ࡱ> VXU  bjbjss 4N^^kr" $MN.P"r..S%fff.8f.fffJq Jf;0kf=f=f=fpf Xfk....=^ g: Schedule #2Certification for Projects by More Than One District For 91ȱ Use OnlyTEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY_____________Adjustments and/or annotations madeStandard Application System (SAS)County-District No.on this (page) have been confirmed withInstructional Facilities Allotment APPLICATION by telephone/fax on ___________________ SCHEDULE #2( Certification for Projects by More than One District by of 91ȱ._________________________ Title/Name of Applicable Bond Issue or Lease-Purchase Program Authority: Texas Education Code, Chapter 46 I, as one of the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge, the information contained in this application is correct and complete, that the local education agency (LEA) that I represent has authorized me to file this application, and that such authorization action is recorded in the minutes of the agency's board meeting. The participating or intermediate education agency named below has been designated as the administrative and fiscal agent for this project and is authorized to receive and expend funds for the conduct of this project. The fiscal agent is accountable for all project activities and is therefore responsible for ensuring that all funds including payments to members of the agreement are expended in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. All participating agencies have entered into a written agreement which describes the responsibilities of the fiscal agent and members, including the refund liability that may result from on-site monitoring or audits. It is understood that the fiscal agent is responsible for the refund for any exceptions taken as a result of on-site monitoring or audits. Each member identified below acknowledges accountability for the requirements contained in Schedule #6A.L i n e County- District Number Typed Legal Name of Agency Typed Name and Title of Authorized Representative SignatureAmount of Funds Provided by Member (If Applicable)#(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)01Designated Fiscal Agent: $02Member Districts: $03040506070809101112131415161718TOTAL AMOUNT$ Rev. 5/03/2005 ARwx  ? K L M b  : ; = N p q JLM;ټ̞̐p̐ٯ̐$ jh_hy15CJ\^JaJh^chy1OJQJ^Jh_hy1>*CJ^JaJ!h_hy15>*CJ\^JaJh_hy1CJ^JaJh_hy15CJ\^JaJh_hy1CJ^JaJh_hy15CJ\^JaJh_hy15CJ\^JaJ h_hy1,ARiwx{r $Ifgd1Rfkd$$IfTlF +"9+    44 layt1RT $$Ifa$gd1R $$Ifa$gd1Rgdy1  w $$Ifa$gd1R $$Ifa$gd1R $Ifgd1Rfkd$$IfTlF +"9+    44 layt1RT ? K L vj^ $$Ifa$gd1R $$Ifa$gd1R!  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