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For dual credit courses only. The following changes have been made to existing Records for the 2011-12 Extended Year Collection. 100 Student Identification record E0787 ADA-Eligibility-Code added at position 78 78 (must be blank for submission 3 & 4) %Table Downloads There are no new or modified table downloads for Summer/Extended-Year 2011-2012 release. %Edits To research specifics about edit changes for this release, see the Edits section of the PEIMS Data Standards and Section 5 of the Edits Addendum Data Standards Change Document. %Reminders Archive Retrieval The 2009-2010 Collections will be archived on September 1, 2012. Since only district reports are available in archived collections, any campus reports that are of interest to districts should be run, printed and downloaded before September 1, 2012. EDIT+ Archive Policy District final submission files are accessible online for three years (current year and two prior years) before they are archived to tape. To retrieve an archived file, email your request to EDIT+ Customer Support. Include your district number, collection, and school year. Once Customer Support receives your request, the file is retrieved and emailed in a .zip file via 91ȱ encrypted email. Please plan ahead. File retrieval requests are handled by a third-party company and may take two weeks or more to process. District-level reports are readily accessible online for five years (current year and four prior years) and will not be archived to tape. After five years, the bundled reports are no longer accessible. Campus-level reports are available online for three years (current year plus two prior years). Approved Auto-Generated Reports District-level reports that have not been generated prior to rollup (the process that creates the Approved database) will be auto-generated by the system. Users will notice EditPlus Admin (91ȱ) in the Run By column for any auto-generated report. User Documentation EDIT+ user materials are available on the 91ȱ website (select A-Z Index from the navigation bar on the 91ȱ home page, then scroll to PEIMS Edit Plus): The EDIT+ User Reference Guide provides new and experienced EDIT+ users with a guide to the functionality and processes of EDIT+. The EDIT+ Administrator Reference Guide is a resource for the EDIT+ user who has Administrator-level permissions. The EDIT+ Table Downloads Reference Guide provides users with a single-source reference guide to EDIT+ table downloads and lookup tables. EDIT+ Technical Tips assist the experienced user with specific technical information not found in either the User or Administrator Guide. Additionally, ReportsHelp and the User and Admin Guides are accessible within the EDIT+ application. %Announcements Starting with the Summer/Extended 2012 release, several of the reports that stress the PEIMS system will now be scheduled to run on weekends for our largest school districts. This change will be applied to all collections for 2011-2012 school year and all future collections. It will affect our top 25 largest school districts. This modification affects reports, bundles and super campus bundles. If any bundle is run that includes one of the reports listed below, the bundle will be postponed until the weekend. The following reports are affected: Summer: PRF7D073 PRF7D074 PRF7D075 PRF7D076 PRF7D077 PRF7D078 Fall: PRF4D004 % EDIT+ Reports Listed below are Summer and Extended EDIT+ reports impacted by 2011-2012 PEIMS Data Standards changes or requested changes from ESC and District users: New Summer Reports Report Report NameDescriptionPRF7D079 PRF7C079 Student Dual Credit Courses/Credit hoursNew report: Student Dual Credit Courses/Credit hours to support processing of Course Completion data. Modified Summer Reports Report Report NameDescriptionPRF7D017 PRF7C017Students Participating in Pregnancy, Education, and Parenting ProgramReports modified to; Pull data from 400 or 500 records if PEP-indicator-code is 1 on any 400 or 500 record.PRF7D026 PRF7C026Student Disciplinary Action Detail Report by Length Difference ReasonReports modified to; Add Code Translation table to last page of report.PRF7D056 PRF7C056Disaggregation of PEIMS Summer Attendance DataReports modified to; Include PK section similar to the Fall Disaggregation Report (PRF5D044).PRF7D078 PRF7C078Student Indicator Report by GradeReports modified to; Include totals for AT, PK Prog Type, PK Prim Fund and PK Sec Fund columns.PRFAD005 PRFAC005Survey of Students with Perfect AttendanceReports modified to; Include students in grades 01-08. New Extended-Year Reports Report Report NameDescriptionPRFED009 PRFEC009Number of Students Completing Courses by Pass/Fail Indicator New report: Number of Students Completing Courses by Pass/Fail Indicator to support Extended Year processing of Course Completion data. This report is a clone of the Summer PRF7D006/C006 reports.PRFED013Survey of Students Generating Flexible Attendance DataNew report: Survey of Students Generating Flexible Attendance Data. This report is a clone of the Summer PRFAD013 report.PRFED016 PRFEC016Students Completing Courses with Dual CreditNew report: Students Completing Courses with Dual Credit. This report is a clone of the Summer PRF7D016/C016 reports. PRFED021 PRFEC021Reporting Errors on Course CompletionNew report: Reporting Errors on Course Completion. This report is a clone of the Summer PRF7D021/C021 reports.PRFED064Flex Attendance - Superintendents Semester Report of Student AttendanceNew report: Flex Attendance - Superintendents Semester Report of Student Attendance. This report is a clone of the Summer PRF7DO64 report.PRFED071 PRFEC071Students Completing Courses with Advanced Technical CreditNew report: Students Completing Courses with Advanced Technical Credit. This report is a clone of the Summer PRF7D071/ C071 reports.PRFED079 PRFEC079Student Dual Credit Courses/Credit hoursNew report: Student Dual Credit Courses/Credit hours. This report is a clone of the Summer PRF7D079/C079 reports. Modified Extended-Year Reports None 2012 Texas Education Agency Enterprise Data Management 1701 North Congress Avenue Austin, Texas 78701   $&(*,. $ &     ! " 8 yyyrr h@h4 h@h_< h@hIhh_SCJaJ hh_ShhCOJQJh@9hMm80J hMm8hMm8hMm8jhMm8U hh6 hh&h^ h@h` h`  h@h7! h@hb? h@hB h@h6 hh7!+. 6 8 Z  P ! 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