ࡱ>  :bjbj y*xx/l l $P# >Z(   CCCM>O>O>O>O>O>O>ACtO>??O>  4d>###  M>#M>##q.h/ @scj.9>z>0>.DD //D%0CW#e qXCCCO>O>!CCC>DCCCCCCCCCl u: PE0006 DATE-OF-BIRTHRevisionDomain of Values: mm = 01 12 dd = 01 31 yyyy = 1913 - 2012Domain of Values: mm = 01 12 dd = 01 31 yyyy = 1914 - 2013PE0791 DATE-OF-GRADUATIONRevisionDomain of Values mm = 01 - 12 yyyy = 2010 - 2011Domain of Values mm = 01 - 12 yyyy = 2011 - 2012PE1034 DATE-OF-RESTRAINT-EVENTRevisionDomain of Values mm = 01 - 12 dd = 01 - 31 yyyy = 2011 - 2012Domain of Values mm = 01 - 12 dd = 01 - 31 yyyy = 2012-2013PE1036 DATE-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ACTIONRevisionDomain of Values mm = 01-12 dd = 01 - 31 yyyy = 2011-2012Domain of Values mm = 01-12 dd = 01 - 31 yyyy = 2012-2013PE1044 LAST-DATE-OF-ENROLLMENTRevisionmm = 01 - 12 dd = 01 - 31 yyyy = 2011-2012mm = 01 - 12 dd = 01 - 31 yyyy = 2012-2013PE1065 ASSIGNMENT-BEGIN-DATERevisionmm = 01-12 dd = 01-31 yyyy = 2011-2012mm = 01-12 dd = 01-31 yyyy = 2012-2013PE1066 ASSIGNMENT-END-DATERevisionmm = 01-12 dd = 01-31 yyyy = 2011-2012mm = 01-12 dd = 01-31 yyyy = 2012-2013PE1069 STUDENT-BEGIN-DATERevisionmm = 01-12 dd = 01-31 yyyy = 2011-2012mm = 01-12 dd = 01-31 yyyy = 2012-2013PE1070 STUDENT-END-DATERevisionmm = 01-12 dd = 01-31 yyyy = 2011-2012mm = 01-12 dd = 01-31 yyyy = 2012-2013PE1012 PEP-INDICATOR-CODEDeletionDelete data element: E1012 PEP-INDICATOR-CODENonePE1014 OPTIONAL-EXTENDED-YEAR-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODEDeletionDelete data element: E1014 OPTIONAL-EXTENDED-YEAR-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODENonePE1017 TITLE-I-PART-A-HOMELESS-INDICATOR-CODEDeletionDelete data element: E1017 TITLE-I-PART-A-INDICATOR-CODENonePE1029 OEYP-PROMOTION-RETENTION-CODEDeletionDelete data element: E1029 OEYP-PROMOTION-RETENTION-CODENonePE1082 HOMELESS-STATUS-CODEAdditionNoneAdd new data element: E1082 HOMELESS-STATUS-CODEPAE1084 UNACCOMPANIED-YOUTH-STATUS-CODEAdditionNoneAdd new data element: E1084 UNACCOMPANIED-YOUTH-STATUS-CODE (Revised Special Instructions)PE1083 BEHAVIOR-LOCATION-CODEAdditionNoneAdd new data element: E1083 BEHAVIOR-LOCATION-CODE ME0704 MIDDLE-NAMERevisionSpecial Instructions: This field may be blank for staff. For students, a single initial or the entire middle name may be entered. If the student has no middle name, the field should contain at least one equal sign (=), and not more than 14 equal signs. This field may not be blank for students. (implemented by edit 1000B) Do not use periods. Do not use any punctuation other than a hyphen or a single apostrophe. (implemented by edits 04049 and 10015)Special Instructions: This field may be blank for staff and students. For staff and students, enter the middle name as shown on the identification documentation. If the staff person or the student has no middle name, the field must be left blank. Do not use any other text such as NONE, NA, NMI, etc for the middle name if the staff person or the student has no middle name. Do not use periods or any other punctuation other than a hyphen or a single apostrophe. (implemented by edits 04049 and 10015)ME0317 FUNCTION-CODERevisionSpecial Instructions: If OBJECT-CODE is not 61XX-66XX, FUNCTION-CODE will be changed to 00 at 91ȱ during data loading to the mainframe.Special Instructions: If OBJECT-CODE is not 61XX-66XX, FUNCTION-CODE will be changed to 00 at 91ȱ during the data load.ME0319 ORGANIZATION-CODERevisionSpecial Instructions: If OBJECT-CODE is 61XX-66XX, ORGANIZATION-CODE is less than 699, and no match of ORGANIZATION-CODE is found in the CAMPUS-ID table, ORGANIZATION-CODE will be changed to 999 at 91ȱ during data loading (notification made with edits 0302S, 032XW, and 06096). If OBJECT-CODE is not 61XX-66XX, then ORGANIZATION-CODE will be changed to 000 at 91ȱ during data loading to the mainframe.Special Instructions: If OBJECT-CODE is 61XX-66XX, ORGANIZATION-CODE is less than 699, and no match of ORGANIZATION-CODE is found in the CAMPUS-ID table, ORGANIZATION-CODE will be changed to 999 at 91ȱ during data loading (notification made with edits 0302S, 032XW, and 06096). If OBJECT-CODE is not 61XX-66XX, then ORGANIZATION-CODE will be changed to 000 at 91ȱ during the data load.ME0320 PROGRAM-INTENT-CODERevisionSpecial Instructions: If OBJECT-CODE is not 