ࡱ> Y[VWX|%` ;bjbjNN d,,w*$*$*$@$T$T$T$$```pdL$ԥt,Lx:   t1333333$HhhWT$L  LLWT$T$4l,LT$T$1L1dT$T$k  > a`^gJ<ԥgDkk%T$ DTDDDWWJ^DDDԥLLLL$$$za$$$$$$T$T$T$T$T$T$ APPENDIX G PID Enrollment Tracking (PET) Guidelines PET Data Submission Responsibilities and Specifications Close cooperation of school districts, regional Education Service Centers (ESCs), and the 91ȱ is required for the successful creation of the PET/PID (Person Identification Database) database. Submission Description The PET Submission is a report of student enrollment information for the current school year. 2009-2010 PET Submission Timelines 91ȱ requires submission of PET extract files as part of the Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) data submissions. PET files are submitted each week a district is in session based on the local instructional calendar. PET file submissions should begin on or before the third week of school based on the local instructional calendar. PET files are not required in weeks that a district is not in session for at least one day or during the weeks that PEIMS submissions are due at 91ȱ. Exception: Once a district has completed its final summer submission and its PEIMS data file has reached a status of TURNAROUND REPORTS AVAIL, one additional PET submission is required. School District Responsibilities School districts are responsible for validating and editing data according to edit rules supplied by 91ȱ in the 2009-2010 PEIMS Data Standards. Districts are responsible for delivery of data that has completed the PET validation process to 91ȱ on a weekly basis. Questions concerning the Data Standards or any of the above topics should be directed to the PEIMS Coordinator at the district's ESC. The coordinator endeavors to answer the question or calls 91ȱ, if necessary. If the coordinator, or the coordinator's alternate, is not available at the ESC after a reasonable amount of time, district personnel may call 91ȱ directly at (512) 936-7346 for PEIMS questions and (512) 936-2622 for EDIT+ questions. A district should always attempt to contact the ESC before calling 91ȱ. PID Enrollment Tracking (PET) Overview PET is an extension of PID in the PEIMS that maintains up-to-date enrollment data for all students in Texas public school districts. Districts submit enrollment data for students in grades Early Education (EE) through 12 weekly, using EDIT+ and PID applications and processes. The enrollment data required are the same as those required for PID, plus campus ID of enrollment, enrollment date and withdrawal date. School districts have the option of submitting PET files extracted from their student information systems or entering student records on-line. Districts can search PET to locate students or view enrollment histories. PET file submission only adds students in to PID who do not exist in PID. A PET file submission will not update an existing students demographics (First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth, and Student Identification Number) record in PID. The PID demographics can be updated either online or through a regular PEIMS submission file by turning on the students Demographic Revision Confirmation Code. For more information about the PID Enrollment Tracking (PET) process, please reference the EDIT+ website at  HYPERLINK "http://www.tea.state.tx.us/peims/editplus/train.html" http://www.tea.state.tx.us/peims/editplus/train.html. PET Security Access to PET is secured by multiple levels of system and application-level security to protect the privacy of student education records as established by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Please refer to PID and PET Access of the PEIMS Data Standards for information about requirements and forms to obtain access to the PET Application. Data and File Requirements for Electronic Transmission via the Internet Please refer to Section 1 of the PEIMS Data Standards for information about the data requirements for electronic transmissions. Required Software for Transferring a PET Extract File The process of transferring a PET extract file to 91ȱ is the same process as for sending a PEIMS data file through EDIT+. A PET extract file must be sent using the .NET applet. For a machine that does not have .NET installed, the software can be downloaded from the PET Home page (or the EDIT+ Home page for EDIT+ PET users.) The EDIT+ User Reference and Training Guide at HYPERLINK "http://www.tea.state.tx.us/peims/editplus/train.html"http://www.tea.state.tx.us/peims/editplus/train.html has information about the software download process. The Technical Tips for .NET Installation and Usage documentation is available to print and read before installing .NET. This document is located at the Tech Tips link of the EDIT+ External Website at  HYPERLINK "http://www.tea.state.tx.us/peims/editplus/documents/tips_net.pdf" http://www.tea.state.tx.us/peims/editplus/documents/tips_net.pdf. Note: In addition to the .NET Framework download, Adobe Reader is required to view PET reports. Minimum System Requirements by Product Please refer to Section 1 of the PEIMS Data Standards for information about minimum system requirements. Data Submission Specifications The following requirements are for use by PET users in formatting files for transmission to the agency. Failure to adhere to the standards can delay processing of the data or cause the data to be returned. Data for each reporting entity are in a separate PET Extract File formatted consistent with the PET XML Schema Definition (XSD) before starting the PET transmission. Files contain only district data and should be complete submissions of district data. PET data files are constructed using the specifications outlined in the PET Data and File Requirements section. The PET file name identifies the reporting entity and follows this naming convention: Maximum 11 characters Position1st2nd 5th 6th 11thFile Extension (opt)DescriptionPET Submission (P)4 digit school year 2009-2010 (2010)County-District NumberP2010101912.xmlExamples P2010101912 = 2009-2010 PET Submission for Houston ISD with no file extension P2010227901.xml = 2009-2010 PET Submission Austin ISD with a file extension Note: EDIT+ file naming conventions do not apply to PET files. Description of PET Data Elements This section contains an alphabetical listing of all the PET data elements that are reported by school districts, followed by a definition page for each data element. Some of the PET data elements have the same specifications as PEIMS data elements. Descriptions of shared elements are found in Section 3 of the PEIMS Data Standards. Information about the code tables for shared data elements is in Section 4 of the PEIMS Data Standards. Alphabetical List of PET Data Elements and Cross Reference to PEIMS Data Elements Data Element Name Data Element IDPage Number in Data Standards Section 3 Page Number in Appendix G: Code Table IDPage Number in Data Standards Section 4BirthDate E0006PG. 4CampusIDofEnrollment E07823.46EnrollDate E1050PG. 5EthnicityCode E00053.9C0144.6FirstName E07033.34GenerationCode E07063.37C0124.4LastName E07053.36LocalID (LOCAL-STUDENT-ID in PEIMS) E09233.80MiddleName E07043.35SexCode E00043.8C0134.5StudentID E00013.7WithdrawDate E1051PG. 6 Element ID NameDate IssuedDate UpdatedE0006PBirthDate01/16/0605/29/09 DefinitionBirthDate indicates the year, month, and day of the person's birth. Code Table IDDomain of Values Special InstructionsBirthDate must be a valid date and less than enrollment date. (implemented by edits P029 and P030.) Data SpecificationsLengthTypePattern10CODEDyyyy-mm-dd Element ID NameDate IssuedDate UpdatedE1050PEnrollDate01/16/0603/02/09 DefinitionEnrollDate indicates the year, month, and day of the students enrollment at the reporting campus. Code Table IDDomain of Valuesyyyy = 2009-2010 mm = 01-12 dd = 01-31 Special InstructionsEnrollDate must be a valid date between 2009-06-01 and 2010-08-31. EnrollDate must not be greater than the PET file submission date. (implemented by edits P020 and P021) EnrollDate is a required data element. Each PETEventSet must have one and only one EnrollDate. Data SpecificationsLengthTypePattern10CODEDyyyy-mm-dd Element ID NameDate IssuedDate UpdatedE1051PWithdrawDate01/16/0603/02/09 DefinitionWithdrawDate indicates the year, month, and day of the students withdrawal from the reporting campus. Code Table IDDomain of Valuesyyyy = 2009-2010 mm = 01-12 dd = 01-31 Special InstructionsWithdrawDate must be a valid date between 2009-06-01 and 2010-08-31. WithdrawDate must not be greater than the PET file submission date and it must be greater than the EnrollDate in its associated PETEventSet. (implemented by edit P022, P023, and P024) When available, it is a required data element and must be reported. Each PETEventSet must have one and only one WithdrawDate.  Data SpecificationsLengthTypePattern10CODEDyyyy-mm-dd PET Edits This section documents the edits that ensure the quality of the enrollment data submitted to 91ȱ. The edits are organized into the following categories: PET Field Edits PET Context Edits PET PID Edits PET Field Edits Overview A PET event is an individual students enrollment to or withdrawal from a CAMPUS-ID-OF- ENROLLMENT tightly coupled with the date the enrollment or withdrawal took place. Although the districts are provided with a manual capability to create a PET event, most districts submit their enrollment and withdrawal events to 91ȱ in an XML-based extract file. The file is referred to as an extract file because it is created through a vendor-supported process that extracts event information from a districts student information system. The extracted data are stored in an XML-based file consistent with the PET XML Schema Definition (XSD). Prior