ࡱ>  C\bjbjVV <<QR**m*m*m*m*m*$***P*+,*Ӊ&,e-{-{-{-...vxxxxxxxm*.....xm*m*{-{-4W4W4W4.m*{-m*{-vW4.vW4W4tx  {->*I0zDb0Ӊz4O1x  m*h..W4.....xx2...Ӊ.............* 3): P011 ORGANIZATION DATA - SHARED SERVICES ARRANGEMENTRevision: Revised bullets When the fiscal agent enters its own 011 records, the fiscal agent reports a record for each shared services arrangement regardless of whether it participates as a member. DISTRICT-ID is the fiscal agent district ID number. The fiscal agent district is responsible for reporting: 1) the actual financial data for the prior school year for the shared services arrangement, and 2) personnel, payroll, and responsibility information for all administrative and all itinerant employees who are paid by the fiscal agent, whether or not these employees are shared by the member districts.When the fiscal agent enters its own 011 records, the fiscal agent reports a record for each shared services arrangement regardless of whether it participates as a member. For a fiscal agent, the DISTRICT-ID and FISCAL-AGENT-DISTRICT-ID will be the same. DISTRICT-ID is the member district ID number. FISCAL-AGENT-DISTRICT-ID is the fiscal agent district ID number. The fiscal agent district is responsible for reporting: 1) the actual financial data for the prior school year for the shared services arrangement, and 2) personnel, payroll, and responsibility information for all administrative and all itinerant employees who are paid by the fiscal agent, whether or not these employees are shared by the member districts.P030 DISTRICT FINANCE DATA-BUDGETRevision: Revised bulletOption to Change the Start Date of the Fiscal Year In order to change the fiscal year start date to July 1, 2011, districts must file with 91ȱ no later than June 30, 2010, a Notification of Intent to Change the Fiscal Year Start Date to July 1, 2011. This form (FIN-003) is available on the 91ȱ website at  HYPERLINK "http://www.tea.state.tx.us/school.finance/audit/FIN_003.pdf" http://www.tea.state.tx.us/school.finance/audit/FIN_003.pdf.Option to Change the Start Date of the Fiscal Year In order to change the fiscal year start date to July 1, 2012, districts must file with 91ȱ no later than June 30, 2011, a Notification of Intent to Change the Fiscal Year Start Date to July 1, 2012. This form (FIN-003) is available on the 91ȱ website at  HYPERLINK "http://www.tea.state.tx.us/school.finance/audit/FIN_003.pdf" http://www.tea.state.tx.us/school.finance/audit/FIN_003.pdf.P032 DISTRICT FINANCE DATA-ACTUALRevision: Revised bulletOption to Change the Start Date of the Fiscal Year In order to change the fiscal year start date to July 1, 2011, districts must file with 91ȱ no later than June 30, 2010, a Notification of Intent to Change the Fiscal Year Start Date to July 1, 2011. This form (FIN-003) is available on the 91ȱ website at  HYPERLINK "http://www.tea.state.tx.us/school.finance/audit/FIN_003.pdf" http://www.tea.state.tx.us/school.finance/audit/FIN_003.pdf.Option to Change the Start Date of the Fiscal Year In order to change the fiscal year start date to July 1, 2012, districts must file with 91ȱ no later than June 30, 2011, a Notification of Intent to Change the Fiscal Year Start Date to July 1, 2012. This form (FIN-003) is available on the 91ȱ website at  HYPERLINK "http://www.tea.state.tx.us/school.finance/audit/FIN_003.pdf" http://www.tea.state.tx.us/school.finance/audit/FIN_003.pdf.P033 DISTRICT FINANCE DATA-SHARED SERVICES ARRANGEMENTRevision: Revised bulletPEIMS collects actual financial information for shared services arrangements (SSA). Each fiscal agent district does all SSA reporting. Information is reported about each member district, with type of shared services arrangement, Resource Guide fund code, fiscal year, and actual amount. Additional information regarding the reporting requirements for Shared Service Arrangements can be found at this link.  HYPERLINK "http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/school.finance/audit/resguide13/far/FAR.pdf" http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/school.finance/audit/resguide13/far/FAR.pdf.PEIMS collects actual financial information for shared services arrangements (SSA). Each fiscal agent district or ESC does all SSA reporting. Information is reported about each member district, with type of shared services arrangement, Resource Guide fund code, fiscal year, and actual amount. Additional information regarding the reporting requirements for Shared Service Arrangements can be found at this link.  