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Table of Contents Section 1 - TREx Requirements and Overview Introduction 1.1 Responsibilities 1.2 School Districts and Campuses 1.2 Response to Request 1.2 Privacy 1.2 Local Student Information Systems 1.2 Data Accuracy 1.2 91ȱSE Approval 1.3 Equipment Requirements 1.3 Software Requirements 1.3 Minimum System Requirements 1.3 File Requirements 1.3 Record Ownership and Storage 1.4 Public Colleges and Universities 1.4 Education Service Centers 1.4 Training to Districts and Campuses 1.4 91ȱSE Approval 1.4 Texas Education Agency 1.5 Privacy 1.5 Security 1.5 Training to ESCs 1.5 Record Storage 1.5 91ȱSE Request Processing 1.5 91ȱSE Roles 1.6 TREx Process Overview 1.7 Student Records 1.7 High School Transcripts 1.7 TREx Functionality 1.11 Managing Student Records 1.11 Send Record Request 1.11 Search Capabilities 1.11 Manual Data Entry 1.11 Attachments 1.12 Email Notifications 1.12 Tracking Transactions 1.13 Reports 1.13 Section 2 Data Element Descriptions Introduction 2.1 Element List in Alphabetic Order 2.3 Data Elements 2.7 ACADEMIC-YEAR 2.7 ADDITIONAL-TEST-Name....2.7 ADDRESS 2.8 Advanced-measure 2.8 american-indian-alaska-native 2.9 Arts-and-humanities-endorsement-indicator-code . .2.10 AsIAn 2.10 ASSESSMENT-DATE 2.11 Assessment-date-exit-requirement-met 2.11 ASSESSMENT GRADE-LEVEL 2.12 ASSESSMENT-NAME 2.13 ASSESSMENT-SCORE 2.14 ASSESSMENT-SCORE-CODE 2.15 ASSESSMENT-SUBTEST 2.15 ASSESSMENT-SUBTEST-Score....2.16 ASSOCIATE-DEGREE-INDICATOR-CODE ....2.16 AT-RISK-INDICATOR 2.17 BILINGUAL-INDICATOR 2.18 black-african-american 2.18 business-and-industry-endorsement-indicator-code 2.19 CAMPUS-AWARDING-CREDIT 2.20 CAMPUS-FAX 2.21 CAMPUS-ID 2.21 CAMPUS-NAME 2.22 CAMPUS-PHONE 2.22 CAREER-TECH-ED-INDICATOR 2.23 CERTIFICATE-COMPLETION-DATE 2.23 CITY 2.24 CLASS-PERIOD 2.24 CLASS-RANK 2.25 COLLEGE-BOARD-CAMPUS-CODE 2.25 COUNTRY 2.26 COURSE-ABBREVIATION 2.26 COURSE-CATEGORY 2.27 COURSE-CREDIT 2.27 COURSE-GRADE 2.28 COURSE-GRADE-AVERAGE 2.28 COURSE-NAME 2.29 COURSE-NUMBER 2.29 COURSE-SEMESTER 2.30 COURSE-91ȱCHER 2.30 CPR-INSTRUCTION-MET-DATE2.31 DATE-OF-BIRTH 2.31 DATE-OF-RANKING 2.32 DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE 2.32 DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-END-DATE 2.33 DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-NUMBER 2.33 DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON 2.34 DISTRICT-ID 2.34 DISTRICT-NAME 2.35 dyslexia-indicator-code 2.35 ECONOMIC-DISADVANTAGE-CODE 2.36 ESL-INDICATOR 2.36 ETHNICITY-CODE 2.37 FHSP-COLLEGE-CAREER-INSTRUCTION-INDICATOR-CODE.2.37 fhsp-participant-code 2.38 fhsp-disting-level-achieve-indicator-code 2.38 FINAL-GRADE-AVERAGE 2.39 FIRST-NAME 2.39 foster-care-indicator-code 2.40 GENDER-CODE 2.41 GENERATION-CODE 2.41 GIFTED-TALENTED-INDICATOR 2.42 GRADE-LEVEL 2.42 GRADE-OF-RETENTION 2.43 GRADE-POINT-AVERAGE 2.43 GRADUATION-DATE 2.44 GRADUATION-PROGRAM-TYPE 2.44 hispanic-latino 2.45 HOME-LANGUAGE-CODE 2.45 HOMELESS-INDICATOR 2.46 IEP-INDICATOR 2.46 IMMUNIZATION-DATE 2.47 IMMUNIZATION-DOSE 2.47 IMMUNIZATION-NAME 2.48 INDIVIDUAL-GRADUATION-COMMITTEE-REVIEW-CODE 2.48 LAST-DATE-OF-ATTENDANCE 2.49 