ࡱ> Y\X] *bjbjZ!Z! T8K4\8K4\! :::::4nnnh\2Lnl2|~~.  1111111$36x1:1::41@X::111YZ=[n"I102<l2Q9$9Y9:YH11$l29> : Bid Notice for Depository Services by ________________________ Independent School District Address City, State, Zip _________________________________Independent School District is soliciting bids from banks to serve as a depository to assist with the banking functions for funds of the district. Introduction In accordance with the Texas Education Code (TEC), Chapter 45, Subchapter G, School District Depositories, the Board of Trustees of the district will select a depository through soliciting bids for a depository services contract for a term of two years beginning ___________, 20____ and ending ___________, 20____ or until a successor depository is selected, qualified, and agrees to a depository agreement based on either fees or compensating balances. The district and the depository may agree to extend this contract for two additional two-year terms in accordance with the TEC, 45.205. This section requires that the contract and any extension of this contract coincide with the districts fiscal year. If the district changes its fiscal year, the term of the contract may be shortened or extended no more than one year by mutual agreement to coincide, provided that this contract remains in effect until its successor is selected and has been qualified. If the parties cannot agree, the district has the option to change the term of this contract. The legal provisions providing for naming a depository of the district are set forth in the TEC, Subchapter G, School District Depositories, 45.201 through 45.209. Investments by the district are governed by the Texas Government Code (TGC), Chapter 2256, Public Funds Investment. Securities pledged as collateral to secure district deposits are governed by the TGC, Chapter 2257, Collateral for Public Funds. Bidders Conference A bidders conference will/will not be held. Bank representation is not required for submitting a bid; however, the submission of a bid will be prima facie evidence that the bidder has full knowledge of the detailed requirements as outlined in this bid notice: Bid Conference Date: __________________________________________________ Time: __________________________________________________ Location: __________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Bank Questions Questions regarding this bid request, or the services requested, will be accepted in written or email form only, at the address above on or before ___:___ am/pm on _________, 20______. Responses to all material questions submitted will be communicated in writing or by email to all known interested banks by ___:___ am/pm on __________, 20_______. Bid Submission To be eligible for consideration under this request, the bank must submit three complete paper copies of each bid by ___:___ am/pm CST or CDT on _________, 20____ to the address below. The district will not accept bids received after that time. Late submissions to the district address will be returned unopened. The bid must be submitted in a sealed envelope or packet marked Depository Services. An accompanying transmittal letter must be signed by a person authorized to bind the institution, state that the bid is valid for 180 days from the submission date, and give full contact information regarding the bid. The bids must be delivered by US mail, express mail, or in person to: _____________________________ xxx-xxx-xxxx _____________________________ xxxx@xxxxxx _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ All questions in the attached uniform bid blank should be answered and provided to the district as the banks bid. The bank must attach a cashier's check in the sum of $___________ payable to the district. If any portion of this contract is awarded to the bank, the check will be returned to the bank. If the bank fails to execute the contract in a reasonable time, the district will cash the check as liquidated damages. If the bid is not accepted, the check will be returned to the bank immediately after contract award. The district is/is not also providing this bid request electronically. The fee schedule, Attachment A, is in Excel format. The bank must submit the bid in both paper and electronic form. Evaluation Process The district will use the following criteria to evaluate the bid and award the contract. xx % - Interest rate bid on time deposits. xx % - Charges for keeping district accounts, records, and reports and for furnishing checks. xx % - Ability of the bank to provide the necessary services and perform the duties as depository. xx % - Any other matter that, in the judgment of the board of trustees, would be in the best interest of the district. xx % - Other Specify: - ___________________________________________________ ____ - Total The district reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to accept the bid the district considers most advantageous. If any portion or provision of this bid and any contract between the depository and district entered into is invalid, the remainder, at the option of the district, must remain in full force and effect and not be affected. Acceptance of a bid will be based on the total package of services offered by the bank Legislative Change Changes in the law