to transferring the PET Extract File to 91ȱ, the system verifies the structure of the file against the PET XSD. In addition, the system verifies the contents of the file against the declared data types and restrictions defined for each element in the PET XSD for each simple type element. The data types and restrictions defined with the PET XSD constitute the PET Field Edits. PET Field Edits Restrictions Restrictions control acceptable values for XML elements. Restrictions on XML elements are called facets. The following table provides a listing of restrictions used in the PET XSD. In combination with an elements declared data type, restrictions enable the XSD validation process not only to validate the structure of the XML file but also to validate the data values contained within the file against its XML schema definition. Every simple type element within the PET XSD has a restriction that limits the domain of acceptable values. PET Extract Files improperly structured or containing unacceptable values will not transfer to the 91ȱ for further processing. Available XSD Restrictions RestrictionDescriptionminInclusiveSpecifies the lower bounds for numeric values (the value must be greater than or equal to this value)maxInclusiveSpecifies the upper bounds for numeric values (the value must be less than or equal to this value)minLengthSpecifies the minimum number of characters or list items allowed (the value must be equal to or greater than zero)maxLengthSpecifies the maximum number of characters or list items allowed (the value must be equal to or greater than zero)patternDefines the exact sequence of characters that are acceptable whiteSpaceSpecifies how white space (line feeds, tabs, spaces, and carriage returns) is handled PET Context Edits Overview After a PET Extract File is successfully validated against the PET XSD and transferred to 91ȱ, the system places the file in a queue for further processing. As resources are available, the file is opened and the PETRecords in the file are validated and loaded. As illustrated below, the PET validation and load process is divided into two logical stages: Verify the student in PID; and Validate and load the PET events. PET Context Edits are used in both stages. For example, if the system does not find an exact match for the student ID and major demographics in PID, the system verifies these data elements against the appropriate PET Context Edits before creating a new student record in PID. If the system does find an exact match in PID, the PET events are validated against appropriate PET Context Edits before being loaded into the PET Event table. Each of the PET Context Edits is presented in the next section. PET Validate and Load Process  Each PID Context Edit is traced to its associated PEIMS Edit Number, if applicable. A PET Context Edit is not required for any of the following data elements because data quality is assured through the XSD validation process: BirthDate SexCode GenerationCode EthnicityCode EnrollDate WithdrawDate PET Context Edits have been defined for BirthDate, SexCode, GenerationCode, and EthnicityCode in support of the PET Student Add process. The student add process supports the manual creation of a new PET student record in PID if a student does not exist in PID. See PID PET Edits section. PET Context Edits PET EDIT #Data Element(s)Edit Rule TextWhere AppliedPEIMS Edit #P001StudentIDThe first character of StudentID must be S or 0-7. PID Verification PET Student 10001P002StudentIDEach character of StudentID must not be the same number.PID Verification PET Student Add10002P003StudentIDThe first three characters of StudentID must not be 000.PID Verification PET Student Add10003P004StudentIDIf first character of StudentID is not an S, the fourth and fifth characters must not be 00.PID Verification PET Student Add10005P005StudentIDIf first character of StudentID is not an S, the last four characters must not be 0000.PID Verification PET Student Add10006P006FirstName, MiddleName, LastNameThe FirstName, MiddleName, and/or LastName must not end with " I", " II", " III", " IV", " JR", or " SR".PID Verification PET Student Add10008P007FirstName, MiddleName, LastNameThe FirstName, MiddleName, and/or LastName must only contain the following characters: a-z or A-Z 0-9 Apostrophe Hyphen Space character MiddleName, however, can contain an equal sign per PET Edit # P011.PID Verification PET Student Add10015P008FirstName, MiddleName, LastNameName must not contain only apostrophes.PID Verification PET Student Add10015P009FirstName, MiddleName, LastNameName must not contain only hyphens.PID Verification PET Student Add10015P010FirstName, LastNameName must not contain only spaces.PID Verification PET Student Add10015P011MiddleNameOnly MiddleName can contain an equal sign.PID Verification10015P012FirstName, MiddleName, LastNameThe FirstName, MiddleName, and/or