The State Board of Education (SBOE) issues a proclamation to call for new instructional materials. The proclamation lists the subject areas scheduled for review. It contains a schedule of adoption procedures, requirements, the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), and instructions for providing electronic files for braille and large-type materials. Proclamations are named for the year the materials are available in the classroom.
The following are resource documents for instructional materials:
- Adoption Cycle for Foundation and Enrichment Subjects (PDF)
- Ìý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)
- Publisher & Depository Contact InformationÌý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)
- ESC Contact Information (PDF)
- Breakout Documents
Archived Proclamations
The State Board of Education (SBOE) issuedÌýProclamation 2024Ìýat its April 2022 meeting to call for science, grades K–12; technology applications, grades K–8; Personal Financial Literacy and Economics; and several CTE courses. ÌýThe SBOE is scheduled to adopt materials for Proclamation 2024 in November 2023. The adopted materials will go into classrooms in the 2024–25 school year.
- Proclamation 2024Ìý(Amended September 2023) (PDF)
- Proclamation 2024 Q&A (PDF)
- Science K–8 TRR Rubric (PDF)
- Science 9–12 TRR Rubric (PDF)
November 2024 SBOE Meeting TEKS Update Requests
This report includes the findings of the state review panels (SRPs) for materials submitted by The Curriculum Center for Family and Consumer Sciences adopted under Proclamation 2024 that covered less than 100% of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills. Publishers submitted new content and/or new citations for review in the Proclamation 2024 TEKS Update SRP meeting held in July 2024. The SBOE originally considered these requests at the September 2024 meeting and postponed action until the November 2024 meeting.
±õ³¾±è´Ç°ù³Ù²¹²Ô³ÙÌýProclamation 2024Ìý¶Ù´Ç³¦³Ü³¾±ð²Ô³Ù²õ
This report includes the findings of the state review panels (SRPs) for materials adopted under Proclamation 2024 that covered less than 100% of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills. Publishers submitted new content and/orÌýnew citations for review in the Proclamation 2024 TEKS Update SRP meeting held in July 2024.
This report lists errors identified by the SRP in the Proclamation 2024 TEKS Update SRP meeting held in July 2024 and includes how the publisher intends to correct them. Publishers must correct the final versions provided to schools as a condition of adoption by the State Board of Education.
This report includes publisher responses to feedback provided by the SRP in the Proclamation 2024 TEKS Update SRP meeting held in July 2024. Publishers must correct the final versions provided to schools as a condition of adoption by the State Board of Education. Ìý
This report summarizes the official findings of the state review panels (SRPs) for materials adopted by the SBOE at its November 2023 meeting.
The report below lists names and contact information for publishers with science, grades K–12; technology applications, grades K–8; Personal Financial Literacy and Economics; and CTE courses adopted by the SBOE.
The SBOE requires that 91Èȱ¬ and the 20 ESCs each maintain a copy of all adopted instructional materials and make them available for public review. The public must request an appointment with 91Èȱ¬ or an ESC to review the materials.
- ESC contact information (PDF)
This report includes information regarding the interoperability of Proclamation 2024 digital programs, including available delivery formats, authentication requirements, and technology standards compatibility.
This EMAT report includes program and component pricing information for materials adopted under Proclamation 2024. This report will be updated nightly as bids are approved by 91Èȱ¬ staff.
- (PDF)
This report includes a pricing list of what publishers are offering for each subject and course or grade level.
This report lists the student expectations that are not fully addressed in instructional materials adopted by the State Board of Education.
These comprehensive reports include publishers’ editorial changes and responses to feedback submitted by the state review panels. These changes will be included in the final versions provided to schools as a condition of adoption by the SBOE.
- Proclamation 2024 Comprehensive Report of Editorial Changes (Publishers A–L) (PDF)
- Proclamation 2024 Comprehensive Report of Editorial Changes (Publishers M–T) (PDF)
This comprehensive report contains the new content that was reviewed and approved by the state review panels and new content submitted in response to public testimony. The new content will be included in the final versions provided to schools as a condition of adoption by the SBOE.
This report lists errors identified by the state review panel, the publisher, or the public and includes how the publisher intends to correct the error. All corrections are to be made by publishers to the final versions provided to schools as a condition of adoption by the State Board of Education.
This report outlines the findings from a comprehensive review aimed at verifying that publishers implemented the necessary changes to their adopted instructional materials. As a condition for adoption by the State Board of Education (SBOE) under Proclamation 2024, publishers were required to address updates in three key areas:
- Required Corrections: Adjustments made to rectify errors identified in the pre-adoption materials.