that may be enacted by the Texas Legislature, in session, could alter the scope of requirements as stated in this document. The bid should conform to all statutes in effect at the time of bid opening. Schedule for Selection Process The district will make every effort to adhere to the following schedule: xx/xx/xx Release of Request for Bids xx/xx/xx Deadline for questions concerning the request for bids or services requested xx/xx/xx Responses given to any questions provided to all known interested banks xx/xx/xx Deadline for bid submission xx/xx/xx District Board award of contract xx/xx/xx Contract commencement Other Requirements The following requirements must be met: 1. The bank selected as the depository will notify the district in writing within 10 days of any changes in federal or state regulations or laws that would affect the depository agreement. 2. The depository's records relating to the district's accounts must be open to review by the district, its independent auditors, and the Texas Education Agency. 3. The district reserves the right to pay for depository services by targeted balances or by fees. 4. The district reserves the right to exclude direct payroll deposit service from the depository contract if the bank does not offer direct payroll deposit service. District Rights The district reserves the right to: waive any defect, irregularity, or informality in the bid or bid procedures, reject any and all bids, accept any bid or portion thereof most advantageous to district, cancel, revise, and/or reissue this request for bids or any portions of it, retain all other provisions even if any provision of the bid is determined invalid, modify deadlines, and select any bid considered to be in its best interest as determined by the district. The district presently maintains accounts as listed below. The district reserves the right to open additional accounts or to close accounts during the term of the depository contract. Type of Account Number of Interest-Bearing/ Accounts Non-Interest-Bearing General Operating 1 IB checking Payroll 1 IB Tax 1 IB Workers Comp 1 NIB Activity 2 IB VOLUMES Type of Account Average Average Number $ Amount of Items of Items Property Taxes Deposits 6 10 /month except daily November to January Payroll Monthly checks 400 Monthly direct deposit 2,500 Semimonthly checks 850 Semimonthly direct deposit 850 Weekly checks 400 Weekly direct deposit 400 Monthly payroll $11,000,000 Accounts Payable Monthly checks or payments 2,000 $4,000,000 Food Service Daily deposits 35 $45,000 Deposits Daily deposits 40 Student Activity (Number of accounts) High School 3 Middle School (deposit only) 6 Elementary School (deposit only) 22 Other 4 ACCOUNT STRUCTURE Type of Account Number Description of Accounts of Accounts Controlled Disbursement 3 Payroll, Accounts Payable, Tax Office Refund Depository Plus Accounts 30 Elementary & Middle School Activity Funds Positive Pay 6 Payroll, Accounts Payable, Tax Office Refund, High School Activity Funds Food Service 1 Depository Account individually identified by campus Checking 7 1 Operating; 1 Debt Service; 3 Construction; 1 Internal Service; 1 District Activity     BID NOTICE FOR DEPOSITORY SERVICES Last Modified: 03/09/2015 Page  PAGE 5 Last Modified: 03/09/2015 Simple Example: Attachment B Districts Current Account Structure Complex Example: Attachment B Districts Current Account Structure   %?Z[stv+ 8 Y ̼̼̬~oaTGToh"`h3CJOJQJh"`h(-CJOJQJh"`h(-5CJOJQJh"`h3CJOJQJ^J"h"`h(-hCJOJQJ^Jh"`h(-CJOJQJ^Jh"`hp*CJOJQJh"`hH)5CJOJQJ\h"`hp*5CJOJQJ\h"`hr5CJOJQJ\"h"`hCy5CJ(OJQJ\aJ("h"`hr5CJ(OJQJ\aJ( &[tuv* + 8 X Y  W  !gd(- d<gdk $da$gdp* d<gd(-dgd(-gd(-dgdp* $da$gdp*$a$gd  "+!#$W[HMXqu ԲԡԡԡԡԡԡԓvgvXvXvXvh"`hVCJOJQJaJh"`h9CJOJQJaJh"`hxgCJOJQJaJh"`hxg5CJOJQJh"`h(-5CJOJQJ h"`h(-CJOJQJ^JaJ h"`hv>CJOJQJ^JaJ h"`hrNCJOJQJ^JaJ h"`h_CJOJQJ^JaJh"`h_5CJOJQJh"`hwCJOJQJGHX12x + ^`gdp*`gdp*  !gdp*$a$gdp*gdx$a$gdxggdk d<gdk  !gdp*  !gd(-  4716;PSYZa⳥uuddSddEhM+,CJOJQJ^JaJ h"`h9CJOJQJ^JaJ h"`hp*CJOJQJ^JaJ h"`hkCJOJQJ^JaJ h"`hxCJOJQJ^JaJh"`hp*5CJOJQJh"`h95CJOJQJ h"`hxgCJOJQJ^JaJh"`hVCJOJQJaJh"`h(-CJOJQJaJh"`hxgCJOJQJaJh"`hTNCJOJQJaJa,RV &),-237=89ѷѷѪsb h"`hMCJOJQJ^JaJh"`hkCJOJQJh"`hxgCJOJQJh"`hxhxzCJOJQJh"`hMCJOJQJh"`hJCJOJQJh"`hxCJOJQJh"`h9CJOJQJh"`h1(aCJOJQJ h"`hv>CJOJQJ^JaJ h"`hp*CJOJQJ^JaJ!+,89aQ&dgd 0x^`0gdC0x^`0gdv>0xx^`0gdv>gdx d<gdk $da$gdMdgdx$a$gd& gdp* "57?@AIa EFOPQSXYnoྭϋϋϋϾzzzzz h"`h CJOJQJ^JaJ h"`hCJOJQJ^JaJ h"`hOCJOJQJ^JaJ h"`hv>CJOJQJ^JaJ h"`hYCJOJQJ^JaJ h"`hxCJOJQJ^JaJ h"`hp*CJOJQJ^JaJh"`hO5CJOJQJ.&}x{|./xiiYK: h"`hxgCJOJQJ^JaJh"`h 5CJOJQJh"`h6s5CJOJQJ^Jh"`hf7CJOJQJ^Jh"`hCJOJQJ^Jh"`hwCJOJQJ^Jh"`hw5CJOJQJh"`hp*CJOJQJh"`h CJOJQJ^Jh"`h CJOJQJ h"`h CJOJQJ^JaJ h"`hCJOJQJ^JaJ h"`hCCJOJQJ^JaJ./T!Kjk~c !h!<^`gd  gdxg xgdCgdxg  !gd gdwgd $d<gd dgdp*/0OSTU!"KLjk~v w !! 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Intr</p> Paul MorenoT<p>BID NOTICE FOR DEPOSITORY SERVICES BY ________________________ INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP _________________________________Independent School District is soliciting bids to serve as Depository for the purpose of assisting with t he banking functions for funds of the District. Intr</p> Normal.dotmpmoreno2Microsoft Office Word@@3f@J=[@J=[ ՜.+,D՜.+,l(x  =! 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