LastName must not contain only 0 9.PID Verification PET Student Add10017P013DistrictIDThe DistrictID contained within the CampusIDofEnrollment must match an entry registered with the 91ȱ.Event Validation01001P014CampusIDof EnrollmentThe first six characters of the CampusIDofEnrollment must be the same as the ID of the district transferring the PET Extract File.Event Validation11011 40028 40707 40807P015CampusIDof EnrollmentCampusIDofEnrollment must match an entry registered with the 91ȱ as an active instructional campus and is not a budgeted campus.Event Validation PET Student Add11012 40002 40704 40808P016BirthDateFormer edit deleted.P017BirthDateFormer edit deleted.P018CampusIDof EnrollmentWhen creating or maintaining a PET Event, the first six characters of the CampusIDof Enrollment must match the district-level users Agent ID.Event Validation PET Event MaintenanceNAP019CampusIDof EnrollmentWhen creating or maintaining a PET Event, the CampusIDofEnrollment must match the campus-level users Agent ID.Event Validation PET Event MaintenanceNAP020EnrollDateWhen creating or maintaining a PET Event, the EnrollDate must fall within the date range defined for the PET School Year in context. In general, the school year begins on June 1 and extends through August 31 of the following year. Event Validation PET Event MaintenanceNAP021EnrollDateThe EnrollDate must not be greater than the PET file submission date. Event Validation PET Event MaintenanceNAP022WithdrawDateWhen creating or maintaining a PET Event, if a prior enrollment record for the CampusIDofEnrollment doesnt exist, the withdrawal event is invalid.Event Validation PET Event MaintenanceNAP023WithdrawDateWhen creating or maintaining a PET Event, the WithdrawDate must fall within the date range defined for the PET School Year in context. In general, the school year begins on June 1 and extends through August 31 of the following year. Event Validation PET Event MaintenanceNAP024WithdrawDateThe WithdrawDate must not be greater than the PET file submission date. Event Validation PET Event MaintenanceNAP025LocalIDWhen creating or maintaining a PET Event, the Local ID must be consistent with the PEIMS Data Standards Name Field pattern. In addition to the space character, this pattern allows any of the following characters: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - _ + = : ; " ' , . / < > ?Event Validation PET Event MaintenanceNAP026CampusDataTwo or more CampusData elements for the same CampusIDofEnrollment for one Student are invalid. Note: All the PET Events for one Student at a given CampusIDofEnrollment should be clustered together in one or more PETEventSet elements.Event ValidationNAP027PETEventSetTwo or more incomplete PETEventSets for the same CampusIDofEnrollment for one Student are invalid.Event ValidationNAP028EnrollDate / WithdrawDateTwo or more equal PET Event dates for the same CampusIDofEnrollment for one Student in two different PET Event Sets are invalid.Event ValidationNA P029BirthDateBirthDate must be a valid date. PET Student Add10141P030BirthDateBirthDate must be less than the enrollment date.PET Student AddNA PET PID Edits Overview A student must exist in PID before a PET event can be created for the student. To verify whether or not a student exists in PID, the system: Requires a minimum set of data elements for verification including: StudentID (i.e., the student's Social Security number or a state-approved alternative identification number); FirstName; LastName; and BirthDate. Verifies whether or not the StudentID and the three major demographics, FirstName, LastName, and BirthDate, taken together exactly match a student record PID. If the student does not exist in PID, the system determines whether to create a new PET student record in PID and: Verifies a minimum set of data elements including the StudentID, FirstName, LastName and BirthDate. Verifies StudentID, FirstName, LastName and BirthDate against the PET PID Edits identified in the following table for PID Verification and PET Student Add. If the StudentID and the three major demographics are verified against both the PET Context Edits and the PET PID Edits, the system creates a new PET student record in PID. PET PID Edits are listed in the following table. Some of the EDIT+ PID Edits are addressed in the PET XSD validation process or the PET Context Edits. PET PID Edits PET PID Error IDTransaction Code Error Description in CDyyyy.T_CODEW910001130 PID VerifyError on ADD -- SSN/ALT-ID does not match and demographics matchW910001230 PID VerifyError on Verify -- SSN/ALT-ID matches but demographics do not matchW910001430 PID VerifyError on Verify -- SSN matches and demographics do not match; also demographics match and SSN does not matchW910001730 PID VerifyFirst Name matches PID Middle Name; Middle Name Matches PID First Name PET Data and file Requirements