ࡱ>  wbjbjT~T~ K66w 8 =y<<<<<<<>A<<4<[$[$[$z<[$<[$[$.h4/!+DS |.<<0 =.B B 4/4/4Bh00 [$<<" =B : PC014 ETHNICITY-CODEDELETED CODES 1: American Indian Or Alaskan Native - A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North America and who maintains cultural identification through affiliation or community recognition 2: Asian Or Pacific Islander - A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, Indian subcontinent, Polynesian Islands, Micronesian Islands, Melanesian Islands, or Philippine Islands 3: Black, Not Of Hispanic Origin - A non-Hispanic person having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa 4: Hispanic - A person of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race 5: White, Not Of Hispanic Origin - A non-Hispanic person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, North Africa, or the Middle EastDELETED CODES (Code Table Deleted) 1: Deleted. 2: Deleted. 3: Deleted. 4: Deleted. 5: Deleted. PC022 SERVICE-IDDELETION Grades 6-8, Career and Technical Education 11900121**: Introductory Agricultural Mechanics 11900161**: Introductory Horticulture 12311140**: Exploring Construction Technology 12311120**: Exploring Communication Technology 12001200**: Business Venture 12721100**: Career Investigation 12001400**: Introduction To Recordkeeping 12200200**: Skills For Living 12001100**: Introduction To Business Support Systems 12001300**: Introduction To Keyboarding 12311130**: Exploring Computer Applications 12311160**: Exploring Manufacturing Technology 12321200**: Technology Education 12311150**: Exploring Energy, Power, And Transportation Technology Grades 9-12, Career and Technical Education Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Cluster 11911101*: Introduction To World Agricultural Science And Technology (1/2) (INWOAGSC) 11911102*: Applied Agricultural Science And Technology (1/2) (APAGSCTE) 11921221*: Introduction To Agricultural Mechanics (1/2) (INAGMECH) 11921231*: Plant And Animal Production (1/2) (AMPLPROD) 11921241*: Food Technology (1/2) (FOODTECH) 11921261*: Introduction To Horticultural Science (1/2) (INHORTSC) 11921281*: Energy And Environmental Technology (1/2) (ENEVTECH) 11922282*: Exploring Aquaculture (1/2) (EXPLAQUA) 11922284*: Environmental Technology (1/2) (ENVITECH) 11922312*: Personal Skill Development In Agriculture (1/2) (PESKDEAG) 11922321*: Agricultural Structures Technology (1/2) (AGSCTECH) 11922322*: Agricultural Metal Fabrication Technology (1/2) (AGMFTECH) 11922323*: Agricultural Power Technology (1/2) (AGPWTECH) 11922335*: Applied Entomology (1/2) (APPLENTO) 11922373*: Agribusiness Management And Marketing (1/2) (AGMGTMKT) 11923331*: Specialty Agriculture (1/2) (SPECAGRI) 11923332*: Animal Science (1/2) (ANIMALSC) 11923333*: Plant And Soil Science (1/2) (SOILPLSC) 11923334*: Equine Science (1/2) (EQUINESC) 11923336*: Advanced Animal Science (1/2) (ADVANSCI) 11923337*: Advanced Plant And Soil Science (1/2) (ADVPLSCI) 11923338*: Agricultural Biotechnology (1/2) (AGRIBIOT) 11923361*: Landscape Design, Construction, And Maintenance (1/2) (LADECOMA) 11923362*: Horticultural Plant Production (1/2) (HORTPLPR) 11923363*: Floral Design And Interior Landscape Development (1/2) (FLDEINLD) 11923364*: Fruit, Nut, And Vegetable Production (1/2) (FRNUVEPR) 11923365*: Advanced Floral Design (1/2) (ADVFLORD) 11923374*: Advanced Agribusiness Management And Marketing (1/2) (ADVAGMAN) 11923381*: Wildlife And Recreation Management (1/2) (WIRECMGT) 11923382*: Range Management And Ecology (1/2) (RANGEMGT) 11923383*: Forestry And Wood Technology (1/2) (FORESTRY) 11934421*: Agricultural Power And Machinery (1-3) (AGPOWER) 11934422*: Agricultural Mechanics I (1-3) (AGMECH) 11934423*: Agricultural Mechanics II (1-3) (AGMECHII) 11934431*: Animal Production (1-3) (ANMLPROD) 11934441*: Meats Processing (1-3) (MEATPROC) 11934442*: Meats Processing II (1-3) (MEATPRO2) 11934461*: Horticulture I (1-3) (HORT) 11934462*: Horticulture II (1-3) (HORTII) 11934481*: Agricultural Resources (1-3) (AGRESCE) 11934484*: Aquaculture Production (1-3) (AQUAPROD) 11977339*: Agricultural Science And Technology Independent Study (1/2) (AGINSTDY) N1192220*: Agricultural Algebraic Exploration (1 Unit) (AGALEXPO) N1192230*: Introduction To Veterinary Assistant Technology (1/2-1 Unit) (INVETECH) N1192330*: Canine Science (1/2-1 Unit) (CANINESC) N1192331*: Animal Biomedical Science (2 Units) (ANBIOMED) N1192332*: Small Animal Management (1/2-1 Unit) (SMANIMGT) N1192333*: Advanced Agriculture Biotechnology (1/2 Unit) (ADVAGBIO) N1192334*: Feline Science (1/2-1 Unit) (FELINESC) N1192340*: Veterinary Medical Assistant I (1 Unit) (CERTVET1) N1192341*: Veterinary Medical Assistant II (2 Units) ( CERTVET2) N1193440*: Floriculture I (2-3 Units) (FLORICUL) N1193441*: Floriculture II (2-3 Units) (FLORICL2) 11921222*: Home Maintenance And Improvement (1/2) (HOMAIMPT) 12208310*: Interior Design (1/2) (INTR-DSG) 12341440*: Construction Systems (1/2-1) (CSS) 12362660*: Architectural Construction (1/2-1) (AC) 12511101*: Architectural Drafting I (2-3) (ADI) 12511102*: Architectural Drafting II (2-3) (AD2) 12511104*: Architectural Drafting III (2-3) (AD3) 12522501*: Building Maintenance I (2-3) (BLDGMT) 12522502*: Building Maintenance II (2-3) (BLDGMT2) 12522701*: Architectural Blueprints And Specifications (1/2-1) (ABS) 12522702*: Architectural Materials (1/2-1) (ARCMTLS) 12522703*: Building Trades I (2-3) (BLDGTR) 12522704*: Building Trades II (2-3) (BLDGTR2) 12522705*: Building Trades III (2-3) (BLDGTR3) 12522706*: Concrete Laying And Finishing (2-3) (CLF) 12522707*: Introduction To Construction Careers (1/2-1) (ICC) 12522708*: Painting And Decorating (2-3) (PT&DEC) 12523101*: Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning And Refrigeration I (2-3) (A-CREF) 12523102*: Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning And Refrigeration II (2-3) (A-CREF2) 12523103*: Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning And Refrigeration III (2-3) (A-CREF3) 12523301*: Bricklaying/Stone Masonry I (2-3) (B/SM) 12523302*: Bricklaying/Stone Masonry II (2-3) (B/SM2) 12523501*: Mill And Cabinetmaking I (2-3) (MIL&CAB) 12523502*: Mill And Cabinetmaking II (2-3) (MIL&CAB2) 12523701*: Piping Trades/Plumbing I (2-3) (PT/P) 12523702*: Piping Trades/Plumbing II (2-3) (PT/P2) 12523703*: Piping Trades/Plumbing III (2-3) (PT/P3) N1256883*: Structural Designs (1/2-1 Unit) (SDES) Arts, A/V Technology & Communication Cluster 11922315*: Agricultural Communications (1/2) (AGRICOMM) 12207310*: Textile And Apparel Design (1/2) (TXT-DSGN) 12341420*: Communication Systems (1/2-1) (CS) 12362640*: Communication Graphics (1/2-1) (CMG) 12362641*: Communication Graphics (Modular Computer Laboratory-Based) (1) (CMGMCL) 12362680*: Computer Multimedia And Animation Technology (1) (CMAT) 12510901*: Advertising Design I (2-3) (ADVDSGN) 12510902*: Advertising Design II (2-3) (ADVDSGN2) 12510903*: Advertising Design III (2-3) (ADVDSGN3) 12510904*: Introduction To Advertising (1/2-1) (IA) 12511501*: Commercial Photography I (2-3) (CMSLPHTO) 12511502*: Commercial Photography II (2-3) (CMSLPHT2) 12511901*: Computerized Typesetting (2) (CT) 12511902*: Desktop Design (1/2-1) (DD) 12511903*: Graphic Arts I (2-3) (GRARTS) 12511904*: Graphic Arts II (2-3) (GRARTS2) 12511905*: Introduction To Graphic Communication Careers (1/2-1) (IGCC) 12511906*: Technical Introduction To Desktop Publishing (1/2-1) (TIDP) 12512301*: Media Technology I (2-3) (MEDTECH) 12512302*: Media Technology II (2-3) (MEDTECH2) 12512303*: Media Technology (Spanish) (2-3) (MTSPAN) 12512304*: Introduction To Media Technology (1/2-1) (IMT) 12512305*: Introduction To Visual Communication Processes (1/2-1) (IVCP) 12534801*: Animation I (1-2) (ANI) 12534802*: Animation II (1-2) (ANI2) 12534803*: Animation III (1-2) (ANI3) 12546502*: Technology Communication, Art, And Design (1/2-1) (TCAD) M1236213*: Three-Dimensional Design (1 Unit) (TDD) N1220701*: Fashion Design I (2-3 Units) (FASH-I) N1220702*: Fashion Design II (2-3 Units) (FASH-II) N1220801*: Floral And Interior Design (1/2 Unit) (FL-DSGN) N1251231*: Audio Engineering (1-3 Units) (AD) N1251235*: Advanced Media Technology (1/2-1 Unit) (AMT) N1251236*: Media Technology III (2-3 Units) (MEDTECH3) N1251237*: Radio Broadcasting I (1/2-1 Unit) (RBI) N1251238*: Radio Broadcasting II (1/2-1 Unit) (RBII) N1251239*: Video Game Design (1 Unit) (VGD) Business, Management & Administration Cluster 12011100: Business Communications (1/2-1) (BUSCOMNS) 12011300*: Business Support Systems (1/2-1) (BUSSUPSY) 12011400: Introduction To Business (1/2-1) (INTROBUS) 12022400: Business Law (1/2-1) (BUSLAW) 12022500: Business Management (1/2) (BUSMGMT) 12022600: Business Ownership (1/2) (BUSOWNSP) 12031200*: Administrative Procedures (1-3) (ADVADPR1) 12031210*: Administrative Procedures (1-3) (ADVADPR2) 12031500: International Business (1/2-2) (ADVINTB1) 12061100*: Business Education Independent Study I (1/2-1) (BUSINDSY) N1202201*: Shorthand (1/2-1 Unit) (SHORTHND) N1205004*: Court Reporting I (1 Unit) (COURTPR1) N1205005*: Court Reporting II (1 Unit) (COURTPR2) N1205015*: Speedwriting (1/2-1 Unit) (SPEEDWR) N1205025*: Business Ethics (1/2 Unit) (BUSETHCS) N1205030*: Business Leadership (1/2 Unit) (BUSLEAD) N1205035*: Global Business (1 Unit) (GLOBLBUS) N1295030*: Microsoft Office Specialist I (1/2-1 Unit) (MOS1) N1295031*: Microsoft Office Specialist II (MOS2) (1/2-1 Unit) Education & Training Cluster 12201310: Career Studies (1/2-1) (CRER-STY) 12203310*: Child Development (1/2) (CHLD-DEV) 12203421*: Child Care And Guidance, Management, And Services I (2-3)(CHD-CR-I) 12203422*: Child Care And Guidance, Management, And Services II (2-3) (CHD-CRII) 12411910*: Marketing Yourself (1/2) (MKTSELF) 12580000*: Introduction To Apprenticeship Training (2-3) (IAT) 12731100: Career Connections (1/2) (CCO) [Grades 9-10] N1220301*: Early Childhood Professions I (2-3 Units) (ECP-I) N1220302*: Early Childhood Professions II (2-3 Units) (ECP-II) N1220304*: Elementary School Teacher Assistant (1/2-1 Unit) (ESTA) N1220305*: Elementary School Teaching Internship (2-3 Units) (ELE-NTRN) N1220307*: Ready, Set, Teach! I (1-3 Units) (91ȱCH-I) N1220308*: Ready, Set, Teach! II (1-3 Units) (91ȱCH-II) N1220309*: Exploring Education Careers (1/2-1 Unit) (EXP-ED) N1220507*: Introduction To Hospitality And Tourism (1/2 1) (HOSPTOUR) N1273111*: Freshman/Sophomore High School Connections (1/2) (FSHSC) N1295000****: WBL/Career Preparation (2-3 Units) (WBLCP) N1295001***: Career Preparation I (2-3 Units) (CP1) N1295002***: Career Preparation II (2-3 Units) (CP2) N1295003*: Careers In Education I (1-3 Units) (CIEI) N1295004*: Careers In Education II (1-3 Units) (CIEII) N1295019*: Business And Technical Careers (1 Unit) (BUSTECH) Finance Cluster 12011600*: Recordkeeping (1/2-1) (RECDKPNG) 12022100*: Accounting I (1/2-1) (BEGACCT1) 12022200: Banking And Financial Systems (1/2) (BNKFINSY) 12031100*: Accounting II (1/2-2) (ADVACCT1) N1205001*: Securities Operations (1/2 Unit) (SECROPR) N1205002*: Financial Planning (1/2 Unit) (FINPLAN) N1205017*: Mortgage Lending (1/2-1 Unit) (MRTGLDG) N1205018*: Advanced Accounting Principles And Concepts (1/2-1 Unit) (AAPC) N1205019*: Income Tax Accounting (1/21 Unit) (ITACCT) N1205020*: Commercial Banking (1/2 Unit) (COMBKG) Government and Public Administration Cluster N1256869*: Public Policy (1 unit) (PP1) Health Science Cluster 12101200*: Introduction To Health Science Technology (1/2-1) (INTROHST) 12101300*: Health Science Technology I (1-2) (HSTI) 12101400*: Health Science Technology II (2-4) (HSTII) 12101500*: Health Science Technology III (1-2 Units Per Semester) (HSTIII) 12112120*: Scientific Research And Design I (1 Science Unit) (SCI/R&D) 12112121*: Scientific Research And Design II (1 Science Unit) (SCI/R&D2) 12112122*: Scientific Research And Design III (1 Science Unit) (SCI/R&D3) 12112130*: Anatomy And Physiology Of Human Systems (1 Science Unit) (ANAT&PHY) 12112140*: Medical Microbiology (1/2 Science Unit) (MICRO) 12112150*: Pathophysiology (1/2 Science Unit) (PATHO) 12121220*: Medical Terminology (1/2) (MEDTERM) 12121230*: Gerontology (1/2) (GERON) 12121240*: Clinical Nutrition (1/2) (NUTR) 12121250*: Pharmacology (1/2) (PHARM) 12121260*: Mental Health (1/2) (MEHLTH) 12131320*: Health Science Technology Independent Study (1/2-1) (HSTIS) M1211201*: Basics Of Pathology (1 