ࡱ> 130 bjbjss 48$ApUU(}}}llltvvvvvvATvlllllv}}l}}tlt} ً`077&7lllllllvvlllllll7lllllllll : APPENDIX I Early Notice of PEIMS XML Data Submission Requirement for 2012-2013 Requirements for 2012 2013 XML Data Submission Beginning with the 2012-2013 school year, all school districts, open enrollment charter schools, and education service centers will be required to submit all data to the Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) via the approved XML schema documented in the PEIMS 2012-13 Data Standards. The Edit+ system will no longer accept the 80 character records. Districts have been given two years, from 2010-11 through 2011-12 to convert their PEIMS file submission to XML and test the results. Requirements for 2011 2012 XML Pilot In order to ensure that all districts and their software vendors are prepared to submit an accurate XML collection by the required date, all districts, open enrollment charter schools, and education service centers are required to successfully pilot at least one PEIMS file submission no later than August 31st, 2012. To pilot an XML data submission, the district must submit their XML file in parallel with their regular PEIMS file submission. For the purpose of the pilot, the XML will be used to generate reports for comparison purposes only. It will not be accepted in lieu of the districts regular PEIMS submission. The approved PEIMS file for the Pilot will be the standard 80 character record file submitted by the district. The Texas Education Agency strongly recommends that all districts review their pilot reports carefully to ensure that the XML file they submit will produce the same results as there 80 character file, and make use of the XML Checker Utility to review any errors. Districts and campuses that significantly customize their local software are especially encouraged to work closely with their software vendor to ensure that the XML file for each collection would yield the same results as their 80 character file. Requirements for District Software Vendors 2011 2012 XML Pilot In order for districts to be able to pilot their XML file submission, all district software vendors must be prepared to generate PEIMS data files for all collections using the XML schema documented in the 2011-2012 Data Standards no later than September 1, 2011.     2010-2011 PEIMS Data Standards Appendix H: Early Notice of Leaver Reporting Changes 2011-2012 PEIMS Data Standards Appendix I: PEIMS XML Data Submission Requirement 2012-2013 D. PAGE 6 I. 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