Rules for XML Schemas School districts are permitted to submit student enrollment and withdrawal events to 91ȱ using the XML-based extract file process. The extract file process extracts information from district student information systems and stores it in an XML-based file consistent with the PET XML Schema Definition (XSD). The following business rules apply for XML schemas and the XSD validation process: The XML schema supports a number of built-in data types (e.g., date). When an XML element has a defined data type, a restriction is placed on the element content. The XML schema supports restrictions. In conjunction with the elements declared data type, restrictions are used to control acceptable values for XML elements. Declared data types and restrictions enable the XSD validation process. The client-side XSD validation process is used to validate the XML file structure and data values against the schema definition. Every element within the PET XSD has a defined data type and one or more restrictions. PET performs a client-side validation of the PET extract file against the published PET XSD. If the client-side validation fails, PET does not transfer the extract file to 91ȱ. Note: Similar to the PEIMS Data Standards, the PET XSD is updated and republished by 91ȱ annually. Student Information System (SIS) vendors support updates to the PET XSD. Graphical Representation of PET XSD  PET XML Schema Definition (XSD) PET XSD Data Types and Restrictions PET supports built-in data types. Restrictions control acceptable values for XML elements. Restrictions also used in the XSD validation process validate both the structure of the XML file and the data values against the XML Schema Definition. Note: In constructing a PET XML file, for each StudentID, all EnrollDate elements are clustered together followed by all WithdrawDate elements clustered together. PET XSD Data Types and Restrictions Element NameData TypeRestrictionStudentIDString The only acceptable value for the first position is an S or a character in the range of 0 to 7. For positions two through nine, the only acceptable value is eight characters in a sequence with each character in a range from 0 to 9.FirstNameString The minimum length is 1 and the maximum length is 17 characters. White space is preserved. The only acceptable value is a sequence of at least 1 to 17 characters with each character either a lower case a through z, upper case A through Z, an apostrophe, a hyphen, a 0 through 9, or a space. MiddleNameString The minimum length is 0 and the maximum length is 14 characters. White space is preserved. The only acceptable value is a sequence 0 to 14 characters with each character either a lower case a through z, upper case A through Z, an apostrophe, a hyphen, a 0 through 9, a space, or an equal sign.LastNameString The minimum length is 1 and the maximum length is 25 characters. White space is preserved. The only acceptable value is a sequence of at least 1 to 25 characters with each character either a lower case a through z, upper case A through Z, an apostrophe, a hyphen, a 0 through 9, or a space.BirthDateDate This data type implements an International Standards Organization (ISO) data type in the form of yyyy-mm-dd. BirthDate must be a valid date.SexCodeString Limited to a single character. The only acceptable value is one of the following letters: M or F. GenerationCodeString Optional element. Minimum length of 0 and a maximum length of a single character. If provided, the only acceptable value is a single character in a range from 1 to 9.EthnicityCodeString Limited to a single character. The only acceptable value is a single character in a range from 1 to 5.PETDataN/A Section of the XML file that contains all of the PET events for a given student organized by Campus ID of Enrollment.CampusDataN/A Section of the XML file that contains all of the PET events for a given student for a single Campus ID of Enrollment organized into one or more PET Event Sets. A PET Event Set is comprised of one and only one enrollment event and one withdrawal event, if available. If the withdrawal event is available, it must be reported in the PET Event Set. For a given student, there should be one PET Event Set for each occurrence of a real or physical enrollment and withdrawal from the Campus ID of Enrollment. Enrollment and withdrawal events created internally in support of a program or eligibility change should not be reported. CampusIDofEnrollmentString  Declared as a string data type in order to allow for zeros in the first position. The only acceptable value is nine characters in a sequence with each character in a range from 0 to 9.LocalIDString LocalID is an optional element from the point of view of the PET XSD. If provided, it has been declared as a string data type with a minimum length of 0 and a maximum length of 9. Consistent with