LAST-NAME 2.49 LAST-WITHDRAWAL-DATE 2.50 LEP-INDICATOR-CODE 2.50 LOCAL-STUDENT-ID 2.51 MIDDLE-NAME 2.51 MIGRANT-INDICATOR 2.52 military-connected 2.52 multi-disciplinarystudies-endorsement-indicator-code 2.53 native-hawaiian-pacific-islander 2.53 NUMBER-IN-CLASS 2.54 ONRAMPS-DUAL-ENROLLMENT-INDICATOR-CODE .2.54 ORIGINAL-ENTRY-DATE 2.55 pass/fail-indicator 2.55 PEACE-OFFICER-INTERACTION-INSTRUCTION-MET-DATE2.56 Performance-Acknowledgement-AP-IB-Exam 2.56 Performance-Acknowledgement-Bilingualism-Biliteracy 2.57 Performance-Acknowledgement-Certification-Licensures 2.58 Performance-Acknowledgement-College-readiness-assessment 2.59 Performance-Acknowledgement-dual-credit 2.60 Performance-Acknowledgement-MET-DATE 2.60 PERSONAL-GRADUATION-PLAN 2.61 PLACED-IN-GRADE 2.61 PRIOR-ID 2.62 PROMOTED-TO-GRADE 2.62 public-services-endorsement-indicator-code 2.63 QUARTILE 2.63 SECTION-504-INDICATOR-CODE ....2.64 SEMESTER-SEQUENCE 2.64 session-type 2.65 SPECIAL-ED-INDICATOR 2.65 SPECIAL-EXPLANATION-CODE 2.66 SPEECH-REQUIREMENT-MET-daTE ....2.66 STAAR-PERFORMANCE-LEVEL ......2.67 STAR-OF-TEXAS-INDICATOR-CODE ..2.67 STATE 2.68 stem-endorsement-indicator-code 2.68 STUDENT-ID 2.69 TEXAS-GRANT-INDICATOR 2.69 TITLE-I-PART-A-INDICATOR 2.70 TOTAL-DAYS-ABSENT 2.70 TOTAL-DAYS-PRESENT 2.71 TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID ..2.71 UNSCHOOLED-ASYLEE-REFUGEE 2.72 white 2.72 WITHDRAWAL-COURSE-GRADE 2.73 WITHDRAWAL-REASON 2.73 ZIP-CODE 2.74 Section 3 Codes Enumerated Values Introduction 3.1 Alphabetic List of Enumerated Values .. 3.2 Code Tables (Enumerated Values) 3.4 advanced-measure 3.4 ASSESSMENT-NAME 3.5 ASSESSMENT-SCORE-CODE 3.18 BILINGUAL-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE 3.19 CAREER-TECH-ED-INDICATOR 3.21 COUNTRY 3.22 COURSE-CATEGORY 3.27 DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE 3.28 DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON 3.31 ECONOMIC-DISADVANTAGE-CODE 3.34 ESL-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE 3.34 ETHNICITY-CODE 3.35 FHSP-Indicator-CODE 3.35 foster-care-CODE 3.36 GENDER-CODE 3.36 GENERATION-CODE 3.37 GIFTED-TALENTED-INDICATOR 3.37 GRADE-LEVEL-CODE 3.38 GRADUATION-PROGRAM-TYPE 3.39 HOME-LANGUAGE-CODE 3.43 homeless-indicator-CODE 3.47 INDIVIDUAL-GRADUATION-COMMITTEE...3.48 LEP-INDICATOR-CODE 3.48 military-connected 3.49 PARTICIPATION-INDICATOR 3.49 PASS/FAIL-CREDIT-INDICATOR 3.50 Performance-Acknowledgement-AP-IB-Exam 3.51 Performance-Acknowledgement-Bilingualism-bileteracy 3.56 Performance-Acknowledgement-college-readiness-aSSessment 3.57 Performance-Acknowledgement-dual-credit 3.58 QUARTILE-CODE 3.58 SEMESTER-SEQUENCE 3.59 SPECIAL-EXPLANATION-CODE 3.60 STAAR_PERFORMANCE-LEVEL......3.62 STATE 3.63 TEXAS-GRANT-INDICATOR 3.65 TITLE-I-PART-A-INDICATOR 3.66 UNSCHOOLED-ASYLEE-REFUGEE 3.67 WITHDRAWAL-REASON-CODE 3.68 Section 4 TREx XML Standards Overview 4.1 Edits and Validations 4.1 TREx Field Edit Overview 4.2 TREx Field Edit Restrictions 4.2 Available TREx XSD Restrictions 4.2 Context Edit Overview 4.3 Context Edit Descriptions 4.3 Data and File Requirements 4.4 Rules For XML Schema 4.4 TREx XSD Data Types and Restrictions 4.5 Example of TREx