- New Content: Additions approved by the State Review Panel (SRP) during the standards-alignment and quality reviews, as well as content introduced in response to public testimony.
- Editorial Changes: Modifications proposed by the publisher following an editorial review or in response to feedback from the SRP and the public.
November 2023 SBOE Meeting Reports in Response to Public Testimony
This report includes updates to publisher responses provided in response to the feedback provided by the state review panel. Responses were updated in response to public testimony and comments provided during the November 2023 meeting of the Committee of the Full Board (COFB). Changes proposed by publishers will be added to the comprehensive report of editorial changes following the November 2023 State Board of Education (SBOE) meeting and are required as a condition of SBOE adoption.Ìý
This report includes corrections proposed by publishers in response to errors reported by the state review panel. Responses were updated in response to public testimony and comments provided during the November 2023 meeting of the COFB. Corrections proposed by publishers will be added to the comprehensive report of required corrections following the November 2023 SBOE meeting and are required as a condition of SBOE adoption.Ìý
This report contains the changes proposed in response to public testimony provided during the November 2023 meeting of the COFB. The proposed changes will be added to the comprehensive report of editorial changes following the November 2023 State Board of Education (SBOE) meeting and are required as a condition of SBOE adoption.Ìý
This report lists the publishers’ corrections proposed in response to public testimony provided during the November 2023 COFB meeting and only contains additional changes reported by publishers after that meeting through November 15, 2023. These corrections will be added to the Proclamation 2024 Report of Required Corrections following the November SBOE meeting and must be made as a condition of adoption by the SBOE.Ìý
This report contains the new content that publishers proposed in response to public testimony provided during the November 2023 COFB meeting. These proposed changes will be added to the Proclamation 2024 Comprehensive Editorial Change Report following the November SBOE meeting and must be included in the instructional materials as a condition of adoption by the SBOE.Ìý
November 2023 SBOE Meeting Reports
This report summarizes the findings of the state review panels (SRPs) for materials eligible for adoption by the SBOE based on their standards-alignment percentage and includes the ISBN, title, and percentage of TEKS coverage.
This report lists errors identified by the SRPs after being reviewed at the summer 2023 SRP meetings, the publisher, or the public and includes how the publisher intends to correct the error. All corrections are to be made to the final versions provided to schools as a condition of adoption by the SBOE.
This report lists comments submitted by the public and includes the publishers' responses.
- Proclamation 2024 Public CommentsÌý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)
This report contains the new content that was reviewed and approved by the SRPs. The new content must be included in the final versions provided to schools as a condition of adoption by the SBOE.
- Proclamation 2024 Report of New ContentÌýFinal (PDF)
This is a report of publisher's proposed changes resulting from an editorial review conducted after the pre-adoption samples were submitted. This report contains the publishers' proposed changes resulting from an editorial review conducted after submitting preadoption samples.
Cumulative and Addendum Reports
This report lists alleged factual errors submitted by the public and includes the publishers’ responses.
This report has been amended since the September 2023 SBOE meeting to include state review panelists' feedback and suggestions and the publishers’ responses, including information for programs that had reviews still in progress at the time of that meeting.
- Proclamation 2024 State Review Panel FeedbackÌýFinal (PDF)
This report lists errors identified by the state review panelists and the publishers' responses. It has been updated with publishers' responses received after the September 2023 SBOE meeting and SRP-identified errors and publishers' responses for reviews that were completed after that meeting.
This report has been amended since the September 2023 meeting to include publishers’ responses received after the meeting and errors reported by state review panelists for reviews that were still in progress at the time of that meeting along with publishers’ responses. This is an addendum to the Proclamation 2024: Report of Publisher-Identified Error Corrections presented to the SBOE at the September 2023 meeting and contains additional changes reported by publishers through November 7, 2023. These corrections must be made as a condition of adoption by the SBOE.
This report contains the publishers' proposed changes resulting from an editorial review conducted after submitting preadoption samples. This is an addendum to the Proclamation 2024: Report of Editorial Changes presented to the SBOE at the September 2023 meeting and contains additional changes reported by publishers through October 31, 2023.
This report contains the new content that was reviewed and approved by the SRPs. This is an addendum to the Proclamation 2024: Report of New Content presented to the SBOE at the September 2023 meeting and contains additional changes reported by publishers through October 23, 2023. The new content will be included in the final versions provided to schools as a condition of adoption by the SBOE.
September 2023 SBOE Meeting Reports
This report summarizes the findings of the state review panels for materials under consideration for adoption by the State Board of Education for Proclamation 2024.
This report lists errors identified by state review panelists and the publishers' responses.
This report lists state review panelists' feedback and suggestions and publishers’ responses.