HYPERLINK "http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/financial.audits/resguide14/FAR.pdf" http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/financial.audits/resguide14/FAR.pdf.P090 STAFF RESPONSIBILITYRevision: Revised 090 record instructionsChart D: P.E. and P.E. Equivalent Courses * Even though the students in a class may be receiving a different P.E. Equivalent credit (i.e., 1, 2, 3, or 4), the district may choose to show only one record with all students shown in a representative P.E. Equivalent course. State-approved TEKS courses that substitute for P.E. receive a waiver and earn credit in the correlating academic discipline NOT P.E. credit. Activities that are not state-approved TEKS courses that substitute for P.E. receive P.E. credit.Chart D: P.E. and P.E. Equivalent Courses NoneP090 STAFF RESPONSIBILITYRevision: Revised ExampleExample #5 Athletic Director and High School Coach/PE Teacher Even though the students in a class may be receiving a different P.E. Equivalent credit (i.e., 1, 2, 3 or 4), the district may choose to show only one record with all students shown in a representative P.E. Equivalent course for the purposes of the 090 record only. As a result, the district may choose to report only one record for each teacher with a representative P.E. Equivalent service id or may report up to four records for each teacher. SERVICE-ID 03820501 indicates the district decided to report all the students in the class as instruction of Physical Education Equivalent -1. The district may choose to report each Physical Education Equivalent separately by using SERVICE-IDs; 03820501, 03820502, 03820503 or 03820504. CLASS-ID-NUMBER 00000000FBT001 indicates the unique id for the class taught by Mr. Sportz, Mr. Wilson, and Mr. Spalding. If the district reports the classes under the specific Physical Education Equivalent service id, each class will have a unique CLASS-ID-NUMBER (i.e. 00000000FBT001, 00000000FBT002, 00000000FBT003 and 00000000FBT004). The three teachers records show the same CLASS-ID-NUMBERs but are only required to be unique for the campus, person and service. Example #5 Athletic Director and High School Coach/PE Teacher Deleted SERVICE-IDs PES00000, PES000001, PES000002, and PES000003 indicate the specific courses that the teachers are teaching. PES00000 - PE Substitution Athletics 1, PES00001 - PE Substitution Athletics 2, PES00002 - PE Substitution Athletics 3, PES00003 - PE Substitution Athletics 4 CLASS-ID-NUMBER 00000000FBT001 indicates the unique id for the class taught by Mr. Sportz, Mr. Wilson, and Mr. Spalding. The district reports the classes under the specific Physical Education Equivalent service id,and each class will have a unique CLASS-ID-NUMBER (i.e. 00000000FBT001, 00000000FBT002, 00000000FBT003 and 00000000FBT004). The three teachers records show the same CLASS-ID-NUMBERs but are only required to be unique for the campus, person and service. P100 STUDENT DATA - IDENTIFICATIONRevision: Add exisiting data elementNone100 STUDENT DATA IDENTIFICATION Add the ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE to column 78.P100 STUDENT DATA - IDENTIFICATIONAddition: New bulletNonesymbol 110 \f "Wingdings" \s 8 \h The ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE identifies the level of membership and Average Daily Attendance eligibility for a particular student. Additional requirements and rules concerning this code are available in Section 3 of the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook.P100 STUDENT DATA - IDENTIFICATIONRevision: Revised example100 - STUDENT DATA IDENTIFICATION Example Jane Lee Student is a student in Learning ISD (999-999). Jane was issued Alternative Identification number S00005678. Her identification information would be reported as follows. 100 - STUDENT DATA IDENTIFICATION Example Jane Lee Student is a full-day eligible student in Learning ISD (999-999). Jane was issued Alternative Identification number S00005678. Her identification information would be reported as follows. Explanation of 100 Record Layout symbol 110 \f "Wingdings" \s 8 \h ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE 1 indicates that Jane is a full-day eligible student and generates 1.0 days of eligible attendance each day she is counted present.P110 STUDENT DATA - ENROLLMENTAddition: New bulletNonesymbol 110 \f "Wingdings" \s 8 \h The ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE identifies the level of memebership and Average Daily Attendance eligibility for a particular student. Additional requirements and rules concerning this code are available in Section 3 of the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook.P163 STUDENT DATA - SPECIAL EDUCATIONRevision: Add a new data element to the record.None163 STUDENT DATA - SPECIAL EDUCATION Add E1077 - PPCD-LOCATION-SERVICE-CODE to column 36.P163 STUDENT DATA - SPECIAL EDUCATIONAddition: New bullets/instructions for the PPCD-SERVICE-LOCATION-CODENone163 STUDENT DATA - SPECIAL EDUCATION PPCD-SERVICE-LOCATION-CODE indicates whether or not the Preschool Program for Children with Disabilities (PPCD) student received the majority of their special education services in a regular early childhood program. The Regular Early Childhood Program is defined as a program that is designed for typically developing children ages 3-5 and is not specifically or primarily designed for children with disabilities and includes (at the time of the placement decision) a majority of at least 50 percent of nondisabled children (i.e., children without an individualized education program (IEP)). Regular Early Childhood Program may include, but is not limited to: 1. Community-Based Preschool (3- Through 5-Year-Olds): A PPCD student who is receiving the majority of his or her special education services in a licensed community childcare facility that is working in a collaborative partnership with a school district may be coded in a regular early childhood program, provided that the majority of students in his or her class are students who are not receiving special education services. 2. District or Community Child Care Programs: A PPCD student who is receiving the majority of his or her special education services in a district or community child care program may be coded in a regular early childhood program provided that the majority of students in his or her class are students who are not receiving special education services. 3. District or Community Therapy Settings (Speech, OT/PT, etc.): A PPCD student who is receiving the majority of his or her special education services in a district or community Therapy Settings may be coded in a regular early childhood program provided that the majority of students in his or her class are students who are not receiving special education services. 4. Head Start Program: If a school district and a Head Start program provide collaborative services as documented in a memorandum of understanding between the two entities, a PPCD student who is receiving the majority of his or her special education services in the collaborative partnership may be coded in a regular early childhood program, provided that the majority of students in his or her class are students who are not receiving special education services. 5. Kindergarten program: A PPCD student who is at least five years old on September 1 of the school year and is receiving the majority of his or her special education services in the kindergarten program may be coded in a regular early childhood program provided that the majority of students in his or her class are students who are not receiving special education services. 6. Prekindergarten Program in which the student is eligible: A PPCD student who meets eligibility requirements for prekindergarten (PK) and special education services and is receiving the majority of his or her special education services in the PK classroom may be coded in a regular early childhood program, provided that the majority of students in his or her class are students who are not receiving special education services. 7. Prekindergarten Program in which the student is not eligible: A PPCD student who does not meets eligibility requirements for prekindergarten (PK) and special education services and is receiving the majority of his or her special education services in the PK classroom may be coded in a regular early childhood program, provided that the majority of students in his or her class are students who are not receiving special education services. 8. School-Based Preschool, Staff and/or Community Access (3- Through 5-Year-Olds): If a school district establishes a preschool education program to serve preschool age children regardless of eligibility or other criteria, a PPCD student in the program who receives the majority of his or her special education services (other than speech therapy) in the general classroom may be coded in a regular early childhood program, provided that the majority of students in his or her class are students who are not receiving special education services.P163 STUDENT DATA - SPECIAL EDUCATIONRevision: Revised instructionssymbol 110 \f "Wingdings" \s 8 \h The following guidelines should be used in determining the CHILD-COUNT-FUNDING-TYPE-CODE for each special education student. Use code 0 for a student who does not meet requirements as specified for code 3. Use code 3 for a student eligible for IDEA-B funds as of the PEIMS fall snapshot