Instance 4.23 TREx Complex Types 4.29 TREx Simple Types 4.33 TREx Enumerated Values 4.36 Hierarchy of XML Elements 4.37 Appendix A - Data Element Lists A.1 Element List by Record Type A.3 Student Record A.3 High School Transcript A.10 Final High School Transcript with Seal A.13 Element List in Alphabetic Order A.16 Appendix B - XML Schema B.1 Appendix C - TREx XSD Graphical Representations c.1 TRExStudentRecords C.1 StudentRecordsType/TRExStudentRecord C.1 PhoneNumberGroup C.2 AcademicSessionType C.2 AcademicStatusType C.4 AcademicSummaryType C.4 AddressType C.6 AssessmentType C.7 AttendanceType C.9 CourseType C.10 CurrentCourseworkType C.12 DisciplineActionType C.14 DistinguishedAchievementType C.14 EnrollmentType C.15 EthnicityType .... C.16 ImmunizationType C.17 ParentType C.18 PersonNameType C.16 SchoolType C.19 SpecialProgramsType C.20 StudentDemographicType C.22 StudentIdentificationType C.23 StudentRecordsType C.24 Foreword The Texas Records Exchange System (TREx)is a web-based application designed for the exchange of electronic student records and transcripts. By using the TREx application, school registrars have the ability to electronically request and receive student records for students who have attended or will be attending Texas public schools.High school registrars and counselors also have the ability to electronically create and send official student transcripts to Texas public colleges and universities using the National Student Clearinghouse (Formerly UT SPEEDE) server. 91ȱ developed TREx in response to TEC 7.010 which requires all Texas public school districts, open enrollment charter schools, and Texas public colleges and universities to participate in a system for the electronic transmission of student education records. Texas public school districts annually report all Grade 7-12 students leaving their districts.The data on school leavers include dropouts and are used to calculate dropout and high school completion rates for accountability purposes. More than half the students leaving districts move to other Texas public school districts. An automated student record exchange system enables districts to more effectively communicate with each other about students who are withdrawing or enrolling. Improved communication should improve the reliability of dropout rate calculations. Additionally, the automated system facilitates the rapid and appropriate academic placement of students enrolled in a new district and ensures continuity of services provided to students who move between Texas school districts. The TREx Data Standards is intended to be used as a resource by all persons involved in the transfer of student records and transcripts using the TREx student record exchange process. If you have any questions, please call the TREx Customer Support line at (512) 463-9229 or email  HYPERLINK "mailto:TREx@tea.Texas.gov" TREx@tea.Texas.gov. Refer to the TREx website at  HYPERLINK "http://tea.texas.gov/index4.aspx?id=25769817556%20" http://tea.texas.gov/index4.aspx?id=25769817556 for training materials or updates. Page intentionally left blank.     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