Unit) (BPATHO) N1211203*: Introduction To Biotechnology (1-3 Science Units) (IBIOTECH) N1211204*: Medical Biotechnology (2 Units) (MBIOTECH) N1211205*: Medical Biotechnology II (2 Units) (MBTECHII) N1211210*: Bioengineering And World Health (1/2-1) (BIOENGWH) Hospitality & Tourism Cluster 12205221*: Food Production, Management, And Services I (2-3) (FDPMS-I) 12205222*: Food Production, Management, And Services II (2-3) (FDPMS-II) 12205321*: Hospitality Services I (2-3) (HOSP-I) 12205322*: Hospitality Services II (2-3) (HOSP-II) 12205421*: Institutional Maintenance Management And Services I (2-3) (INSTMT-I) 12205422*: Institutional Maintenance Management And Services II (2-3) (INSTMTII) 12421052*: Hotel Management (1/2-3) (HOTELMGT) 12421053*: Restaurant Management (1/2-3) (RESTMGT) 12421055*: Travel And Tourism Marketing (1/2-3) (TRAVTOUR) N1220501*: Culinary Arts I (2-3 Units) (CULART-1) N1220502*: Culinary Arts II (2-3 Units) (CULART-2) N1220504*: International Cuisine (1/2-1 Unit) (INT-CUIS) N1220505*: Introduction To Culinary Arts (1 Unit) (INT-CUL) N1220506*: Introduction To Culinary Arts II (1 Unit) (INT-CUL2) N1220802*: Leadership Development In Families, Careers, And Communities (1-3 Units) (LEAD-FCC) N1242055*: Introduction To Travel And Tourism (1/2-1 Unit) (INTTRVTO) N1256820*: Introduction To Culinary Arts And Entrepreneurial Principles (1 Unit) (ICA) N1256821*: Culinary Arts I (2-3 Units) (CULART) N1256822*: Culinary Arts II (2-3 Units) (CULART2) Human Services Cluster 12201210*: Personal And Family Development (1) (PERFAMDV) 12201410: Family And Career Management (1/2) (FAM&CRER) 12202210*: Individual And Family Life (1/2) (INDV&FAM) 12202310: Family Health Needs (1/2) (FAM-HLTH) 12202421*: Services For Older Adults I (2-3) (SRVADT-I) 12202422*: Services For Older Adults II (2-3) (SRVADTII) 12203210*: Preparation For Parenting (1/2) (PREP-PAR) 12204210*: Nutrition And Food Science (1/2) (NU&FDSCI) 12204310*: Food Science And Technology (1/2) (FDSCI&TK) 12206210*: Management (1/2) (MANAGEMT) 12206310*: Consumer And Family Economics (1/2) (CONS-ECO) 12207210*: Apparel (1/2) (APPAREL) 12207421*: Textile And Apparel Production, Management, And Services I (2-3) (TXT&AP-I) 12207422*: Textile And Apparel Production, Management, And Services II (2-3) (TXT&APII) 12208210*: Housing (1/2) (HOUSING) 12208421*: Housing, Furnishings, And Equipment Production, Management, And Services I (2-3) (HOUPMS-I) 12208422*: Housing, Furnishings, And Equipment Production, Management, And Services II (2-3) (HOUPMSII) 12209210*: Independent Study In Family And Consumer Sciences Education (1/2-1) (INDSTY-H) 12210321*: Family And Consumer Sciences Production, Management, And Services I (2-3) (FCS-PMS1) 12210322*: Family And Consumer Sciences Production, Management, And Services II (2-3) (FCS-PMS2) 12568101*: Cosmetology I (2-3) (CSMT) 12568102*: Cosmetology II (2-3) (CSMT2) 12568103*: Introduction To Cosmetology (1/2-1) (ICOSM) M1220401*: Dietetics & Nutrition Services (2-3 Units) (DIETNUSR) N1220101*: Family And Community Services I (1/2-1 Unit) (COMSER-I) N1220102*: Family And Community Services II (1/2-1 Unit) (COMSERII) N1220201*: Intergenerational Professions I (2-3 Units) (INTPRO-I) N1220202*: Intergenerational Professions II (2-3 Units) (INTPROII) N1220203*: World Family Studies (1/2 Unit) (WRLD-FAM) N1220303*: Parenting Education For School Age Parents I (1/2-1 Unit) (PSAP-I) N1220306*: Parenting Education For School Age Parents II (1/2-1 Unit) (PSAP-II) N1220402*: Nutrition Science (1/2-1 Unit) (NUTRISCI) N1220403*: Sports Nutrition (1/2 Unit) (SPTNUTR) N1252251*: Custodial Technician (2-3 Units) (CUSTECH) N1256811*: Cosmetology Manicurist Specialty (2-3 Units) (CSMTMS) N1256812*: Cosmetology Shampoo And Conditioning Specialist (1/2-1 Unit) (CSMTSCS) N1256813*: Cosmetology Facialist Specialist (1-2 Units) (CFS) N1256814*: Cosmetology (Manicure Specialty) II (2 Units) (CSMTMSII) N1256815*: Barbering I (2-3 Units) (BARB) N1256816*: Barbering II (2-3 Units) (BARB2) N1256817*: Cosmetology Hair Weaving/Braiding (1 Unit) (CHWB) N1256832*: Laundry & Dry Cleaning Services I (2-3 Units) (LDCS) N1256833*: Laundry & Dry Cleaning Services II (2-3 Units) (LDCS2) N1256834*: Laundry & Dry Cleaning Services III (2-3 Units) (LDCS3) Information Technology Cluster 11922376*: Computer Applications In Agriculture (1/2) (AGRICOMP) 12011200*: Business Computer Information Systems I (1/2-1) (BEGBCIS1) 12011500*: Keyboarding (1/2-1) (KEYBRDG) 12022300*: Business Image Management And Multimedia (1/2-1) (BUSIM/MM) 12022700*: Telecommunications And Networking (1/2-1) (TELE/NET) 12022800*: Word Processing Applications (1/2-1) (WDPROAP) 12031300*: Business Computer Information Systems II (1/2-2) (ADVBCIS1) 12031400*: Business Computer Programming (1/2-2) (ADVBCP1) 12031410*: Business Computer Programming (1-2) (ADVBCP2) 12341470*: Computer Applications (1) (CA) 12534501*: Computer Cabling And Design (2-3) (CCD) 12534502*: Computer Maintenance Technician I (2-3) (CTRMTN) 12534503*: Computer Maintenance Technician II (2-3) (CTRMTN2) 12534504*: Introduction To Computer Maintenance (1/2-1) (ICM) 12535101*: Fundamentals Of Telecommunications (1/2-1) (FOT) 12535102*: Telecommunications Technology I (1) (TT) 12535103*: Telecommunications Technology II (1) (TELELEC) 12535104*: Telecommunications Technology III (1) (INTTECH) 12535105*: Telecommunications Technology IV (1) (TELESYS) M1220701*: Computer Aided Apparel Design (2-3 Units) (CAAD) M1236211*: Graphical Object-Oriented Programming (1 Unit) (GP) M1236212*: Video Game Design I (1 Unit) (VGD) M1236214*: Guided Research, Visualization And Production (1-2 Units) (GVP) M1236215*: Portfolio/Internship (1 Unit) (PORT) N1192223*: Introduction To GIS Careers In Agriculture (1/2-1 Unit) (INGISAGC) N1192326*: GIS/GPS Applications For Agriculture (1/2-1 Unit) (GIPSAPAG) N1192327*: GIS Internship In Agriculture (2 Units) (GISINAGR) N1202272*: Telecommunications & Networking II (1/2-1 Unit) (TELNET2) N1205006*: Operating Systems II (1 Unit) (OPERSYS2) N1205007*: Operating Systems III (1 Unit) (OPERSYS3) N1205008*: Operating Systems IV (1 Unit) (OPERSYS4) N1205009*: Network Administration I (1/2-1 Unit) (NETADM1) N1205010*: Network Administration II (1/2-1 Unit) (NETADM2) N1205011*: Database Fundamentals (1/2-2 Units) (DATAFUND) N1205012*: Database Programming (1/2-2 Units) (DATAPROG) N1205013*: Advanced Operating Systems III (1-2 Units) (ADVOPSY3) N1205014*: Advanced Operating Systems IV (1-2 Units) (ADVOPSY4) N1236206*: Diagnostics And Management Of Computer Systems I (1/2 Unit) (DMCSI) N1236207*: Diagnostics And Management Of Computer Systems II (1/2 Unit) (DMCSII) N1236209*: Information Technology Applications I (1-3 Units) (ITAI) N1236212*: Information Technology Applications II (1-3 Units) (ITAII) N1239202*: Computer And Information Technology Internship (2-3 Units) (CITI) N1242051*: Business Computer Design Communications (2 Units) (BUSCDC) N1251171*: Introduction To Geographic Positioning Systems (1/2-1 Unit) (IGPS) N1251173*: Cartography In Geographical Information Systems And Global Positioning Systems (1/2-1 Unit) (CGPSGIS) N1251175*: Introduction To Geographic Information Systems (1/2-1 Unit) (IGIS) N1251177*: Geography In Global Positioning Systems And Geographical Information Systems (1/2-1 Unit) (GIGPSGIS) N1253461*: Computer Network Technician (2-3 Units) (CNT) N1253471*: Active Devices In Electronics (1/2-1 Unit) (ADE) N1295006*: Internetworking Technologies I (1-3 Units) (INTNETI) N1295007*: Internetworking Technologies II (1-3 Units) (INTNETII) N1295008*: Basic Computer Technology (1/2-1 Unit) (APLUS) N1295009*: Networking Essentials (1/2-1 Unit) (NPLUS) N1295010*: Fundamentals Of The Internet (1/2-1 Unit) (INETPLUS) N1295012*: Basic Computer Technology II (1/2-1 Unit) (APLUSII) N1295013*: Introduction To Information Technology (1/2-1 Unit) (INTRO2IT) N1295014*: Fundamentals Of The Internet Internship (1 1/2-3 Units) (INETPLU3) N1295015*: Internetworking Technologies III (1/2-1 Unit) (INTNET3) N1295016*: Internetworking Technologies IV (1/2-1 Unit) (INTNET4) N1295017*: Enhanced Networking Essentials (1-2 Units) (ANPLUS) N1295018*: Enhanced Basic Computer Technology (1-2 Units) (EAPLUS) N1295020*: Spatial Technology And Remote Sensing (1/2-1 Unit) (STRS) N1295021*: Geographic Information Systems (1 Unit) (GIS) N1295023*: Introduction To Geographic Information Systems (1/2-1 Unit) (INTROGIS) N1295027*: Spatial Projects And Community Exchange Lab (1 Unit) (SPACE) N1295028*: Raster Based Geographic Information Systems (1 Unit) (RBGIS) N1295029*: Fundamentals Of Internet Internship II (1/2-1 Unit) (INTPL2) N1295038*: Microsoft Office Specialists (MOS) Prep IV (Access) (1/2-1 Unit) (MOS4) N1295039*: Linux Operating System (1-3 Units) (LXOS) Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security Cluster 12568701*: Basic County Corrections Officer (1/2-1) (BCCO) 12568702*: Correctional Systems And Practices (1/2-1) (CORS&P) 12568703: Courts And Criminal Procedure (1/2-1) (CCP) 12568704: Crime In America (1/2-1) (CAM) 12568705*: Criminal Investigation (1/2-1) (CRIMINV) 12568706*: Emergency Communications (1/2-1) (ECOM) 12568707*: Fundamentals Of Criminal Law (1/2-1) (FUNCRLA) 12568708: Introduction To Criminal Justice (1/2-1) (ICJ) 12568709*: Introduction To Security Services (1/2-1) (ISS) 12568710*: Security Services (1/2-1) (SECOP) N1202210*: Legal Aspects Of Young Adults (1/2 Unit) (LEGASPEC) N1256870*: Emerging Technologies In Law Enforcement (1/2 Unit) (ETLF) N1256871*: Courtroom Communications (1/2-1 Unit) (CRC) N1256872*: Law Enforcement I (2-3 Units) (LAWENF) N1256873*: Law Enforcement II (2-3 Units) (LAWENF2) N1256874*: Contemporary Issues: Violence In America (2 Units) (CI-VA) N1256875*: Law Enforcement Defensive Tactics Pre-Employment Lab (2 Units) (LEDT) N1256877*: Forensics (1/2-1 Unit) (FRS) N1256878*: Introduction To Careers In Protective Services (1/2-1 Unit) (ICPS) N1256879*: Disaster Response (1/2-1 Unit) (IHS) N1256880*: Understanding And Combating Terrorism (1/2-1 Unit) (UCT) N1256881*: Fire Science Technology (1/2-1 Unit) (FST) N1256882*: Fire Prevention Services (1/2-1 Unit) (FPS) N1256884*: Fire Service Hydraulics (1/2 Unit) (FSH) N1256885*: Firefighter Health And Safety (1/2 Unit) (FHS) N1256886*: Firefighter I (2-3 Units) (FFI) N1256887*: Firefighter II (2-3 Units) (FF2) N1256888*: Forensic Psychology (1 Unit) (FP) Manufacturing Cluster 12331320*: Technology Systems (1) (TS) 12331321*: Technology Systems (Modular Computer Laboratory-Based) (1) (TSMCL) 12341430*: Manufacturing Systems (1/2-1) (MS) 12362650*: Manufacturing Technology (1/2-1) (MT) 12534301*: Business Machine Repair I (2-3) (BSMCHRPR) 12534302*: Business Machine Repair II (2-3) (BSMCHRP2) 12534901*: Major Appliance Service Technology I (2-3) (MAPPRPR) 12534902*: Major Appliance Service Technology II (2-3) (MAPPRPR2) 12545301*: Industrial Ceramics (2-3) (INDCER) 12545501*: Foundry Operations (1-2) (FO) 12545701*: Hydraulics And Pneumatics (1-2) (HD&PNEU) 12546101*: Petrochemical Laboratory Technician (1/2-1) (PCHEMLT) 12546102*: Petrochemical Process Technology (1/2-1) (PCPT) 12546301*: Plant Maintenance (2-3) (PLTMNT) 12546503*: Plant Processes (2-3) (PLTPRO) 12546504*: Power Technology (1/2-1) (PWRTEC) 12546701*: Vocational Plastics I (2-3) (VOPLS) 12546702*: Vocational Plastics II (2-3) (VOPLS2) 12546703*: Vocational Plastics III (2-3) (VOPLS3) 12546901*: Quality Control I (2-3) (QC) 12546902*: Quality Control II (2-3) (QC2) 12557301*: Machine Shop I (2-3) (MCHSHOP) 12557302*: Machine Shop II (2-3) (MCHSHOP2) 12557303*: Introduction To Precision Metals Manufacturing Careers (1/2-1) (IPMMC) 12557501*: Metal Trades I (2-3) (MTLTR) 12557502*: Metal Trades II (2-3) (MTLTR2) 12557701*: Sheet Metal I (2-3) (SHTMTL) 12557702*: Sheet Metal II (2-3) (SHTMTL2) 12557703*: Sheet Metal III (2-3) (SHTMTL3) 12557901*: Welding I (2-3) (WLDNG) 12557902*: Welding II (2-3) (WLDNG2) 12568301*: Leather Trades (2-3) (LTHTR) 12568501*: Introduction To Upholstery/Furniture Repair (1/2-1) (IUFR) 12568502*: Upholstery/Furniture Repair I (2-3) (U/FR) 12568503*: Upholstery/Furniture Repair II (2-3) (U/FR2) 12580001*: Trade And Industrial Education Independent Study (1/2-1) (TIIS) N1236202*: Manufacturing Engineering (1-2 Units) (ME) N1236208*: Tech World Manufacturing (Pre-Engineering) (1 Unit) (TWM) N1251191*: Bindery And Finishing Operations (1/2-1 Unit) (BFO) N1253472*: Electronics Soldering (1/2-1 Unit) (ES) N1253473*: Linear Integrated Circuits (1/2-1 Unit) (LIC) N1254541*: Basic Boiler Operations (1/2-1 Unit) (BBO) N1254542*: Basic Water Works/Wastewater Operations (1/2-1 Unit) (BWWO) N1254550*: Smart Energy (1 Unit) (SE) N1254611*: Petrochemical Laboratory Technician II (2-3 Units) (PLTII) N1255731*: Technical Introduction To Computer Numerical Control (1/2-1 Unit) (ICNC) N1255732*: Computer Numerical Control Programming (1/2-1 Unit) (CNCP) N1258910*: Aerospace Manufacturing Process (1-2 Units) (AMP) N1295005*: Industrial & Environmental Safety (1/2-1 Unit) (INDEVSFT) N1295037*: Production Technician (1 Unit) (MSSCPT) Marketing, Sales & Services Cluster 11922375*: Entrepreneurship In Agriculture (1/2) (ENPRSPAG) 12411920: Entrepreneurship (1/2-1) (ENTREPR) 12411921: Principles Of Marketing (1/2-1) (PRINMKT) 12411922: Retailing (1/2-1) (RETAIL) 12421050*: Fashion Marketing (1/2-3) (FASHMKT) 12421051*: Food Marketing (1/2-3) (FOODMKT) 12421054*: Services Marketing (1/2-3) (SERVMKT) 12422030*: Advertising (1/2-1) (ADVERT) 12422031*: International Marketing (1/2-1) (INTLMKT) 12422032*: Professional Selling (1/2-1) (PROFSELL) 12422033*: Technology In Marketing (1/2-1) (TECHMKT) 12441140*: Marketing Dynamics (1-3) (MKTDYN) 12441241*: Marketing Management (1-3) (MKTMGT) 12461260*: Marketing Education Independent Study (1/2-1) (MEINDEP) N1205016*: Fundamentals Of E-Commerce (FUNECOM) (1/2 Unit) N1242034*: Visual Merchandising (1/2-1 Unit) (VISMDSE) N1242044*: Sports And Entertainment Marketing (1/2-1 Unit) (SPORTSMK) N1242045*: Principles Of Real Estate (1 Unit) (PRREALES) N1242046*: E-Commerce (1 Unit) (ECOMM1) N1242048*: Sports Entertainment And Marketing Management (1/21 Unit) (SPRTSMKM) Other M9999993*: Other Magnet Course M9999994*: Other Magnet Course M9999995*: Other Magnet Course N9999997*: Other Innovative Course (OTHRINN) N9999998*: Other Innovative Course (OTHINN) N9999999*: Other Innovative Course (OTH INN) Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics Cluster 11922325*: Agricultural Electronics (1/2) (AGRELECT) 12331330*: Engineering Principles (1) (EP) 12341460*: Bio-Related Technology Systems (1/2-1) (BRTS) 12362620*: Architectural Graphics (1/2-1) (AG) 12362630*: Engineering Graphics (1/2-1) (EG) 12362670*: Electricity/Electronics Technology (1/2-1) (EET) 12382820*: Principles Of Technology I (1 Science Unit) (PTI) 12382830*: Principles Of Technology II (1 Science Unit) (PTII) 12392920*: Research, Design And Development (1/2-1) (RDD) 12392921*: Research, Design And Development II (1/2-1) (RDDII) 12392930*: Problems And Solutions In Technology (1/2-1) (PST) 12392931*: Problems And Solutions In Technology II (1/2-1) (PSTII) 12511103*: Engineering And Architectural Drafting (2) (EAD) 12511701*: Engineering Computer-Aided Drafting I (2-3) (ECAD) 12511702*: Engineering Computer-Aided Drafting II (2-3) (ECAD2) 12511703*: Advanced Computer-Aided Drafting III (2-3) (ACAD3) 12511704*: Computer Graphics And Machine Drafting (2) (CGMD) 12511705*: Technical Introduction To Computer-Aided Drafting (1/2-1) (TICAD) 12512101*: Drafting I (1/2-3) (DRFT) 12512102*: Drafting II (1/2-3) (DRFT2) 12522901*: Electrical Trades I (2-3) (ELTTR) 12522902*: Electrical Trades II (2-3) (ELTTR2) 12522903*: Electrical Trades III (2-3) (ELTTR3) 12534701*: Electronics I (2-3) (INDELEC) 12534702*: Electronics II (2-3) (INDELEC2) 12534703*: Electronics III (2-3) (INDELEC3) 12534704*: Introduction To Electrical/Electronics Careers (1/2-1) (IEEC) 12545901*: Technical Introduction To Instrumentation (1/2-1) (TINTINS) 12545902*: Instrumentation I (1/2-1) (INST) 12545903*: Instrumentation II (1/2-1) (INST2) 12545904*: Physics Of Instrumentation (1/2-1) (POINST) 12546501*: Technical Introduction To Engineering Systems (1/2-1) (TIES) 12547101*: AC/DC Electronics/Computer Systems (2) (ACDCECS) 12547102*: AC/DC Electronics/Digital Logic Functions (2) (ACDCDLS) 12547103*: Alternating Current Electronics (1-2) (ACE) 12547104*: Digital Logic Circuits (2) (DIGCIR) 12547105*: Digital Logic Electronic Circuit Technology (2) (DLC) 12547106*: Direct Current Electronics (1-2) (DCE)+ 12547107*: Semiconductor Electronics Technology (2-3) (SE) 12547108*: Solid State Devices And Analog Circuit Technology (2-3) (SOLST) N1211202*: Biomedical Equipment Technology (2 Units) (BIOMET) N1233103*: Introduction To Advanced Technology (1/2-1 Unit) (AT) N1234101*: Introduction To Computer Aided Drafting (1/2-1 Unit) (ICAD) N1234102*: Robotics I (1-2 Units) (ROBI) N1234103*: Robotics II (1-2 Units) (ROBII) N1234104*: Survey Of Engineering Technology (1/2 Unit) (SET) N1234105*: Analytical Integrated Mathematics (1 unit) (AIM) N1236204*: Applied Technology I (1-2 Units) (ATI) N1236205*: Applied Technology II (1-2 Units) (ATII) N1236210*: Advanced Architectural Cad (1) (AACAD) N1236211*: Advanced Engineering Cad (1) (AECAD) N1236213*: Tech World Manufacturing II Pre-Engineering (1 Unit) (TWMII) N1237200*: Gateway To Technology (1 Unit) (GTT) N1237201*: Introduction To Engineering Design (1 Unit) (IED) N1237202*: Digital Electronics (1 Unit) (DE) N1237203*: Principles Of Engineering (1 Unit) (POE) N1237204*: Computer Integrated Manufacturing (1 Unit) (CIM) N1237205*: Engineering Design And Development (1 Unit) (EDD) N1237206*: Civil Engineering And Architecture (1 Unit) (CEA) N1237207*: Aerospace Engineering (1 Unit) (AERO) N1237208*: Biotechnical Engineering (1 Unit) (BE) N1238201*: Data Acquisition And Analysis (I Unit) (DAA) N1239201*: Pre-Engineering And Technology Internship (2 Units) (PETI) N1251091*: Creative Drawing (1/2-1 Unit) (CD) N1251093*: Drawing Techniques (1/2-1 Unit) (DT) N1295022*: Engineering: The Digital Future (1/2-1 Unit) (ETDF) N1295024*: Pre-Engineering I (2 Units) (PREENG1) N1295025*: Pre-Engineering II (2 Units) (PREENG2) N1295026*: Software Engineering I (2 Units) (SENG1) N1295036*: Pre-Advanced Technical Core (1/2-1 Unit) (PATC) Transportation, Distribution & Logistics Cluster 12341450*: Energy, Power, And Transportation Systems (1/2-1) (EPTS) 12578901*: Aerospace Aviation Technology I (1/2-1) (AEROAV) 12578902*: Aerospace Aviation Technology II (1/2-1) (AEROAV2) 12578903*: Aircraft Mechanics I (2-3) (ACRFTMCH) 12578904*: Aircraft Mechanics II (2-3) (ACRFTMC2) 12578905*: Aircraft Mechanics III (2-3) (ACRFTMC3) 12579101*: Automotive Specialization (1-2) (AUTOSPEC) 12579102*: Automotive Technician I (2-3) (AUTOTECH) 12579103*: Automotive Technician II (2-3) (AUTOTEC2) 12579104*: Introduction To Transportation Service Careers (1/2-1) (ITSC) 12579105*: Transportation Service Technician (2-3) (TRNSERTN) 12579106*: Automotive Technician III (2-3) (AUTOTEC3) 12579301*: Automotive Collision Repair And Refinishing Technology I (2-3) (ACRRT) 12579302*: Automotive Collision Repair And Refinishing Technology II (2-3) (ACRRT2) 12579303*: Automotive Collision Repair And Refinishing Technology III (2-3) (ACRRT3) 12579501*: Diesel Mechanics I (2-3) (DSLSMECH) 12579502*: Diesel Mechanics II (2-3) (DSLSMEC2) 12579503*: Diesel Mechanics III (2-3) (DSLSMEC3) 12579701*: Marine Engine Repair I (2-3) (MRNENG) 12579702*: Marine Engine Repair II (2-3) (MRNENG2) 12579703*: Marine Related Occupations (2-3) (MRNRO) 12579901*: Small Engine Repair I (2-3) (SMEGRPR) 12579902*: Small Engine Repair II (2-3) (SMEGRPR2) N1257897*: Aerospace Aviation Technology III (1-2 Units) (AEROAV3) N1257910*: Ford And GM Automotive Head Start (1-2 Units) (FGMAHS) N1257991*: Small Engine Repair III (2-3 Units) (SMEGRPR3) N1257995*: Truck Driving (2-3 Units) (TRDRVN) N1257997*: Transportation Service Technician (1/2-1 Unit) (TST) N1258991*: Private Pilot Certification Training I (1-2 Units) (PPCTI) N1258992*: Private Pilot Certification Training II (1-2 Units) (PPCTII) N1258993*: Introduction To Aviation (1/21) (IA) N1258995*: Automotive Service Consultant I (1/2 1 Unit) (ASCI) N1258996*: Automotive Service Consultant II (1/2 1 Unit) (ASCII) 12112120: Scientific Research And Design I (1 Unit) (SCI/R&D) 12112121: Scientific Research And Design II (1 Unit) (SCI/R&D2) 12112122: Scientific Research And Design III (1 Unit) (SCI/R&D3) 12112130: Anatomy And Physiology Of Human Systems (1 Unit) (ANAT&PHY) 12112140: Medical Microbiology (1/2 Unit) (MICRO) 12112150: Pathophysiology (1/2 Unit) (PATHO) 12382820: Principles of Technology I (1 Unit) (PTI) 12382830: Principles of Technology II (1 Unit) (PTII) Use the following codes to identify approved innovative courses. The majority of these codes may only be used by school districts that have approval to offer these courses in accordance with 19 TAC 74.27. Information about obtaining approval and the exceptions to the limitation can be found at  HYPERLINK "http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/curriculum/innovative/index.html" http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/curriculum/innovative/index.html . N1110002: Texas Prefreshman Engineering Program I (1 Unit) (TXPREP 1) N1110003: Texas Prefreshman Engineering Program II (1 Unit) (TXPREP 2) N1110004: Texas Prefreshman Engineering Program III (1 Unit) (TXPREP 3) N1110017: Texas Prefreshman Engineering Program IV (1 Unit) (TXPREP 4)DELETION Grades 6-8, Career and Technical Education 11900121**: Deleted 11900161**: Deleted 12311140**: Deleted 12311120**: Deleted 12001200**: Deleted 12721100**: Deleted 12001400**: Deleted 12200200**: Deleted 12001100**: Deleted 12001300**: Deleted 12311130**: Deleted 12311160**: Deleted 12321200**: Deleted 12311150**: Deleted Grades 9-12, Career and Technical Education Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Cluster 11911101*: Deleted 11911102*: Deleted 11921221*: Deleted 11921231*: Deleted 11921241*: Deleted 11921261*: Deleted 11921281*: Deleted 11922282*: Deleted 11922284*: Deleted 11922312*: Deleted 11922321*: Deleted 11922322*: Deleted 11922323*: Deleted 11922335*: Deleted 11922373*: Deleted 11923331*: Deleted 11923332*: Deleted 11923333*: Deleted 11923334*: Deleted 11923336*: Deleted 11923337*: Deleted 11923338*: Deleted 11923361*: Deleted 11923362*: Deleted 11923363*: Deleted 11923364*: Deleted 11923365*: Deleted 11923374*: Deleted 11923381*: Deleted 11923382*: Deleted 11923383*: Deleted 11934421*: Deleted 11934422*: Deleted 11934423*: Deleted 11934431*: Deleted 11934441*: Deleted 11934442*: Deleted 11934461*: Deleted 11934462*: Deleted 11934481*: Deleted 11934484*: Deleted 11977339*: Deleted N1192220*: Deleted N1192230*: Deleted N1192330*: Deleted N1192331*: Deleted N1192332*: Deleted N1192333*: Deleted N1192334*: Deleted N1192340*: Deleted N1192341*: Deleted N1193440*: Deleted N1193441*: Deleted 11921222*: Deleted 12208310*: Deleted 12341440*: Deleted 12362660*: Deleted 12511101*: Deleted 12511102*: Deleted 12511104*: Deleted 12522501*: Deleted 12522502*: Deleted 12522701*: Deleted 12522702*: Deleted 12522703*: Deleted 12522704*: Deleted 12522705*: Deleted 12522706*: Deleted 12522707*: Deleted 12522708*: Deleted 12523101*: Deleted 12523102*: Deleted 12523103*: Deleted 12523301*: Deleted 12523302*: Deleted 12523501*: Deleted 12523502*: Deleted 12523701*: Deleted 12523702*: Deleted 12523703*: Deleted N1256883*: Deleted Arts, A/V Technology & Communication Cluster 11922315*: Deleted 12207310*: Deleted 12341420*: Deleted 12362640*: Deleted 12362641*: Deleted 12362680*: Deleted 12510901*: Deleted 12510902*: Deleted 12510903*: Deleted 12510904*: Deleted 12511501*: Deleted 12511502*: Deleted 12511901*: Deleted 12511902*: Deleted 12511903*: Deleted 12511904*: Deleted 12511905*: Deleted 12511906*: Deleted 12512301*: Deleted 12512302*: Deleted 12512303*: Deleted 12512304*: Deleted 12512305*: Deleted 12534801*: Deleted 12534802*: Deleted 12534803*: Deleted 12546502*: Deleted M1236213*: Deleted N1220701*: Deleted N1220702*: Deleted N1220801*: Deleted N1251231*: Deleted N1251235*: Deleted N1251236*: Deleted N1251237*: Deleted N1251238*: Deleted N1251239*: Deleted Business, Management & Administration Cluster 12011100: Deleted 12011300*: Deleted 12011400: Deleted 12022400: Deleted 12022500: Deleted 12022600: Deleted 12031200*: Deleted 12031210*: Deleted 12031500: Deleted 12061100*: Deleted N1202201*: Deleted N1205004*: Deleted N1205005*: Deleted N1205015*: Deleted N1205025*: Deleted N1205030*: Deleted N1205035*: Deleted N1295030*: Deleted N1295031*: Deleted Education & Training Cluster 