date. Include eligible students, ages 3 through 21, who: meet the requirements of 19 TAC 89.1040 and 19 TAC 89.1050; are enrolled and receiving special education and related services through an IEP or individualized services plan as of the PEIMS snapshot date; have on file a current individualized education program or individualized services plan; and have on file a current full and individual evaluation. Pursuant to 34 CFR 300.102(a)(3), students with disabilities who graduate under 19 TAC 89.1070(c) and return to school may not be counted on the IDEA Part B child count.symbol 110 \f "Wingdings" \s 8 \h The following guidelines should be used in determining the CHILD-COUNT-FUNDING-TYPE-CODE for each special education student. Use code 0 for a student who does not meet requirements as specified for code 3. Use code 3 for a student eligible for IDEA-B funds as of the PEIMS fall snapshot date. Include eligible students, ages 3 through 21, who: meet the requirements of 19 TAC 89.1040 and 19 TAC 89.1050; are enrolled and receiving special education and related services through an IEP or individualized services plan as of the PEIMS snapshot date; have on file a current individualized education program or individualized services plan; and have on file a current full and individual evaluation. Pursuant to 34 CFR 300.102(a)(3), students with disabilities who graduate under 19 TAC 89.1070(c) and return to school are included on the IDEA Part B child count.P163 STUDENT DATA - SPECIAL EDUCATIONRevision: Add a new data element to the record.163 STUDENT DATA - SPECIAL EDUCATION Example Ima Student is a student in Learning ISD. She is served through the special education program. The information about her participation in the special education program would be reported as follows163 STUDENT DATA - SPECIAL EDUCATION Example Ima Student is a 5th grade student in Learning ISD. She is served through the special education program. The information about her participation in the special education program would be reported as follows Add E1077 - PPCD-LOCATION-SERVICE-CODE to column 36. Add Explanation for PPCD-SERVICE-LOCATION-CODE. PPCD-SERVICE-LOCATION-CODE 0 indicates that the PPCD-SERVICE-LOCATION-CODE is not applicable to Ima Student.P305 STAFF DATA 91ȱCHER CLASS ASSIGNMENTDeletion Deleted instructions that were only applicable to the 2010-2011 school year.Minimum Reporting Standards for the 2010-2011 School Year For the 2010 - 2011 school year, districts and charter schools will be permitted to only report the last Teacher of Record for a particular class. For the 2010 - 2011 school year, districts and charter schools will be permitted to only report the first date and the last date that a class met as the ASSIGNMENT-BEGIN-DATE and the ASSIGNMENT-END-DATE. For example, if the Teacher of Record only taught the class for the last four weeks of an 18 week class, then just that last Teacher of Record could be reported on a 305 record with an ASSIGNMENT-BEGIN-DATE of the first date the class began, and an ASSIGNMENT-END-DATE of the last date the class met. If the schools software is capable of reporting any additional Teachers of Record associated with a class, and/or the exact ASSIGNMENT-BEGIN-DATEs and the ASSIGNMENT-END-DATEs associated with the teachers for a particular class, and the school district or charter school wants to report this level of detail, 91ȱ will accept this additional information during the 2010-2011 school year submission. Locally developed courses such as the special education 9XXXXXXX series and the locally developed 8XXXXXXX series courses are not reported.NoneP305 STAFF DATA 91ȱCHER CLASS ASSIGNMENTRevision305 STAFF DATA 91ȱCHER CLASS ASSIGNMENT Example #4305 STAFF DATA 91ȱCHER CLASS ASSIGNMENT Example # 4 Deleted data coding lines that referenced SERVICE-ID 03810100. Added the folowing note to the end of the example explanations. Note: Health Education (03810100) is not reported on the 305 record because the course was offered over the internet and was not taught by a teacher. P415 COURSE COMPLETION DATA - STUDENTDeletion Deleted instructions that were only applicable to the 2010-2011 school year.Minimum Reporting Standards for the 2010-2011 School Year For the 2010 - 2011 school year, districts and charter schools will be permitted to only report the last classes that a student was enrolled in at the end of the semester. For example, if a student started a semester with Biology I and changed to a different course such as Theatre before the end of the semester, then only the Theatre course must be reported on a 415 record. For the 2010 - 2011 school year, districts and