ࡱ> @C? !bjbj 9xx}ztsss;Ds_W "r^^^ZZZ^FZ^ZZZICUsFZ/0_Zk#k#Zk#Z0"Zd_^^^^k# : APPENDIX A Data Overview The PEIMS database is composed of four categories of data. These categories contain information about organizations, district finances, staff, and students. A description of the categories and groupings within each category follows. Organization Data District - the county-district number and the district name. Shared Services Arrangements - the county-district number, the shared services arrangement type, and the county-district number of the fiscal agent. Campus Identification - the county-district-campus number and the campus name. District Finance Data Budget - the current district budget information with amounts related to Financial Accountability System Resource Guide account codes as specified for fund, function, object, organization, year, and program intent. Object codes are summarized to the two digit level for expenditures and other uses. Actual - the prior year audited actual financial information with amounts related to Financial Accountability System Resource Guide account codes as specified for fund, function, object, organization, year, and program intent. Shared Services Arrangement - Actual - the prior year audited actual financial information for the shared services arrangement. Campus Course Section Data Course Section the information for all classes offered through a district or charter school reported at the campus level. Staff Data Identification - the information necessary to identify the person. This information is Social Security number and staff name and is requested for all staff. All staff is defined throughout this publication as all personnel employed by the district, including professional, paraprofessional, and auxiliary employees. Demographic - the characteristics of a person. This information is the sex, ethnicity, race, date of birth, and total years of professional experience, and is requested for all staff. The highest degree level held is requested for professional staff only. ID Number Change - the identification number for a staff member needs correction. Employment - the description of the person's employment within a district. This includes information related to a person's contract, performance, payroll accounting, and supplements. A discussion of the various types of information follows. Payroll Summary - the information that shows a person's salary relationship with a district. This includes the person's actual number of days employed, percentage of the day worked in the district, and the number of years of professional experience in the district, and is requested for all staff. Payroll Accounting - the expenditure accounts to which a person's salary or portion of the salary is charged. A dollar amount will be related to the Financial Accountability System Resource Guide account codes specified for fund, function, object, organization, year, and program intent. This is requested for all staff. Responsibilities - identifies the type of work an employee performs, whether inside or outside the classroom. This information is requested as follows. Professional Staff and Educational Aides - identifies the type of service performed and the service location. It includes the person's campus identification, the type of student, and the capacity in which the person serves. This is requested for professional staff and educational aides. Classroom Staff - the detailed information related to the activities of each person who works in a classroom setting. It includes the number of students served in the class, the amount of time the service is performed in a month, and a class identification number to differentiate one service from another when the services are the same but are provided to a different group of students. This will be requested for all staff involved in delivering classroom instruction. Teaching Assignments the detailed information related to the teaching assignments of each classroom teacher. Contracted Instructional Staff - the information on professional contracted instructional staff with campus ID, program intent code, and total FTEs. Student Data Identification - the information necessary to identify the person. This information is Social Security number or state-approved alternative student ID, student name, and a health or weather related crisis indicator. Demographic - the characteristics of a person. This information is the campus, last date of enrollment, sex, ethnicity, race, date of birth, refugee/asylee, career and technical education, attribution, as of status, grade level, migrant, bilingual/ESL summer school, and economic status data. ID Number Change - the identification number (Social Security number or state-approved alternate ID) for a student has changed since the last PEIMS data submission. Enrollment - the specific enrollment attributes of the student. This information includes the campus, grade, eligibility, LEP status, special program participation, and at-risk status for each student. Special Program - the information specific to each of the special programs (ESEA, Title I, Part A; Special Education; Career and Technical Education; Bilingual/ESL, and Extended School Year services). Attendance - the basic information pertaining to the attendance of a student. This information is the days absent and present, eligible special education attendance, eligible career and technical attendance, eligible bilingual/ESL attendance, pregnancy related services, and gifted/talented services. Course Completion - the courses that are attempted and completed by students in grades 1-12. The courses and the course outcomes are reported. Leaver - the information about prior year students who are not current year students. Disciplinary Action - the information on student disciplinary removal actions and truancy actions. . Restraint the information on student restraint events. This information reflects special education student restraints performed by school district employees/volunteers and all student restraints performed by school district police officers and SROs. Flexible Attendance - the basic information pertaining to the flexible attendance program of a student. This information is the minutes present, special education days eligible, eligible career and technical minutes present, bilingual/ESL days eligible, pregnancy related services days eligible and gifted/talented services for students participating in the Optional Flexible School Day and the High School Equivalency Program.     2012-2013 PEIMS Data Standards Appendix A: Data Overview 2012-2013 PEIMS Data Standards A.2 A.page 1       ! 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