12201310: Deleted 12203310*: Deleted 12203421*: Deleted 12203422*: Deleted 12411910*: Deleted 12580000*: Deleted 12731100: Deleted N1220301*: Deleted N1220302*: Deleted N1220304*: Deleted N1220305*: Deleted N1220307*: Deleted N1220308*: Deleted N1220309*: Deleted N1220507*: Deleted N1273111*: Deleted N1295000****: Deleted N1295001***: Deleted N1295002***: Deleted N1295003*: Deleted N1295004*: Deleted N1295019*: Deleted Finance Cluster 12011600*: Deleted 12022100*: Deleted 12022200: Deleted 12031100*: Deleted N1205001*: Deleted N1205002*: Deleted N1205017*: Deleted N1205018*: Deleted N1205019*: Deleted N1205020*: Deleted Government and Public Administration Cluster N1256869*: Deleted Health Science Cluster 12101200*: Deleted 12101300*: Deleted 12101400*: Deleted 12101500*: Deleted 12112120*: Deleted 12112121*: Deleted 12112122*: Deleted 12112130*: Deleted 12112140*: Deleted 12112150*: Deleted 12121220*: Deleted 12121230*: Deleted 12121240*: Deleted 12121250*: Deleted 12121260*: Deleted 12131320*: Deleted M1211201*: Deleted N1211203*: Deleted N1211204*: Deleted N1211205*: Deleted N1211210*: Deleted Hospitality & Tourism Cluster 12205221*: Deleted 12205222*: Deleted 12205321*: Deleted 12205322*: Deleted 12205421*: Deleted 12205422*: Deleted 12421052*: Deleted 12421053*: Deleted 12421055*: Deleted N1220501*: Deleted N1220502*: Deleted N1220504*: Deleted N1220505*: Deleted N1220506*: Deleted N1220802*: Deleted N1242055*: Deleted N1256820*: Deleted N1256821*: Deleted N1256822*: Deleted Human Services Cluster 12201210*: Deleted 12201410: Deleted 12202210*: Deleted 12202310: Deleted 12202421*: Deleted 12202422*: Deleted 12203210*: Deleted 12204210*: Deleted 12204310*: Deleted 12206210*: Deleted 12206310*: Deleted 12207210*: Deleted 12207421*: Deleted 12207422*: Deleted 12208210*: Deleted 12208421*: Deleted 12208422*: Deleted 12209210*: Deleted 12210321*: Deleted 12210322*: Deleted 12568101*: Deleted 12568102*: Deleted 12568103*: Deleted M1220401*: Deleted N1220101*: Deleted N1220102*: Deleted N1220201*: Deleted N1220202*: Deleted N1220203*: Deleted N1220303*: Deleted N1220306*: Deleted N1220402*: Deleted N1220403*: Deleted N1252251*: Deleted N1256811*: Deleted N1256812*: Deleted N1256813*: Deleted N1256814*: Deleted N1256815*: Deleted N1256816*: Deleted N1256817*: Deleted N1256832*: Deleted N1256833*: Deleted N1256834*: Deleted Information Technology Cluster 11922376*: Deleted 12011200*: Deleted 12011500*: Deleted 12022300*: Deleted 12022700*: Deleted 12022800*: Deleted 12031300*: Deleted 12031400*: Deleted 12031410*: Deleted 12341470*: Deleted 12534501*: Deleted 12534502*: Deleted 12534503*: Deleted 12534504*: Deleted 12535101*: Deleted 12535102*: Deleted 12535103*: Deleted 12535104*: Deleted 12535105*: Deleted M1220701*: Deleted M1236211*: Deleted M1236212*: Deleted M1236214*: Deleted M1236215*: Deleted N1192223*: Deleted N1192326*: Deleted N1192327*: Deleted N1202272*: Deleted N1205006*: Deleted N1205007*: Deleted N1205008*: Deleted N1205009*: Deleted N1205010*: Deleted N1205011*: Deleted N1205012*: Deleted N1205013*: Deleted N1205014*: Deleted N1236206*: Deleted N1236207*: Deleted N1236209*: Deleted N1236212*: Deleted N1239202*: Deleted N1242051*: Deleted N1251171*: Deleted N1251173*: Deleted N1251175*: Deleted N1251177*: Deleted N1253461*: Deleted N1253471*: Deleted N1295006*: Deleted N1295007*: Deleted N1295008*: Deleted N1295009*: Deleted N1295010*: Deleted N1295012*: Deleted N1295013*: Deleted N1295014*: Deleted N1295015*: Deleted N1295016*: Deleted N1295017*: Deleted N1295018*: Deleted N1295020*: Deleted N1295021*: Deleted N1295023*: Deleted N1295027*: Deleted N1295028*: Deleted N1295029*: Deleted N1295038*: Deleted N1295039*: Deleted Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security Cluster 12568701*: Deleted 12568702*: Deleted 12568703: Deleted 12568704: Deleted 12568705*: Deleted 12568706*: Deleted 12568707*: Deleted 12568708: Deleted 12568709*: Deleted 12568710*: Deleted N1202210*: Deleted N1256870*: Deleted N1256871*: Deleted N1256872*: Deleted N1256873*: Deleted N1256874*: Deleted N1256875*: Deleted N1256877*: Deleted N1256878*: Deleted N1256879*: Deleted N1256880*: Deleted N1256881*: Deleted N1256882*: Deleted N1256884*: Deleted N1256885*: Deleted N1256886*: Deleted N1256887*: Deleted N1256888*: Deleted Manufacturing Cluster 12331320*: Deleted 12331321*: Deleted 12341430*: Deleted 12362650*: Deleted 12534301*: Deleted 12534302*: Deleted 12534901*: Deleted 12534902*: Deleted 12545301*: Deleted 12545501*: Deleted 12545701*: Deleted 12546101*: Deleted 12546102*: Deleted 12546301*: Deleted 12546503*: Deleted 12546504*: Deleted 12546701*: Deleted 12546702*: Deleted 12546703*: Deleted 12546901*: Deleted 12546902*: Deleted 12557301*: Deleted 12557302*: Deleted 12557303*: Deleted 12557501*: Deleted 12557502*: Deleted 12557701*: Deleted 12557702*: Deleted 12557703*: Deleted 12557901*: Deleted 12557902*: Deleted 12568301*: Deleted 12568501*: Deleted 12568502*: Deleted 12568503*: Deleted 12580001*: Deleted N1236202*: Deleted N1236208*: Deleted N1251191*: Deleted N1253472*: Deleted N1253473*: Deleted N1254541*: Deleted N1254542*: Deleted N1254550*: Deleted N1254611*: Deleted N1255731*: Deleted N1255732*: Deleted N1258910*: Deleted N1295005*: Deleted N1295037*: Deleted Marketing, Sales & Services Cluster 11922375*: Deleted 12411920: Deleted 12411921: Deleted 12411922: Deleted 12421050*: Deleted 12421051*: Deleted 12421054*: Deleted 12422030*: Deleted 12422031*: Deleted 12422032*: Deleted 12422033*: Deleted 12441140*: Deleted 12441241*: Deleted 12461260*: Deleted N1205016*: Deleted N1242034*: Deleted N1242044*: Deleted N1242045*: Deleted N1242046*: Deleted N1242048*: Deleted Other M9999993*: Deleted M9999994*: Deleted M9999995*: Deleted N9999997*: Deleted N9999998*: Deleted N9999999*: Deleted Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics Cluster 11922325*: Deleted 12331330*: Deleted 12341460*: Deleted 12362620*: Deleted 12362630*: Deleted 12362670*: Deleted 12382820*: Deleted 12382830*: Deleted 12392920*: Deleted 12392921*: Deleted 12392930*: Deleted 12392931*: Deleted 12511103*: Deleted 12511701*: Deleted 12511702*: Deleted 12511703*: Deleted 12511704*: Deleted 12511705*: Deleted 12512101*: Deleted 12512102*: Deleted 12522901*: Deleted 12522902*: Deleted 12522903*: Deleted 12534701*: Deleted 12534702*: Deleted 12534703*: Deleted 12534704*: Deleted 12545901*: Deleted 12545902*: Deleted 12545903*: Deleted 12545904*: Deleted 12546501*: Deleted 12547101*: Deleted 12547102*: Deleted 12547103*: Deleted 12547104*: Deleted 12547105*: Deleted 12547106*: Deleted 12547107*: Deleted 12547108*: Deleted N1211202*: Deleted N1233103*: Deleted N1234101*: Deleted N1234102*: Deleted N1234103*: Deleted N1234104*: Deleted N1234105*: Deleted N1236204*: Deleted N1236205*: Deleted N1236210*: Deleted N1236211*: Deleted N1236213*: Deleted N1237200*: Deleted N1237201*: Deleted N1237202*: Deleted N1237203*: Deleted N1237204*: Deleted N1237205*: Deleted N1237206*: Deleted N1237207*: Deleted N1237208*: Deleted N1238201*: Deleted N1239201*: Deleted N1251091*: Deleted N1251093*: Deleted N1295022*: Deleted N1295024*: Deleted N1295025*: Deleted N1295026*: Deleted N1295036*: Deleted Transportation, Distribution & Logistics Cluster 12341450*: Deleted 12578901*: Deleted 12578902*: Deleted 12578903*: Deleted 12578904*: Deleted 12578905*: Deleted 12579101*: Deleted 12579102*: Deleted 12579103*: Deleted 12579104*: Deleted 12579105*: Deleted 12579106*: Deleted 12579301*: Deleted 12579302*: Deleted 12579303*: Deleted 12579501*: Deleted 12579502*: Deleted 12579503*: Deleted 12579701*: Deleted 12579702*: Deleted 12579703*: Deleted 12579901*: Deleted 12579902*: Deleted N1257897*: Deleted N1257910*: Deleted N1257991*: Deleted N1257995*: Deleted N1257997*: Deleted N1258991*: Deleted N1258992*: Deleted N1258993*: Deleted N1258995*: Deleted N1258996*: Deleted 12112120: Deleted 12112121: Deleted 12112122: Deleted 12112130: Deleted 12112140: Deleted 12112150: Deleted 12382820: Deleted 12382830: Deleted Deleted N1110002: Deleted N1110003: Deleted N1110004: Deleted N1110017: Deleted MC022 SERVICE-IDDELETION 03060000: Geology, Meteorology, And Oceanography (1 Unit) (GMO) 03160100: Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) I (1/2-1 Unit) (ROTC 1) 03070100: Integrated Science I (1 unit) (INTSCI1) 03070200: Integrated Science II (1 unit) (INTSCI2) 03070300: Integrated Science III (1 unit) (INTSCI3) 03070400: Integrated Science IV (1 unit) (INTSCI4) 03290100: Integrated English I (1 unit) (INTENG1) 03290200: Integrated English II (1 unit) (INTENG2) 03290300: Integrated English III (1 unit) (INTENG3) 03290400: Integrated English IV (1 unit) (INTENG4) 03390100: Integrated Social Studies I (1 unit) (INTSST1) 03390200: Integrated Social Studies II (1 unit) (INTSST2) 03390300: Integrated Social Studies III (1 unit) (INTSST3) M1110001: Contemporary Math Topics (1 unit) (CONT MTH) M1110002: History of Mathematics to 1600 (1 unit) (HS MTH 1) M1110003: History of Mathematics After 1600 (1 unit) (HSMTH 2) M1110004: Linear Algebra (1 unit) (LIN ALG) M1110005: Discrete Mathematics (1 unit) (DISC MTH) M1110006: Advanced Mathematics for Business (1 unit) (MTH BUS) M1110007: Number Theory (1 unit) (NUM THRY) M1110008: Linear Programming (1 unit) (LIN PROG) M1110009: Foundations of Mathematics (1 unit) (FND MTH) M1120001: Introduction to Meteorology and Space Science (1 unit) (INTMET) M1120002: Science and Technology (1 unit) (SCITEC) M1120003: Biotechnology I (1 unit) (BIOTECH1) M1120004: Biotechnology II (1 unit) (BIOTECH2) M1120005: Biotechnology III (1 unit) (BIOTECH3) M1120006: Biotechnology IV (1 unit) (BIOTECH4) M1120007: Planet Earth (1 unit) (PEARTH) M1120008: Organic Chemistry (1/2 unit) (ORGCHE) M1120010: Bioethics Forum (1/2 unit) (BIOETH) M1120012: Applied Zoology (1 unit) (APZOOL) M1120013: Meteorology (1 unit) (METEOR) M1120014: Biochemistry and Genetics (1 unit) (BICHGN) M1120015: Molecular and Cellular Biology (1 unit) (MOCBIO) M1120016: Analytical Chemistry (1/2 unit) (ANACHM) M1120017: Forensic Science (1 unit) (FORENS) M1120021: Medical Biotechnology (1 unit) (MEDBIO1) M1120022: Medical Biotechnology II (1 unit) (MEDBIO2) M1120023: Science Investigations I A (1/2 unit) (SCINVT1A) M1120024: Science Investigations I B (1/2 unit) (SCINVT1B) M1120025: Science Investigations II A (1/2 unit) (SCINVT2A) M1120026: Science Investigations II B (1/2 unit) (SCINVT2B) M1120027: Science Investigations IIIA (1/2 unit) (SCINVT3A) M1120028: Science Investigations IIIB (1/2 unit) (SCINVT3B) M1170001: Portfolio Presentation and Professional Issues (1/2-1 unit) (PORTPPIS) M1170002: Beginning Mariachi (1/2-1 unit) (BEGMARIA) M1170003: Intermediate Mariachi (1/2-1 unit) (INTMARIA) M1170004: Advanced Mariachi (1/2-1 unit) (ADVMARIA) M1170005: Introduction to Stage Make-up and Design (1/2-1 unit) (INTSTMUD) M1170007: Intermediate Design (1/2-1 unit) (INTDESIG) M1170008: Advanced Playwriting II: From Page to Stage (1/2-1 unit) (ADVPLAY2) M1170009: Beginning Jazz Dance (1/2-1 unit) (BEGJAZZD) M1170010: Intermediate Jazz Dance (1/2-1 unit) (INTJAZZD) M1170011: Advanced Jazz Dance (1/2-1 unit) (ADVJAZZD) M1170012: Beginning Tap Dance (1/2-1 unit) (BEGTAPDA) M1170013: Intermediate Tap Dance (1/2-1 unit) (INTTAPDA) M1170014: Advanced Tap Dance (1/2-1 unit) (ADVTAPDA) M1170015: Beginning Labanotation (1/2-1 unit) (BEGDLABA) M1170016: Intermediate Labanotation (1/2-1 unit) (INTDLABA) M1170017: Beginning Folklorico (1/2-1 unit) (BEGFOLKL) M1170018: Intermediate Folklorico (1/2-1 unit) (INTFOLKL) M1170019: Folklorico Ensemble (1/2-1 unit) (FOLKLENS) M1170020: International Dance (1/2-1 unit) (INTDANCE) M1170021: Survey of Dance (1/2-1 unit) (SURDANCE) M1170022: Beginning Repertory (1/2-1 unit) (BEGREPER) M1170023: Intermediate Repertory (1/2-1 unit) (INTREPER) M1170024: Repertory Ensemble (1/2-1 unit) REPERENS M1170025: Beginning African Dance (1/2-1 unit) (BEGAFRID) M1170026: Intermediate African Dance (1/2-1 unit) (INTAFRID) M1170036: The Music of African Americans I (1 unit) (MUSAA1) M1170037: The Music of African Americans II (1 unit) (MUSAA2) M1170060: Beginning Live Sound and Recording Techniques (1/2-1 unit) (INTSTMUD) M1170061: Advanced Live Sound and Recording Techniques (1/2-1 unit) (ACTPAGED) M1170062: Music Business (1/2-1 unit) (MUSBUSIN) M1170063: Elements of the Arts (1/2-1 unit) (ELEMSART) M1170064: Cineliteracy (1 