charter schools will be permitted to only report the first date and the last date that the class met as the STUDENT-BEGIN-DATE and the STUDENT-END-DATE. For example, if a student started a semester with Biology I and changed to a different course such as Theatre on November 1st, then only the Theatre course must be reported on a 415 record, and the STUDENT-BEGIN-DATE and the STUDENT-END-DATE would reflect the first day of the semester and the last day of the semester. If the schools software is capable of reporting all of the classes that a student participated in during the year along with the exact STUDENT-BEGIN-DATEs and the STUDENT-END-DATEs for each class, and the district or charter school wants to report this information, 91ȱ will accept this additional information for the 2010-2011 school year submission. Classes completed prior to the fall snapshot date should also be reported along with the classes completed after the fall snapshot date. Locally developed courses such as the special education 9XXXXXXX series and the locally developed 8XXXXXXX series courses are not reported. NoneP425 DISCIPLINARY ACTION DATA - STUDENTRevision: Corrected instructionsILLEGAL KNIVES/NON-ILLEGAL KNIVES: In making the distinction between an illegal knife which is a mandatory expellable offense and a non-illegal knife which is a discretionary expellable offense the following must be taken into consideration: An illegal knife (DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE 12) as defined by Section 46.01, Penal Code has a blade length equal to or longer than 5.5 inches and meets other definitional requirements stated in Appendix E, page E.8. A non-illegal knife (DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE 50) as defined by local policy has a blade less than 5.5 inches and meets other definitional requirements stated in Appendix E, page E.8.ILLEGAL KNIVES/NON-ILLEGAL KNIVES: In making the distinction between an illegal knife which is a mandatory expellable offense and a non-illegal knife which is a discretionary expellable offense the following must be taken into consideration: An illegal knife (DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE 12) as defined by Section 46.01, Penal Code has a blade length longer than 5.5 inches and meets other definitional requirements stated in Appendix E. A non-illegal knife (DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE 50) as defined by local policy has a blade less than 5.5 inches and meets other definitional requirements stated in Appendix E.     2010-2011 Data Standards Change Document - Section 2 Data Submission Requirements VersionRecord #Change2009-2010 Addendum Version2010-2011 Addendum Version P: Preliminary Version M: March Version A: Addendum Version 2. PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 7 2011-2012 Data Standards Change Document - Section 2 Data Submission Requirements VersionRecord #Change2010-2011 Post Addendum Version2011-2012 Preliminary Version P: Preliminary Version M: March Version A: Addendum Version 2011-2012 Data Standards Change Document - Section 2 Data Submission Requirements 56?@NOPQ  m s K M G M y ȹtttdTTttthVjhVj5CJOJQJaJhVjh u-5CJOJQJaJhI h u-CJOJQJaJhLHhVjCJOJQJaJhVjCJOJQJaJh u-CJOJQJaJhLHh u-CJOJQJaJh=8h u-CJOJQJaJhvh u-OJQJ^JhOJQJ^Jh^A OJQJ^Jhvh^A OJQJ^Jh u-OJQJ^J6@PQ  z  & Fdx$Ifgd u- & Fdx$Ifgdiodxx$IfgdVj & Fdxx$Ifgd u- ?$Ifgdv ?x$Ifgd u- ?$$Ifa$gd u- ?$$Ifa$gdN y z { #%&']_ae׶ר_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x0008_zmm]L;!hvhY*5>*OJQJ\^J!hvhLU)5>*OJQJ\^JhvhLU)>*OJQJ\^Jhg5OJQJ\^JhvhY*5OJQJ\^JhvhLU)5OJQJ\^JhvhLU)OJQJ\^JhvhLU)>*OJQJ^Jhvh2XzOJQJ^Jh2XzOJQJ^Jh fOJQJ^JhvhLU)OJQJ^Jhvh^A OJQJ^Jhvh^A 5OJQJ^Jz { } QC5* ?x$Ifgdv?$x$Ifa$gd0D?$x$Ifa$gdNkd$$IflruND !7W0n:4 laytZ t1 ?$Ifgd%Q ?$Ifgdg ?x$Ifgdv ?x$Ifgd0D456qrt"iԯàԒtg\\tLghvhY*5OJQJ\^Jh%QOJQJ\^Jhg5OJQJ\^JhvhLU)5OJQJ\^JhvhLU)OJQJ\^JhvhLU)>*OJQJ^JhvhLU)0JOJQJ^J'jhvhLU)OJQJU^J!jhvhLU)OJQJU^JhvhLU)OJQJ^JhvhLU)>*OJQJ\^Jhg5>*OJQJ\^Jilmn./278nòÞÂxj\L?\L?\h5OJQJ\^Jhvh5OJQJ\^JhvhOJQJ\^Jhvh>*OJQJ^JhOJQJ^JhvhOJQJ^JhvhLU)0JOJQJ^J'jhvhLU)OJQJU^J!jhvhLU)OJQJU^JhvhLU)OJQJ^JhvhLU)>*OJQJ\^Jhg5>*OJQJ\^J!hvhLU)5>*OJQJ\^J124U_nQCC888 ?x$Ifgd?$x$Ifa$gdkd$$IflruND !7W0n:4 laytZcfgh()+^ #$%^ijğĂtdWtLtLtdWth%QOJQJ\^Jh5OJQJ\^Jhvh5OJQJ\^JhvhOJQJ\^Jhvh>*OJQJ^Jhvh0JOJQJ^J'jthvhOJQJU^J!jhvhOJQJU^JhvhOJQJ^Jh5>*OJQJ\^J!hvh5>*OJQJ\^Jhvh>*OJQJ\^J+^4kdF$$IflruND !7W0n:4 layt ?$Ifgd%Q ?x$Ifgd ?$Ifgd^_ :!/Z[eᱧp^O> h?h?CJOJQJ^JaJh?hCJOJQJaJ#h`&h>*CJOJQJ^JaJ#h`&h5CJOJQJ^JaJ h`&hCJOJQJ^JaJh:rOJQJ^Jh fOJQJ^JhOJQJ^JhvhLU)OJQJ^Jhvh0JOJQJ^J'j]hvhOJQJU^JhvhOJQJ^J!jhvhOJQJU^J!+:[y & Fdxx$Ifgd? 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