61XX-66XX, PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE will be changed to 00 at 91ȱ during data loading to the mainframe.Special Instructions: If OBJECT-CODE is not 61XX-66XX, PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE will be changed to 00 at 91ȱ during the data load.ME0266 CAMPUS-IDRevisionSpecial Instructions: For 055 and 090 records, if the last three digits of CAMPUS-ID are greater than 698, except for 751, then the last three digits will be changed to 700 at 91ȱ during data loading to the mainframe. However, 700 is not a valid number for use by districts in reporting to 91ȱ.Special Instructions: For 055 and 090 records, if the last three digits of CAMPUS-ID are greater than 698, except for 751, then the last three digits will be changed to 700 at 91ȱ during the data load. However, 700 is not a valid number for use by districts in reporting to 91ȱ.AE1522 EARLY-READING-INDICATOR-CODEAdditionNoneAdd new data element: E1522 EARLY-READING-INDICATOR-CODEAE1071 COURSE-GRADEDeletionDelete data element: E1071 COURSE-GRADENoneAE1075 FINAL-COURSE-GRADEDeletionDelete data element: E1075 FINAL-COURSE-GRADENone. AE1516 RESTRAINT-STAFF-TYPE-CODEAdditionNoneAdd new data element: E1516 RESTRAINT-STAFF-TYPE-CODE PAE1034 DATE-OF-RESTRAINT-EVENTRevisionDATE-OF-RESTRAINT-EVENT indicates the actual date on which a student with a disability was restrained for emergency purposes. Special Instructions: DATE-OF-RESTRAINT-EVENT must be a valid date during the current school year. (implemented by edit 43506) Restraint may be used only in emergency situations.DATE-OF-RESTRAINT-EVENT indicates the actual date on which a student was restrained for emergency purposes. Special Instructions: DATE-OF-RESTRAINT-EVENT must be a valid date during the current school year. (implemented by edit 43507) Restraint may be used only in emergency situations.PAE1032 CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESTRAINT-EVENTRevisionCAMPUS-ID-OF-RESTRAINT-EVENT indicates the unique campus identification number of the campus at which a special education student was restrained for emergency purposes. This campus ID may or may not reflect the campus ID where the special education student was enrolled (within the district) but does reflect the campus ID at which the special education student was restrained. [See 19 TAC 89.1053.]CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESTRAINT-EVENT indicates the unique campus identification number of the campus at which a student was restrained for emergency purposes. This campus ID may or may not reflect the campus ID where the student was enrolled (within the district) but does reflect the campus ID at which the student was restrained. [See 19 TAC 89.1053.]PARESTRAINT-REASON-CODERevision:Definition: RESTRAINT-REASON-CODE indicates that a special education student was physically or mechanically restrained due to imminent serious physical harm to themselves or others, imminent serious property destruction, or a combination of both imminent serious physical harm to themselves or others and imminent serious property destruction. [See 19 TAC 89.1053.] Special Instructions: Child Restraint reporting is only applicable to students with disabilities who generate a 405 record or a 400 record with mainstream days reported. Restraint may be used only in emergency situations as defined in 19 TAC 89.1053 and reflected in the definition above.Definition: RESTRAINT-REASON-CODE indicates that a student was physically or mechanically restrained due to imminent serious physical harm to themselves or others, imminent serious property destruction, or a combination of both imminent serious physical harm to themselves or others and imminent serious property destruction. [See 19 TAC 89.1053.] Special Instructions: None Element ID NameDate IssuedDate UpdatedE1082HOMELESS-STATUS-CODE03/01/12 DefinitionAs defined by NCLB, Title X, Part C, Section 725(2), the term homeless children and youths (A) means individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence [within the meaning of section 103(a)(1)]; and (B) includes: (i) children and youths who are sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason; are living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, or camping grounds due to the lack of alternative