This report lists all editorial changes that publishers intend to make to their pre-adoption samples prior to final publication.
This report lists errors identified by the publisher. All corrections are to be made to the final versions provided to schools as a condition of adoption by the SBOE.
This report contains the new content that was reviewed and approved by the SRPs. The new content must be included in the final versions provided to schools as a condition of adoption by the SBOE.
- Proclamation 2024: Report of New ContentÌý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)
Public Comment
Any resident of Texas mayÌýÌý²¹²ú´Ç³Ü³Ù under consideration for adoption or Ìýin these materials. The public comment period begins with the posting of the pre-adoption samples and ends on Monday, October 30, 2023. Copies of written comments are provided to the SBOE and the publisher and posted on 91Èȱ¬â€™s website. The SBOE will hold a public hearing at the August 29–September 1, 2023 meeting allowing citizens the opportunity to provide oral testimony about instructional materials submitted for adoption. Representatives of publishing companies may respond to testimony at the hearing or within ten working days of the hearing.
This report lists comments submitted by the public and includes the publishers' responses.
- Proclamation 2024ÌýPublic CommentsÌý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)Ìý(Coming November 2023)
Important documents specific to publishers can be found on theÌýAdoption Resources for PublishersÌýweb page.
The State Board of Education (SBOE) did not issueÌýProclamation 2023. You may see the SBOE’s discussion of this topic in the broadcast of the SBOE’sÌý. (Click item 5.)
Important documents specific to publishers can be found on theÌýAdoption Resources for PublishersÌýweb page.
The State Board of Education (SBOE) issuedÌýProclamation 2022Ìýat the April 2020 meeting to call for health and physical education instructional materials. The materials adoption underÌýProclamation 2022 occured in November 2021. The adopted materials are scheduled to go into classrooms in the 2022–23 school year.Ìý
- Proclamation 2022Ìý(Amended April 2021) (PDF)
- Proclamation 2022 Q&A (PDF)
±õ³¾±è´Ç°ù³Ù²¹²Ô³ÙÌýProclamation Documents:
This report summarizes the official findings of the state review panels (SRPs) for materials adopted by the SBOE at its November 2021 meeting.
This report lists names and contact information for publishers with health and physical education materials adopted by the SBOE.
This report lists errors identified by the SRP after being reviewed at the July 2021 SRP meeting, the public during the public comment period, and the publishers. This report includes how the publisher intends to correct the error. All corrections must be made in the final versions provided to schools as a condition of adoption by the SBOE.
This report lists all changes proposed by publishers, including those made in response to SRP feedback, public comment, and public testimony.ÌýAll proposed changes must be made to the final versions provided to schools as a condition of adoption by the SBOE.
This report contains the new content reviewed and approved by the SRPs. The new content will be included in the final versions provided to schools as a condition of adoption by the SBOE.
This report includes information regarding the interoperability of health and physical education programs, including available delivery formats, authentication requirements, and technology standards compatibility.
September 2021 SBOE Meeting Reports:
This report summarizes the findings of the state review panels for materials under consideration for adoption by the State Board of Education for Proclamation 2022.
This report lists errors identified by state review panelists and the publishers' responses.
This report lists state review panelists' feedback and suggestions and publishers’ responses.
November 2021 SBOE Meeting Reports:
This report summarizes the findings of the state review panels for materials eligible for adoption by the SBOE and includes the ISBN, title, and percentage of TEKS coverage.
This report lists errors identified by the publisher or the SRP after being reviewed at the July 2021 SRP meeting. The report includes how the publisher intends to correct the error. All corrections are to be made to the final versions provided to schools as a condition of adoption by the SBOE.
This report lists the student expectations not fully addressed in instructional materials submitted for adoption by the SBOE.
These revised reports are updated reports of the findings of the SRPs for materials eligible for adoption by the SBOE. These reports were edited to remove duplicate entries, correct mislabeled entries, and add updated publisher responses.
- Proclamation 2022ÌýSRP-Identified Errors Updated 9-21-2021Ìý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)
- Proclamation 2022ÌýSRP Feedback Updated 9-29-2021Ìý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)
This report lists all editorial changes that publishers intend to make to their pre-adoption samples prior to final publication.
This report contains the proposed changes and new content that was provided in response to public testimony. The proposed changes and new content will be included in the final versions provided to schools as a condition of adoption by the SBOE.
This report contains the new content that was reviewed and approved by the SRPs. The new content will be included in the final versions provided to schools as a condition of adoption by the SBOE.
- Proclamation 2022ÌýReport of New ContentÌý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)
This report lists errors identified by publishers and includes the proposed corrections. These corrections must be made as a condition of adoption by the SBOE.