unit) (CINELIT) M1170051: Ballet I (1/2-1 unit) (BALLET1) M1170085: Beginning Folklorico (1 unit) (BEGFOLK) M1170086: Intermediate Folklorico (1 unit) (INTFOLK) M1170087: Folkorico Ensemble (1 unit) (FOLKENS) M1170088: International Dance (1 unit) (INTDAN) M1170089: Mime Troupe 1 (1 unit) (MIMTROU1) M1170090: Mime Troupe 2 (1 unit) (MIMTROU2) M1170091: Comprehensive Theatre Arts I (1unit) (COMPTH1) M1170092: Comprehensive Theatre Arts II (1 unit) (COMPTH2) M1170093: Comprehensive Theatre Arts III (1 unit) (COMPTH3) M1170094: Comprehensive Theatre Arts IV (1 unit) (COMPTH4) M1170095: Comprehensive Dance I (1 unit) (COMPDAN1) M1170096: Comprehensive Dance II (1 unit) (COMPDAN2) M1170097: Comprehensive Dance III (1 unit) (COMPDAN3) M1170098: Comprehensive Dance IV (1 unit) (COMPDAN4) M1170099: Comprehensive Art I (1 unit) (COMPART1) M1170100: Comprehensive Art II (1 unit) (COMPART2) M1170101: Comprehensive Art III (1 unit) (COMPART3) M1170102: Comprehensive Art IV (1 unit) (COMPART4) M1170103: Comprehensive choral Music I (1 unit) (COMPCMU1) M1170104: Comprehensive choral Music II (1 unit) (COMPCMU2) M1170105: Comprehensive choral Music III (1 unit) (COMPCMU3) M1170106: Comprehensive choral Music IV (1 unit) (COMPCMU4) M1170107: Comprehensive Instrumental Ensemble I (1 unit) (COMPIEN1) M1170108: Comprehensive Instrumental Ensemble II (1 unit) (COMPIEN2) M1170109: Comprehensive Instrumental Ensemble III (1 unit) (CPMPIEN3) M1170110: Comprehensive Instrumental Ensemble IV (1 unit) (COMPIEN4) M1170111: International/ Ethnic Dance I (1unit) (INTEDAN1) M1170112: International/ Ethnic Dance II (1 unit) (INTEDAN2) M1170113: International/ Ethnic Dance III (1 unit) (INTEDAN3) M1170114: International/ Ethnic Dance IV (1 unit) (INTEDAN4) M1170115: Tap Dance I (1 unit) (TAPDAN1) M1170116: Tap Dance II (1 unit) (TAPDAN2) M1170117: Tap Dance III (1 unit) (TAPDAN3) M1170118: Tap Dance IV (1 unit) (TAPDAN4) M1170119: Jazz Dance III (1 unit) (JAZDANM3) M1170120: Jazz Dance IV (1 unit) (JAZDANM4) M1170121: Dance Therapy (1 unit) (DANTHY) M1170122: Latin American Music History (1 unit) (LAMUSHIS) M1170123: Latin American Percussion I (1 unit) (LAPERC1) M1170124: Latin American Percussion II (1 unit) (LAPERC2) M1170125: Latin American Percussion III (1 unit) (LAPERC3) M1170127: Latin American Ensemble I (1 unit) (LAMUENS1) M1170128: Latin American Ensemble II (1 unit) (LAMUENS2) M1170129: Latin American Ensemble III (1 unit) (LAMUENS3) M1170130: Latin American Ensemble IV (1 unit) (LAMUENS4) M1170131: Intermediate Lights and Sound (1 unit) (INTLS) M1170132: Advanced Theatre Management (1/2 unit) (ADVTM) M1170133: Advanced Wig and Make-Up Design (1/2 unit) (ADVWMUD) M1170134: History of Theatre Design (1/2-1 unit) (HISTD) M1170135: Arts Internship (1/2 unit) (ARTSINT) M1170138: Piano Accompanying I (1 unit) (PIAACC1) M1170139: Piano Accompanying II (1 unit) (PIAACC2) M1170140: Dance-Portfolio Presentation (1/2-1 unit) (DANPP) M1170141: Advanced Pointe (1/2-1 unit) (ADVPTE) M1170142: Men's Class I (1/2-1 unit) (MENCL1) M1170143: Men's Class II (1/2-1 unit) (MENCL2) M1170144: Men's Class III (1/2-1 unit) (MENCL3) M1170145: Men's Class IV (1/2-1 unit) (MENCL4) M1170146: Classical and Contemporary Partnering (1/2-1 unit) (CLCOPART) M1170147: Advanced Folklorico (1/2-1 unit) (ADVFOLK) M1170148: Advanced African Dance (1/2-1 unit) (ADVAFRID) M1170149: African Dance Ensemble (1/2-1 unit) (AFRIDENS) M1170156: Jazz Dance I (1 unit) (JAZDANM7) M1170157: Jazz Dance II (1 unit) (JAZDANM2) M1180001: Introduction to International Business (1 unit) (INTBUS) M1290001: Educational Internship (1/2-1 unit) (EDUINT) N1100007: Latin American Literature (1/2 unit) (LATAMLIT) N1100012: Radio Broadcasting and Production II (1/2 unit) (RADIOBP2) N1110001: Math Hub (1 unit) (Math Hub) N1110005: Three Dimensional Calculus (1 unit) (3D CALC) N1110006: Problem Solving Using Computers and Technology (1 unit) (PS COMP) N1120001: Genetics (1/2 unit) (GENETIC) N1120002: Biotechnology (1 unit) (BIOTEC) N1120003: Bio-Technology (1 unit) (BITECH) N1120004: Laboratory and Research Application Techniques (1 unit) (LABMAN) N1120005: Biotechnology/Molecular Genetics (1 unit) (BIMOGN) N1120006: Natural Resources Management (1 unit) (NRESMG) N1120007: Botany (1/2 unit) (BOTANY) N1120008: Neurobiology (1 unit) (NEUROB) N1120009: Molecular Genetics (1 unit) (MOLGEN) N1120010: Lab Management (1 unit) (LBMNGT) N1120012: Industrial Applications (1 unit) (INDUSP) N1120013: Interaction of Radiation with Matter (1 unit) (INRADM) N1120014: Botany (1 unit) (BOTZOO) N1120015: Spaced Based Astronomy (1/2-1 unit) (SPACEBA) N1120016: Hands-On Physics (1/2-1 unit) (HOPHYSIC) N1120017: Introduction to Microbiology (1/2-1 unit) (INTMIBIO) N1120018: Global Lab (1/2-1 unit) (GLOBLAB) N1120019: Introduction to Stellar Astronomy (1/2-1 unit) (INTSTAS) N1120020: Intergrated Ecospheric Systems (1/2-1 unit) (INTECO) N1120021: The Bioethics Symposium (1/2-1 unit) (BIOSYMP) N1120023: Research Practicum I (1 unit) (RESPRCI) N1120024: Research Practicum II (1 unit) (RESPRC2) N1120025: Guide to Planet Earth (1/2-1 unit) (PLNTERTH) N1120026: Genetics (1 unit) (GENETICS) N1120028: Human Genetics (1/2 unit) (HUMGEN) N1120029: Chemistry with Engineering Applications (1 unit) (CHMENG) N1120030: Engineering Mechanics I (1 unit) (ENGMEC) N1120031: Biotechnology (1 unit) (BIOTHN) N1120032: Introduction to Biotechnology (1 unit) (INTBIO) N1120034: Scientific Quality Control (1/2 unit) (SCIQCN) N1120035: Math-Science Mentoring Course (1/2 unit) (MASCIM) N1120038: Planet Earth (1 unit) (PLANEAR) N1130001: Teen Court (1 unit) (TNCRT) N1130002: Philosophy (General and Honors Levels) (1/2 unit) (PHILOS) N1130004: History of Law (1/2 unit) (HISTLAW) N1130005: Civil Law (1/2 unit) (CIVLAW) N1130006: Criminal Law (1/2 unit) (CRIMLAW) N1130007: Community Service I (1/2 unit) (COMSERV1) N1130008: Community Service II (1/2 unit) (COMSERV2) N1130009: Native America (1/2-1 unit) (NATVAM) N1130010: Russian, Soviet & Post-Soviet Studies (1/2-1 unit) (SOVIETST) N1130011: A Model United Nations Simulation Using the Internet (1/2-1 unit) (MODELUN) N1130012: Eastern & Western Thought: A Comparison (1/2-1 unit) (ESTWST) N1130013: Earth 2525: A Time Traveler's Guide to Planet Earth (1/2-1 unit) (EARTHST) N1130014: Latin American Studies (1/2 unit) (LATAMST) N1170068: Music Synthese I (1/2-1 unit) (MUSSYN1) N1170075: Instrumenal Jazz Improvisation I (1 unit) (IJAZIMP1) N1170083: Comedy and Improvisation (1/2 unit) (COMMPRO) N1170084: Children's Theatre (1/2 unit) (CHILDTHE) N1170088: Advanced Lighting/Stage Design (1 unit) (ADVTHEDI) N1170089: Advanced Acting Shakespeare (1/2 unit) (ADVACTSH) N1170094: Instrumental Conducting (1/2 unit) (INSTCOND) N1170095: Composition (Fall or Spring) (1/2 unit) (COMPLIT) N1170096: Choral Conducting (1/2 unit) (CHORCOND) N1170099: Comprehensive Instrumental Ensemble III & IV (1 unit) (VOJAZIM2) N1280001: English Language Development l (1 unit) (ELD I) N1280002: English Language Development II (1 unit) (ELD II) N1280011: English for Non-English Speakers A (1 unit) (ENGNESA) N1280012: English for Non-English Speakers B (1 unit) (ENGNESB) N1280015: English as a Second Language I (REAPPLYING) (1 unit) (ESL1) N1280016: English as a Second Language II (1 unit) (ESL-2) N1280022: Beginning English for Speakers of Other Languages (1 unit) (BEGESOL) N1280023: Intermediate English for Speakers of Other Languages (1 unit) (INTESOL) N1280024: Advanced English for Speakers of Other Languages (1 unit) (ADVESOL) N1280028: Beginning ESOL (formerly Beginning ESOL A) (1 unit) (BEG ESOL) N1280029: Intermediate ESOL (formerly Beginning ESOL B) (1 unit) (INT ESOL) N1280030: Advanced ESOL (formerly Intermediate ESOL) (1 unit) (ADV ESOL) N1280031: Transitional ESOL (formerly Advanced ESOL) (1 unit) (TRANS ESOL) N1280032: English for Newcomers 1 (1 unit) (ENG NEW1) N1280033: English for Newcomers 2 (1 unit) (ENG NEW2) N1290032: Service Learning (1 unit) (SRVLRNG) N1290034: Changing Lives (1 unit) (CHANLIV) N1290201: Peer Tutoring for Students with Disabilities (1/2-1 unit) (PTSWD) N1290206: Peer Tutoring for Students with Disabilities (1/2 unit) (PTSWD) N1290208: Supportive Peer Relationships II (1/2-1 unit) (SPPRS II) N1290302: Principles of Knowledge I (1 unit) (POK1) N1290303: Principles of Knowledge II (1 unit) (POK 2) N1290305: G/T Interdisciplinary Studies (1/2-1 unit) (G/TSTDES)DELETION 03060000: Deleted. 03160100: Deleted. 03070100: Deleted. 03070200: Deleted. 03070300: Deleted. 03070400: Deleted. 03290100: Deleted. 03290200: Deleted. 03290300: Deleted. 03290400: Deleted. 03390100: Deleted. 03390200: Deleted. 03390300: Deleted. M1110001: Deleted. M1110002: Deleted. M1110003: Deleted. M1110004: Deleted. M1110005: Deleted. M1110006: Deleted. M1110007: Deleted. M1110008: Deleted. M1110009: Deleted. M1120001: Deleted. M1120002: Deleted. M1120003: Deleted. M1120004: Deleted. M1120005: Deleted. M1120006: Deleted. M1120007: Deleted. M1120008: Deleted. M1120010: Deleted. M1120012: Deleted. M1120013: Deleted. M1120014: Deleted. M1120015: Deleted. M1120016: Deleted. M1120017: Deleted. M1120021: Deleted. M1120022: Deleted. M1120023: Deleted. M1120024: Deleted. M1120025: Deleted. M1120026: Deleted. M1120027: Deleted. M1120028: Deleted. M1170001: Deleted. M1170002: Deleted. M1170003: Deleted. M1170004: Deleted. M1170005: Deleted. M1170007: Deleted. M1170008: Deleted. M1170009: Deleted. M1170010: Deleted. M1170011: Deleted. M1170012: Deleted. M1170013: Deleted. M1170014: Deleted. M1170015: Deleted. M1170016: Deleted. M1170017: Deleted. M1170018: Deleted. M1170019: Deleted. M1170020: Deleted. M1170021: Deleted. M1170022: Deleted. M1170023: Deleted. M1170024: Deleted. M1170025: Deleted. M1170026: Deleted. M1170036: Deleted. M1170037: Deleted. M1170060: Deleted. M1170061: Deleted. M1170062: Deleted. M1170063: Deleted. M1170064: Deleted. M1170051: Deleted. M1170085: Deleted. M1170086: Deleted. M1170087: Deleted. M1170088: Deleted. M1170089: Deleted. M1170090: Deleted. M1170091: Deleted. M1170092: Deleted. M1170093: Deleted. M1170094: Deleted. M1170095: Deleted. M1170096: Deleted. M1170097: Deleted. M1170098: Deleted. M1170099: Deleted. M1170100: Deleted. M1170101: Deleted. M1170102: Deleted. M1170103: Deleted. M1170104: Deleted. M1170105: Deleted. M1170106: Deleted. M1170107: Deleted. M1170108: Deleted. M1170109: Deleted. M1170110: Deleted. M1170111: Deleted. M1170112: Deleted. M1170113: Deleted. M1170114: Deleted. M1170115: Deleted. M1170116: Deleted. M1170117: Deleted. M1170118: Deleted. M1170119: Deleted. M1170120: Deleted. M1170121: Deleted. M1170122: Deleted. M1170123: Deleted. M1170124: Deleted. M1170125: Deleted. M1170127: Deleted. M1170128: Deleted. M1170129: Deleted. M1170130: Deleted. M1170131: Deleted. M1170132: Deleted. M1170133: Deleted. M1170134: Deleted. M1170135: Deleted. M1170138: Deleted. M1170139: Deleted. M1170140: Deleted. M1170141: Deleted. M1170142: Deleted. M1170143: Deleted. M1170144: Deleted. M1170145: Deleted. M1170146: Deleted. M1170147: Deleted. M1170148: Deleted. M1170149: Deleted. M1170156: Deleted. M1170157: Deleted. M1180001: Deleted. M1290001: Deleted. N1100007: Deleted. N1100012: Deleted. N1110001: Deleted. N1110005: Deleted. N1110006: Deleted. N1120001: Deleted. N1120002: Deleted. N1120003: Deleted. N1120004: Deleted. N1120005: Deleted. N1120006: Deleted. N1120007: Deleted. N1120008: Deleted. N1120009: Deleted. N1120010: Deleted. N1120012: Deleted. N1120013: Deleted. N1120014: Deleted. N1120015: Deleted. N1120016: Deleted. N1120017: Deleted. N1120018: Deleted. N1120019: Deleted. N1120020: Deleted. N1120021: Deleted. N1120023: Deleted. N1120024: Deleted. N1120025: Deleted. N1120026: Deleted. N1120028: Deleted. N1120029: Deleted. N1120030: Deleted. N1120031: Deleted. N1120032: Deleted.) N1120034: Deleted. N1120035: Deleted. N1120038: Deleted. N1130001: Deleted. N1130002: Deleted. N1130004: Deleted. N1130005: Deleted. N1130006: Deleted. N1130007: Deleted. N1130008: Deleted. N1130009: Deleted. N1130010: Deleted. N1130011: Deleted. N1130012: Deleted. N1130013: Deleted. N1130014: Deleted. N1170068: Deleted. N1170075: Deleted. N1170083: Deleted. N1170084: Deleted. N1170088: Deleted. N1170089: Deleted. N1170094: Deleted. N1170095: Deleted. N1170096: Deleted. N1170099: Deleted. N1280001: Deleted. N1280002: Deleted. N1280011: Deleted. N1280012: Deleted. N1280015: Deleted. N1280016: Deleted. N1280022: Deleted. N1280023: Deleted. N1280024: Deleted. N1280028: Deleted. N1280029: Deleted. N1280030: Deleted. N1280031: Deleted. N1280032: Deleted. N1280033: Deleted. N1290032: Deleted. N1290034: Deleted. N1290201: Deleted. N1290206: Deleted. N1290208: Deleted. N1290302: Deleted. N1290303: Deleted. N1290305: Deleted. MC022 SERVICE-IDDELETION 03820101: Physical Education IA (1/2 Unit)-Foundations Of Personal Fitness (PE 1A) 03820501: Physical Education Equivalent-1 (1/2 Unit) (PE EQ1) 03820502: Physical Education Equivalent-2 (1/2 Unit) (PE EQ2) 03820503: Physical Education Equivalent-3 (1/2 Unit) (PE EQ3) 03820504: Physical Education Equivalent-4 (1/2 Unit) (PE EQ4) 03830102: Adventure/Outdoor Education (1/2 Unit) (PE AOE) 03840103: Aerobic Activities (First Time Taken) (1/2 Unit) (PE AA) 03850104: Individual Sports (First Time Taken) (1/2 Unit) (PE IS) 03850113: Aerobic Activities (Second Time Taken) (1/2 Unit) (PE AA2) 03850114: Individual Sports (Second Time Taken) (1/2 Unit) (PE IS2) 03850123: Aerobic Activities (Third Time Taken) (1/2 Unit) (PE AA3) 03850124: Individual Sports (Third Time Taken) (1/2 Unit) (PE IS3) 03860105: Team Sports (First Time Taken) (1/2 Unit) (PE TS) 03860115: Team Sports (Second Time Taken) (1/2 Unit) (PE TS2) 03860125: Team Sports (Third Time Taken) (1/2 Unit) (PE TS3)DELETION 03820101: Deleted. 