE, DROPOUT-PREVENTION-STRATEGIES-CATEGORY-CODE, EDUCATIONAL-PGM-FOR-GT-STUDENTS-CATEGORY-CODE, OVERALL-RATING-CATEGORY-CODE, and STATUTORY-REPORTING-AND-POLICY-COMPLIANCE-CODE. Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, CharterExcluding Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622), the following fields must not be blank: FINE-ARTS-CATEGORY-CODE, WELLNESS-AND-PHYSICAL-ED-CATEGORY-CODE, COMMUNITY-AND-PARENTAL-INVOLVEMENT-CATEGORY-CODE, 21ST-CENTURY-WORKFORCE-DEVEL-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE, SECOND-LANG-ACQUISITION-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE, DIGITAL-LEARNING-ENVIRONMENT-CATEGORY-CODE, DROPOUT-PREVENTION-STRATEGIES-CATEGORY-CODE, EDUCATIONAL-PGM-FOR-GT-STUDENTS-CATEGORY-CODE, OVERALL-RATING-CATEGORY-CODE, and STATUTORY-REPORTING-AND-POLICY-COMPLIANCE-CODE. Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, CharterPA01008Addition: New editNoneTOTAL-NUM-SCHOOL-BOARD-REQUESTS and TOTAL-COST-SCHOOL-BOARD-REQUESTS must be blank. The total number of school board member information requests and the total cost of school board member information requests are not reported by open enrollment charter schools. Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: Charter PA01009Addition: New editNoneIf STATUTORY-REPORTING-AND-POLICY-COMPLIANCE-CODE is "0", then a warning will be issued for the PEIMS user to verify their intention to report that the district is not in compliance. LEAs and open enrollment charter schools will be asked to verify if they report that they are not in compliance on the Statutory Reporting and Policy Compliance Code. Edit Type: W Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Charter PA01010Addition: New editNoneIf STATUTORY-REPORTING-AND-POLICY-COMPLIANCE-CODE is "1" on the 010 record, but STATUTORY-REPORTING-AND-POLICY-COMPLIANCE-CODE is "0" on every 020 record reported by this district, then a warning message will be issued for the PEIMS user to verify their intention to report that the district is in compliance. LEAs and open enrollment charter schools will be asked to verify if they report that they are in compliance on the Statutory Reporting and Policy Compliance Code, but none of their campuses are in compliance. Edit Type: W Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Charter P01107Revision: Added district id valuesFor districts registered with the 91ȱ as the Texas School for the Deaf, the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, or the Texas Juvenile Justice Department, the data submission must not contain 011 records. The Texas School for the Deaf, the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department must not report participation in a shared services arrangement as either a member or a the fiscal agent. Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: DistrictFor districts registered with the 91ȱ as the Texas School for the Deaf (227906), the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), or the Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622), the data submission must not contain 011 records. The Texas School for the Deaf, the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department must not report participation in a shared services arrangement as either a member or the fiscal agent. Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: DistrictP01109Revision: Revision: Added "with a matching SHARED-SVCS-ARRANGEMT-TYPE-CODE". Changed "the SSA" to "that SSA" in business meaning.If DISTRICT-ID and FISCAL-AGENT-DISTRICT-ID are the same value, then there must be at least one 033 record. If a district is the fiscal agent for a shared services arrangement, then that district must report 033 SSA actual financial records for each member district of the SSA. Edit Type: F Submission: 2 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Campus, CharterIf DISTRICT-ID and FISCAL-AGENT-DISTRICT-ID are the same value, then there must be at least one 033 record with a matching SHARED-SVCS-ARRANGEMT-TYPE-CODE. If a district is the fiscal agent for a shared services arrangement, then that district must report 033 SSA actual financial records for each member district of that SSA. Edit Type: F Submission: 2 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Campus, Charter P01110Revision: Added additional clarification to Business Meaning.If DISTRICT-ID and FISCAL-AGENT-DISTRICT-ID are NOT the same value, then there should not be a 033 record for that SHARED-SVCS-ARRANGEMENT-TYPE-CODE. If a district is not the fiscal agent for a shared services arrangement, then that district should not report 033 SSA actual financial records for that SSA. Edit Type: SW Submission: 2 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Campus, CharterIf DISTRICT-ID and FISCAL-AGENT-DISTRICT-ID are NOT the same value, then there should not be a 033 record for that SHARED-SVCS-ARRANGEMENT-TYPE-CODE. If a district is not the fiscal agent for a shared services arrangement, then that district should not report 033 SSA actual financial records for that SSA. Verify that the 011 SSA record is not for a member district (other than the reporting district). The fiscal agent for a particular SSA does not report an 011 record for each SSA member district. Edit Type: SW Submission: 2 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Campus, CharterP, M01112Preliminary Version Revision: Added "fiscal agent" to edit text for clarification. Added "designated as a RDSPD fiscal agent" in the business meaning. March Version Revision: Rules Applies to ESC removed, Submission 2/Mid-Year removed If SHARED-SVCS-ARRANGEMT-TYPE-CODE is "10", then FISCAL-AGENT-DISTRICT-ID must match a Regional Day School Program for the Deaf district in the Texas School Directory. If the shared services arrangement type reported is a Regional Day School Program for the Deaf (RDSPD), then the fiscal agent district must be a RDSPD district in the Texas School Directory. Edit Type: F Submission: 1, 2 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, CharterIf SHARED-SVCS-ARRANGEMT-TYPE-CODE is "10", then FISCAL-AGENT-DISTRICT-ID must match a Regional Day School Program for the Deaf fiscal agent district in the Texas School Directory. If the shared services arrangement type reported is a Regional Day School Program for the Deaf (RDSPD), then the fiscal agent district must be designated as a RDSPD fiscal agent in the Texas School Directory. Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Charter P0200B13-14 Post Addendum Revision: Removed Submission 3This record's mandatory fields are INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, CAMPUS-ID, and CAMPUS-NAME. Edit Type: F Submission: 1, 2, 4 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterThis record's mandatory fields are INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, CAMPUS-ID, and CAMPUS-NAME. Edit Type: F Submission: 1, 2, 4 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterP, A0200C13-14 Post Addendum Addition: New edit 13-14 Post Addendum Revision 3/10/14: Removed fields from FINE-ARTS-CATEGORY-CODE through STATUTORY-REPORTING-AND-POLICY-COMPLIANCE-CODE.This record's mandatory fields are INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, CAMPUS-ID, CAMPUS-NAME, FINE-ARTS-CATEGORY-CODE, WELLNESS-AND-PHYSICAL-ED-CATEGORY-CODE, COMMUNITY-AND-PARENTAL-INVOLVEMENT-CATEGORY-CODE, 21ST-CENTURY-WORKFORCE-DEVEL-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE, SECOND-LANG-ACQUISITION-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE, DIGITAL-LEARNING-ENVIRONMENT-CATEGORY-CODE, DROPOUT-PREVENTION-STRATEGIES-CATEGORY-CODE, EDUCATIONAL-PGM-FOR-GT-STUDENTS-CATEGORY-CODE, OVERALL-RATING-CATEGORY-CODE, and STATUTORY-REPORTING-AND-POLICY-COMPLIANCE-CODE. Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterThis record's mandatory fields are INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, CAMPUS-ID, and CAMPUS-NAME. Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, Charter P02009Revision: Clarified wording. Changed "not in prior school year table" to "should match an entry registered with the 91ȱ as active instructional or under construction in the prior school year".CAMPUS-ID not in prior school year table. The campus id must be a valid campus registered with the 91ȱ as active instructional or under construction in the prior school year. Edit Type: SW Submission: 2 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterCAMPUS-ID should match an entry registered with the 91ȱ as active instructional or under construction in the prior school year. The campus id must be a valid campus registered with the 91ȱ as active instructional or under construction in the prior school year. Edit Type: SW Submission: 2 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterP0201213-14 Post Addendum Addition: New editFINE-ARTS-CATEGORY-CODE, WELLNESS-AND-PHYSICAL-ED-CATEGORY-CODE, COMMUNITY-AND-PARENTAL-INVOLVEMENT-CATEGORY-CODE, 21ST-CENTURY-WORKFORCE-DEVEL-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE, SECOND-LANG-ACQUISITION-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE, DIGITAL-LEARNING-ENVIRONMENT-CATEGORY-CODE, DROPOUT-PREVENTION-STRATEGIES-CATEGORY-CODE, EDUCATIONAL-PGM-FOR-GT-STUDENTS-CATEGORY-CODE, OVERALL-RATING-CATEGORY-CODE, and STATUTORY-REPORTING-AND-POLICY-COMPLIANCE-CODE must be blank. Edit Type: F Submission: 1, 2, 4 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterFINE-ARTS-CATEGORY-CODE, WELLNESS-AND-PHYSICAL-ED-CATEGORY-CODE, COMMUNITY-AND-PARENTAL-INVOLVEMENT-CATEGORY-CODE, 21ST-CENTURY-WORKFORCE-DEVEL-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE, SECOND-LANG-ACQUISITION-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE, DIGITAL-LEARNING-ENVIRONMENT-CATEGORY-CODE, DROPOUT-PREVENTION-STRATEGIES-CATEGORY-CODE, EDUCATIONAL-PGM-FOR-GT-STUDENTS-CATEGORY-CODE, OVERALL-RATING-CATEGORY-CODE, and STATUTORY-REPORTING-AND-POLICY-COMPLIANCE-CODE must be blank. Edit Type: F Submission: 1, 2, 4 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, Charter P, A0201313-14 Post Addendum Addition: New edit 13-14 Post Addendum Revision 3/10/14: Added: "If a campus is registered with the 91ȱ as an active instructional campus, excluding DAEPs and JJAEPs, and there is at least one 400 or 500 record reported with a matching CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, then". Added " for all active instructional campuses except DAEPs and JJAEPs that report attendance or flexible attendance, indicating that students were enrolled" to Business Meaning. 13-14 Post Addendum Revision 5/23/14: Added more exceptions for TJJD campuses.If a campus is registered with the 91ȱ as an active instructional campus (with exceptions noted below), and there is at least one 400 or 500 record reported with a matching CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, then OVERALL-RATING-CATEGORY-CODE must not be 00. Exceptions: This rule excludes DAEPs, JJAEPs, and any Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622) campus. In addition, this rule excludes the following AEP campuses that serve only students in TJJD facilities: 003903201, 007902005, 014906025, 015808003, 015808006, 015808007, 015808008, 015907195, 020902004, 021902014, 031903204, 031906003, 031912201, 043907006, 061911003, 068901005, 079901133, 084901011, 084901012, 091906004, 091906035, 092903200, 094901112, 101811001, 101811003, 101811004, 101811006, 108904040, 108911006, 116905003, 133903106, 152901017, 161914444, 170902201, 205906002, 220905024, 220905066, 221901008, 227901030, 234904002, 235902008, 246904199, 246907004, 246908006, 246909016, and 246911011. Overall Rating Category must be reported as a value other than "Not Applicable" for submission 3 for all active instructional campuses that report attendance or flexible attendance indicating that students were enrolled. The exceptions are DAEPs, JJAEPs, any TJJD campus, and certain AEPs that serve only students in TJJD facilities. Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterIf a campus is registered with the 91ȱ as an active instructional campus (with exceptions noted below), and there is at least one 400 or 500 record reported with a matching CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, then OVERALL-RATING-CATEGORY-CODE must not be 00. Exceptions: This rule excludes DAEPs, JJAEPs, and any Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622) campus. In addition, this rule excludes the following AEP campuses that serve only students in TJJD facilities: 003903201, 007902005, 014906025, 015808003, 015808006, 015808007, 015808008, 015907195, 020902004, 021902014, 031903204, 031906003, 031912201, 043907006, 061911003, 068901005, 079901133, 084901011, 084901012, 091906004, 091906035, 092903200, 094901112, 101811001, 101811003, 101811004, 101811006, 108904040, 108911006, 116905003, 133903106, 152901017, 161914444, 170902201, 205906002, 220905024, 220905066, 221901008, 227901030, 234904002, 235902008, 246904199, 246907004, 246908006, 246909016, and 246911011. Overall Rating Category must be reported as a value other than "Not Applicable" for submission 3 for all active instructional campuses that report attendance or flexible attendance indicating that students were enrolled. The exceptions are DAEPs, JJAEPs, any TJJD campus, and certain AEPs that serve only students in TJJD facilities. Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, Charter P, A0201413-14 Post Addendum Addition: New edit 13-14 Post Addendum Revision 3/10/14: Added: "If a campus is registered with the 91ȱ as an active instructional campus, excluding DAEPs and JJAEPs, then". Added "Every active instructional" and "except for DAEPs and JJAEPs," to Business Meaning 13-14 Post Addendum Revision 5/23/14: Added more exceptions for TJJD campuses.If a campus is registered with the 91ȱ as an active instructional campus (with exceptions noted below), then FINE-ARTS-CATEGORY-CODE, WELLNESS-AND-PHYSICAL-ED-CATEGORY-CODE, COMMUNITY-AND-PARENTAL-INVOLVEMENT-CATEGORY-CODE, 21ST-CENTURY-WORKFORCE-DEVEL-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE, SECOND-LANG-ACQUISITION-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE, DIGITAL-LEARNING-ENVIRONMENT-CATEGORY-CODE, DROPOUT-PREVENTION-STRATEGIES-CATEGORY-CODE, and EDUCATIONAL-PGM-FOR-GT-STUDENTS-CATEGORY-CODE should not all be 00. Exceptions: This rule excludes DAEPs, JJAEPs, and any Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622) campus. In addition, this rule excludes the following AEP campuses that serve only students in TJJD facilities: 003903201, 007902005, 014906025, 015808003, 015808006, 015808007, 015808008, 015907195, 020902004, 021902014, 031903204, 031906003, 031912201, 043907006, 061911003, 068901005, 079901133, 084901011, 084901012, 091906004, 091906035, 092903200, 094901112, 101811001, 101811003, 101811004, 101811006, 108904040, 108911006, 116905003, 133903106, 152901017, 161914444, 170902201, 205906002, 220905024, 220905066, 221901008, 227901030, 234904002, 235902008, 246904199, 246907004, 246908006, 246909016, and 246911011. Every active instructional campus should be reported with at least one performance rating value other than "Not Applicable" for the following categories: Fine Arts Category, Wellness and Physical Education Category, Community and Parental Involvement Category, 21st Century Workforce Development Program Category, Second Language Acquisition Program Category, Digital Learning Environment Category, Dropout Prevention Strategies Category, and Educational Programs for Gifted and Talented Students Category. The exceptions are DAEPs, JJAEPs, any TJJD campus, and certain AEPs that serve only students in TJJD facilities. Edit Type: SW Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterIf a campus is registered with the 91ȱ as an active instructional campus (with exceptions noted below), then FINE-ARTS-CATEGORY-CODE, WELLNESS-AND-PHYSICAL-ED-CATEGORY-CODE, COMMUNITY-AND-PARENTAL-INVOLVEMENT-CATEGORY-CODE, 21ST-CENTURY-WORKFORCE-DEVEL-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE, SECOND-LANG-ACQUISITION-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE, DIGITAL-LEARNING-ENVIRONMENT-CATEGORY-CODE, DROPOUT-PREVENTION-STRATEGIES-CATEGORY-CODE, and EDUCATIONAL-PGM-FOR-GT-STUDENTS-CATEGORY-CODE should not all be 00. Exceptions: This rule excludes DAEPs, JJAEPs, and any Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622) campus. In addition, this rule excludes the following AEP campuses that serve only students in TJJD facilities: 003903201, 007902005, 014906025, 015808003, 015808006, 015808007, 015808008, 015907195, 020902004, 021902014, 031903204, 031906003, 031912201, 043907006, 061911003, 068901005, 079901133, 084901011, 084901012, 091906004, 091906035, 092903200, 094901112, 101811001, 101811003, 101811004, 101811006, 108904040, 108911006, 116905003, 133903106, 152901017, 161914444, 170902201, 205906002, 220905024, 220905066, 221901008, 227901030, 234904002, 235902008, 246904199, 246907004, 246908006, 246909016, and 246911011. Every active instructional campus should be reported with at least one performance rating value other than "Not Applicable" for the following categories: Fine Arts Category, Wellness and Physical Education Category, Community and Parental Involvement Category, 21st Century Workforce Development Program Category, Second Language Acquisition Program Category, Digital Learning Environment Category, Dropout Prevention Strategies Category, and Educational Programs for Gifted and Talented Students Category. The exceptions are DAEPs, JJAEPs, any TJJD campus, and certain AEPs that serve only students in TJJD facilities. Edit Type: SW Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterA0201513-14 Post Addendum Addition 3/10/14: New edit 13-14 Post Addendum Revision 5/23/14: Added more exceptions for TJJD campuses.If a campus is registered with the 91ȱ as an active instructional campus (with exceptions noted below), and there is at least one 400 or 500 record reported with a matching CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, then the following fields must not be blank: FINE-ARTS-CATEGORY-CODE, WELLNESS-AND-PHYSICAL-ED-CATEGORY-CODE, COMMUNITY-AND-PARENTAL-INVOLVEMENT-CATEGORY-CODE, 21ST-CENTURY-WORKFORCE-DEVEL-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE, SECOND-LANG-ACQUISITION-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE, DIGITAL-LEARNING-ENVIRONMENT-CATEGORY-CODE, DROPOUT-PREVENTION-STRATEGIES-CATEGORY-CODE, EDUCATIONAL-PGM-FOR-GT-STUDENTS-CATEGORY-CODE, OVERALL-RATING-CATEGORY-CODE, and STATUTORY-REPORTING-AND-POLICY-COMPLIANCE-CODE. Exceptions: This rule excludes DAEPs, JJAEPs, and any Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622) campus. In addition, this rule excludes the following AEP campuses that serve only students in TJJD facilities: 003903201, 007902005, 014906025, 015808003, 015808006, 015808007, 015808008, 015907195, 020902004, 021902014, 031903204, 031906003, 031912201, 043907006, 061911003, 068901005, 079901133, 084901011, 084901012, 091906004, 091906035, 092903200, 094901112, 101811001, 101811003, 101811004, 101811006, 108904040, 108911006, 116905003, 133903106, 152901017, 161914444, 170902201, 205906002, 220905024, 220905066, 221901008, 227901030, 234904002, 235902008, 246904199, 246907004, 246908006, 246909016, and 246911011. Every active instructional campus that reports attendance or flexible attendance (indicating that students were enrolled) must report performance ratings for the following: Fine Arts Category, Wellness and Physical Education Category, Community and Parental Involvement Category, 21st Century Workforce Development Program Category, Second Language Acquisition Program Category, Digital Learning Environment Category, Dropout Prevention Strategies Category, Educational Programs for Gifted and Talented Students Category, Overall Rating Category, and Statutory Reporting and Policy Compliance. The exceptions are DAEPs, JJAEPs, any TJJD campus, and certain AEPs that serve only students in TJJD facilities. Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterIf a campus is registered with the 91ȱ as an active instructional campus (with exceptions noted below), and there is at least one 400 or 500 record reported with a matching CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, then the following fields must not be blank: FINE-ARTS-CATEGORY-CODE, WELLNESS-AND-PHYSICAL-ED-CATEGORY-CODE, COMMUNITY-AND-PARENTAL-INVOLVEMENT-CATEGORY-CODE, 21ST-CENTURY-WORKFORCE-DEVEL-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE, SECOND-LANG-ACQUISITION-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE, DIGITAL-LEARNING-ENVIRONMENT-CATEGORY-CODE, DROPOUT-PREVENTION-STRATEGIES-CATEGORY-CODE, EDUCATIONAL-PGM-FOR-GT-STUDENTS-CATEGORY-CODE, OVERALL-RATING-CATEGORY-CODE, and STATUTORY-REPORTING-AND-POLICY-COMPLIANCE-CODE. Exceptions: This rule excludes DAEPs, JJAEPs, and any Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622) campus. In addition, this rule excludes the following AEP campuses that serve only students in TJJD facilities: 003903201, 007902005, 014906025, 015808003, 015808006, 015808007, 015808008, 015907195, 020902004, 021902014, 031903204, 031906003, 031912201, 043907006, 061911003, 068901005, 079901133, 084901011, 084901012, 091906004, 091906035, 092903200, 094901112, 101811001, 101811003, 101811004, 101811006, 108904040, 108911006, 116905003, 133903106, 152901017, 161914444, 170902201, 205906002, 220905024, 220905066, 221901008, 227901030, 234904002, 235902008, 246904199, 246907004, 246908006, 246909016, and 246911011. Every active instructional campus that reports attendance or flexible attendance (indicating that students were enrolled) must report performance ratings for the following: Fine Arts Category, Wellness and Physical Education Category, Community and Parental Involvement Category, 21st Century Workforce Development Program Category, Second Language Acquisition Program Category, Digital Learning Environment Category, Dropout Prevention Strategies Category, Educational Programs for Gifted and Talented Students Category, Overall Rating Category, and Statutory Reporting and Policy Compliance. The exceptions are DAEPs, JJAEPs, any TJJD campus, and certain AEPs that serve only students in TJJD facilities. Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterA0201613-14 Post Addendum Addition 3/10/14: New editIf the campus is a DAEP, JJAEP, or is not an active instructional campus, then the following fields must be blank: FINE-ARTS-CATEGORY-CODE, WELLNESS-AND-PHYSICAL-ED-CATEGORY-CODE, COMMUNITY-AND-PARENTAL-INVOLVEMENT-CATEGORY-CODE, 21ST-CENTURY-WORKFORCE-DEVEL-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE, SECOND-LANG-ACQUISITION-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE, DIGITAL-LEARNING-ENVIRONMENT-CATEGORY-CODE, DROPOUT-PREVENTION-STRATEGIES-CATEGORY-CODE, EDUCATIONAL-PGM-FOR-GT-STUDENTS-CATEGORY-CODE, OVERALL-RATING-CATEGORY-CODE, and STATUTORY-REPORTING-AND-POLICY-COMPLIANCE-CODE. DAEPs, JJAEPs, and campuses that are not active instructional must not report any of the performance ratings. Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterIf the campus is a DAEP, JJAEP, or is not an active instructional campus, then the following fields must be blank: FINE-ARTS-CATEGORY-CODE, WELLNESS-AND-PHYSICAL-ED-CATEGORY-CODE, COMMUNITY-AND-PARENTAL-INVOLVEMENT-CATEGORY-CODE, 21ST-CENTURY-WORKFORCE-DEVEL-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE, SECOND-LANG-ACQUISITION-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE, DIGITAL-LEARNING-ENVIRONMENT-CATEGORY-CODE, DROPOUT-PREVENTION-STRATEGIES-CATEGORY-CODE, EDUCATIONAL-PGM-FOR-GT-STUDENTS-CATEGORY-CODE, OVERALL-RATING-CATEGORY-CODE, and STATUTORY-REPORTING-AND-POLICY-COMPLIANCE-CODE. DAEPs, JJAEPs, and campuses that are not active instructional must not report any of the performance ratings. Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterP0301VRevision: Changed FISCAL-YEAR from 4 to 5.FISCAL-YEAR must be 4. Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Campus, Charter FISCAL-YEAR must be 5. Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Campus, CharterP0301WRevision: Added "and ORGANIZATION-CODE matches the last three characters of CAMPUS-ID" for clarification.For each active instructional CAMPUS-ID, excluding JJAEPs, reported on the district's 020 records, there should be at least one record where OBJECT-CODE is "6100" or "6200", FUNCTION-CODE is "11", and PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is not "99". The budget data reported for each active instructional campus (excluding JJAEPs), should include amounts where the object code is "payroll costs" (6100) or "professional and contracted services" (6200), the function code is "instruction" (11), and the program intent code is not "undistributed" (99). Edit Type: SW Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterFor each active instructional CAMPUS-ID, excluding JJAEPs, reported on the district's 020 records, there should be at least one record where OBJECT-CODE is "6100" or "6200", FUNCTION-CODE is "11", PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is not "99", and ORGANIZATION-CODE matches the last three characters of CAMPUS-ID. The budget data reported for each active instructional campus (excluding JJAEPs), should include amounts where the object code is "payroll costs" (6100) or "professional and contracted services" (6200), the function code is "instruction" (11), the program intent code is not "undistributed" (99), and the organization code matches the last three characters of campus ID. Edit Type: SW Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterM03213Revision: Removed FUND-CODE 287 by changing "287-289" to "289"If PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "23", then FUND-CODE should be "102", "199", "204", "205", "208", "224"-"230", "236", "237", "238", "239", "253", "255", "258","259", "266", "269"-"273", "282"-"284", "287"-"289", "293", "297", "313"-"317", "319", "325"-"328", "340", "347", "357", "362"-"366", "368", "379", "383"-"386","389", "392", "393", "399", "402", "410", "413"-"416", "419", "420"-"422", "425", "426", "429", "434", "435", "437", "439", "440", "441", "459", "461", "479", "499", or "699". Edit Type: SW Submission: 2 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Campus, CharterIf PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "23", then FUND-CODE should be "102", "199", "204", "205", "208", "224"-"230", "236", "237", "238", "239", "253", "255", "258","259", "266", "269"-"273", "282"-"284", "289", "293", "297", "313"-"317", "319", "325"-"328", "340", "347", "357", "362"-"366", "368", "379", "383"-"386","389", "392", "393", "399", "402", "410", "413"-"416", "419", "420"-"422", "425", "426", "429", "434", "435", "437", "439", "440", "441", "459", "461", "479", "499", or "699". Edit Type: SW Submission: 2 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Campus, CharterM03214Revision: Removed FUND-CODE 287If PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "22", then FUND-CODE should be "102", "199", "204", "208", "212", "243"-"252", "255", "258", "259", "266", "269"-"273", "287", "289", "293", "297", "301", "330"-"339", "347", "357", "366", "379", "383", "384", "387", "388", "389", "391", "393", "396", "410", "413", "414", "417", "420"-"422", "425", "426", "429", "433", "439", "440", "459", "461", "479", "499", or "699". Edit Type: SW Submission: 2 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Campus, CharterIf PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "22", then FUND-CODE should be "102", "199", "204", "208", "212", "243"-"252", "255", "258", "259", "266", "269"-"273", "289", "293", "297", "301", "330"-"339", "347", "357", "366", "379", "383", "384", "387", "388", "389", "391", "393", "396", "410", "413", "414", "417", "420"-"422", "425", "426", "429", "433", "439", "440", "459", "461", "479", "499", or "699". Edit Type: SW Submission: 2 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Campus, CharterM03216Revision: Removed FUND-CODE 287If PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "21", then FUND-CODE should be "102", "199", "204", "208", "212", "218", "255", "258", "259", "266", "269"-"273", "287", "289", "293", "301", "307", "347", "357", "366", "379", "383", "384", "388", "389", "391", "393", "397", "402", "405", "410", "413", "414", "420"-"422", "425"-"426", "429", "433", "439", "440", "459", "461", "479", "499", or "699". Edit Type: SW Submission: 2 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Campus, CharterIf PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "21", then FUND-CODE should be "102", "199", "204", "208", "212", "218", "255", "258", "259", "266", "269"-"273", "289", "293", "301", "307", "347", "357", "366", "379", "383", "384", "388", "389", "391", "393", "397", "402", "405", "410", "413", "414", "420"-"422", "425", "426", "429", "433", "439", "440", "459", "461", "479", "499", or "699". Edit Type: SW Submission: 2 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Campus, CharterM03218Revision: Removed FUND-CODE 287If PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "11", then FUND-CODE should be "102", "199", "204", "208", "212", "236"-"239", "255", "258", "259", "262", "266", "269"-"273", "279", "287", "289", "293", "297", "300", "301", "347", "357", "361", "366", "379", "383", "384", "388", "389", "391", "393", "399", "402", "404", "406", "408", "410", "413", "414", "415", "420"-"422", "424"-"426", "429", "433", "439", "440", "459", "461", "479", "499", or "699". Edit Type: SW Submission: 2 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Campus, CharterIf PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "11", then FUND-CODE should be "102", "199", "204", "208", "212", "236"-"239", "255", "258", "259", "262", "266", "269"-"273", "279", "289", "293", "297", "300", "301", "347", "357", "361", "366", "379", "383", "384", "388", "389", "391", "393", "399", "402", "404", "406", "408", "410", "413", "414", "415", "420"-"422", "424"-"426", "429", "433", "439", "440", "459", "461", "479", "499", or "699". Edit Type: SW Submission: 2 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Campus, CharterM03258Revision: Removed FUND-CODE 287 by changing "285-287" to "285, 286"If PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "24", "26", "28", or "29", then FUND-CODE should be "102", "199", "204"-"206", "208", "211"-"213", "220", "222", "223", "236"-"239", "255", "256", "258", "259", "261"-"262", "264"-"276", "279"-"280", "285"-"287", "289", "292"-"295", "297", "300"-"302", "309", "311", "312", "325", "326", "327", "328", "329", "342", "343", "347"-"349", "351", "352", "354"-"361", "366"-"367", "379", "381"-"384", "388", "389", "390", "391", "392", "393"-"396", "397", "398", "399", "401", "402", "404", "409", "410", "412"-"416", "419", "420"-"422", "425"-"426", "429", "431"-"433", "439", "440", "441", "459", "461", "479", "499", or "699". Edit Type: SW Submission: 2 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Campus, CharterIf PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "24", "26", "28", or "29", then FUND-CODE should be "102", "199", "204"-"206", "208", "211"-"213", "220", "222", "223", "236"-"239", "255", "256", "258", "259", "261", "262", "264"-"276", "279", "280", "285", "286", "289", "292"-"295", "297", "300"-"302", "309", "311", "312", "325", "326", "327", "328", "329", "342", "343", "347"-"349", "351", "352", "354"-"361", "366", "367", "379", "381"-"384", "388", "389", "390", "391", "392", "393"-"396", "397", "398", "399", "401", "402", "404", "409", "410", "412"-"416", "419", "420"-"422", "425"-"426", "429", "431"-"433", "439", "440", "441", "459", "461", "479", "499", or "699". Edit Type: SW Submission: 2 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Campus, CharterM03260Revision: Removed FUND-CODE 287If PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "25", then FUND-CODE should be "102", "199", "204", "208", "212", "255", "258", "259", "263", "266", "269"-"273", "287", "289", "293", "297", "301", "347", "350", "357", "366", "379", "383", "388", "389", "390", "391", "393", "399", "402", "407", "410", "412"-"415", "420"-"423", "425"-"426", "429", "433", "439", "440", "442", "459", "461", "479", "499", or "699". Edit Type: SW Submission: 2 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Campus, CharterIf PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "25", then FUND-CODE should be "102", "199", "204", "208", "212", "255", "258", "259", "263", "266", "269"-"273", "289", "293", "297", "301", "347", "350", "357", "366", "379", "383", "388", "389", "390", "391", "393", "399", "402", "407", "410", "412"-"415", "420"-"423", "425", "426", "429", "433", "439", "440", "442", "459", "461", "479", "499", or "699". Edit Type: SW Submission: 2 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Campus, CharterP0321PRevision: Changed FISCAL-YEAR from 3 to 4. If FUND-CODE is 101, 102, 199, 240, 420, or 701, then FISCAL-YEAR must be "3". Edit type: F Submission: 2 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Campus, CharterIf FUND-CODE is "101", "102", "199", "240", "420", or "701", then FISCAL-YEAR must be "4". Edit type: F Submission: 2 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Campus, CharterM032ZYRevision: Removed FUND-CODE 287 by changing "285-287" to "285, 286"If PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "30", then FUND-CODE should be "102", "199", "211", "266", "271", "272", "276","285"-"287", "289", "300", "358"-"360", "366" or "420". Edit Type: SW Submission: 2 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, CharterIf PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "30", then FUND-CODE should be "102", "199", "211", "266", "271", "272", "276","285", "286", "289", "300", "358"-"360", "366" or "420". Edit Type: SW Submission: 2 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, CharterM0322ARevision: Removed FUND-CODE 287If PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "31", then FUND-CODE should be "199", "287", or "420". If the actual financial data reported includes amounts for the program intent code "high school allotment" (31), then the fund code should be "general fund" (199), "education jobs fund (ARRA)" (287), or "foundation school program and other state aid" (420). Edit Type: W Submission: 2 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Campus, Charter If PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "31", then FUND-CODE should be "199" or "420". If the actual financial data reported includes amounts for the program intent code "high school allotment" (31), then the fund code should be "general fund" (199) or "foundation school program and other state aid" (420). Edit Type: W Submission: 2 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Campus, CharterA0322NRevision: Changed "should not be greater than" to "should be less than" in the Business MeaningThe ((sum of ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is 6XXX and FUND-CODE is not equal to "599" or "699" and FUNCTION-CODE is not equal to "81" or "91") divided by the (sum of ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is 5XXX and FUND-CODE is not equal to "599" or "699" and FUNCTION-CODE is not equal to "81" or "91")) multiplied by 100 should be less than 150.00. For actual financial data amounts for all fund codes, except "debt service funds" (599) and "capital projects funds" (699), and all function codes, except "facilities acquisition and construction" (81) and "contracted instructional services between public schools" (91), the total expenditures (6XXX) should not be greater than 150% of the total revenues (5XXX). Edit Type: SW Submission: 2 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterThe ((sum of ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is 6XXX and FUND-CODE is not equal to "599" or "699" and FUNCTION-CODE is not equal to "81" or "91") divided by the (sum of ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is 5XXX and FUND-CODE is not equal to "599" or "699" and FUNCTION-CODE is not equal to "81" or "91")) multiplied by 100 should be less than 150.00. For actual financial data amounts for all fund codes, except "debt service funds" (599) and "capital projects funds" (699), and all function codes, except "facilities acquisition and construction" (81) and "contracted instructional services between public schools" (91), the total expenditures (6XXX) should be less than 150% of the total revenues (5XXX). Edit Type: SW Submission: 2 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterA0322PRevision: Changed "must not be greater than" to "must be less than" in the Business MeaningThe ((sum of ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is 6XXX and FUND-CODE is not equal to "599" or "699" and FUNCTION-CODE is not equal to "81" or "91") divided by the (sum of ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is 5XXX and FUND-CODE is not equal to "599" or "699" and FUNCTION-CODE is not equal to "81" or "91")) multiplied by 100 must be less than 200.00. For actual financial data amounts for all fund codes, except "debt service funds" (599) and "capital projects funds" (699), and all function codes, except "facilities acquisition and construction" (81) and "contracted instructional services between public schools" (91), the total expenditures (6XXX) must not be greater than 200% of the total revenues (5XXX). Edit Type: F Submission: 2 Rule Applies To: DistrictThe ((sum of ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is 6XXX and FUND-CODE is not equal to "599" or "699" and FUNCTION-CODE is not equal to "81" or "91") divided by the (sum of ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is 5XXX and FUND-CODE is not equal to "599" or "699" and FUNCTION-CODE is not equal to "81" or "91")) multiplied by 100 must be less than 200.00. For actual financial data amounts for all fund codes, except "debt service funds" (599) and "capital projects funds" (699), and all function codes, except "facilities acquisition and construction" (81) and "contracted instructional services between public schools" (91), the total expenditures (6XXX) must be less than 200% of the total revenues (5XXX). Edit Type: F Submission: 2 Rule Applies To: DistrictA0322QRevision: Changed "should not be greater than" to "should be less than" in the Business Meaning OBJECT-CODE is 6XXX) divided by the (sum of ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is 5XXX)) multiplied by 100 should be less than 125.00. For actual financial data, the total expenses (6XXX) should not be greater than 125% of the total revenues (5XXX). Edit Type: SW Submission: 2 Rule Applies To: CharterOBJECT-CODE is 6XXX) divided by the (sum of ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is 5XXX)) multiplied by 100 should be less than 125.00. For actual financial data, the total expenses (6XXX) should be less than 125% of the total revenues (5XXX). Edit Type: SW Submission: 2 Rule Applies To: CharterA0322RRevision: Changed "must not be greater than" to "must be less than" in the Business MeaningThe ((sum of ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is 6XXX) divided by the (sum of ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is 5XXX)) multiplied by 100 must be less than 200.00. For actual financial data, the total expenses (6XXX) must not be greater than 200% of the total revenues (5XXX). Edit Type: F Submission: 2 Rule Applies To: CharterThe ((sum of ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is 6XXX) divided by the (sum of ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is 5XXX)) multiplied by 100 must be less than 200.00. For actual financial data, the total expenses (6XXX) must be less than 200% of the total revenues (5XXX). Edit Type: F Submission: 2 Rule Applies To: Charter P, M0322SRevision: Added PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE "33", "34", "35" to Edit Rule Text. Added 'pre-kindergarten-special education" (33), "pre-kindergarten-compensatory education" (34), or "pre-kindergarten-bilingual education" (35)' to Business Meaning. Removed FUND-CODE 287If PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "32", then FUND-CODE should be "199", "205"- "206", "212"-"213", "237", "263", "266", "269"-"270", "272", "274"-"276", "280", "286"-"287", "289", "294"-"295", "301"-"302", "326", "347", "350", "356", "358", "360", "366"-"367", "379", "388", "390"-"391", "393", "395"-"396", "401"-"402", "404", "410", "413"-"416", "419"-"423", "426", "429", "439"-"442", "459", "461", "479", or "499". If the actual financial data reported includes amounts for the program intent code "pre-kindergarten-regular education" (32), then the fund code should be "general fund" (199), selected "special revenue (federal programs)" funds, selected "special revenue (federally funded SSAs)" funds, selected "special revenue (state funded)" funds, selected "special revenue (state/locally funded SSAs)" funds, or selected "special revenue (local programs)" funds. Edit type: SW Submission: 2 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Campus, CharterIf PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "32", "33", "34", or "35", then FUND-CODE should be "199", "205", "206", "212", "213", "237", "263", "266", "269", "270", "272", "274"-"276", "280", "286", "289", "294", "295", "301", "302", "326", "347", "350", "356", "358", "360", "366", "367", "379", "388", "390", "391", "393", "395", "396", "401", "402", "404", "410", "413"-"416", "419"-"423", "426", "429", "439"-"442", "459", "461", "479", or "499". If the actual financial data reported includes amounts for the program intent codes "pre-kindergarten-regular education" (32), "pre-kindergarten-special education" (33), "pre-kindergarten-compensatory education" (34), or "pre-kindergarten-bilingual education" (35), then the fund code should be "general fund" (199), selected "special revenue (federal programs)" funds, selected "special revenue (federally funded SSAs)" funds, selected "special revenue (state funded)" funds, selected "special revenue (state/locally funded SSAs)" funds, or selected "special revenue (local programs)" funds. Edit type: SW Submission: 2 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Campus, CharterP0322VRevision: Added PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE "33", "34", "35" to Edit Rule Text. Added '"pre-kindergarten-special education" (33), "pre-kindergarten-compensatory education" (34), or "pre-kindergarten-bilingual education" (35)' to Business Meaning.If FUND-CODE is "199", then the sum of ACTUAL AMOUNTs where PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "32" should be greater than 0. The actual financial data reported for the "general fund" (199) must include total amounts greater than zero ($0) for the "pre-kindergarten-regular education" (32) program intent code. Edit type: SW Submission: 2 Rule Applies To: District, CampusIf FUND-CODE is "199", then the sum of ACTUAL AMOUNTs where PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "32", "33", "34", or "35" should be greater than 0. The actual financial data reported for the "general fund" (199) must include total amounts greater than zero ($0) for the "pre-kindergarten-regular education" (32), "pre-kindergarten-special education" (33), "pre-kindergarten-compensatory education" (34), or "pre-kindergarten-bilingual education" (35) program intent codes. Edit type: SW Submission: 2 Rule Applies To: District, CampusP0322WRevision: Added PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE "33", "34", "35" to Edit Rule Text. Added '"pre-kindergarten-special education" (33), "pre-kindergarten-compensatory education" (34), or "pre-kindergarten-bilingual education" (35)' to Business Meaning.If FUND-CODE is "420", then the sum of ACTUAL AMOUNTs where PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "32" should be greater than 0. The actual financial data reported for the "foundation school program and other state aid" (420) fund code must include total amounts greater than zero ($0) for the "pre-kindergarten-regular education" (32) program intent code. Edit type: SW Submission: 2 Rule Applies To: Campus, CharterIf FUND-CODE is "420", then the sum of ACTUAL AMOUNTs where PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "32", "33", "34", or "35" should be greater than 0. The actual financial data reported for the "foundation school program and other state aid" (420) fund code must include total amounts greater than zero ($0) for the "pre-kindergarten-regular education" (32), "pre-kindergarten-special education" (33), "pre-kindergarten-compensatory education" (34), or "pre-kindergarten-bilingual education" (35) program intent codes. Edit type: SW Submission: 2 Rule Applies To: Campus, CharterP0322XDeletion: Deleted editThere should be at least one record where FUND-CODE is "287" and OBJECT-CODE is "5XXX". The actual financial data reported for a local education agency must include revenues in the "education jobs fund (ARRA)". Edit Type: SW Submission: 2 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterFormer Edit Deleted P0322YDeletion: Deleted editThere should be at least one record where FUND-CODE is "287" and OBJECT-CODE is "6XXX". The actual financial data reported for a local education agency must include expenditures in the "education jobs fund (ARRA)". Edit Type: SW Submission: 2 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterFormer Edit DeletedP032YRRevision: Deleted FISCAL-YEAR 1. Added FISCAL-YEAR 5. Rearranged and added "then". FISCAL-YEAR should be 1", 2, "3", or 4 if FUND-CODE is 2XX-429. Edit Type: SW Submission: 2 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Campus, CharterIf FUND-CODE is "2XX"-"429", then FISCAL-YEAR should be "2", 3, "4", or "5". Edit Type: SW Submission: 2 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Campus, CharterP03304Revision: Deleted FISCAL-YEAR 1. Added FISCAL-YEAR 5.FISCAL-YEAR must be 1, "2", 3 or 4 Edit Type: F Submission: 2 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, CharterFISCAL-YEAR must be "2", "3", "4", or "5". Edit Type: F Submission: 2 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, CharterM04034Revision: Changed rule # 30040-0025 to 30090-0084.Rule # 30040-0025 If ROLE-ID is "003"-"005", "008", "011"-"013", "018"-"020", "023", "026"-"028", "040"-"042", "054", "060"-"065", "079", or "087", then HIGHEST-DEGREE-LEVEL-CODE should not be "0".Rule # 30090-0084 If ROLE-ID is "003"-"005", "008", "011"-"013", "018"-"020", "023", "026"-"028", "040"-"042", "054", "060"-"065", "079", or "087", then HIGHEST-DEGREE-LEVEL-CODE should not be "0".A04049Revision: Removed rule # 30040-0006Rule # 30040-0006 FIRST-NAME, MIDDLE-NAME, or LAST-NAME must only contain the following characters: A-Z, apostrophe, hyphen, or the space character.Rule #: FIRST-NAME, MIDDLE-NAME, or LAST-NAME must only contain the following characters: A-Z, apostrophe, hyphen, or the space character. M04053Revision: Removed Submission 3. (new edit 04059 added for submisison 3) Added exceptions for TSBVI, TSD, and TJJD. Each districts data submission must contain one 040 record for each staff person. Each district that employees staff must report one 040 record for each staff person employed. Edit Type: F Submission: 1, 3 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, CharterExcept for Texas School For the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), Texas School for the Deaf (227906), and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622), each districts data submission must contain one 040 record for each staff person. For each LEA's data submission (except for Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Texas School for the Deaf, and Texas Juvenile Justice Department), staff data must be reported for each staff person. Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, CharterM04055Revision: Removed Rule Applies to ESCEach districts data submission must contain at least one 305 record with a matching STAFF-ID for each staff person submitted on an 040 record. For submission 3, each teacher (role ids 047 and 087) reported with an 040 staff record must also be reported with a 305 teacher class assignment record. Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, CharterEach districts data submission must contain at least one 305 record with a matching STAFF-ID for each staff person submitted on an 040 record. For submission 3, each teacher (role ids 047 and 087) reported with an 040 staff record must also be reported with a 305 teacher class assignment record. Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, CharterP04056Revision: Changed 1994 to 1995.If the last four characters of DATE-OF-BIRTH are greater than 1994, then TOTAL-YEARS-PROF-EXPERIENCE must be 0 (Staff person is 18 years of age or younger). Edit Type: F Submission: 1, 3 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Campus, CharterIf the last four characters of DATE-OF-BIRTH are greater than "1995", then TOTAL-YEARS-PROF-EXPERIENCE must be 0 (Staff person is 18 years of age or younger). Edit Type: F Submission: 1, 3 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Campus, Charter P04057Revision: Changed 1995 to 1996.If TOTAL-YEARS-PROF-EXPERIENCE is greater than 0, then the last four characters of DATE-OF-BIRTH must be less than 1995 (Staff person must be at least 19 years of age or older). Edit Type: F Submission: 1, 3 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Campus, CharterIf TOTAL-YEARS-PROF-EXPERIENCE is greater than 0, then the last four characters of DATE-OF-BIRTH must be less than "1996" (Staff person must be at least 19 years of age or older). Edit Type: F Submission: 1, 3 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Campus, CharterM04059Addition: New editNONEEach districts data submission must contain one 040 record for each teacher. For each LEA's data submission, staff data must be reported for each teacher. Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, CharterM04060Addition: New editNONEThe Texas School For the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), the Texas School for the Deaf (227906), and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622) must not submit a 040 record. The Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, the Texas School for the Deaf, and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department must not report staff data in a submission 1. Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Charter P0430B13-14 Post Addendum Revision: Add TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID Added Submission 1. (Correction made to 13-14 Post Addendum version)This record's mandatory fields are INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, STAFF-ID, HISPANIC-LATINO-CODE, AMERICAN-INDIAN-ALASKA-NATIVE-CODE, ASIAN-CODE, BLACK-AFRICAN AMERICAN-CODE, NATIVE-HAWAIIAN-PACIFIC-ISLANDER-CODE, WHITE-CODE and DATE-OF-BIRTH. Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Campus, CharterThis record's mandatory fields are INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, STAFF-ID, HISPANIC-LATINO-CODE, AMERICAN-INDIAN-ALASKA-NATIVE-CODE, ASIAN-CODE, BLACK-AFRICAN AMERICAN-CODE, NATIVE-HAWAIIAN-PACIFIC-ISLANDER-CODE, WHITE-CODE, DATE-OF-BIRTH, and TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID. Edit Type: F Submission: 1, 3 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Campus, CharterP04302Revision: Changed 1942 to 1939. Changed 1994 to 1998. Revised Business Meaning to clarify reasonable staff age range.The last four characters of DATE-OF-BIRTH should not be less than 1942 or greater than 1994". The birth year for a staff person should be between "1942" and "1994". Edit Type: SW Submission: 1, 3 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, CharterThe last four characters of DATE-OF-BIRTH should not be less than "1939" or greater than "1998". A staff person should be between 16 and 75 years old. Edit Type: SW Submission: 1, 3 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, CharterP04303Revision: Combined with 04304. Added "less than 1916 or". Changed 2001 to 2000. Revised Business Meaning to clarify staff age range.The last four characters of DATE-OF-BIRTH must not be greater than 2001. The birth year for a staff person must not be greater than "2001". Edit Type: F Submission: 1, 3 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, CharterThe last four characters of DATE-OF-BIRTH must not be less than "1916" or greater than "2000". A staff person must be between 14 and 98 years old. Edit Type: F Submission: 1, 3 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Charter P04304Deletion: Edit deleted because combined into edit 04303.The last four characters of DATE-OF-BIRTH must not be less than 1918. The birth year for a staff person must not be less than "1918". Edit Type: F Submission: 1, 3 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, CharterFormer Edit DeletedP0431413-14 Post Addendum Addition: New editFor this TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID, at least one of the following race and ethnicity fields must have a value of 1 in the TSDS Unique ID system: AMERICAN-INDIAN-ALASKA-NATIVE-CODE, ASIAN-CODE, BLACK-AFRICAN AMERICAN-CODE, NATIVE-HAWAIIAN-PACIFIC-ISLANDER-CODE, WHITE-CODE, or HISPANIC-LATINO-CODE. Before PEIMS data can be processed for this staff person, the TSDS Unique ID system must be updated with their most recent race and ethnicity data. Edit Type: F Submission: 1, 3 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Campus, CharterFor this TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID, at least one of the following race and ethnicity fields must have a value of 1 in the TSDS Unique ID system: AMERICAN-INDIAN-ALASKA-NATIVE-CODE, ASIAN-CODE, BLACK-AFRICAN AMERICAN-CODE, NATIVE-HAWAIIAN-PACIFIC-ISLANDER-CODE, WHITE-CODE, or HISPANIC-LATINO-CODE. Before PEIMS data can be processed for this staff person, the TSDS Unique ID system must be updated with their most recent race and ethnicity data. Edit Type: F Submission: 1, 3 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Campus, CharterP0431513-14 Post Addendum Addition: New editFor this TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID, SEX-CODE must be M or F in the TSDS Unique ID system. Before PEIMS data can be processed for this staff person, the TSDS Unique ID system must be updated with a valid value for sex/gender. Edit Type: F Submission: 1, 3 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Campus, CharterFor this TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID, SEX-CODE must be M or F in the TSDS Unique ID system. Before PEIMS data can be processed for this staff person, the TSDS Unique ID system must be updated with a valid value for sex/gender. Edit Type: F Submission: 1, 3 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Campus, CharterPA04316Addition: New editNoneTX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID must not match TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID for any other staff person reported for this LEA. A particular Texas unique staff id may only be used for one staff person at an LEA. Edit Type: F Submission: 1, 3 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Campus, CharterM05021Revision: Added rule # 30050-0004Rule # blank The value of STAFF-ID on this record must match the value of STAFF-ID on some 040 record.Rule # 30050-0004 The value of STAFF-ID on this record must match the value of STAFF-ID on some 040 record.M05022Revision: Added rule # 30040-0043Rule # blank Each districts data submission must contain one 050 record for each staff person submitted on an 040 record.Rule # 30040-0043 Each districts data submission must contain one 050 record for each staff person submitted on an 040 record.M05508Revision: Changed from Special Warning to Warning. Clarified business meaning.If the district has a 055 Contracted Instructional Staff record, then there should be at least one 040 Staff Identification Demographic record where STAFF-TYPE-CODE is "2". If contracted instructional staff are reported on the 055 record, then at least one 040 record with staff type code "contracted instructional staff serving as a classroom teacher" (2) should also be reported. Edit Type: SW Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, CharterIf the district has a 055 Contracted Instructional Staff record, then there should be at least one 040 Staff Identification Demographic record where STAFF-TYPE-CODE is "2". If contracted instructional staff are reported on the 055 record, then at least one 040 record with staff type code "contracted instructional staff serving as a classroom teacher" (2) should be reported for staff with teaching responsibilities. Edit Type: W Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Charter M, A05509Addition: New edit Addendum: Corrected rule # from 30055-0007 to 30055-0008NONEThe Texas School For the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), the Texas School for the Deaf (227906), and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622) must not submit a 055 record. The Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, the Texas School for the Deaf, and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department must not report contracted instructional staff data. Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, CharterM06006Revision: Changed rule # from 30060-0001 to 30040-0044Rule # 30060-0001 If STAFF-TYPE-CODE on the 040 record is "1", then there must be at least one 060 record for that person where PAYROLL-ACTIVITY-CODE is "80", Base Salary, or "78".Rule # 30040-0044 If STAFF-TYPE-CODE on the 040 record is "1", then there must be at least one 060 record for that person where PAYROLL-ACTIVITY-CODE is "80", Base Salary, or "78".M06041Revision: Added "Except for Texas School for the Deaf (227906), Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), and Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622), each district's data submission" to edit rule text. Added "For each LEA's data submission (except for Texas School for the Deaf, Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and Texas Juvenile Justice Department)...payroll" to business meaning. There must be at least one record where ORGANIZATION-CODE is not "701". There must be at least one staff member reported that is not paid from the Superintendents Office organization code. Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, CharterExcept for Texas School for the Deaf (227906), Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), and Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622), each district's data submission must contain at least one 060 record where ORGANIZATION-CODE is not "701". For each LEA's data submission (except for Texas School for the Deaf, Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and Texas Juvenile Justice Department), there must be at least one staff member payroll reported that is not paid from the Superintendents Office organization code. Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, CharterM06081Revision: Removed FUND-CODE 287If PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "11", then FUND-CODE should be "102", "199", "204", "208", "212", "236"-"239", "255", "258", "259", "262", "266", "269"-"273", "279", "287", "289", "293", "297", "300", "301", "347", "357", "361", "366", "379", "383", "384", "388", "389", "391", "393", "399", "402", "404", "406", "408", "410", "413", "414", "415", "420"-"422", "424" - "426", "429", "433", "439", "440", "459", "461", "479", or "499". Edit Type: SW Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, CharterIf PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "11", then FUND-CODE should be "102", "199", "204", "208", "212", "236"-"239", "255", "258", "259", "262", "266", "269"-"273", "279", "289", "293", "297", "300", "301", "347", "357", "361", "366", "379", "383", "384", "388", "389", "391", "393", "399", "402", "404", "406", "408", "410", "413", "414", "415", "420"-"422", "424"-"426", "429", "433", "439", "440", "459", "461", "479", or "499". Edit Type: SW Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, CharterM06082Revision: Removed FUND-CODE 287If PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "21", then FUND-CODE should be "102", "199", "204", "208", "212", "218", "255", "258", "259", "266", "269-"273", "287", "289", "293", "301", "307", "347", "357", "366", "379", "383", "384", "388", "389", "391", "393", "397", "402", "405", "410", "413", "414", "420"-"422", "425", "426", "429", "433", "439", "440", "459", "461", "479", or "499". Edit Type: SW Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, CharterIf PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "21", then FUND-CODE should be "102", "199", "204", "208", "212", "218", "255", "258", "259", "266", "269"-"273", "289", "293", "301", "307", "347", "357", "366", "379", "383", "384", "388", "389", "391", "393", "397", "402", "405", "410", "413", "414", "420"-"422", "425", "426", "429", "433", "439", "440", "459", "461", "479", or "499". Edit Type: SW Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, CharterM06083Revision: Removed FUND-CODE 287If PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "22", then FUND-CODE should be "102", "199", "204", "208", "212", "243"-"252", "255", "258", "259", "266", "269"-"273", "287", "289", "293", "297", "301", "330"-"339", "347", "357", "366", "379", "383", "384", "387", "388", "389", "391", "393", "396", "410", "413", "414", "417", "420"-"422", "425", "426", "429", "433", "439", "440", "459", "461", "479", or "499". Edit Type: SW Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, CharterIf PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "22", then FUND-CODE should be "102", "199", "204", "208", "212", "243"-"252", "255", "258", "259", "266", "269"-"273", "289", "293", "297", "301", "330"-"339", "347", "357", "366", "379", "383", "384", "387", "388", "389", "391", "393", "396", "410", "413", "414", "417", "420"-"422", "425", "426", "429", "433", "439", "440", "459", "461", "479", or "499". Edit Type: SW Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, CharterM06084Revision: Removed FUND-CODE 287 by changing "287-289" to "289"If PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "23", then FUND-CODE should be "102", "199", "204", "205", "208", "224"-"230","236"-"239", "253", "255", "258"-"259", "266", "269"-"273", "282"-"284", "287"-"289", "293", "297", "313"-"317", "319", "325"-"328", "340", "347", "357", "362"-"366", "368", "379", "383", "384", "385", "386", "389", "392", "393", "399", "402", "410", "413"-"416", "419", "420"-"422", "425", "426", "429", "434", "435", "437", "439", "440", "441", "459", "461", "479", or "499". Edit Type: SW Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, CharterIf PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "23", then FUND-CODE should be "102", "199", "204", "205", "208", "224"-"230","236"-"239", "253", "255", "258"-"259", "266", "269"-"273", "282"-"284", "289", "293", "297", "313"-"317", "319", "325"-"328", "340", "347", "357", "362"-"366", "368", "379", "383", "384", "385", "386", "389", "392", "393", "399", "402", "410", "413"-"416", "419", "420"-"422", "425", "426", "429", "434", "435", "437", "439", "440", "441", "459", "461", "479", or "499". Edit Type: SW Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, CharterM06085Revision: Removed FUND-CODE 287 by changing "285-287" to "285, 286"If PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "24", "26", "28", or "29", then FUND-CODE should be "102", "199", "204"-"206", "208", "211"-"213", "220", "222", "223", "236"-"239", "255", "256", "258", "259", "261", "262", "264"-"276", "279"-"280", "285"-"287", "289", "292"-"295", "297", "300"-"302", "309", "311", "312", "325", "326", "327", "328", "329", "342", "343", "347"-"349", "351"-"352", "354"-"361", "366"-"367" "379", "381"-"384", "388" -"399", "401", "402", "404", "409", "410", "412"-"416", "419"-"422", "429", "431"-"433", "439", "440", "441", "459", "461", "479", or "499". Edit Type: SW Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, CharterIf PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "24", "26", "28", or "29", then FUND-CODE should be "102", "199", "204"-"206", "208", "211"-"213", "220", "222", "223", "236"-"239", "255", "256", "258", "259", "261", "262", "264"-"276", "279", "280", "285", "286", "289", "292"-"295", "297", "300"-"302", "309", "311", "312", "325", "326", "327", "328", "329", "342", "343", "347"-"349", "351", "352", "354"-"361", "366", "367" "379", "381"-"384", "388" -"399", "401", "402", "404", "409", "410", "412"-"416", "419"-"422", "429", "431"-"433", "439", "440", "441", "459", "461", "479", or "499". Edit Type: SW Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Charter M06086Revision: Removed FUND-CODE 287If PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "25", then FUND-CODE should be "102", "199", "204", "208", "212", "255", "258", "259", "263", "266", "269"-"273", "287", "289", "293", "297", "301", "347", "350", "357", "366", "379", "383", "388", "389", "390", "391", "393", "399", "402", "407", "410", "412"-"415", "420"-"423", "425", "426", "429", "433", "439", "440", "442", "459", "461", "479", or "499". Edit Type: SW Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, CharterIf PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "25", then FUND-CODE should be "102", "199", "204", "208", "212", "255", "258", "259", "263", "266", "269"-"273", "289", "293", "297", "301", "347", "350", "357", "366", "379", "383", "388", "389", "390", "391", "393", "399", "402", "407", "410", "412"-"415", "420"-"423", "425", "426", "429", "433", "439", "440", "442", "459", "461", "479", or "499". Edit Type: SW Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, CharterM06088Revision: Removed FUND-CODE 287If PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "99", then FUND-CODE should be "101", "102", "199", "203"-"206", "208", "209", "211"-"213", "218", "220", "222", "223", "236"-"242", "253", "255", "256", "258", "259", "261"-"266", "267"-"274", "279"-"280", "285", "287", "289", "292"-"295", "297", "298", "300", "301", "302", "307", "309", "311", "312", "325"-"329", "340", "342", "343", "347", "356", "357", "359", "361", "366"-"367", "379", "381"-"384", "387", "388", "389", "390", "391", "392", "393", "394", "395", "396", "397", "398"-"400", "402"-"404", "406", "408", "409"-"410", "412"-"414", "415", "416", "417", "419", "420", "421", "422", "425", "426", "429", "431"-"433", "436", "438", "439", "440", "441", "459", "461", "479", "499", "599", "699", "701", "749", "751"-"755", or "799". Edit Type: SW Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, CharterIf PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "99", then FUND-CODE should be "101", "102", "199", "203"-"206", "208", "209", "211"-"213", "218", "220", "222", "223", "236"-"242", "253", "255", "256", "258", "259", "261"-"266", "267"-"274", "279", "280", "285", "289", "292"-"295", "297", "298", "300", "301", "302", "307", "309", "311", "312", "325"-"329", "340", "342", "343", "347", "356", "357", "359", "361", "366", "367", "379", "381"-"384", "387", "388", "389", "390", "391", "392", "393", "394", "395", "396", "397", "398"-"400", "402"-"404", "406", "408", "409", "410", "412"-"414", "415", "416", "417", "419", "420", "421", "422", "425", "426", "429", "431"-"433", "436", "438", "439", "440", "441", "459", "461", "479", "499", "599", "699", "701", "749", "751"-"755", or "799". Edit Type: SW Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Charter P06096Revision: Replaced reference to CAMPUS-ID table with "ORGANIZATION-CODE should be registered with the 91ȱ as an active or under construction campus".If ORGANIZATION-CODE is less than "699", and ORGANIZATION-CODE is not found in the CAMPUS-ID table. For staff payroll reporting, if the organization code is an instructional campus organization type, then the organization code should be registered with the 91ȱ as an active or under construction campus. Edit Type: SW Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, CharterIf ORGANIZATION-CODE is less than "699", then ORGANIZATION-CODE should be registered with the 91ȱ as an active or under construction campus. For staff payroll reporting, if the organization code is an instructional campus organization type, then the organization code should be registered with the 91ȱ as an active or under construction campus. Edit Type: SW Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, CharterM0601QRevision: Removed FUND-CODE 287 by changing "285-287" to "285, 286"If PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "30", then FUND-CODE should be "102", "199", "211", "266", "271", "272", "276", "285"-"287", "289", "300", "358"-"360", "366", or "420". Edit Type: SW Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, CharterIf PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "30", then FUND-CODE should be "102", "199", "211", "266", "271", "272", "276", "285", "286", "289", "300", "358"-"360", "366", or "420". Edit Type: SW Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, CharterP0601RRevision: Changed FISCAL-YEAR from 4 to 5.If FUND-CODE is 101, 102, 199, 240, 420, or 701, then FISCAL-YEAR should be 4. Edit Type: SW Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, CharterIf FUND-CODE is "101", "102", "199", "240", "420", or "701", then FISCAL-YEAR should be "5". Edit Type: SW Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, CharterP0601SRevision: Deleted FISCAL-YEAR 1. Added FISCAL-YEAR 5. Rearranged and added "then".FISCAL-YEAR should be "1", "2", "3" or "4" if FUND-CODE is "2XX"-"429". Edit Type: SW Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, CharterIf FUND-CODE is "2XX"-"429", then FISCAL-YEAR should be "2", "3", "4", or "5". Edit Type: SW Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Charter M0601URevision: Changed rule # from 30060-0002 to 30040-0045Rule # 30060-0002 If STAFF-TYPE-CODE on the 040 record is a "2", then there must not be a matching 060 record for that particular staff IDRule # 30040-0045 If STAFF-TYPE-CODE on the 040 record is a "2", then there must not be a matching 060 record for that particular staff IDM0601XRevision: Removed FUND-CODE 287If PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "32", "33", "34", or "35", then FUND-CODE should be "199", "205"- "206", "212"-"213", "237", "263", "266", "269"-"270", "272", "274"-"276", "280", "286"-"287", "289", "294"-"295", "301"-"302", "326", "347", "350", "356", "358", "360", "366"-"367", "379", "388", "390"-"391", "393", "395"-"396", "401"-"402", "404", "410", "413"-"416", "419"-"423", "426", "429", "439"-"442", "459", "461", "479", or "499". Edit Type: SW Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, CharterIf PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "32", "33", "34", or "35", then FUND-CODE should be "199", "205", "206", "212", "213", "237", "263", "266", "269", "270", "272", "274"-"276", "280", "286", "289", "294", "295", "301", "302", "326", "347", "350", "356", "358", "360", "366", "367", "379", "388", "390", "391", "393", "395", "396", "401", "402", "404", "410", "413"-"416", "419"-"423", "426", "429", "439"-"442", "459", "461", "479", or "499". Edit Type: SW Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, CharterM0601YAddition: New editNoneThe Texas School For the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), the Texas School for the Deaf (227906), and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622) must not submit a 060 record. The Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, the Texas School for the Deaf, and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department must not report staff payroll data. Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Charter A09011Revision: Removed reference to "ESC" from the business meaningThere should be one and only one record where ROLE-ID is "027". An ESC, school district, or open enrollment charter school should have one and only one Superintendent/Chief Admin Officer/CEO/President. Edit Type: SW Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterThere should be one and only one record where ROLE-ID is "027". A school district open enrollment charter school should have one and only one Superintendent/Chief Admin Officer/CEO/President. Edit Type: SW Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterA09023Revision: Changed "locally developed" to "local-credit" in Business MeaningIf SERVICE-ID begins with "SE" or "9", then POPULATION-SERVED-CODE must be "06". For staff responsibility reporting, if the service id begins with "SE" indicating special education, or "9" indicating locally developed course for students receiving special education and related services, then the population served code must be "special education students" (06). Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Campus, CharterIf SERVICE-ID begins with "SE" or "9", then POPULATION-SERVED-CODE must be "06". For staff responsibility reporting, if the service id begins with "SE" indicating special education, or "9" indicating local-credit course for students receiving special education and related services, then the population served code must be "special education students" (06). Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Campus, CharterM0901TRevision: Added "Except for Texas School for the Deaf (227906), Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), and Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622)" to edit rule text. Added "For each LEA's data submission (except for Texas School for the Deaf, Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and Texas Juvenile Justice Department)" to business meaning. Each districts data submission must contain one 090 record for each responsibility that can be specified using the roles and services found in the Data Standards code tables for each professional and each paraprofessional. The staff responsibility data must be reported for each professional and paraprofessional staff person. Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Campus, CharterExcept for Texas School for the Deaf (227906), Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), and Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622), each districts data submission must contain one 090 record for each responsibility that can be specified using the roles and services found in the Data Standards code tables for each professional and each paraprofessional. For each LEA's data submission (except for Texas School for the Deaf, Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and Texas Juvenile Justice Department), staff responsibility data must be reported for each professional and paraprofessional staff person. Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Campus, CharterP, M0901VRevision (Preliminary): Added district id values. Rearranged for clarity. Revision (March): Added the Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622). Changed logic to prevent TSD, TSBVI, and TJJD from reporting 090 records. Deleted "then CLASS-TYPE-CODE must be "02...." etc. Added "must not submit a 090 record."If DISTRICT-ID matches the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired or Texas School for the Deaf then CLASS-TYPE-CODE must be "02" for the roles in 0900B. For the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired or Texas School for the Deaf, the class type code must be "non-regular" for a staff responsibility where staff category is instructional. Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Campus, CharterThe Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), the Texas School for the Deaf (227906), and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622), must not submit a 090 record. The Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, the Texas School for the Deaf, and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department must not report staff responsibility data. Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Campus, CharterP0902CDeletion: Edit deleted because it duplicates the logic of 0902DIf STAFF-TYPE-CODE on the 040 record is "2", then ROLE-ID must be "047" or "087". If the staff type code is "contracted instructional staff serving as a classroom teacher", then the role id must be "substitute teacher" or "teacher". Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Campus, CharterFormer Edit DeletedM0902DRevision: Changed rule # from 30090-0003 to 30040-0046Rule # 30090-0003 If STAFF-TYPE-CODE on the 040 record is "2", then there must be at least one matching 090 record for that staff ID, and the ROLE-ID must be "047" or "087".Rule # 30040-0046 If STAFF-TYPE-CODE on the 040 record is "2", then there must be at least one matching 090 record for that staff ID, and the ROLE-ID must be "047" or "087".A10015Revision: Removed rule # 40100-0016Rule # 40100-0016 FIRST-NAME, MIDDLE-NAME, or LAST-NAME must only contain the following characters: A-Z, 0-9, apostrophe, hyphen, the space character.Rule # FIRST-NAME, MIDDLE-NAME, or LAST-NAME must only contain the following characters: A-Z, 0-9, apostrophe, hyphen, the space character.P10026Revision: Rearranged and added "then"ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE must be blank if AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is "A". Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterIf AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is "A", then ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE must be blank. Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterP10032Deletion: Deleted edit that only applied to 2013-2014.If CRISIS-CODE is "04", then DISTRICT-ID must be "101912". Only Houston ISD may report Crisis Code 04, "North Forest ISD Annexation to Houston ISD". Edit Type: F Submission: 1, 3, 4 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterFormer Edit DeletedP10033Addition: New editNoneHOMELESS-STATUS-CODE and UNACCOMPANIED-YOUTH-STATUS-CODE must be blank. Homeless status code and unaccompanied youth status code are not reported for students in submission 4. Edit Type: F Submission: 4 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterM1010ARevision: Correction: Rule Applies to ESC RemovedThe record key of the 101 record is composed of INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, and STUDENT-ID. Edit Type: F Submission: 1, 3, 4 Rule Applies To: ESC, District, Campus, CharterThe record key of the 101 record is composed of INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, and STUDENT-ID. Edit Type: F Submission: 1, 3, 4 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterP101 EditsRevision: Advanced year values one year. Changed 2013 to 2014.PEIMS September 1, 2013 Age Calculation Algorithm for the 101 Record The Birth Year is subtracted from 2013 resulting in the Age. The Age is then adjusted for the month and day to get September 1 Age.PEIMS September 1, 2014 Age Calculation Algorithm for the 101 Record The Birth Year is subtracted from 2014 resulting in the Age. The Age is then adjusted for the month and day to get September 1 Age.P10106Revision: Combined with 10114, 10115, 10138, 10152, 10191. Added check for blank CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE. Added Texas Juvenile Justice Department (TJJD).CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE must match an entry registered with the 91ȱ as an active instructional campus, excluding JJAEP campuses or campus "255000000". A student's campus id of residence must match a 91ȱ active instructional campus or an out of state campus "255000000". Edit Type: F Submission: 1, 3, 4 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterIf CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE is not blank, then CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE must be "255000000" or match an entry registered with the 91ȱ as an active instructional campus ending in "001" - "698" (excluding charters, JJAEPs, Texas School for the Deaf (227906), Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), or Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622)). If reported, a student's campus id of residence must indicate an out of state campus ("255000000") or be registered with the 91ȱ as an active instructional campus ending in "001" - "698" that is not an open enrollment charter school, JJAEP, Texas School for the Deaf, Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, or Texas Juvenile Justice Department. Edit Type: F Submission: 1, 3, 4 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterP10114Deletion: Edit deleted because it was combined into 10106.The last three characters of CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE must not be greater than "698". The last three characters of a students campus id of residence must not exceed "698". Edit Type: F Submission: 1, 3, 4 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterFormer Edit DeletedP10115Deletion: Edit deleted because it was combined into 10106.The first six characters of CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE must not be a district registered with the 91ȱ as an ESC. A students campus id of residence must not be an ESC. Edit Type: F Submission: 1, 3, 4 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterFormer Edit DeletedP10138Deletion: Edit deleted because it was combined into 10106.CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE must not be a campus registered with the 91ȱ as a juvenile justice alternative education program (JJAEP) campus. A students campus id of residence must not be a campus registered with the 91ȱ as a juvenile justice alternative education program (JJAEP) campus. Edit Type: F Submission: 1, 3, 4 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterFormer Edit DeletedP10152Deletion: Edit deleted because it was combined into 10106.CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE must not be registered with the 91ȱ as a charter district. A students campus id of residence must not be a registered with the 91ȱ as an open enrollment charter school. Edit Type: F Submission: 1, 3, 4 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterFormer Edit DeletedP10158Revision: Added 'ending in "001" - "698" (excluding', reworded for clarityCAMPUS-ID-OF-ACCOUNTABILITY must match an entry registered with the 91ȱ and must be an active regular instructional campus, or an AEP, and is not a DAEP or a JJAEP. A students campus id of accountability must be an active regular instructional or AEP campus ending in "001" - "698" and is not a DAEP or JJAEP. Edit Type: F Submission: 1, 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterCAMPUS-ID-OF-ACCOUNTABILITY must match an entry registered with the 91ȱ as an active regular instructional or AEP campus ending in "001" - "698" (excluding DAEP and JJAEP). A students campus id of accountability must be an active regular instructional or AEP campus ending in "001" - "698" and is not a DAEP or JJAEP. Edit Type: F Submission: 1, 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterM10160Revision: Removed Rule Applies to CharterIf CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT on this student's 400 and/or 500 record(s) is always a DAEP, then CAMPUS-ID-OF-ACCOUNTABILITY must not be blank. A campus id of accountability must be reported for a student who is enrolled in a DAEP for the entire school year. Edit Type: F Submission 3: Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterIf CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT on this student's 400 and/or 500 record(s) is always a DAEP, then CAMPUS-ID-OF-ACCOUNTABILITY must not be blank. A campus id of accountability must be reported for a student who is enrolled in a DAEP for the entire school year. Edit Type: F Submission 3: Rule Applies To: District, CampusM10161Revision: Removed Rule Applies to CharterIf CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT on this student's 400 and/or 500 record(s) is always a JJAEP, then CAMPUS-ID-OF ACCOUNTABILITY must not be blank. A campus id of accountability must be reported for a student who is enrolled in a JJAEP for the entire school year. Edit Type: F Submission 3: Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterIf CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT on this student's 400 and/or 500 record(s) is always a JJAEP, then CAMPUS-ID-OF ACCOUNTABILITY must not be blank. A campus id of accountability must be reported for a student who is enrolled in a JJAEP for the entire school year. Edit Type: F Submission 3: Rule Applies To: District, CampusP10186Revision: Added district id values.If DISTRICT-ID matches the Texas School for the Deaf or the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, then CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE must not be blank. For each student in the Texas School for the Deaf or the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, campus id of residence must be reported. Edit Type: F Submission: 1, 3, 4 Rules Applies To: DistrictIf DISTRICT-ID matches the Texas School for the Deaf (227906) or the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), then CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE must not be blank. For each student in the Texas School for the Deaf or the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, campus id of residence must be reported. Edit Type: F Submission: 1, 3, 4 Rules Applies To: DistrictP10191Deletion: Edit deleted because it was combined into 10106.CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE must not be a campus registered with the 91ȱ as the Texas School for the Deaf campus or the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired campus. A student's campus id of residence must not be the Texas School for the Deaf or the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired. Edit Type: F Submission: 1, 3, 4 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterFormer Edit DeletedP10196Revision: Changed GRADE-LEVEL-CODE "07" - "12" to "07". (New edit 1012P checks for grades 08-12).If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "07" - "12", then AS-OF-STATUS-CODE must be "A" "G" or "X". A student in grade level "07" - "12" must have an as-of status code of "A" - "G" or "X". Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterIf GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "07", then AS-OF-STATUS-CODE must be "A" - "G" or "X". A student in grade level "07" must have an as-of status code of "A" - "G" or "X". Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterP1011DRevision: Added "and/or 510" to edit text. Added "and/or flexible attendance" to business meaning.If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "09" - "12" and CAREER-AND-TECHNICAL-ED-IND-CD is "2" or "3", then there should be a 410 record for that student. A career and technical education student in grades 9-12 that is a participant in a coherent sequence of courses or a Tech Prep program should be reported with career and technical education attendance. Edit Type: W Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterIf GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "09" - "12" and CAREER-AND-TECHNICAL-ED-IND-CD is "2" or "3", then there should be a 410 and/or 510 record for that student. A career and technical education student in grades 9-12 that is a participant in a coherent sequence of courses or a Tech Prep program should be reported with career and technical education attendance and/or flexible attendance. Edit Type: W Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterA1011PRevision: Changed "grade" to "GRADE-LEVEL-CODE"If grade is "07"-"12", then LAST-DATE-OF-ENROLLMENT must not be blank. Edit Type: F Submission 3: Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterIf GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "07"-"12", then LAST-DATE-OF-ENROLLMENT must not be blank. Edit Type: F Submission 3: Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterP1012H13-14 Post Addendum Revision: Added Submission 1 (Correction made 13-14 Post Addendum)For each value of STUDENT-ID on some 101 record there must be a matching 102 record. Edit Type: F Submission: 3, 4 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterFor each value of STUDENT-ID on some 101 record there must be a matching 102 record. Edit Type: F Submission: 1, 3, 4 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterA1012J13-14 Post Addendum Revision: Removed Submisison 3 Corrected "GRADE-LEVEL" to "GRADE-LEVEL-CODE"If age is less than 3 on September 1 and GRADE-LEVEL is "PK", then ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE must be "0", "4", or "5". Edit Type: F Submission 1, 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterIf age is less than 3 on September 1 and GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "PK", then ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE must be "0", "4", or "5". Edit Type: F Submission 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, Charter P1012NRevision: Changed from Special Warning to Fatal. Changed "should" to "must".If AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is "X", then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE should be "EE" - "07". Only students in grade level "EE" - "07" (first year seventh graders) may use as of status code of "X". Edit Type: SW Submission: 1, 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterIf AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is "X", then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE must be "EE" - "07". Only students in grade level "EE" - "07" (first year seventh graders) may use as of status code of "X". Edit Type: F Submission: 1, 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterP1012PAddition: New editNoneIf GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "08" - "12", then AS-OF-STATUS-CODE must be "A" "G". A student in grade level "08" - "12" must have an as-of status code of "A" - "G". Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterP1012QAddition: New editNoneIf GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "09" - "12" and CAREER-AND-TECHNICAL-ED-IND-CD is "1", then there should be a 410 and/or 510 record for that student. A student in grades "09" - "12" that is enrolled in a career and technical education course should be reported with career and technical education attendance and/or flexible attendance. Edit Type: SW Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, Charter M1012RAddition: New editNoneIf AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is F or G, then there must not be a 203 record with a matching STUDENT-ID. If a student was not enrolled in the district in the prior school year, then leaver data must not be reported for that student. Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterM1012SAddition: New editNoneIf GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "09" "12", then there must be a 203 record with a matching STUDENT-ID. Each student in grades "09" "12" must be reported with Foundation High School Program graduation intention data in submission 3. Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterM1012TAddition: New editNoneIf GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is not "09" "12", then there must not be a 203 record with a matching STUDENT-ID. Only students in grades "09" "12" may be reported with Foundation High School Program graduation intention data in submission 3. Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, Charter M1012UAddition: New editNoneIf GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "09", then FHSP-PARTICIPANT-CODE should be "1" on the students graduation program intention data. A student in grade "09" should report graduation program intention data indicating the student is currently enrolled in the Foundation High School Program. Edit Type: SW Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterP1020BRevision: Removed FOSTER-CARE-INDICATOR-CODE and MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODEThis records mandatory fields are INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, STUDENT-ID, TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID, FOSTER-CARE-INDICATOR-CODE and MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE. Edit Type: F Submission: 1, 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterThis records mandatory fields are INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, STUDENT-ID, and TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID. Edit Type: F Submission: 1, 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterP10211Revision: Added "AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is B, D, F, or X", changed from Special Warning to Fatal, changed "should" to "must", added "enrolled this year on the PEIMS fall snapshot date and is" to the business meaningIf FOSTER-CARE-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then AT-RISK-INDICATOR-CODE should be "1". A student that is reported as in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services (in foster care) is an At-Risk student by definition. Edit Type: SW Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterIf FOSTER-CARE-INDICATOR-CODE is "1" and AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is "B", "D", "F", or "X", then AT-RISK-INDICATOR-CODE must be "1". A student that is enrolled this year on the PEIMS fall snapshot date and is reported as in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services (in foster care) is an At-Risk student by definition. Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, Charter A10214Revision: Changed from Fatal to Special Warning, changed "must" to "should"If MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE is "4", then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE must be "PK". For submission 3, a student that is reported with the military connected student code that only applies to Pre-kindergarten students (code 4) must be reported in grade level "PK". Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterIf MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE is "4", then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE should be "PK". For submission 3, a student that is reported with the military connected student code that only applies to Pre-kindergarten students (code 4) should be reported in grade level "PK". Edit Type: SW Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterA1021513-14 Post Addendum Revision: Changed from Fatal to Special Warning, changed "must" to "should" 14-15 Addendum Revision: Removed Submission 1If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "EE", then MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE must be "0". The military connected student code is only applicable to students in grades "PK" - "12". Edit Type: F Submission: 1, 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterIf GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "EE", then MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE should be "0". The military connected student code is only applicable to students in grades "PK" - "12". Edit Type: SW Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterP10216Revision: Changed 'must be "0"' to 'must be blank'. Removed Submission 3. Changed Business Meaning to clarify that the fields should be left blank.If AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is "A", then FOSTER-CARE-INDICATOR-CODE must be "0" and MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE must be "0". A student that is reported as not enrolled in the current school year must be reported as not being a foster care student or a military connected student. Edit Type: F Submission: 1, 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterIf AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is "A", then FOSTER-CARE-INDICATOR-CODE and MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE must be blank. Foster care indicator code and military connected student code are not reported for students not enrolled in the current school year. Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, Charter P1021813-14 Post Addendum Addition: New editFor this TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID, at least one of the following race and ethnicity fields must have a value of 1 in the TSDS Unique ID system: AMERICAN-INDIAN-ALASKA-NATIVE-CODE, ASIAN-CODE, BLACK-AFRICAN AMERICAN-CODE, NATIVE-HAWAIIAN-PACIFIC-ISLANDER-CODE, WHITE-CODE, or HISPANIC-LATINO-CODE. Before PEIMS data can be processed for this student, the TSDS Unique ID system must be updated with their most recent race and ethnicity data. Edit Type: F Submission: 1, 3, 4 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterFor this TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID, at least one of the following race and ethnicity fields must have a value of 1 in the TSDS Unique ID system: AMERICAN-INDIAN-ALASKA-NATIVE-CODE, ASIAN-CODE, BLACK-AFRICAN AMERICAN-CODE, NATIVE-HAWAIIAN-PACIFIC-ISLANDER-CODE, WHITE-CODE, or HISPANIC-LATINO-CODE. Before PEIMS data can be processed for this student, the TSDS Unique ID system must be updated with their most recent race and ethnicity data. Edit Type: F Submission: 1, 3, 4 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterP1021913-14 Post Addendum Addition: New editFor this TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID, SEX-CODE must be "M" or "F" in the TSDS Unique ID system. Before PEIMS data can be processed for this student, the TSDS Unique ID system must be updated with a valid value for sex/gender. Edit Type: F Submission: 1, 3, 4 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterFor this TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID, SEX-CODE must be "M" or "F" in the TSDS Unique ID system. Before PEIMS data can be processed for this student, the TSDS Unique ID system must be updated with a valid value for sex/gender. Edit Type: F Submission: 1, 3, 4 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterP10220Addition: New editNoneIf AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is not "A", then FOSTER-CARE-INDICATOR-CODE and MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE must not be blank. If a student is enrolled in the current school year, then foster care indicator code and military connected student code must be reported. Edit Type: F Submission: 1, 3 Rule Applies To: Districf, Campus, CharterA10221Addition: New editNoneIf GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "EE", then MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE must be "0". The military connected student code is only applicable to students in grades "PK" - "12". Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterPA10222Addition: New editNoneTX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID must not match TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID for any other student reported for this LEA. A particular Texas unique student id may only be used for one student at an LEA. Edit Type: F Submission: 1, 3, 4 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterP11011Revision: Combined with 11012, 11074, 11075If CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT is not blank, then the first six characters of CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must be the same as DISTRICT-ID. If a student is required to have a campus id of enrollment, then the campus id of enrollment must be in the reporting district. Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterIf CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT is not blank, then CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must match an entry registered with the 91ȱ as an active instructional campus in the reporting LEA ending in "001" - "698". If reported, a student's campus id of enrollment must be registered with the 91ȱ as an active instructional campus in the reporting LEA ending in "001" - "698". Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, Charter P11012Deletion: Edit deleted because it was combined into 11011.CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must match an entry registered with the 91ȱ as an active instructional campus. A students campus id of enrollment must be a 91ȱ active instructional campus. Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterFormer Edit DeletedP1101513-14 Post Addendum Deletion: Deleted EditIf GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "PK" and ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE is "0", "4", or "5", then LEP-INDICATOR-CODE must be "0", ECONOMIC-DISADVANTAGE-CODE must be "00", MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE must be 0, FOSTER-CARE-INDICATOR-CODE must be 0, and HOMELESS-STATUS-CODE must be "0". A student that is enrolled in "PK" but as an ineligible student must not be reported as any of the following: LEP, economically disadvantaged, military connected, a current or former foster care child, or homeless. Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterFormer Edit DeletedP11025Revision: Rearranged to move Special Ed condition to the end for clarifcation.If SPECIAL-ED-INDICATOR-CODE is "0", then the GRADE-LEVEL-CODE shown for the STUDENT-ID should be found in the grade range of the campus shown in CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT for the student, unless CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT is blank. Edit Type: SW Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterThe GRADE-LEVEL-CODE shown for the STUDENT-ID should be found in the grade range of the campus shown in CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT for the student, unless CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT is blank or SPECIAL-ED-INDICATOR-CODE is "1". Edit Type: SW Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterA11041Revision: Changed rule # 40110-0009 to 40100-0142.Rule #: 40110-0009 If LEP-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then PARENTAL-PERMISSION-CODE must not be blank.Rule #: 40100-0142 If LEP-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then PARENTAL-PERMISSION-CODE must not be blank.P11060Revision: Change from Special Warning to WarningThe total number of 110 records with a given CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT divided by the total number of staff with a unique STAFF-ID, ROLE-ID of "047", or "087", and matching CAMPUS-ID should not be greater than 30. For a given campus, the ratio of students to teachers generally should not be greater than 30 to 1. Edit Type: SW Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterThe total number of 110 records with a given CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT divided by the total number of staff with a unique STAFF-ID, ROLE-ID of "047", or "087", and matching CAMPUS-ID should not be greater than 30. For a given campus, the ratio of students to teachers generally should not be greater than 30 to 1. Edit Type: W Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterP11070Revision: Changed "less than 21" to "less than 26".If LEP-INDICATOR-CODE is "1" and September 1 age is less than 21, then AT-RISK-INDICATOR-CODE must be "1". A student that is reported as LEP and is less than 21 years of age on September 1 must be reported as At-Risk. Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterIf LEP-INDICATOR-CODE is "1" and September 1 age is less than 26, then AT-RISK-INDICATOR-CODE must be "1". A student that is reported as LEP and is less than 26 years of age on September 1 must be reported as At-Risk. Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterP11074Deletion: Edit deleted because it was combined into 11011.The last three characters of CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must not be greater than "698". A students campus id of enrollment must not be greater than "698". Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterFormer Edit Deleted P11075Deletion: Edit deleted because it was combined into 11011. AskTED prevents ESCs from entering campuses 001-698. Edit 11011 won't allow campuses over 698, therefore will prevent ESCs.CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must not be a district registered with the 91ȱ as an ESC. A students campus id of enrollment must not be part of an Education Service Center. Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterFormer Edit DeletedP11080Revision: Changed KG - 12 to KG - 06If a student's age on September 1 of the current school year is less than 5, and GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "KG"-"12", then ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE should be "0", "4", or "5". If a student is less than 5 years old on September 1, and is reported in grades "KG" - "12", then the ADA eligibility code should indicate the student is "not in membership", ineligible-full day, or ineligible-half day. Edit Type: SW Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterIf a student's age on September 1 of the current school year is less than 5, and GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "KG"-"06", then ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE should be "0", "4", or "5". If a student is less than 5 years old on September 1, and is reported in grades "KG" - "06", then the ADA eligibility code should indicate the student is "not in membership", ineligible-full day, or ineligible-half day. Edit Type: SW Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterA11099Revision: Changed rule # 40110-0019 to 40100-0143Rule # 40110-0019 If PARENTAL-PERMISSION-CODE is "G", then LEP-INDICATOR-CODE must be "0", "F", or "S".Rule # 40100-0143 If PARENTAL-PERMISSION-CODE is "G", then LEP-INDICATOR-CODE must be "0", "F", or "S".P1102ARevision: Changed "greater than 20" to "greater than 25". Changed "should" to "must". Changed "less than 21" to "less than 26" in business meaning. Changed from Special Warning to Fatal.If September 1 age is greater than 20, then AT-RISK-INDICATOR-CODE should be "0". The at-risk indicator is only applicable to students who are less than 21 years old on September 1. Edit Type: SW Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterIf September 1 age is greater than 25, then AT-RISK-INDICATOR-CODE must be "0". The at-risk indicator is only applicable to students who are less than 26 years old on September 1. Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterP1102JAddition: New editNoneFor GRADE-LEVEL-CODE "08" and "09", at least one record should have an SSI-PROMOTION-RETENTION-CODE of "09"-"14". At least one student in grade levels "08" and "09" generally should have an SSI promotion retention code of "09" - "14". Edit Type: W Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus,CharterP1102KAddition: New editNoneIf a student's age on September 1 of the current school year is 5, and GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "PK", then ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE must be "4" or "5". If a student is 5 years old on September 1 and is in grade "PK", then the ADA eligibility code must indicate the student is ineligible-full day, or ineligible-half day for average daily attendance. Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterM1102LAddition: New editNoneIf TITLE-I-PART-A-INDICATOR-CODE is "9", then HOMELESS-STATUS-CODE must not be "0". If a student is receiving "services for the homeless" under the Title I, Part A program, then the student must be reported as homeless on the 100 student identification record. Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterP16309Revision: Changed 'is not "1"' to 'is "0"'If EARLY-CHILDHOOD-INTERV-IND-CODE is not "1", then INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE must not be "31", "32", or "34". If a special education student does not participate in the Early Childhood Intervention program, then the instructional setting code must not be home-based instruction, center-based instruction, or other environment for students 0-2 years of age receiving services in ECI programs. Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterIf EARLY-CHILDHOOD-INTERV-IND-CODE is "0", then INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE must not be "31", "32", or "34". If a special education student does not participate in the Early Childhood Intervention program, then the instructional setting code must not be home-based instruction, center-based instruction, or other environment for students 0-2 years of age receiving services in ECI programs. Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterM, A16323Revision: Changed "3 or more" to "at least 3" in edit text. Changed "3 years old or older" to "at least 3 years old" in buesinss meaning. Added "and less than 22 on September 1" Changed from Special Warning to Fatal; changed "should" to "must"If age is 3 or more on the PEIMS fall snapshot date, then CHILD-COUNT-FUNDING-TYPE-CODE must not be "0". If a special education student is 3 years old or older on the PEIMS fall snapshot date, then child count funding type code must not be "0". Edit Type: SW Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterIf age is at least 3 on the PEIMS fall snapshot date and less than 22 on September 1, then CHILD-COUNT-FUNDING-TYPE-CODE must not be "0". If a special education student is at least 3 years old on the PEIMS fall snapshot date and less than 22 years old on September 1, then child count funding type code must not be "0". Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterM16327Revision: Added "or greater than 21 on September 1, then"If age is less than 3 on the PEIMS fall snapshot date, CHILD-COUNT-FUNDING-TYPE-CODE must be "0". If a special education student is less than 3 years old on the PEIMS fall snapshot date, then the child count funding type code must be "0". Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterIf age is less than 3 on the PEIMS fall snapshot date or greater than 21 on September 1, then CHILD-COUNT-FUNDING-TYPE-CODE must be "0". If a special education student is less than 3 years old on the PEIMS fall snapshot date or greater than 21 years old on September 1, then the child count funding type code must be "0". Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterP16340Revision: Added district idIf INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE is "71" then DISTRICT-ID must match the Texas School for the Deaf. Only the Texas School for the Deaf may report itself as the instructional setting code. Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: DistrictIf INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE is "71" then DISTRICT-ID must match the Texas School for the Deaf (227906). Only the Texas School for the Deaf may report itself as the instructional setting code. Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: DistrictP16349Revision: Added "If DISTRICT-OF-RDSPD-SERVICE is not blank, then "DISTRICT-OF-RDSPD-SERVICE on the 163 Special Education record must match FISCAL-AGENT-DISTRICT-ID on a 011 record where SHARED-SVCS-ARRANGEMT-TYPE-CODE is "10". A students district of RDSPD service on the 163 record must match the fiscal agent district id on an 011 SSA record where SSA type is "10" (Regional Day School Program for the Deaf). Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, CampusIf DISTRICT-OF-RDSPD-SERVICE is not blank, then DISTRICT-OF-RDSPD-SERVICE on the 163 Special Education record must match FISCAL-AGENT-DISTRICT-ID on a 011 record where SHARED-SVCS-ARRANGEMT-TYPE-CODE is "10". A students district of RDSPD service on the 163 record must match the fiscal agent district id on an 011 SSA record where SSA type is "10" (Regional Day School Program for the Deaf). Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, CampusP1635313-14 Post Addendum Deletion: Deleted editIf PRESCHL-PROG-CHLDRN-WITH-DISAB-IND-CD is "1" and INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE is "02", "45", "86", "87", "89", "96", "97" or "98", then PPCD-SERVICE-LOCATION-CODE must be "3". A PPCD student reported with a separate campus/class instructional setting must be reported with a PPCD service location code of "3". Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterFormer Edit DeletedP, M1635413-14 Post Addendum Revision: Changed from Fatal to Special Warning. Changed "must" to "should". 14-15 March Revision: Removed INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE 31, Changed from Special Warning to Fatal, Changed "should" to "must"If PRESCHL-PROG-CHLDRN-WITH-DISAB-IND-CD is "1" and INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE is "01" or "31", then PPCD-SERVICE-LOCATION-CODE should be "7". A PPCD student reported with a homebound or home-based instruction instructional setting code should be reported with a PPCD service location code of "7". Edit Type: SW Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterIf PRESCHL-PROG-CHLDRN-WITH-DISAB-IND-CD is "1" and INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE is "01", then PPCD-SERVICE-LOCATION-CODE must be "7". A PPCD student reported with a homebound instructional setting code must be reported with a PPCD service location code of "7". Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterP, M1635513-14 Post Addendum Revision: Changed from Fatal to Special Warning. Changed "must" to "should". 14-15 March Deletion: Deleted EditIf PRESCHL-PROG-CHLDRN-WITH-DISAB-IND-CD is "1" and INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE is "34", then PPCD-SERVICE-LOCATION-CODE should be "8". A PPCD student reported with an "other environment" instructional setting should be reported with a PPCD service location code of "8" (not attending regular school except to receive drop in instruction). Edit Type: SW Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterFormer Edit Deleted P 16356Revision: Added PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODEs 03 and 05, added "auditory impairment" and "deaf-blind" to the business meaning, changed from Special Warning to Fatal, changed "should" to "must". If EARLY-CHILDHOOD-INTERV-IND-CODE is "1", then PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE should be "12". A student participating in the Early Childhood Intervention program should be reported with a primary disability of "developmental delay". Edit Type: SW Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterIf EARLY-CHILDHOOD-INTERV-IND-CODE is "1", then PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE must be "03", "05", or "12". A student participating in the Early Childhood Intervention program must be reported with a primary disability of "auditory impairment, deaf-blind, or "developmental delay". Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterP16357Addition: New editNoneIf PRESCHL-PROG-CHILDRN-WITH-DISAB-IND-CD is "0", then PPCD-SERVICE-LOCATION-CODE must be "0". If a special education student is not a participant in the Preschool Program for Children with Disabilities, then PPCD service location indicator code must be reported as not applicable to this student ("0"). Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterM2030ARevision: Added Submission 3The record key of the 203 record is composed of INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, and STUDENT-ID. Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterThe record key of the 203 record is composed of INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, and STUDENT-ID. Edit Type: F Submission: 1, 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, Charter M2030CAddition: New editNoneThe mandatory fields for this record are INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID, and FHSP-PARTICIPANT-CODE. Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterP, M20311Revision: Advanced year values one year. Added "If LEAVER-REASON-CODE is 01, then" to clarify this rule only applies to graduates.DATE-OF-GRADUATION must be greater than 072012 and less than 092013. For a leaver, the date of graduation must be between the month of July preceding the previous school year and the month of September following the previous school year. Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterIf LEAVER-REASON-CODE is "01", then DATE-OF-GRADUATION must be greater than 072013 and less than 092014. For a graduate leaver, the date of graduation must be between the month of July preceding the previous school year and the month of September following the previous school year. Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterM20318Revision: Added Submission 3The students prior year September 1 age should not be greater than 25 or less than 10. A leaver's prior year September 1 age generally should not be greater than 25 or less than 10. Edit Type: SW Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterThe students prior year September 1 age should not be greater than 25 or less than 10. A leaver's prior year September 1 age generally should not be greater than 25 or less than 10. Edit Type: SW Submission: 1, 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterM20319Revision: Added Submission 3The value of DISTRICT-ID in this record much match the value of DISTRICT-ID on the districts 010 record. The district id on the 203 record must match the district id on the 010 record. Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterThe value of DISTRICT-ID in this record much match the value of DISTRICT-ID on the districts 010 record. The district id on the 203 record must match the district id on the 010 record. Edit Type: F Submission: 1, 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterM20322Addition: New editNoneFHSP-PARTICIPANT-CODE must be blank. FHSP Participant Code is not reported for submission 1. Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterM, A20323Addition: New edit Note: GRADUATION-TYPE-CODE cannot be used for reporting 13-14 graduates in the 14-15 PEIMS year (see fatal 20325). Therefore, this rule does not really apply until 2015-2016, and will not generate an error until the 15-16 PEIMS year. Addendum Revision: Revision: Changed 'must be blank' to 'must each be "0" or "2"' NoneIf GRADUATION-TYPE-CODE is "34", then the following fields must each be "0" or "2": FHSP-DISTING-LEVEL-ACHIEVE-INDICATOR-CODE, STEM-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, BUSINESS-AND-INDUSTRY-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, PUBLIC-SERVICES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, ARTS-AND-HUMANITIES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, and MULTI-DISCIPLINARY-STUDIES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE. For 2015-2016 reporting, if a leaver has graduated in 2014-2015 under the Foundation High School Program (Graduation Type Code "34"), then the FHSP Distinguished Level of Achievement Indicator and the FHSP Endorsement Indicators must be reported as either the student is not pursuing or participating (0), or the student has completed (2). Edit Type: F Submission: 1 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterM20324Addition: New edit Note: For 2014-2015, even graduates with GRADUATION-TYPE-CODE 33 will not report data for FHSP-DISTING-LEVEL-ACHIEVE-INDICATOR-CODE or the FHSP Endorsement Indicators.NoneIf GRADUATION-TYPE-CODE is not "34", then the following fields must be blank: FHSP-DISTING-LEVEL-ACHIEVE-INDICATOR-CODE, STEM-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, BUSINESS-AND-INDUSTRY-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, PUBLIC-SERVICES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, ARTS-AND-HUMANITIES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, and MULTI-DISCIPLINARY-STUDIES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE. If a leaver has not graduated under the Foundation High School Program (Graduation Type Code 34), then the FHSP Distinguished Level of Achievement Indicator and the FHSP Endorsement Indicators must not be reported. Edit Type: F Submission 1: Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterM20325Addition: New editNoneGRADUATION-TYPE-CODE must not be "34". Graduation Type Code "34" for the Foundation High School Program is not valid for reporting to PEIMS until the 2015-2016 school year for 2014-2015 graduates. Edit Type: F Submission 1: Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterM20326Addition: New editNoneThere must be a 101 record with a matching STUDENT-ID where GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "09" "12". A student reported in submission 3 with graduation program intention data must be reported in grade level "09" "12" at the end of the school year. Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, Charter M20327Addition: New editNoneCAMPUS-ID must match an entry that is registered with the 91ȱ as an active instructional campus in the reporting district, in the current school year ending in "001" - "698". For a student's graduation program intention, the campus reported must have been an active instructional campus in the reporting LEA in the current school year and must end in "001" - "698". Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterM20328Addition: New editNoneLEAVER-REASON-CODE, DATE-OF-GRADUATION, and GRADUATION-TYPE-CODE must be blank. Leaver Reason Code, Date of Graduation, and Graduation Type Code are not reported for submission 3. Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterM20329Addition: New editNoneIf FHSP-PARTICPANT-CODE is "0", then the following fields must be blank: FHSP-DISTING-LEVEL-ACHIEVE-INDICATOR-CODE, STEM-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, BUSINESS-AND-INDUSTRY-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, PUBLIC-SERVICES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, ARTS-AND-HUMANITIES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, and MULTI-DISCIPLINARY-STUDIES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE. If a student is not currently enrolled in the Foundation High School Program, then the FHSP Distinguished Level of Achievement Indicator and the FHSP Endorsement Indicators must not be reported. Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterM, A20330Addition: New edit Addendum Revision: Changed 'FHSP-PARTICIPANT-CODE is "1"' to 'FHSP-PARTICIPANT-CODE is not "0"'NoneIf FHSP-PARTICIPANT-CODE is not "0", then the following fields must not be blank: FHSP-DISTING-LEVEL-ACHIEVE-INDICATOR-CODE, STEM-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, BUSINESS-AND-INDUSTRY-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, PUBLIC-SERVICES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, ARTS-AND-HUMANITIES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, and MULTI-DISCIPLINARY-STUDIES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE. If a student is currently enrolled in the Foundation High School Program, then the FHSP Distinguished Level of Achievement Indicator and the FHSP Endorsement Indicators must be reported. Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterM, A20332Addition: New edit Addendum Revision: Revision: Changed 'FHSP-DISTING-LEVEL-ACHIEVE-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then at least one of the following fields must be "1"' to 'FHSP-DISTING-LEVEL-ACHIEVE-INDICATOR-CODE is not "0", then at least one of the following fields must be "1" or "2"'.NoneIf FHSP-DISTING-LEVEL-ACHIEVE-INDICATOR-CODE is not "0", then at least one of the following fields must be "1" or "2": STEM-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, BUSINESS-AND-INDUSTRY-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, PUBLIC-SERVICES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, ARTS-AND-HUMANITIES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, or MULTI-DISCIPLINARY-STUDIES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE. If FHSP Distinguished Level of Achievement Indicator Code indicates a student is currently participating in the Distinguished Level of Achievement Program, then at least one of these fields must indicate the student is currently pursuing or has successfully completed a program to earn an endorsement: STEM Endorsement Indicator Code, Business and Industry Endorsement Indicator Code, Public Services Endorsement Indicator Code, Arts and Humanities Endorsement Indicator Code, or Multi-Disciplinary Studies Endorsement Indicator Code. Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterA20333Addition: New editNoneIf GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "09"-"11", then FHSP-DISTING-LEVEL-ACHIEVE-INDICATOR-CODE should not be "2". A student in grades "09"-"11" generally will not have completed the FHSP Distinguished Level of Achievement program before their senior year of high school. Edit Type: SW Submission: 1, 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterA20334Addition: New editNoneIf GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "09", then none of the following fields should be "2": STEM-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, BUSINESS-AND-INDUSTRY-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, PUBLIC-SERVICES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, ARTS-AND-HUMANITIES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, or MULTI-DISCIPLINARY-STUDIES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE. A student in grade "09" generally will not have completed any of the FHSP Endorsements. Edit Type: SW Submission: 1, 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterA20335Addition: New editNoneIf FHSP-PARTICIPANT-CODE is "2", then the following fields must be "0" or "2": FHSP-DISTING-LEVEL-ACHIEVE-INDICATOR-CODE, STEM-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, BUSINESS-AND-INDUSTRY-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, PUBLIC-SERVICES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, ARTS-AND-HUMANITIES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, and MULTI-DISCIPLINARY-STUDIES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE. If a student has completed the Foundation High School Program, then the FHSP Distinguished Level of Achievement Indicator Code and the FHSP Endorsement Indicators must be reported as either the student is not pursuing or participating (0), or the student has completed (2). The student would no longer be pursuing a component if they have completed the program. Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, Charter P30002 Revision: Added 'in the reporting LEA ending in "001" - "698"' to the edit text. Added 'in the reporting LEA and must end in "001" - "698"' to the business meaning.CAMPUS-ID must match an entry registered with the 91ȱ as an active instructional campus. A campus reporting course section data must be an active instructional campus registered with 91ȱ. Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterCAMPUS-ID must match an entry registered with the 91ȱ as an active instructional campus in the reporting LEA ending in "001" - "698". A campus reporting course section data must be an active instructional campus registered with 91ȱ in the reporting LEA and must end in "001" - "698". Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterA30003Revision: Changed "locally developed" to "local-credit" in Business MeaningSERVICE-ID must match an instructional entry on the SERVICE-ID code table C022 and must not begin with "SA", "SE", "SR", "SS", "01", "8", or "9". Course section records must not be reported with service ids that indicate: educational aides (starts with "SA"), special education and related services (starts with "SE"), teachers with additional responsibilities (starts with "SR"), faculty with non-teaching responsibilities (starts with "SS"), pre-first grade courses (starts with "01"), or locally developed courses (starts with "8" or "9"). Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterSERVICE-ID must match an instructional entry on the SERVICE-ID code table C022 and must not begin with "SA", "SE", "SR", "SS", "01", "8", or "9". Course section records must not be reported with service ids that indicate: educational aides (starts with "SA"), special education and related services (starts with "SE"), teachers with additional responsibilities (starts with "SR"), faculty with non-teaching responsibilities (starts with "SS"), pre-first grade courses (starts with "01"), or local-credit courses (starts with "8" or "9"). Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterP30502Revision: Added 'in the reporting LEA ending in "001" - "698"' to the edit text. Added 'in the reporting LEA and must end in "001" - "698"' to the business meaning. Removed "and is not a budgeted campus" since it is redundant.CAMPUS-ID must match an entry registered with the 91ȱ as an active instructional campus and is not a budgeted campus. There should be at least one 305 teacher class assignment record for each instructional campus that is listed in the AskTED system. Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterCAMPUS-ID must match an entry registered with the 91ȱ as an active instructional campus in the reporting LEA ending in "001" - "698". The campus id reported on a 305 teacher class assignment record must be an active instructional campus in the AskTED system in the reporting LEA and must end in "001" - "698". Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterA30504Revision: Changed "locally developed" to "local-credit" in Business MeaningSERVICE-ID must match an instructional entry on the SERVICE-ID code table C022 and must not begin with "SA", "SE", "SR", "SS", "01", "8", or "9". A teacher class assignment record must not be reported with service ids that indicate: educational aides (starts with "SA"), special education and related services (starts with "SE"), teachers with additional responsibilities (starts with "SR"), faculty with non-teaching responsibilities (starts with "SS"), pre-first grade courses (starts with "01"), or locally developed courses (starts with "8" or "9"). Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterSERVICE-ID must match an instructional entry on the SERVICE-ID code table C022 and must not begin with "SA", "SE", "SR", "SS", "01", "8", or "9". A teacher class assignment record must not be reported with service ids that indicate: educational aides (starts with "SA"), special education and related services (starts with "SE"), teachers with additional responsibilities (starts with "SR"), faculty with non-teaching responsibilities (starts with "SS"), pre-first grade courses (starts with "01"), or local-credit courses (starts with "8" or "9"). Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterP30510Revision: Changed June 1, 2013 to June 1, 2014 and changed August 31, 2014 to August 31, 2015.ASSIGNMENT-BEGIN-DATE must be between June 1, 2013 and August 31, 2014. Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterASSIGNMENT-BEGIN-DATE must be between June 1, 2014 and August 31, 2015. Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterP30511Revision: Changed June 1, 2013 to June 1, 2014 and changed August 31, 2014 to August 31, 2015.ASSIGNMENT-END-DATE must be between June 1, 2013 and August 31, 2014. Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterASSIGNMENT-END-DATE must be between June 1, 2014 and August 31, 2015. Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, Charter P40004Revision: Removed "If CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT is not a campus registered with the 91ȱ as a JJAEP, then". Removed "except for JJAEPs" from Business Meaning.If CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT is not a campus registered with the 91ȱ as a JJAEP, then for a particular CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT should not be greater than "040". Each particular campus id of enrollment, instructional track, and reporting period should have less than 40 days of instruction, except for JJAEPs. Edit Type: W Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterFor a particular CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT should not be greater than "040". Each particular campus id of enrollment, instructional track, and reporting period should have less than 40 days of instruction. Edit Type: W Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterP40041Revision: Although not a change in the logic of the edit, the language has been clarified.For a particular CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, there should be no student with six reporting periods reported where the sum of TOTAL-DAYS-ABSENT is 0, or a special warning message showing the total number of students with no absences will be issued asking for verification. For each campus id of enrollment, where students are reported in all six reporting periods, there should generally not be perfect attendance reported for that campus. Edit Type: SW Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterFor a particular CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT that has students in all six reporting periods, the sum of TOTAL-DAYS-ABSENT should be > 0. A special warning message showing the total number of students with no absences will be issued asking for verification. For each campus id of enrollment, where students are reported in all six reporting periods, there should generally not be perfect attendance reported for that campus. Edit Type: SW Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterP40054Revision: Although not a change in the logic of the edit, the language has been clarified.For each instance of STUDENT-ID where TOTAL-ELIG-SP-ED-MAINSTREAM-DAYS-PRESENT is "0000", PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE should be "00", unless there is at least one matching 405 record. A primary disability should not be reported for a student unless there is special education attendance reported. Edit Type: SW Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterFor each instance of STUDENT-ID, if TOTAL-ELIG-SP-ED-MAINSTREAM-DAYS-PRESENT is "0000", and there is not a matching 405 record, then PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE should be "00". A primary disability should not be reported for a student unless there is special education attendance reported. Edit Type: SW Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterA40072Revision: Added "blank or"If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "PK", then PK-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE must not be "00". A PK program type code other than "00" must be reported for all PK students. Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterIf GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "PK", then PK-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE must not be blank or "00". A "PK" student must be reported with a PK program type code other than "00". Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterA40075Revision: Adjusted so that error only appears once per student/campus-id-of-enrollment. Removed INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE. Added "the sum of all" and "on any of these 400 records".For a particular STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, if TOTAL-ELIG-BILINGUAL/ESL-DAYS-PRESENT is "0000", then LEP-INDICATOR-CODE should not be "1". A student who is reported without bilingual or ESL attendance should not be reported as LEP unless the parent has refused the bilingual or ESL services for the student. Edit Type: SW Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterFor a particular STUDENT-ID and CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, if the sum of all TOTAL-ELIG-BILINGUAL/ESL-DAYS-PRESENT is "0000", then LEP-INDICATOR-CODE should not be "1" on any of these 400 records. A student who is reported without bilingual or ESL attendance should not be reported as LEP unless the parent has refused the bilingual or ESL services for the student. Edit Type: SW Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, Charter A40076Deletion: Deleted editFor a particular STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE if LEP-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then TOTAL-ELIG-BILINGUAL/ESL-DAYS-PRESENT should be greater than "0000". A student who is reported as LEP should be reported with bilingual or ESL attendance unless the parent has refused the bilingual or ESL services for the student. Edit Type: SW Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterFormer Edit DeletedA40077Revision: Added "the sum of" and "and TOTAL-DAYS-ABSENT", Changed from Special Warning back to Fatal, changed "should" to "must"If DISTRICT-ID matches the Texas School for the Deaf (227906) or the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), then TOTAL-INELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT should be greater than "0000". Edit Type: SW Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterIf DISTRICT-ID matches the Texas School for the Deaf (227906) or the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), then the sum of TOTAL-INELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT and TOTAL-DAYS-ABSENT must be greater than "0000". Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterA40078Revision: Correction to 13-14 Data Standards: TOTAL-ELIG-BILINGUAL/ESL-DAYS-PRESENT was added in the change document list, and added in EDIT+, but did not get included in the edit language in section 5. The edit now matches it's implementation in EDIT+.If DISTRICT-ID matches the Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622), then TOTAL-EILG-BILINGUAL/ESL-DAYS-PRESENT, TOTAL-ELIG-PREG-REL-SVCS-DAYS-PRESENT, and TOTAL-ELIG-SP-ED-MAINSTREAM-DAYS-PRESENT must all be "0000". Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterIf DISTRICT-ID matches the Texas School for the Deaf (227906), the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), or the Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622), then TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT, TOTAL-ELIG-BILINGUAL/ESL-DAYS-PRESENT, TOTAL-ELIG-PREG-REL-SVCS-DAYS-PRESENT, and TOTAL-ELIG-SP-ED-MAINSTREAM-DAYS-PRESENT must all be "0000". Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterA4008013-14 Post Addendum Revision: Changed from Fatal to Special Warning, changed "must" to "should"If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "PK" and TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT is greater than "0000", then either LEP-INDICATOR-CODE should be "1", ECONOMIC-DISADVANTAGE-CODE should not be "00", MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE should be "4", FOSTER-CARE-INDICATOR-CODE should be "1" or "2", or HOMELESS-STATUS-CODE should not be "0". Edit Type: SW Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterIf GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "PK" and TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT is greater than "0000", then either LEP-INDICATOR-CODE should be "1", ECONOMIC-DISADVANTAGE-CODE should not be "00", MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE should be "4", FOSTER-CARE-INDICATOR-CODE should be "1" or "2", or HOMELESS-STATUS-CODE should not be "0". Edit Type: SW Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterP40524Revision: Added ", except for Texas School for the Deaf (227906), Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), and Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622)" to edit rule text. Added ", except for Texas School for the Deaf, Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and Texas Juvenile Justice Department" to business meaning. Each districts data submission should contain at least one 405 record. There generally should be at least some special education attendance reported for each Local Education Agency. Edit Type: SW Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterEach districts data submission should contain at least one 405 record, except for Texas School for the Deaf (227906), Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), and Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622). There generally should be at least some special education attendance reported for each Local Education Agency, except for Texas School for the Deaf, Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and Texas Juvenile Justice Department. Edit Type: SW Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, Charter P40525Revision: Added district id valuesThe Texas School for the Deaf, the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department must not submit a 405 record. The Texas School for the Deaf, the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department are not eligible for special education funding through special education attendance. Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: DistrictThe Texas School for the Deaf (227906), the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622) must not submit a 405 record. The Texas School for the Deaf, the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department are not eligible for special education funding through special education attendance. Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: DistrictA40530Revision: Changed 'If REG-DAY-SCH-PROG-DEAF-CODE is 0' to 'If all three instances of REG-DAY-SCH-PROG-DEAF-CODE are "0" or blank'If REG-DAY-SCH-PROG-DEAF-CODE is "0" then DISTRICT-OF-RDSPD-SERVICE must be blank. For a student reported with special education attendance, if they are not participating in the Regional Day School Program for the Deaf, then the RDSPD district of service must be blank. Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterIf all three instances of REG-DAY-SCH-PROG-DEAF-CODE are "0" or blank, then DISTRICT-OF-RDSPD-SERVICE must be blank. For a student reported with special education attendance, if they are not participating in the Regional Day School Program for the Deaf, then the RDSPD district of service must be blank. Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterA40531Revision: Changed 'If REG-DAY-SCH-PROG-DEAF-CODE is not 0' to 'If any of the three instances of REG-DAY-SCH-PROG-DEAF-CODE are not "0" or blank'If REG-DAY-SCH-PROG-DEAF-CODE is not "0" then DISTRICT-OF-RDSPD-SERVICE must not be blank. For a student reported with special education attendance, if they are participating in the Regional Day School Program for the Deaf, then the RDSPD district of service must be reported. Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterIf any of the three instances of REG-DAY-SCH-PROG-DEAF-CODE are not "0" or blank, then DISTRICT-OF-RDSPD-SERVICE must not be blank. For a student reported with special education attendance, if they are participating in the Regional Day School Program for the Deaf, then the RDSPD district of service must be reported. Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterM40532Revision: Added "fiscal agent" to edit text for clarificationThe value for DISTRICT-OF-RDSPD-SERVICE must match a Regional Day School Program for the Deaf district in the Texas School Directory. For a student reported with special education attendance, the RDSPD district of service must match a Regional Day School Program for the Deaf fiscal agent district in the Texas School Directory. Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterThe value for DISTRICT-OF-RDSPD-SERVICE must match a Regional Day School Program for the Deaf fiscal agent district in the Texas School Directory. For a student reported with special education attendance, the RDSPD district of service must match a Regional Day School Program for the Deaf fiscal agent district in the Texas School Directory. Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterA v240533Addition: New editNONEFor a particular STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, the sum of all instances of EXCESS-HOURS-IN-INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING must be less than or equal to the sum of all instances of ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-IN-INSTR-SETTING multiplied by 5.75. For each student, campus id of enrollment, instructional track, and reporting period, the excess hours in instructional setting must not exceed 5.75 hours for each eligible day present in an instructional setting. Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, Charter A v240534Addition: New editNONEFor a particular STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, and INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE, if there is a 410 record with a matching STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE with ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-V6 greater than 0, and ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-IN-INSTR-SETTING plus ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-V6 is greater than NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT, then EXCESS-HOURS-IN-INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING must be greater than 0 for that INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE. For each student, campus id of enrollment, instructional track, reporting period and instructional setting, if a student is also reported with 6 contact hours a day of career and technical education attendance, and the sum of the special education eligible days and the CTE eligible days present in V6 is greater than the number of days taught (indicating at least one overlapping day of attendance), then excess hours in instructional setting must be more than 0 for that instructional setting. Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, Charter P40812Revision: Added district id valuesThe Texas School for the Deaf, the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department must not submit a 408 record. The Texas School for the Deaf, the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department must not report ESY attendance. Edit Type: F Submission: 4 Rule Applies To: DistrictThe Texas School for the Deaf (227906), the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622) must not submit a 408 record. The Texas School for the Deaf, the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department must not report ESY attendance. Edit Type: F Submission: 4 Rule Applies To: DistrictP41017Revision: Added "Except for Texas School for the Deaf (227906), Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), and Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622)," to edit rule text. Added " and Texas Juvenile Justice Department" to business meaning Each districts data submission should contain one or more 410 records for each student in membership who was enrolled in a secondary career and technical education class. Each LEA's data submission generally should report CTE attendance for each student in membership who was enrolled in a secondary CTE class, except for Texas School for the Deaf and Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired. Edit Type: W Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterExcept for Texas School for the Deaf (227906), Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), and Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622), each districts data submission should contain one or more 410 records for each student in membership who was enrolled in a secondary career and technical education class. Each LEA's data submission generally should report CTE attendance for each student in membership who was enrolled in a secondary CTE class, except for Texas School for the Deaf, Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and Texas Juvenile Justice Department. Edit Type: W Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, Charter P41018Revision: Added district id valuesThe Texas School for the Deaf, the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department must not submit a 410 record. The Texas School for the Deaf, the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department are not eligible for CTE attendance funding. Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: DistrictThe Texas School for the Deaf (227906), the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622) must not submit a 410 record. The Texas School for the Deaf, the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department are not eligible for CTE attendance funding. Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: DistrictA41506Revision: Changed "locally developed" to "local-credit" in Business MeaningSERVICE-ID must not begin with "SA", "SE", "SR", "SS", "01", "8", or "9". A student's course completion records must not be reported with service ids that indicate: educational aides (starts with "SA"), special education and related services (starts with "SE"), teachers with additional responsibilities (starts with "SR"), faculty with non-teaching responsibilities (starts with "SS"), pre-first grade courses (starts with "01"), or locally developed courses (starts with "8" or "9"). Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterSERVICE-ID must not begin with "SA", "SE", "SR", "SS", "01", "8", or "9". A student's course completion records must not be reported with service ids that indicate: educational aides (starts with "SA"), special education and related services (starts with "SE"), teachers with additional responsibilities (starts with "SR"), faculty with non-teaching responsibilities (starts with "SS"), pre-first grade courses (starts with "01"), or local-credit courses (starts with "8" or "9"). Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterM41519Revision: Added words and parenthesis for clarification, no change in logicIf SERVICE-ID is a 9-12 CTE course and eligible high school credit = Y and CTE course = H and COURSE-COMPLETION-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then CAREER-AND-TECHNICAL-ED-IND-CD must be a "1", "2", or "3". If a student has completed a high school career and technical education course, then the student must be reported with the appropriate CTE indicator code. Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterIf SERVICE-ID is a grade 9-12 CTE course (eligible for high school credit = "Y" and CTE course = "H" in code table C022) and COURSE-COMPLETION-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then CAREER-AND-TECHNICAL-ED-IND-CD must be "1", "2", or "3". If a student has completed a high school career and technical education course, then the student must be reported with the appropriate CTE indicator code. Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterP41529Revision: Changed June 1, 2013 to June 1, 2014 and changed August 31, 2014 to August 31, 2015.STUDENT-BEGIN-DATE must be between June 1, 2013 and August 31, 2014. Edit Type: F Submission: 3, 4 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterSTUDENT-BEGIN-DATE must be between June 1, 2014 and August 31, 2015. Edit Type: F Submission: 3, 4 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterP41530Revision: Changed June 1, 2013 to June 1, 2014 and changed August 31, 2014 to August 31, 2015.STUDENT-END-DATE must be between June 1, 2013 and August 31, 2014. Edit Type: F Submission: 3, 4 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterSTUDENT-END-DATE must be between June 1, 2014 and August 31, 2015. Edit Type: F Submission: 3, 4 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterP, M41537Preliminary Version Revision: Changed "grade 6-8 or 7-8" to just "grade 6-8", no change in logic March Version Revision: Added words and parenthesis for clarification, no change in logicIf SERVICE-ID is a grade 6-8 or 7-8 CTE course and eligible high school credit = N and CTE course = M and COURSE-COMPLETION-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then CAREER-AND-TECHNICAL-ED-IND-CD must be a "1". If a grade 6-8 student has completed a middle school career and technical education course, then the student must be reported as enrolled in a career and technical education course (CTE indicator code = "1"). Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterIf SERVICE-ID is a grade 6-8 CTE course (eligible for high school credit = "N" and CTE course = "M" in code table C022) and COURSE-COMPLETION-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then CAREER-AND-TECHNICAL-ED-IND-CD must be "1". If a grade 6-8 student has completed a middle school career and technical education course, then the student must be reported as enrolled in a career and technical education course (CTE indicator code = "1"). Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterM41541Deletion: Edit Deleted because it's logic is duplicated in edit 41545 SERVICE-ID must be a high school course. Only high school courses can be reported in submission 4. Only high school courses are eligible for dual credit. Edit Type: F Submission: 4 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterFormer Edit DeletedM, A41545Revision: Changed "does not begin" to "must not begin", added note to Business Meaning. Addendum Revision: Changed "locally developed" to "local-credit" in Business MeaningSERVICE-ID must be a high school course (eligible for high school credit = "Y") and does not begin with "8" or "9". For submission 4, a student course completion record must be reported with a high school service ID that is also not a locally developed course (starts with "8" or "9"). Edit Type: F Submission: 4 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterSERVICE-ID must be a high school course (eligible for high school credit = "Y") and must not begin with "8" or "9". For submission 4, a student course completion record must be reported with a high school service ID that is also not a local-credit course (starts with "8" or "9"). Only high school courses are eligible for dual credit. Edit Type: F Submission: 4 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterP41568Deletion: Edit deleted from 12-13 forwardIf DUAL-CREDIT-INDICATOR-CODE is 1 then there should be at least one 500 Flexible Attendance record where GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is 09 12. Edit Type: SW Submission: 4 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterFormer Edit DeletedP41573Addition: New edit added from 12-13 forwardSERVICE-ID should not begin with A. Advanced Placement courses cannot be reported as dual credit unless the course has been approved as an AP course by the College Board through the AP Course Audit. This means the college instructor must have submitted his/her course syllabus and have received approval in advance. Edit Type: SW Submission: 4 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterSERVICE-ID should not begin with A. Advanced Placement courses cannot be reported as dual credit unless the course has been approved as an AP course by the College Board through the AP Course Audit. This means the college instructor must have submitted his/her course syllabus and have received approval in advance. Edit Type: SW Submission: 4 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterP42504Revision: Changed "should not be greater than 200" to "should not be 201 - 260 (201 - 260 days)". Domain check will display a fatal error if actual length is > 260. Changed business meaning from "should not be greater than 200 " to "should not be between 201 and 260 ".ACTUAL-LENGTH-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT should not be greater than 200. A students actual length of disciplinary assignment generally should not be greater than 200 school days. Edit Type: SW Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterACTUAL-LENGTH-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT should not be "201" - "260" (201 - 260 days). A students actual length of disciplinary assignment generally should not be between 201 and 260 school days. Edit Type: SW Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterP42522Revision: Added DISTRICT-ID "105", removed DISTRICT-ID "212"If the first three characters of DISTRICT-ID are "014", "015", "020", "021", "031", "043", "057", "061", "071", "079", "084", "101", "108", "123", "126", "152", "161", "170", "178", "212", "220", "221", "227", "240", "243", or "246", then there should not be a record where DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE is "01" or "50". For districts in counties required to participate in a JJAEP, there should not be a disciplinary action code indicating expulsion without placement in another educational setting. Edit Type: SW Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterIf the first three characters of DISTRICT-ID are "014", "015", "020", "021", "031", "043", "057", "061", "071", "079", "084", "101", "105", "108", "123", "126", "152", "161", "170", "178", "220", "221", "227", "240", "243", or "246", then there should not be a record where DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE is "01" or "50". For districts in counties required to participate in a JJAEP, there should not be a disciplinary action code indicating expulsion without placement in another educational setting. Edit Type: SW Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, Charter P42525Revision: Added DISTRICT-ID "105", removed DISTRICT-ID "212"If the first three characters of DISTRICT-ID are "014", "015", "020", "021", "031", "043", "057", "061", "071", "079", "084", "101", "108", "123", "126", "152", "161", "170", "178", "212", "220", "221", "227", "240", "243", or "246", and for a particular STUDENT-ID if DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE is "11"-"14", "16"-"19", "29"-"32", "36", or "37", "46", "47", or "48" then the sum of all instances of TOTAL-INELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT should be greater than 0. For a student reported with a mandatory expellable disciplinary action reason code in a mandatory JJAEP county, the student should also be reported with ineligible attendance for the duration of the JJAEP assignment. Edit Type: SW Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterIf the first three characters of DISTRICT-ID are "014", "015", "020", "021", "031", "043", "057", "061", "071", "079", "084", "101", "105", "108", "123", "126", "152", "161", "170", "178", "220", "221", "227", "240", "243", or "246", and for a particular STUDENT-ID if DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE is "11"-"14", "16"-"19", "29"-"32", "36", or "37", "46", "47", or "48" then the sum of all instances of TOTAL-INELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT should be greater than 0. For a student reported with a mandatory expellable disciplinary action reason code in a mandatory JJAEP county, the student should also be reported with ineligible attendance for the duration of the JJAEP assignment. Edit Type: SW Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterP42530Deletion: Edit deleted because it duplicates the logic of the domain check for data element E1008.ACTUAL-LENGTH-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT must not be greater than 260. A students actual length of disciplinary assignment must not be greater than 260 school days. Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterFormer Edit DeletedP42550Revision: Changed 2014 to 2015.DATE-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ACTION must not be equal to or greater than September 1, 2014. Edit Type: F Submission: 3,4 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterDATE-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ACTION must not be equal to or greater than September 1, 2015. Edit Type: F Submission: 3,4 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterP42560Revision: Added DISTRICT-ID "105", removed DISTRICT-ID "212"If the first three characters of DISTRICT-ID are "014", "015", "020", "021", "031", "043", "057", "061", "071", "079", "084", "101", "108", "123", "126", "152", "161", "170", "178", "212", "220", "221", "227", "240", "243", or "246", and the student's age as of the date of disciplinary action is > 9 and DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE is "11"-"14", "16"-"19", "29"-"32", "36", "37", "46", "47", "48", or "57" and DISCIPLINE-ACTION -CODE is not "02", "12", "13", "15", "51", or "59"-"61", then there should be at least one 425 record with a matching STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-DISCIPLINARY- RESPONSIBILITY, DISCIPLINARY-INCIDENT-NUMBER and DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE, where DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE is "02", "12", "13", "15", "27", "28", "51", "59" or "61". For a student reported with a JJAEP expulsion assignment, they must have been at least 10 years old on the date the incident occurred. If a student has committed a mandatory expulsion behavior in a mandatory JJAEP county school district and was placed in an in-school suspension, out-of-school suspension, or a DAEP setting pending the completion of due process for that incident, then there must also be an additional disciplinary action reported that the student was expelled to a JJAEP. If the campus administrator has decided to not expel the student to a JJAEP, then disciplinary action code mandatory disciplinary action not taken (codes 27 or 28) should be reported. Edit Type: SW Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterIf the first three characters of DISTRICT-ID are "014", "015", "020", "021", "031", "043", "057", "061", "071", "079", "084", "101", "105", "108", "123", "126", "152", "161", "170", "178", "220", "221", "227", "240", "243", or "246", and the student's age as of the date of disciplinary action is > 9 and DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE is "11"-"14", "16"-"19", "29"-"32", "36", "37", "46", "47", "48", or "57" and DISCIPLINE-ACTION -CODE is not "02", "12", "13", "15", "51", or "59"-"61", then there should be at least one 425 record with a matching STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-DISCIPLINARY- RESPONSIBILITY, DISCIPLINARY-INCIDENT-NUMBER and DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE, where DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE is "02", "12", "13", "15", "27", "28", "51", "59" or "61". For a student reported with a JJAEP expulsion assignment, they must have been at least 10 years old on the date the incident occurred. If a student has committed a mandatory expulsion behavior in a mandatory JJAEP county school district and was placed in an in-school suspension, out-of-school suspension, or a DAEP setting pending the completion of due process for that incident, then there must also be an additional disciplinary action reported that the student was expelled to a JJAEP. If the campus administrator has decided to not expel the student to a JJAEP, then disciplinary action code mandatory disciplinary action not taken (codes 27 or 28) should be reported. Edit Type: SW Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterP42562Revision: Changed 2013 to 2014.DATE-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ACTION should be greater than or equal to June 1, 2013. Edit Type: SW Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterDATE-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ACTION should be greater than or equal to June 1, 2014. Edit Type: SW Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterP42563Revision: Changed August 1, 2013 to August 1, 2014 and changed July 1, 2014 to July 1, 2015.DATE-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ACTION should be greater than or equal to August 1, 2013 and less than or equal to July 1, 2014. Edit Type: W Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterDATE-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ACTION should be greater than or equal to August 1, 2014 and less than or equal to July 1, 2015. Edit Type: W Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterP42573Revision: Removed check for counties required to participate in a JJAEP.If the first three characters of DISTRICT-ID are "014", "015", "020", "021", "031", "043", "057", "061", "071", "079", "084", "101", "108", "123", "126", "152", "161", "170", "178", "212", "220", "221", "227", "240", "243", or "246", and DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE is "55", and DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE is not "02", "03", "04", "07", "08", "10", "12", "15", "51"-"55", "57" or "59"-"61", then there must be another 425 record with a matching STUDENT-ID, DISCIPLINARY-INCIDENT-NUMBER, and DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE where DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE is "02", "03", "04", "07", "08", "10", "12", "15", "51"-"55", "57" or "59"-"61". If a district is in a JJAEP county, and the disciplinary action reason code reported for a student is "student is required to register as a sex offender under Chapter 62 of The Code Of Criminal Procedure and the student is under court supervision" (55), then at least one disciplinary action code reported for this incident should be a DAEP assignment or a JJAEP assignment. Edit Type: SW Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterIf DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE is "55", and DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE is not "02", "03", "04", "07", "08", "10", "12", "15", "51"-"55", "57" or "59"-"61", then there must be another 425 record with a matching STUDENT-ID, DISCIPLINARY-INCIDENT-NUMBER, and DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE where DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE is "02", "03", "04", "07", "08", "10", "12", "15", "51"-"55", "57" or "59"-"61". If a district is in a JJAEP county, and the disciplinary action reason code reported for a student is "student is required to register as a sex offender under Chapter 62 of The Code Of Criminal Procedure and the student is under court supervision" (55), then at least one disciplinary action code reported for this incident should be a DAEP assignment or a JJAEP assignment. Edit Type: SW Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterP42574Revision: Rewrite as a general check that districts in counties not required to participate in a JJAEP do not use any action codes to place a student in a JJAEP. Added DISTRICT-ID "105", removed DISTRICT-ID "212"If the first three characters of DISTRICT-ID are not "014", "015", "020", "021", "031", "043", "057", "061", "071", "079", "084", "101", "108", "123", "126", "152", "161", "170", "178", "212", "220", "221", "227", "240", "243", or "246", and DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE is "55", and DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE is not, "03", "04", "07", "08", "10", "52"-"55", or "57", then there should be another 425 record with a matching STUDENT-ID, DISCIPLINARY-INCIDENT-NUMBER, and DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE where DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE is "03", "04", "07", "08", "10", "52"-"55", or "57". If a district is not in a JJAEP county and the disciplinary action reason code reported for a student is "student is required to register as a sex offender under Chapter 62 of The Code Of Criminal Procedure and the student is under court supervision" (55), then at least one disciplinary action code reported for this incident should be a DAEP assignment. Edit Type: SW Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterIf the first three characters of DISTRICT-ID are not "014", "015", "020", "021", "031", "043", "057", "061", "071", "079", "084", "101", "105", "108", "123", "126", "152", "161", "170", "178", "220", "221", "227", "240", "243", or "246", then DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE should not be "02", "12", "13", "15", "51", "59", "60", or "61". If a district is not in a JJAEP county, then the disciplinary action code reported for this incident should not be a JJAEP assignment. Edit Type: SW Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, Charter P42587Addition: New editNoneIf DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE is "43" or "44", then the students age on the DATE-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ACTION should be 12 17 years old. If a student is reported with a disciplinary action reason for "Truancy (failure to attend school) Student with at least 3 unexcused absences" (43) or "Truancy (failure to attend school) Student with 10 unexcused absences" (44), then the student should be 12 17 years old on the date that truancy charges are filed. Edit Type: SW Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterP42588Addition: New editNoneIf a students age on the DATE-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ACTION is less than 10 and DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE is "12"-"14", "16"-"19", "29"-"32", "36", "37", "46"-"48", or "57", then there should be a 425 record where DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE is "07", "08", "10", "27", "28", "54", "55", or "57". For reasons other than bringing a firearm to school, if a student is less than 10 years old on the date a mandatory expellable incident occurred, then they cannot legally be expelled and will generally be assigned to a DAEP in lieu of an expulsion assignment. Edit Type: SW Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, Charter P42589Addition: New editNoneIf a students age on the DATE-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ACTION is less than 10 and DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE is "11", then there should be a 425 record where DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE is "03", "04", "52", or "53". If a student, who is less than 10 years old, brings a firearm to school, they must be expelled with placement to a DAEP Edit Type: SW Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterA v242590Addition: New editNoneIf DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE is "42" - "45", then OFFICIAL-LENGTH-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT must be "000", ACTUAL-LENGTH-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT must be "000", and DISCIPLINARY-LENGTH-DIFFERENCE-REASON-CODE must be "00". For a student reported with disciplinary action data, if the disciplinary action reason code is "truancy" (42-45), then the official length of disciplinary assignment must be zero (0) days, the actual length of disciplinary assignment must be zero (0) days, and the disciplinary length difference reason must indicate there is no difference between them. Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, Charter P43502Revision: Added 'ending in "001" - "698"'. Added 'and must end in "001" - "698"' to business meaning.The first six characters of CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESTRAINT-EVENT must match the DISTRICT-ID, and must match an entry registered with the 91ȱ as an active instructional campus. For a student restraint event, the campus id of restraint event must be registered with the 91ȱ as an active instructional campus in the reporting LEA. Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterThe first six characters of CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESTRAINT-EVENT must match the DISTRICT-ID, and must match an entry registered with the 91ȱ as an active instructional campus ending in "001" - "698". For a student restraint event, the campus id of restraint event must be registered with the 91ȱ as an active instructional campus in the reporting LEA and must end in "001" - "698". Edit Type: F Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterP43507Revision: Changed August 1, 2013 to August 1, 2014 and changed July 1, 2014 to July 1, 2015.DATE-OF-RESTRAINT-EVENT should be greater than or equal to August 1, 2013 and less than or equal to July 1, 2014. Edit Type: SW Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterDATE-OF-RESTRAINT-EVENT should be greater than or equal to August 1, 2014 and less than or equal to July 1, 2015. Edit Type: SW Submission: 3 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterP50026Revision: Although not a change in the logic of the edit, the language has been clarified.For a particular STUDENT-ID, if FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-SP-ED-MAINSTREAM-DAYS-ELIGIBLE is "000", PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE should be "00," unless there is at least one matching 505 record. For a student reported with flexible attendance, a primary disability should not be reported unless there is special education flexible attendance reported. Edit Type: SW Submission: 3, 4 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterFor a particular STUDENT-ID, if FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-SP-ED-MAINSTREAM-DAYS-ELIGIBLE is "000", and there is not a matching 505 record, then PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE should be "00". For a student reported with flexible attendance, a primary disability should not be reported unless there is special education flexible attendance reported. Edit Type: SW Submission: 3, 4 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterA50048Revision: Adjusted so that error only appears once per student/campus-id-of-enrollment. Removed INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE. Added "the sum of all" and "on any of these 500 records".For a particular STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, if FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-BILINGUAL/ESL-DAYS-ELIGIBLE is "0000", then LEP-INDICATOR-CODE should not be "1". A student who is reported without bilingual or ESL flexible attendance should not be reported as LEP unless the parent has refused the bilingual or ESL services for the student. Edit Type: SW Submission: 3, 4 Rule Applies To: District, Campus CharterFor a particular STUDENT-ID and CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, if the sum of all FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-BILINGUAL/ESL-DAYS-ELIGIBLE is "0000", then LEP-INDICATOR-CODE should not be "1" on any of these 500 records. A student who is reported without bilingual or ESL flexible attendance should not be reported as LEP unless the parent has refused the bilingual or ESL services for the student. Edit Type: SW Submission: 3, 4 Rule Applies To: District, Campus CharterA50049Deletion: Deleted editFor a particular STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE if LEP-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-BILINGUAL/ESL-DAYS-ELIGIBLE should be greater than "0000". A student who is reported as LEP should be reported with bilingual or ESL flexible attendance unless the parent has refused the bilingual or ESL services for the student. Edit Type: SW Submission: 3, 4 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterFormer Edit DeletedP50519Revision: Added ", except for Texas School for the Deaf (227906), Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), and Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622)" to edit rule text. Added ", except for Texas School for the Deaf, Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and Texas Juvenile Justice Department" to business meaning. Each districts data submission generally should contain at least one 505 record. If an LEA reports any flexible attendance, then it generally should report special education flexible attendance. Edit Type: W Submission: 3, 4 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterEach districts data submission generally should contain at least one 505 record, except for Texas School for the Deaf (227906), Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), and Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622). If an LEA reports any flexible attendance, then it generally should report special education flexible attendance, except for Texas School for the Deaf, Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and Texas Juvenile Justice Department. Edit Type: W Submission: 3, 4 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterP50520Revision: Added district id valuesThe Texas School for the Deaf, the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department must not submit a 505 record. The Texas School for the Deaf, the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department are not eligible for special education funding through special education flexible attendance. Edit Type: F Submission: 3, 4 Rule Applies To: DistrictThe Texas School for the Deaf (227906), the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622) must not submit a 505 record. The Texas School for the Deaf, the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department are not eligible for special education funding through special education flexible attendance. Edit Type: F Submission: 3, 4 Rule Applies To: DistrictP51008Revision: Added "Except for Texas School for the Deaf (227906), Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622)," to edit rule text. Added " and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department" to business meaningEach districts data submission should contain one or more 510 records for each student in membership who was enrolled in a secondary career and technical education class. Each LEA's data submission generally should report CTE flexible attendance for each student in membership who was enrolled in a secondary career and technical education class, except for Texas School for the Deaf and Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired. Edit Type: W Submission: 3, 4 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterExcept for Texas School for the Deaf (227906), Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), and Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622), each districts data submission should contain one or more 510 records for each student in membership who was enrolled in a secondary career and technical education class. Each LEA's data submission generally should report CTE flexible attendance for each student in membership who was enrolled in a secondary career and technical education class, except for Texas School for the Deaf, Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and Texas Juvenile Justice Department. Edit Type: W Submission: 3, 4 Rule Applies To: District, Campus, CharterP51009Revision: Added district id values The Texas School for the Deaf, the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department must not submit a 510 record. The Texas School for the Deaf, the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department are not eligible for CTE flexible attendance funding. Edit Type: F Submission: 3, 4 Rule Applies To: DistrictThe Texas School for the Deaf (227906), the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622) must not submit a 510 record. The Texas School for the Deaf, the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department are not eligible for CTE flexible attendance funding. Edit Type: F Submission: 3, 4 Rule Applies To: District     2014-2015 Data Standards Change Document - Section 5 Edits Version Edit#Change2013-2014 Post Addendum Version 2014-2015 Post Addendum Version  SAVEDATE \@ "M/d/yyyy" \* MERGEFORMAT 2/4/2015 P: Preliminary Version M: March Version A: Addendum Version PA: Post Addendum Version 5. 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