This report lists corrections proposed by publishers in response to public testimony.
- Proclamation 2022ÌýReport of Publisher-Identified Error Corrections in Response to Public TestimonyÌý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)
This report lists comments submitted by the public and includes the publishers' responses.
- Proclamation 2022ÌýPublic CommentsÌý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)
This report lists alleged factual errors submitted by the public and the publishers’ responses.
Important documents specific to publishers can be found on theÌýAdoption Resources for PublishersÌýweb page.
The SBOE issuedÌýProclamation 2021Ìýat its June 2019 meeting to call for English and Spanish prekindergarten systems. The adoption of materials underÌýProclamation 2021Ìýis scheduled to occur in November 2020. The adopted materials are scheduled to go into classrooms in the 2021–22 school year.
- Proclamation 2021ÌýAmended 1-31-2020Ìý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)
- Proclamation 2021 Questions and AnswersÌý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)
- Amendments toÌýProclamation 2021Ìýwere approved by the State Board of Education at the January 2020 meeting.
Adoption Supports for Districts:
Below are some helpful resources and links to assist districts in building strong, locally driven adoption processes for selecting prekindergarten materials.
- Proclamation 2021ÌýList of Instructional Materials Adopted by the SBOEÌý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)
- View theÌýslide deckÌýfrom theÌýPrekindergarten Adoption Support Conference
- Watch recordings of the virtualÌý
- Ìýusing the Texas Resource Review (TRR) comparison tool
- ViewÌýÌýand detailed reports
- Learn aboutÌý
- ExploreÌý
Proclamation Important Documents:
This report summarizes the findings of the state review panels for materials adopted by the SBOE and includes the ISBN, title, and percentage of TPG covered for each domain.
This report contains links to the new content that was reviewed and approved by the summer 2020 state review panel. The new content will be added to the final adopted program.
This report lists names and contact information for publishers that submitted prekindergarten materials adopted by the SBOE.
This report includes information regarding the interoperability of prekindergarten programs, including available delivery formats, authentication requirements, and technology standards compatibility.
September 2020 SBOE Meeting Reports:
This report lists comments and publisher responses from the June 2020 state review panel meeting regarding Prekindergarten Systems that are currently under consideration for adoption by the SBOE.
- Proclamation 2021ÌýState Review Panel Comments ReportÌý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)
- Proclamation 2021ÌýState Review Panel Comments Report-AccessibleÌý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)
This report lists all editorial changes and new content submitted during the June 2020 state review panel meeting. All new content and editorial changes included in this report are to be included in the final versions provided to schools as a condition of adoption by the SBOE.
- Proclamation 2021ÌýEditorial Changes ReportÌý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)
- Proclamation 2021ÌýEditorial Changes Report-AccessibleÌý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)
This report lists errors identified by either the publisher or the state review panel after being reviewed at the June 2020 state review panel meeting. The report includes how the publisher intends to correct the error. All corrections are to be made to the final versions provided to schools as a condition of adoption by the SBOE.
- Proclamation 2021ÌýReport of Required CorrectionsÌý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)
- Proclamation 2021ÌýReport of Required Corrections-AccessibleÌý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)
November 2020 SBOE Meeting Reports:
This report lists additional errors identified by the publisher since August 17, 2020. The report includes how the publisher intends to correct the error. The corrections are to be made in the final updated versions provided to schools as a condition of adoption by the State Board of Education (SBOE).
This report lists additional editorial changes and new content identified by the publisher since August 17, 2020. The changes are to be included in the final updated versions provided to schools as a condition of adoption by the State Board of Education (SBOE).
Important documents specific to publishers can be found on theÌýAdoption Resources for PublishersÌýweb page.
The State Board of Education (SBOE) issuedÌýProclamation 2020Ìýat its April 2018 meeting. Instructional materials were adopted in November 2019 for high school English language arts and reading. The adopted materials are scheduled to go into classrooms in the 2020–21 school year.
- Proclamation 2020 (Amended 11-16-2018)Ìý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)
- Proclamation 2020 Questions and AnswersÌý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)
Important Proclamation Documents:
This report lists the names and contact information for publishers that had materials adopted by the State Board of Education at its November 2019 meeting.
- Proclamation 2020ÌýList of Publishers with Materials Adopted by the State Board of EducationÌý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)
This report summarizes the official findings of the state review panels for materials adopted by the State Board of Education at its November 2019 meeting and includes the ISBN, title, media format, and percentage of TEKS and ELPS covered for each product.
- Proclamation 2020ÌýList of Instructional Materials Adopted by the State Board of EducationÌý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)
This report includes information regarding the interoperability of materials adopted under Proclamation 2020, including available delivery formats, authentication requirements, and technology standards compatibility.