03820501: Deleted. 03820502: Deleted. 03820503: Deleted. 03820504: Deleted. 03830102: Deleted. 03840103: Deleted. 03850104: Deleted. 03850113: Deleted. 03850114: Deleted. 03850123: Deleted. 03850124: Deleted. 03860105: Deleted. 03860115: Deleted. 03860125: Deleted. PAC022 SERVICE-IDA3400400 Languages Other Than English Level IV Language Italian (1) (APIT LAN) A3450400 Languages Other Than English Level IV Language Russian (1) (APRUS LAN)A3400400: Deleted. A3450400: Deleted.A, PAC022 SERVICE-IDADDITION NoneADDITION 12700300**: Exploring Careers 12700400**: Career Portals 12701300*: Career Preparation 1 (2-3) (CARREERP1) 12701400*: Career Preparation II (2-3) (CAREERP2) 12701500*: Problems and Solutions (1/2-1) (PROBS1) 12701510*: Problems and Solutions II (1/2-1) (PROBS2) TAC Chapter 130. Career and Technical Education Subchapter A. Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources Cluster 13000200*: Principles of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources (1/2-1) (PRINAFNR) 13000300*: Livestock Production (1/2-1) (LIVEPROD) 13000400*: Small Animal Management (1/2-1) (SMANIMGT) 13000500*: Equine Science (1/2-1) (EQUINSCI) 13000600*: Veterinary Medical Applications (1) (VETMEDAP) 13000700*: Advanced Animal Science (1) (ADVANSCI) 13000800*: Professional Standards in Agribusiness (1/2-1) (PROSAFNR) 13000900*: Agribusiness Management and Marketing (1/2-1) (AGRBUSMM) 13001000*: Mathematical Applications in Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources (1) (MATHAFNR) 13001100*: Energy and Natural Resources Technology (1/2-1) (ENGNRT) 13001200*: Advanced Environmental Technology (1) (ADVENVT) 13001300*: Food Technology and Safety (1/2-1) (FOODTS) 13001400*: Food Processing (1-2) (FOODPRO) 13001500*: Wildlife, Fisheries and Ecology Management (1/2-1) (WFECGT) 13001600*: Range Ecology and Management(1/2-1) (RECOMGT) 13001700*: Forestry and Woodland Ecosystems (1/2-1) (FWECO) 13001800*: Principles and Elements of Floral Design (1) (PEFLDSN) 13001900*: Landscape Design and Turf Grass Management (1/2-1) (LNDTGMGT) 13002000*: Horticulture Science (1/2-1) (HORTISCI) 13002100*: Advanced Plant and Soil Science (1) (ADVPSSCI) 13002200*: Agricultural Mechanics and Metal Technologies (1/2-1) (AGMECHMT) 13002300*: Agricultural Facilities Design and Fabrication (1-2) (AGFDFAB) 13002400*: Agricultural Power Systems (1-2) (AGPOWSYS) 13002500*: Practicum in Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources (2-3) (PRACAFNR) 13002510*: Practicum in Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources II (2-3) (PRACAFN2) N1300251*: Agricultural Algebraic Exploration (1) (AGRALGEX) Subchapter B. Architecture and Construction Cluster 13004200*: Principles of Architecture and Construction (1/2-1) (PRINARCH) 13004300*: Interior Design (1/2-1) (INTERDSN) 13004400*: Advanced Interior Design (1-2) (ADVINDSN) 13004500*: Practicum in Interior Design (2-3) (PRACIDSN) 13004510*: Practicum in Interior Design II (2-3) (PRACIDS2) 13004600*: Architectural Design (1-2) (ARCHDSN) 13004700*: Advanced Architectural Design (2-3) (ADVARCH) 13004800*: Practicum in Architectural Design (2-3) (PRACADSN) 13004810*: Practicum in Architectural Design II (2-3) (PRACADS2) 13004900*: Construction Management (1-2) (CONSTMGT) 13005000*: Advanced Construction Management (2-3) (ADVCONSM) 13005100*: Construction Technology (1-2) (CONSTECH) 13005200*: Advanced Construction Technology (2-3) (ADVCONST) 13005300*: Mill and Cabinetmaking Technology (2-3) (MACTECH) 13005400*: Building Maintenance Technology (1-2) (BUILDMAN) 13005500*: Advanced Building Maintenance Technology (2-3) (ADBUILD) 13005600*: Electrical Technology (1-2) (ELECTECH) 13005700*: Advanced Electrical Technology (2-3) (ADVELECT) 13005800*: HVAC and Refrigeration Technology (1-2) (HVACREF) 13005900*: Advanced HVAC and Refrigeration Technology (2-3) (ADVHVAC) 13006000*: Piping and Plumbing Technology (1-2) (PIPLTECH) 13006100*: Advanced Piping and Plumbing Technology (2-3) (ADVPIPL) 13006200*: Practicum in Construction Management (2-3) (PRACCONS) 13006210*: Practicum in Construction Management II (2-3) (PRACCON2) Subchapter C. Arts, A/V Technology, and Communications Cluster 13008200*: Principles of Arts, Audio Video Technology, and Communications (1/2-1) (PRINAAVTC) 13008300*: Animation (1-2) (ANIMAT) 13008400*: Advanced Animation (2-3) (ADVANIM) 13008500*: Audio Video Production (1-2) (AVPROD) 13008600*: Advanced Audio Video Production (2-3) (ADVAVPRO) 13008700*: Practicum in Audio Video Production (2-3) (PRACAVT) 13008710*: Practicum in Audio Video Production II (2-3) (PRACAVT2) 13008800*: Graphic Design and Illustration (1-2) (GRAPHDI) 13008900*: Advanced Graphic Design and Illustration (2-3) (ADVGRADI) 13009000*: Practicum in Graphic Design and Illustration (2-3) (PRACGRADI) 13009010*: Practicum in Graphic Design and Illustration II (2-3) (PRACGRAD2) 13009100*: Commercial Photography (1-2) (COMMPHOT) 13009200*: Advanced Commercial Photography (2-3) (ADVCOMMP) 13009300*: Fashion Design (1-2) (FASHDSN) 13009400*: Advanced Fashion Design (2-3) (ADVFASHD) 13009500*: Practicum in Fashion Design (2-3) (PRACFASH) 13009510*: Practicum in Fashion Design II (2-3) (PRACFAS2) 13009600*: Printing and Imaging Technology (1-2) (PRIMTECH) 13009700*: Advanced Printing and Imaging Technology (2-3) (ADVPRIMT) 13009800*: Practicum in Printing and Imaging Technology (2-3) (PRACPRIT) 13009810*: Practicum in Printing and Imaging Technology II (2-3) (PRACPRI2) 13009900*: Professional Communications (1/2-1) (PROFCOMM) N1300991*: Radio Broadcasting I (1/2-1) (RADIOBR1) N1300992*: Radio Broadcasting II (1/2-1) (RADIOBR2) N1300993*: Video Game Design (1/2-1) (VIDEOGD) Subchapter D. Business Management and Administration Cluster 13011200*: Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance (1/2-1) (PRINBMF) 13011300*: Touch System Data Entry (1/2-1) (TSDATAE) 13011400*: Business Information Management I (1-2) (BUSIM1) 13011500*: Business Information Management II (1-2) (BUSIM2) 13011600*: Business English (1) (BUSENGL) 13011700*: Business Law (1/2-1) (BUSLAW) 13011800*: Global Business (1/2-1) (GLOBBUS) 13011900*: Human Resources Management (1/2-1) (HRMGT) 13012000*: Virtual Business (1/2-1) (VIRTBUS) 13012100*: Business Management (1-2) (BUSMGT) 13012200*: Practicum in Business Management (2-3) (PRACBM) 13012210*: Practicum in Business Management II (2-3) (PRACBM2) Subchapter E. Education and Training Cluster 13014200*: Principles of Education and Training (1/2-1) (PRINEDTR) 13014300*: Human Growth and Development(1) (HUGRDEV) 13014400*: Instructional Practices in Education and Training (1-2) (INPREDTR) 13014500*: Practicum in Education and Training (2-3) (PRACEDTR) 13014510*: Practicum in Education and Training II (2-3) (PRACEDT2) Subchapter F. Finance Cluster 13016200*: Money Matters (1/2-1) (MONEYM) 13016300*: Banking and Financial Services (1/2-1) (BANKFIN) 13016400*: Securities and Investments (1/2-1) (SECINV) 13016500*: Insurance Operations (1/2-1) (INSOPS) 13016600*: Accounting I (1) (ACCOUNT1) 13016700*: Accounting II (1) (ACCOUNT2) 13016800*: Financial Analysis (1) (FINANAL) 13016900*: Statistics and Risk Management (1) (STATSRM) Subchapter G. Government and Public Administration Cluster 13018200*: Principles of Government and Public Administration (1/2-1) (PRINGPA) 13018300*: Political Science I (1-2) (POLISCII) 13018400*: Political Science II (1-2) (POLISCI2) 13018500*: Revenue, Taxation, and Regulation (1-2) (REVTAXRE) 13018600*: Public Management and Administration (1-2) (PUBMANAD) 13018700*: Planning and Governance (1-2) (PLANGOV) 13018800*: National Security (2-3) (NATLSEC) 13018900*: Foreign Service and Diplomacy (2-3) (FORSRVD) 13019000*: Practicum in Local, State, and Federal Government (2-3) (PRACLSFG) 13019010*: Practicum in Local, State, and Federal Government II (2-3) (PRACLSF2) Subchapter H. Health Science Cluster 13020200*: Principles of Health Science (1/2-1) (PRINHLSC) 13020300*: Medical Terminology (1/2) (MEDTERM) 13020400*: Health Science (1-2) (HLTHSCI) 13020500*: Practicum in Health Science (2-3) (PRACHLSC) 13020510*: Practicum in Health Science II (2-3) (PRACHLS2) 13020600*: Anatomy and Physiology (1) (ANATPHYS) 13020700*: Medical Microbiology (1/2-1) (MICRO) 13020800*: Pathophysiology (1/2-1) (PATHO) 13020900*: World Health Research (1) (WORLDHR) N1302091*: Medical Biotechnology (2) (MEDBIO) N1302092*: Principles of Biomedical Science (PLTW) (1) (PRBIOSCI) N1302093*: Human Body Systems (PLTW) (1) (HUMBODSY) Subchapter I. Hospitality and Tourism Cluster 13022200*: Principles of Hospitality and Tourism (1/2-1) (PRINHOSP) 13022300*: Hotel Management (1/2-1) (HOTELMGT) 13022400*: Restaurant Management (1/2-1) (RESTMGT) 13022500*: Travel and Tourism Management (1/2-1) (TRTORMGT) 13022600*: Culinary Arts (1-2) (CULARTS) 13022700*: Practicum in Culinary Arts (2-3) (PRACCUL) 13022710*: Practicum in Culinary Arts II (2-3) (PRACCUL2) 13022800*: Hospitality Services (1-2) (HOSPSRVS) 13022900*: Practicum in Hospitality and Tourism (2-3) (PRACHOSP) 13022910*: Practicum in Hospitality and Tourism II (2-3) (PRACHOS2) 13023000*: Food Science (1) (FOODSCI) Subchapter J. Human Services Cluster 13024200*: Principles of Human Services (1/2-1) (PRINHUSR) 13024300*: Dollars and Sense (1/2-1) (DOLLARSE) 13024400*: Interpersonal Studies (1/2-1) (INTERSTU) 13024500*: Lifetime Nutrition and Wellness (1/2-1) (LNURTWEL) 13024600*: Counseling and Mental Health (1-2) (COUNSMH) 13024700*: Child Development (1/2-1) (CHILDDEV) 13024800*: Child Guidance (1-2) (CHILDGUI) 13024900*: Family and Community Services (1/2-1) (FAMCOSRV) 13025000*: Practicum in Human Services (2-3) (PRACHUSR) 13025010*: Practicum in Human Services II (2-3) (PRACHUS2) 13025100*: Introduction to Cosmetology (1/2-1) (INTCOSMO) 13025200*: Cosmetology I (2-3) (COSMET1) 13025300*: Cosmetology II (2-3) (COSMET2) N1302531*: Cosmetology Manicurist Specialty (2-3) (COSMETM) N1302532*: Cosmetology Shampoo and Conditioning Specialist (1-2) (COSMETS) N1302533*: Cosmetology Facialist Specialist (2-3) (COSMETF) N1302534*: Barbering I (2-3) (BARBER1) N1302535*: Barbering II (2-3) (BARBER2) N1302536*: Parenting Education for School Age Parents I (1/2-1) (PAEDSAP1) N1302537*: Parenting Education for School Age Parents II (1/2-1) (PAEDSAP2) Subchapter K. Information Technology Cluster 13027200*: Principles of Information Technology (1/2-1) (PRINIT) 13027300*: Computer Maintenance (1-2) (COMPMTN) 13027400*: Telecommunications and Networking (1-2) (TELECOMN) 13027500*: Computer Technician (2-3) (COMPTECH) 13027600*: Computer Programming (1/2-1) (COMPPROG) 13027700*: Advanced Computer Programming (1-2) (ADVCOMPP) 13027800*: Digital and Interactive Media (1/2-1) (DIMEDIA) 13027900*: Web Technologies (1/2-1) (WEBTECH) 13028000*: Research in Information Technology Solutions (2-3) (RESITSOL) 13028010*: Research in Information Technology Solutions II (2-3) (RESITSO2) N1302801*: Database Fundamentals (Oracle) (1/2-1) (DATAFUND) N1302802*: Database Programming (Oracle) (1/2-2) (DATAPROG) N1302803*: Internetworking Technologies I (Cisco) (1-3) (INTNET1) N1302804*: Internetworking Technologies II (Cisco) (1-3) (INTNET2) N1302805*: Geographic Information Systems (1) (GIS) N1302806*: Raster Based Geographic Information Systems (1) (RBGIS) N1302807*: Spatial Technology and Remote Sensing (1/2-1) (SPATECRS) Subchapter L. Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security Cluster 13029200*: Principles of Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security (1/2-1) (PRINLPCS) 13029300*: Law Enforcement I (1-2) (LAWENF1) 13029400*: Law Enforcement II (1-2) (LAWENF2) 13029500*: Forensic Science (1) (FORENSCI) 13029600*: Court Systems and Practices (1-2) (COURTSP) 13029700*: Correctional Services (1-2) (CORRSRVS) 13029800*: Security Services (1-2) (SECSRVS) 13029900*: Firefighter I (1-2) (FIRE1) 13030000*: Firefighter II (2-3) (FIRE2) 13030100*: Practicum in Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security (2-3) (PRACLPCS) 13030110*: Practicum in Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security II (2-3) (PRACLPC2) N1303011*: Disaster Response (1/2-1) (DISRESP) N1303012: Forensic Psychology (1) (FORENSPSY) Subchapter M. Manufacturing Cluster 13032200*: Principles of Manufacturing (1/2-1) (PRINMAN) 13032300*: Welding (1-2) (WELD) 13032400*: Advanced Welding (2-3) (ADVWELD) 13032500*: Precision Metal Manufacturing (1-2) (PRECMMAN) 13032600*: Advanced Precision Metal Manufacturing (2-3) (ADVPMM) 13032700*: Flexible Manufacturing (1-2) (FLEXMANU) 13032800*: Advanced Flexible Manufacturing (2-3) (ADVFLEXM) 13032900*: Manufacturing Engineering (2-3) (MANUENG) 13033000*: Practicum in Manufacturing (2-3) (PRACMANU) Subchapter N. Marketing Cluster 13034200*: Advertising and Sales Promotion (1/2-1) (ADVSALPR) 13034300*: Fashion Marketing (1/2-1) (FASHMKTG) 13034400*: Entrepreneurship (1/2-1) (ENTREP) 13034500*: Retailing and E-tailing (1/2-1) (RETAILE) 13034600*: Sports and Entertainment Marketing (1/2-1) (SPORTSEM) 13034700*: Marketing Dynamics (2-3) (MKTGDYN) 13034800*: Practicum in Marketing Dynamics (2-3) (PRACMKTG) 13034810*: Practicum in Marketing Dynamics II (2-3) (PRACMKT2) Subchapter O. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Cluster 13036200*: Concepts of Engineering and Technology (1/2-1) (CONCENGT) 13036300*: Biotechnology (1-2) (BIOTECH) 13036400*: Advanced Biotechnology (1) (ADVBIOT) 13036500*: Engineering Design and Presentation (1-2) (ENGDSPR) 13036600*: Advanced Engineering Design and Presentation (2-3) (ADVENGDP) 13036700*: Engineering Mathematics (1) (ENGMATH) 13036800*: Electronics (1-2) (ELECTRO) 13036900*: Advanced Electronics (2-3) (ADVELECT) 13037000*: Robotics and Automation (1-2) (ROBOTA) 13037100*: Principles of Technology (1) (PRINTECH) 13037200*: Scientific Research and Design (1) (SCIRD) 13037210*: Scientific Research and Design II (1) (SCIRD2) 13037300*: Engineering Design and Problem Solving (1) (ENGDPRS) 13037400*: Practicum in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (2-3) (PRACSTEM) 13037410*: Practicum in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics II (2-3) (PRACSTE2) N1303741*: Gateway to Technology (PLTW) (1) (GTT) N1303742*: Introduction to Engineering Design (PLTW) (1) (IED) N1303743*: Principles of Engineering (PLTW) (1) (POE) N1303744*: Digital Electronics (PLTW) (1) (DE) N1303745*: Aerospace Engineering (PLTW) (1) (AERO) N1303746*: Biotechnology Engineering (PLTW) (1) (BIOENG) N1303747*: Civil engineering and Architecture (PLTW) (1) (CEA) N1303748*: Computer Integrated Manufacturing (PLTW) (1) (CIM) N1303749*: Engineering Design and Development (PLTW) (1) (EDD) N1303750*: Data Acquisition and Analysis (1) (DATAAA) N1303751*: Engineering: The Digital Future (Infinity) (1/2-1) (ENGTDF) N1303752*: Texas Prefreshman Engineering Program I (1) (TXPRENG1) N1303753*: Texas Prefreshman Engineering Program II (1) (TXPRENG2) N1303754*: Texas Prefreshman Engineering Program III (1) (TXPRENG3) N1303755*: Texas Prefreshman Engineering Program IV (1) (TXPRENG4) Subchapter P. Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics Cluster 13039200*: Principles of Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics (1/2-1) (PRINTDL) 13039300*: Energy, Power, and Transportation Systems (1/2-1) (EPTSYS) 13039400*: Aircraft Technology (1-2) (AIRTECH) 13039500*: Advanced Aircraft Technology (2-3) (ADVAIRT) 13039600*: Automotive Technology (1-2) (AUTOTECH) 13039700*: Advanced Automotive Technology (2-3) (ADVAUTOT) 13039800*: Collision Repair and Refinishing (1-2) (COLLISRR) 13039900*: Advanced Collision Repair and Refinishing (2-3) (ADVCOLLIS) 13040000*: Small Engine Technology (1-2) (SMENGTEC) 13040100*: Advanced Small Engine Technology (2-3) (ADVSMENG) 13040200*: Transportation Systems Management (1-2) (TRANSP) 13040300*: Logistics, Planning and Management Systems (1-2) (LPMSYS) 13040400*: Practicum in Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics (2-3) (PRACTDL) 13040410*: Practicum in Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics II (2-3) (PRACTDL2) Other N9999997*: CTE Other N9999998*: CTE Other N9999999*: CTE Other _____________________________________________ N1100013: Research Methods in the Humanities (1) (RESHUM) N1110021: Linear Algebra (1/2) (LINALG) N1110022: History of Math I (1/2-1) (HSTMTH1) N1110023: Discrete Mathematics (1/2) (DSCMTH) N1110024: Contemporary Math Topics (1/2) (CNTMTH) N1110025: Number Theory (1/2) (NUMTHY) N1110026: Linear Programming (1/2) (LINPROG) N1110027: History of Math II (1/2-1) (HSTMTH2) N1120041: Modern Physics (1/2-1) (MODPHY) N1120027: Organic Chemistry (1/2-1) (ORGCHEM) N1120040: Planet Earth (1) (PLNEAR) N1120039: Science and Technology (1/2-1) (SCITECH) MC022 SERVICE-IDADDITION NoneADDITION 3060200: Earth and Space Science (1 unit) (ESS) PES00052: Foundations of Personal Fitness (1/2-1 Unit) (PEFOUND) PES00053: Adventure/Outdoor Education (1/2-1 Unit) (PEAOA) PES00054: Aerobic Activities (1/2-1 Unit) (PEAA) PES00055: Individual or Team Sports (1/2-1 Unit) (PEITS) PES00000: PE Substitution Athletics 1 (1/2-1 Unit) (SUBATH1) PES00001: PE Substitution Athletics 2 (1/2-1 Unit) (SUBATH2) PES00002: PE Substitution Athletics 3 (1/2-1 Unit) (SUBATH3) PES00003: PE Substitution Athletics 4 (1/2-1 Unit) (SUBATH4) PES00004: PE Substitution JROTC1 (1/2-1 Unit) (SUBJ1) PES00008: PE Substitution Non-District Program 1 (1/2-1 Unit) (SUBPRO1) PES00009: PE Substitution Non-District Program 2 (1/2-1 Unit) (SUBPRO2) PES00010: PE Substitution Non-District Program 3 (1/2-1 Unit) (SUBPRO3) PES00011: PE Substitution Non-District Program 4 (1/2-1 Unit) (SUBPRO4) PEF00012: PE Substitution Marching Band (1/2-1 Unit) (SUBMB) PES00013: PE Substitution Cheerleading (1/2-1 Unit) (SUBCHLDG) PES00014: PE Substitution Drill Team (1/2-1 Unit) (SUBDT)A, PAC022 SERVICE-IDADDITION NoneADDITION N1110018: Multivariable Calculus (1/2-1 Unit) (MULTCAL) N1110019: Modern Geometry (1/2-1 Unit) (MODGEO) N1110030: Strategic Learning for High School Math (1/2-1 Unit) (STLNHSM) N1120042: Introduction to Renewable Energy (-1 Unit) (RENEWEN) N1170024: Art and Media Communications (1) (ARMECOM) N1170025: Music Production, Level II (Audio Technology) (1 Unit) (MUSPROII) N1170026: Jazz Improvisation I (1 Unit) (JAZZIMP1) N1170027: Jazz Improvisation II (1 Unit) (JAZZIMP2) N1170028: Jazz Improvisation III (1 Unit) (JAZZIMP3) N1170029: Jazz Improvisation IV (1 Unit) (JAZZIMP4) N1170030: Contemporary Studies in Dance I (1/2-1 Unit) (CSDANCE1) N1170031: Contemporary Studies in Dance II (1/2-1 Unit) (CSDANCE2) N1170032: Contemporary Studies in Dance III (1/2-1 Unit) (CSDANCE3) N1170033: Contemporary Studies in Dance IV (1/2-1 Unit) (CSDANCE4) N1170034: Dance Performance Ensemble I (1 Unit) (DANCEPE1) N1170035: Dance Performance Ensemble II (1 Unit) (DANCEPE2) N1170036: Dance Performance Ensemble III (1 Unit) (DANCEPE3) N1170037: Dance Performance Ensemble IV (1 Unit) (DANCEPE4) N1170038: Scenography I (1 Unit) (SCENOGR1) N1170039: Scenography II (1 Unit) (SCENEOGR2) N1170040: Scenography III (1 Unit) (SCENEOGR3) N1170041: Scenography IV (1 Unit) (SCENEOGR4) N1170083: Intermediate Acting: Comedy and Improvisation (1/2 Unit) (COMMPRO) N1170084: Childrens Theatre (1/2 Unit) (CHILDTHE) N1170088: Advanced Lighting and Stage Design (1 Unit) (ADVLISDE) N1170089: Advanced Acting: Shakespeare (1/2-1 Unit) (ADVACTSH) N1290039: Script your Life for Leadership (1/2 1 Unit) (SCRIPT) N1290050: College Transition (1/2 -1 Unit) (CLGTRN) N1302094*: Medical Interventions (PLTW) (1 Unit) (MEDINT) 03102502: Independent Study In Mathematics (Third Time Taken) (1/2-1 Unit) (INSTMTH3) 11400000: Languages Other Than English, Kindergarten Turkish 11400100: Languages Other Than English, Grade 1 Turkish 11400200: Languages Other Than English, Grade 2 Turkish 11400300: Languages Other Than English, Grade 3 Turkish 11400400: Languages Other Than English, Grade 4 Turkish 11400500: Languages Other Than English, Grade 5 Turkish 11400600: Languages Other Than English, Grade 6 Turkish 11400700: Languages Other Than English, Level I, Grades 6-8 Turkish 11400800: Languages Other Than English, Level II, Grades 6-8 Turkish 11400900: Languages Other Than English, Level III, Grades 6-8 Turkish 11401000: Languages Other Than English, Level IV, Grades 6-8 Turkish 11401100: Languages Other Than English Level I Turkish (1 Unit (TURKISH1) 11401200: Languages Other Than English Level II Turkish (1 Unit) (TURKISH2) 11401300: Languages Other Than English Level III Turkish (1 Unit) (TURKISH3) 11401400: Languages Other Than English Level IV Turkish (1 Unit) (TURKISH4) 11401500: Languages Other Than English Level V Turkish (1 Unit) (TURKISH5) 11401600: Languages Other Than English Level VI Turkish (1 Unit) (TURKISH6) 11401700: Languages Other Than English Level VII Turkish (1 Unit) (TURKISH7) 11401800: Languages Other Than English, Kindergarten - Korean 11401900: Languages Other Than English, Grade 1 - Korean 11402000: Languages Other Than English, Grade 2 - Korean 11402100: Languages Other Than English, Grade 3 - Korean 11402200: Languages Other Than English, Grade 4 - Korean 11402300: Languages Other Than English, Grade 5 - Korean 11402400: Languages Other Than English, Grade 6 - Korean 11402500: Languages Other Than English, Level I, Grades 6-8 Korean 11402600: Languages Other Than English, Level II, Grades 6-8 Korean 11402700: Languages Other Than English, Level III, Grades 6-8 Korean 11402800: Languages Other Than English, Level IV, Grades 6-8 Korean 11402900: Languages Other Than English Level I Korean (1 Unit) (KOREAN1)1 11403000: Languages Other Than English Level II Korean (1 Unit) (KOREAN2) 11403100: Languages Other Than English Level III - Korean (1 Unit) (KOREAN3) 11403200: Languages Other Than English Level IV - Korean (1 Unit) (KOREAN4) 11403300: Languages Other Than English Level V Korean (1 Unit) (KOREAN5) 11403400: Languages Other Than English Level VI Korean (1 Unit) (KOREAN6) 11403500: Languages Other Than English Level VII Korean (1 Unit) (KOREAN7) 13022900*: Practicum in Hospitality Services (2-3) (PRACHOSP) 13022910*: Practicum in Hospitality Services II (2-3) (PRACHOS2) 11403600: Languages Other Than English, Kindergarten - Farsi 11403700: Languages Other Than English, Grade 1 - Farsi 11403800: Languages Other Than English, Grade 2 - Farsi 11403900: Languages Other Than English, Grade 3 - Farsi 11404000: Languages Other Than English, Grade 4 - Farsi 11404100: Languages Other Than English, Grade 5 - Farsi 11404200: Languages Other Than English, Grade 6 - Farsi 11404300: Languages Other Than English, Level I, Grades 6-8 Farsi 11404400: Languages Other Than English, Level II, Grades 6-8 Farsi 11404500: Languages Other Than English, Level III, Grades 6-8 Farsi 11404600: Languages Other Than English, Level IV, Grades 6-8 Farsi 11404700: Languages Other Than English Level I - Farsi (1 Unit) (FARSI1) 11404800: Languages Other Than English Level II Farsi (1 Unit) (FARSI2) 11404900: Languages Other Than English Level III - Farsi (1 Unit) (FARSI3) 11405000: Languages Other Than English Level IV -Farsi (1 Unit) (FARSI4) 11405100: Languages Other Than English Level V Farsi (1 Unit) (FARSI5) 11405200: Languages Other Than English Level VI Farsi (1 Unit) (FARSI6) 11405300: Languages Other Than English Level VII Farsi (1 Unit) (FARSI7) 13037220*: Scientific Research and Design