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ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTION MAY BE REQUIRED DEPENDING ON THE NATURE OF THE REFUNDING TRANSACTION.If the debt is for a refunding or a combination of refunding and new debt, the refunding portion must meet the same eligibility criteria with respect to dates of first debt service as a new issue as defined by TEC, 46.003(d)(1).QRefunding bonds must also meet the following criteria as defined by TEC, 46.007:Redemption Date: Eligible refunding bonds may not be called for redemption earlier than the earliest call date of the bonds being refunded. Maturity Date: Eligible refunding bonds must not have a maturity date later than the final maturity date of the bonds being refunded. >Original Call Date: __________________________________________>Original Maturity Date:_______________________________________>Refunding Bonds Call Date:____________________________________?Refunding Bonds Maturity Date:_________________________________WNew Refunding Issue - Sum of Any Portion of Debt Service NOT APPLICABLE to Original IFA, INew Refunding Issue - Portion of Debt Service APPLICABLE to Original IFA" 9New Refunding Issue - Total Debt Service (must match FOS)APPLICATION SCHEDULE #4E/by telephone/FAX on :  ______/_____/___________Amendment #:_________________NOTE: IF ANY PORTION OF A MATURITY IS REFUNDED AT A PRESENT VALUE COST OR WITH AN EXTENSION OF THE TERM, THAT PORTION OF THE DEBT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM ELIGIBILITY.OPresent Value Savings: compute at the true interest cost of the refunding bonds:Revised Debt Service Schedule (Applicable to Original IFA)8Savings: Original Debt Service less Revised Debt ServiceSPresent Value (PV) Savings: Eligible refunding bonds must result in a PV savings.  !District Name & County District#:1Refunded Debt Title:_____________________________QList Refunded Maturities:________________________________________________________SNew Refunding Issue - Sum of Any Portion of Debt Service NOT APPLICABLE to Column A, ENew Refunding Issue - Portion of Debt Service APPLICABLE to Column A" >New Revised Debt Service Schedule (Applicable to Original IFA)!JSavings: Most Recently Approved Debt Service less New Revised Debt Service (First Refunding):Total Original Debt Service (must match Original Debt FOS)UNew Refunding Issue - Total Debt Service (must match FOS for current refunding issue)H.______________________________________________/_______________________________________________ (C-D=E) (B+E=F) (A-F=G)HUnrefunded Debt Service (Remaining Payments Scheduled for Original Debt);Unrefunded Debt Service (Portions of Column A not refunded)! 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