adequate accommodations; are living in emergency or transitional shelters; are abandoned in hospitals; or are awaiting foster care placement; (ii) children and youths who have a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designed for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings [within the meaning of section 103(a)(2)(C)]; (iii) children and youths who are living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations, or similar settings; and (iv) migratory children (as such term is defined in section 1309 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965) who qualify as homeless for the purpose of this subtitle because the children are living in circumstances described in clauses (i) through (iii).  Code Table IDDomain of ValuesC189 Special InstructionsThe McKinney-Vento Act requires that every school district designate a homeless liaison. Contact your local homeless liaison for questions about the statutory definition of homelessness in the McKinney-Vento Act, whether or not a student meets that definition, and what category of living situation is appropriate. Information can also be obtained from the Texas Homeless Education Office. To contact the Texas Homeless Education Office, call 1-800-446-3142. Data SpecificationsLengthTypePattern1CODED# Element ID NameDate IssuedDate UpdatedE1083BEHAVIOR-LOCATION-CODE03/01/12 DefinitionBEHAVIOR-LOCATION-CODE indicates where a student committed an applicable offense that is enumerated in Texas Education Code 37.006 or 37.007. (On/off campus, school related activities, etc) Code Table IDDomain of ValuesC190 Special Instructions Data SpecificationsLengthTypePattern2CODED## Element ID NameDate IssuedDate UpdatedE1084UNACCOMPANIED-YOUTH-STATUS-CODE03/01/1208/01/12 DefinitionAs defined by NCLB, Title X, Part C, Section 725(6), the term unaccompanied youth means a youth not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian. Code Table IDDomain of ValuesC192 Special InstructionsThis data element is only reported for homeless students who are less that 21 on September 1, or less than 22 on September 1 and are eligible for special education services. Data SpecificationsLengthTypePattern1CODED# Element ID NameDate IssuedDate UpdatedE1516RESTRAINT-STAFF-TYPE-CODE7/1/2012 DefinitionRESTRAINT-STAFF-TYPE-CODE indicates the kind of school staff person that performed a student restraint.  Code Table IDDomain of ValuesC194 Special Instructions Data SpecificationsLengthTypePattern1CODED# Element ID NameDate IssuedDate UpdatedE1522EARLY-READING-INDICATOR-CODE7/01/12 DefinitionEARLY-READING-INDICATOR-CODE indicates whether a student is eligible for accelerated reading instruction as indicated by the administered reading instrument.  Code Table IDDomain of ValuesC195 Special InstructionsThe EARLY-READING-INDICATOR-CODEs 1, 2, and 3 only apply to students in grades KG, 01, and 02. Students enrolled in all other grade levels should be reported with a blank. For Submission 1: report grade level reading status based on the Beginning of Year assessment results. For Submission 3: report grade level reading status based on the latest assessment results available for the student. For Submission 4: EARLY-READING-INDICATOR-CODE must be blank for all students. Data SpecificationsLengthTypePattern1CODED#     2012-2013 Data Standards Change Document - Section 3 Data Elements VersionElement ID#Change2011-2012 Post Addendum Version2012-2013 Addendum Version Versions -P: Preliminary M: March A: Addendum NOTE: Revisions are bolded for comparison purposes. 3. PAGE 5 2012-2013 Data Standards Change Document - Section 3 Data Elements VersionElement ID#Change2011-2012 Post Addendum Version 2012-2013 Post Addendum Version  Versions -P: Preliminary M: March A: Addendum NOTE: Revisions are bolded for comparison purposes. 3. PAGE 1 2012-2013 Data Standards Change Document - Section 3 Data Elements 2012-2013 Data Standards Change Document - Section 3 Data Elements YZ]^defyzƻzePzPze(hWt5CJOJQJ^JaJmHnHu(hsR5CJOJQJ^JaJmHnHu.h=.hWt5CJOJQJ^JaJmHnHuhhWt5CJaJhsRCJaJmHnHuhhCJaJmHnHuhhCJaJhh5CJaJhWtCJOJQJ^JaJh=.hWtCJOJQJ^J h=.hWtCJOJQJ^JaJfdd$IfUDQ[$\$]gdsR x$IfgdsR$$x$@&Ifa$gdid$x$Ifa$gdidQAA3$x$Ifa$gd`$x<$Ifa$gd`kd$$Iflrv@ #~6074 la^ytid      ! 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