III (1 Unit) (SCIRD3)P, M, A, PAC022 SERVICE-IDREVISION 03503100: Art IV Photography (1 Unit) (ART4PHOT) A3100200: AP Statistics (1 Unit) (APSTATS) 03100600: Algebra II (1 Unit) (ALG 2) N1170121: Music Production (1 Unit) (MUSPROD) 13033010*: Practicum in Manufacturing (2-3) (PRACMAN2) C022 Footnotes: * Valid for use on the 090 teacher record, 170 student record, 410 record for weighted funding (if student attendance requirements are met), and 415 course completion record. ** Valid for use on the 090 and 170 records; not valid for use on the 410 record for weighted funding or the 415 record. REVISION 03503100: Art/Photography (I unit) IV (ART4PHTO) A3100200: AP Statistics (1/2- 1 Unit) (APSTATS) 03100600: Algebra II (1/2 - 1 Unit) (ALG 2) N1170121: Music Production I (1 Unit) (MUSPROI) 13033010*: Practicum in Manufacturing II (2-3) (PRACMAN2) C022 Footnotes: * - CTE course that can generate ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT on the 410 CTE attendance record that are used to calculate CTE funding. ** - CTE course that cannot generate ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT on the 410 CTE attendance record. PC042 INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODEADDITION NoneADDITION 300: COURSE-SECTION DATA - CAMPUS 305: STAFF DATA 91ȱCHER CLASS ASSIGNEMENTSPC066 CHILD-COUNT-FUNDING-TYPE-CODEREVISION 3: Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Amendments of 1997 [See 34 CFR 300.703(b)]REVISION 3: Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Amendments of 2004 [See 34 CFR 300.703(b)]PC093 PARENTAL-PERMISSION-CODEREVISION 3: Parent Or Guardian Has Requested Placement Of Non-LEP Student In The Bilingual Program 7: Parent Or Guardian Did Not Respond 8: Parent Or Guardian Was Not Contacted A: Parent Or Guardian Has Denied Placement Of LEP Student In The Required Bilingual Program, But Has Approved Placement Of LEP Student In The ESL Program B: Parent Or Guardian Has Approved Placement Of A Grade PK-8 LEP Student In The Required ESL Program, But Has Not Denied Placement In The Bilingual Program, If Applicable (See 19 TAC 89.1205) C: Parent Or Guardian Has Denied Placement Of LEP Student In Any Special Language Program D: Parent Or Guardian Has Approved Placement Of LEP Student In The Bilingual Program E: Parent Or Guardian Has Approved Placement Of LEP Student In The Bilingual Program, But The Program Is Not Available For The Student; Parent Has Therefore Approved Placement Of LEP Student In The ESL Program (See 19 TAC 89.1205. Districts who use code E have or should have submitted an exception to the bilingual program) F: Parent Or Guardian Of A Grade 9-12 LEP Student Has Approved Services In accordance with the LPAC plan. The LPAC plan may include English I for Speakers of Other Languages, English II for Speakers of Other Languages and/or modified (sheltered) courses for LEP students. Modified (sheltered) courses for LEP students may be taught by non-ESL certified teachers who have received training in modified (sheltered) instruction but English I for Speakers of Other Languages and English II for Speakers of Other Languages must be taught by ESL certified teachers G: Parent Or Guardian Has Approved The Placement Of A Recently Exited Non-LEP Student In A Bilingual Or ESL Special Language ProgramREVISION The following PARENTAL-PERMISSION-CODES do not allow a student to generate TOTAL-ELIG-BILINGUAL/ESL-ELIGDAYS-PRESENT (E0938). 3: Parent Or Guardian Has Requested Placement Of Non-LEP Student In The Bilingual Program 7: Parent Or Guardian Did Not Respond 8: Parent Or Guardian Was Not Contacted C: Parent Or Guardian Has Denied Placement Of LEP Student In Any Special Language Program G: Parent Or Guardian Has Approved The Placement Of A Recently Exited Non-LEP Student In A Bilingual Or English as Second Language Special Language Program H: Parent or Guardian Has Requested Placement of a Non-LEP student in the English as a Second Language Program The following PARENTAL-PERMISSION-CODES do allow a student to generate TOTAL-ELIG-BILINGUAL/ESL-ELIGDAYS-PRESENT (E0938). A: Parent Or Guardian Has Denied Placement Of LEP Student In The Required Bilingual Program, But Has Approved Placement Of LEP Student In The ESL Program B: Parent Or Guardian Has Approved Placement Of A Grade PK-8 LEP Student In The Required ESL Program. D: Parent Or Guardian Has Approved Placement Of LEP Student In The Bilingual Program E: Parent Or Guardian Has Approved Placement Of LEP Student In The Bilingual Program, But The District Has Or Has Requested An Exception Approved Under 19 TAC 89.1207; Parent Has Therefore Approved Placement Of LEP Student In The ESL Program F: Parent Or Guardian Of A Grade 9-12 LEP Student Has Approved Services In accordance with the LPAC plan. The LPAC plan may include English I for Speakers of Other Languages, English II for Speakers of Other Languages and/or modified (sheltered) courses for LEP students. Modified (sheltered) courses for LEP students may be taught by non-ESL certified teachers who have received training in modified (sheltered) instruction but English I for Speakers of Other Languages and English II for Speakers of Other Languages must be taught by ESL certified teachers J: Parent or Guardian Has Approved the Placement Of a LEP Student in the ESL Program, but the Program is an Alternative Language Program Approved by the Texas Education Agency. (See TAC 19 89.1207. Districts that use Parental Permission Code J have or should have submitted a waiver to the 91ȱ ESL program.PC130 REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODEADDITION NoneADDITION 7: First Session - OFSDP Credit/Promotion Recovery Program 8: Second Session - OFSDP Credit/Promotion Recovery Program PC135 COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODEADDITION NoneADDITION A: Non-High School Year Long CoursePC136 PASS/FAIL-CREDIT-INDICATOR-CODEADDITION NoneADDITION 00: Not Applicable 13: Non-High School Course Passed 14: Non-High School Course FailedPC147 PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE REVISION 31*: High School AllotmentREVISION 31: High School AllotmentPC162 LEAVER-REASON-CODE (abbreviated)REVISION 01* Graduated 24* College, Pursue Degree 78* Expelled, Cannot Return 83* Administrative Withdrawal 85* Graduated Outside Texas-Returned-Left Again REVISION 01*: Graduated From A Campus In This District Or Charter 24*: College, Pursue Associates or Bachelors Degree 78*: Expelled For Offense Under TEC 37.007, Cannot Return 83*: Not A Resident At Time Of Enrollment, Falsified Enrollment, No Proof Of Identification, Or No Immunization Record 85*: Graduated Outside Texas Before Entering A Texas Public School-Entered A Texas Public School-Left AgainPC162 LEAVER-REASON-CODE REVISION Use the following codes for students who Graduated or received an out-of-state GED. 01*: Graduated - Student graduated 85*: Graduated Outside Texas-Returned-Left Again - Student graduated outside Texas, returned to school, and left again Use the following codes for students who Moved to Other Educational Setting. 24*: College, Pursue Degree - Student withdrew from/left school to enter college and is working towards an Associates or Bachelors degree Use the following codes for students who were Withdrawn by School District. 78*: Expelled, Cannot Return - Student was expelled under the provisions of TEC 37.007 and cannot return to school 83*: Administrative Withdrawal - Student was withdrawn from school by the district when the district discovered that the student was not a resident at the time of enrollment or had falsified enrollment information, proof of identification was not provided, or immunization records were not providedREVISION Use the following codes for students who Graduated or received an out-of-state GED. 01*: Graduated From A Campus In This District Or Charter - Student graduated from a campus in this district or charter 85*: Graduated Outside Texas Before Entering A Texas Public School-Entered A Texas Public School-Left Again - Student graduated outside Texas before entering a Texas public school, entered a Texas public school, and left again Use the following codes for students who Moved to Other Educational Setting. 24*: College, Pursue Associates or Bachelors Degree - Student withdrew from/left school to enter college and is working towards an Associates or Bachelors degree Use the following codes for students who were Withdrawn by School District. 78*: Expelled For Offense Under TEC 37.007, Cannot Return - Student was expelled under the provisions of TEC 37.007 and cannot return to school 83*: Not A Resident At Time Of Enrollment, Falsified Enrollment, No Proof Of Identification, Or No Immunization Record - Student was withdrawn from school by the district when the district discovered that the student was not a resident at the time of enrollment or had falsified enrollment information, proof of identification was not provided, or immunization records were not providedAC171 SSI-PROMOTION-RETENTION-CODEDELETION Codes 01-02 are valid in 2003-2004 and thereafter. 3rd Grade Student In Previous School Year Did Not Perform Satisfactorily On The Reading Assessment Instrument And Is Promoted To 4th Grade Or Higher In Current School Year By Decision Of His Or Her Grade Placement Committee Even Though The Student Did Not Meet The SSI Requirements (for students enrolled in 3rd grade in 2002-2003 and thereafter) 3rd Grade Student In Previous School Year Did Not Perform Satisfactorily On The Reading Assessment Instrument And Is Retained In 3rd Grade In Current School Year Because SSI Requirements Were Not Met (for students enrolled in 3rd grade in 2002-2003 and thereafter)DELETION Deleted codes 01 and 02: Codes 01-02 are valid in 2003-2004 and thereafter. 3rd Grade Student In Previous School Year Did Not Perform Satisfactorily On The Reading Assessment Instrument And Is Promoted To 4th Grade Or Higher In Current School Year By Decision Of His Or Her Grade Placement Committee Even Though The Student Did Not Meet The SSI Requirements (for students enrolled in 3rd grade in 2002-2003 and thereafter) 3rd Grade Student In Previous School Year Did Not Perform Satisfactorily On The Reading Assessment Instrument And Is Retained In 3rd Grade In Current School Year Because SSI Requirements Were Not Met (for students enrolled in 3rd grade in 2002-2003 and thereafter)PC177 FLEXIBLE-ATTEND-ANCE-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODEADDITION NoneADDITION 3: OFSDP Credit/Promotion Recovery ProgramPC181 STAFF-TYPE-CODEADDITION NoneADDITION 1: School District or Charter School employee 2: Contracted Instructional staff serving as a classroom teacherPC180 CLASS-ROLEADDITION NoneADDITION 01: Teacher of Record Indicates that the teacher is responsible for the classroom, making the final decisions about the instruction delivered and the final outcomes for the students assigned to the class. (Role IDs 047 and 087 only.) 02: Assistant Teacher Indicates that the teacher is assigned to the class and works with the Teacher of Record providing instruction and/or other instructional services to the students in the class. (Role IDs 047 and 087 only.) 03: Support Teacher Indicates that the teacher provides specialized instructional services on a regular or irregular basis to students in the class. (Role IDs 047 and 087 only.)PC182 NON-CAMPUS-BASED-INSTRUCTION-CODEADDITION NoneADDITION 00: Not Applicable 01: College campus based course 02: Electronic/Internet Based Course 03: Non-District Teacher Providing Classroom Instruction Services 04: Electronic Course Pilot (eCP) 05: Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN) Course 06: Non-Campus Teacher Providing Instruction at Another District Facility 07: Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (JJAEP) - TEC 37.011 99: OtherC183 UNSCHOOLED-ASYLEE/REFUGEE-CODEADDITION NoneADDITION 0: Not applicable to this student 1: Refugee: Individual who has refugee status as defined by TEC Section 39.027(a-1) 2: Asylee: Individual who has been granted asylum as defined by TEC Section 39.027(a-1)     2010-2011 Data Standards Change Document - Section 4 Code Tables VersionChange2009-2010 Late Addendum Version2010-2011 Addendum Version  P: Preliminary Version PA: Post Addendum M: March Version A: Addendum Version  PAGE 63 $D G R S c d 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