the PEIMS Data Standards Name Field pattern, any of the following characters, in addition to the space character, are valid: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - _ + = : ; " ' , . / < > ?PETEventSetN/A Section of the XML file that contains the PET events for a single PET Event Set. This set must contain one enrollment event and one withdrawal event, if available. At most, a given PET Event Set will contain one enrollment event and one withdrawal event. EnrollDateDate Required data element. A PET Event Set must contain one enrollment event. The only acceptable value is a valid date with a minimum value greater than or equal to 2009-06-01 and less than or equal to 2010-08-31.WithdrawDateDate Required data element and must be reported when available. A PET Event Set may contain one withdrawal event. The only acceptable value is a valid date with a minimum value greater than or equal to 2009-06-01 and less than or equal to 2010-08-31. Compliance Statement Title VI, civil rights act of 1964; the modified court order, civil action 5281, federal district court, eastern district of texas, tyler division Reviews of local education agencies pertaining to compliance with Title VI Civil Rights Act of 1964 and with specific requirements of the Modified Court Order, Civil Action No. 5281, Federal District Court, Eastern District of Texas, Tyler Division are conducted periodically by staff representatives of the Texas Education Agency. These reviews cover at least the following policies and practices: (1) acceptance policies on student transfers from other school districts; (2) operation of school bus routes or runs on a non-segregated basis; (3) nondiscrimination in extracurricular activities and the use of school facilities; (4) nondiscriminatory practices in the hiring, assigning, promoting, paying, demoting, reassigning, or dismissing of faculty and staff members who work with children; (5) enrollment and assignment of students without discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin; (6) nondiscriminatory practices relating to the use of a students first language; and (7) evidence of published procedures for hearing complaints and grievances. In addition to conducting reviews, the Texas Education Agency staff representatives check complaints of discrimination made by a citizen or citizens residing in a school district where it is alleged discriminatory practices have occurred or are occurring. Where a violation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act is found, the findings are reported to the Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education. If there is a direct violation of the Court Order in Civil Action No. 5281 that cannot be cleared through negotiation, the sanctions required by the Court Order are applied. Title vii, civil rights act of 1964 as amended by the equal employment opportunity act of 1972; executive orders 11246 and 113275; equal pay act of 1964; title ix, education amendments; rehabilitation act of 1973 as amended; 1974 amendments to the wage-hour law expanding the age discrimination in employment act of 1967; Vietnam era veterans readjustment assistance act of 1972 as amended; immigration reform and control act of 1991. The Texas Education shall comply fully with the nondiscrimination provisions of all federal and state laws, rules, and regulations by assuring that no person shall be excluded from consideration for recruitment, selection, appointment, training, promotion, retention, or any other personnel action, or be denied any benefits or participation in any educational programs or activities which it operates on the grounds of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or veteran status (except where age, sex, or disability constitutes a bona fide occupational qualification necessary to proper and efficient administration). The Texas Education Agency is an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. EMBED PBrush \* MERGEFORMAT \s Texas Education Agency Austin, Texas 2009-2010 PEIMS March Version Data Standards  For consistency with EDIT+, PET will uppercase the students name (i.e., inclusive of FirstName, LastName, and, if exists, MiddleName) before creating a new PET student record in PID.  If the MIDDLE-NAME contains an equal sign, PET must ensure that the MIDDLE-NAME is set to NULL when the PID record is created.  Transaction Code: 10 - SSN Update, 20 - Major Demographics update, 15 - SSN and Major Demographics update, and 30 - PID verify     2009-2010 PEIMS Data Standards Appendix G: PID Enrollment Tracking (PET) 2009-2010 PEIMS Data Standards Appendix G: PID Enrollment Tracking (PET) G. PAGE 2 G. PAGE 3 2009-2010 PEIMS Data Standards Appendix G: PET Enrollment Tracking (PET) 2009-2010 PEIMS Data Standards Appendix G: PET Enrollment Tracking (PET) G. 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