This report lists the specific student expectations not addressed in Proclamation 2020 materials adopted by the State Board of Education.
This report contains links to the new content that was reviewed and approved by the summer 2019 review team. The new content will be implemented in the final adopted program.
September 2019 SBOE Meeting Reports:
This report lists errors identified by either the publisher or the state review panel and includes how the publisher intends to correct the error. The corrections were made in the final versions provided to schools as a condition of adoption by the State Board of Education.
- Ìý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)
This report lists editorial changes identified by either the publisher or the state review panel and includes how the publisher intends to change the content. The changes were made in the final versions provided to schools.
- (PDF)
This report lists comments from the state review panel and includes the publisher's responses to the comments.
Important documents specific to publishers can be found on theÌýAdoption Resources for PublishersÌýweb page.
The State Board of Education (SBOE) issuedÌýProclamation 2019Ìýat its April 2017 meeting. Instructional materials were adopted in November 2018 for English language arts and reading, grades K–8; Spanish language arts and reading, grades K–5; handwriting (English and Spanish), grades K–5; spelling (English), grades 1–6; and Personal Financial Literacy. The adopted materials are scheduled to go into classrooms in the 2019–20 school year.ÌýÌý
Proclamation 2019Ìý(Amended 4-13-2018)Ìý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)
Important Proclamation Documents:
- Proclamation 2019ÌýList of Instructional Materials Adopted by the State Board of EducationÌý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)
- Proclamation 2019ÌýPublishers with Materials Adopted by the State Board of EducationÌý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)
- Proclamation 2019ÌýTEKS Not Addressed in Adopted Instructional MaterialsÌý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)
- Proclamation 2019ÌýNew Content Reviewed and Approved by the State Review PanelÌý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)
- Proclamation 2019ÌýReport on Interoperability and Ease of UseÌý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)
Publishers were given the opportunity to provide new content and/or new citations to improve the official Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) percentage of adopted products. State review panels (SRPs) met in July 2020 to review updated English and Spanish language arts and reading materials, grades K–5 and Personal Financial Literacy materials originally adopted under Proclamation 2019. The following reports from the July 2020 SRP meetings were provided to the SBOE at the September 2020 meeting:
This report lists the previous TEKS coverage percentages and the potentially new percentages for the updated materials.
- Summer 2020 TEKS Update ReportÌý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)
This report lists new content and editorial changes to be included in updated materials. Ìý
This report lists SRP comments from the July 2020 meeting and the publishers’ responses.
This report lists errors identified by either the publisher or the state review panel after being reviewed at the July 2020 SRP meeting The report includes how the publisher intends to correct the error. The corrections are to be made in the final updated versions provided to schools as a condition of adoption by the State Board of Education.
September 2018 SBOE Meeting Reports:
- Proclamation 2019ÌýReport of Required CorrectionsÌý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)Ìý
- Proclamation 2019ÌýEditorial ChangesÌý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)
- Proclamation 2019ÌýState Review Panel CommentsÌý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)Ìý
November 2018 SBOE Meeting Reports:
- Proclamation 2019 Report of Required Corrections—Additional Corrections Reported after 8/31/2018
- Proclamation 2019 Editorial Changes—Additional Changes Reported after 8/31/2018
April 2019 Pearson Education, Inc Addendum Report:
- Addendum to Proclamation 2019 Report of Required Corrections
- Addendum to Proclamation 2019 Editorial Changes
Important documents specific to publishers can be found on theÌýAdoption Resources for PublishersÌýweb page.
The SBOE issuedÌýProclamation 2018Ìýat its November 2016 meeting. Instructional materials were adopted in November 2017 for Special Topics in Social Studies. The adopted materials went into classrooms in the 2018–19 school year.
- Proclamation 2018 (Issued November 2016)Ìý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)
- Instructional Materials Adopted under Proclamation 2018Ìý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)
- TEKS Not Addressed ReportÌý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)
Important documents specific to publishers can be found on theÌýAdoption Resources for PublishersÌýweb page.
The SBOE issuedÌýProclamation 2017Ìýat its November 2015 meeting. Instructional materials were adopted in November 2016 for career and technical education and languages other than English. The materials went into classrooms in the 2017–18 school year.
- Proclamation 2017 (Amended April 2016)Ìý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)
- SBOE-Adopted Proclamation 2017 MaterialsÌý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)
- Proclamation 2017ÌýTEKS Not Addressed Report—CTEÌý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)
- Proclamation 2017ÌýTEKS Not Addressed Report—LOTEÌý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)
Important documents specific to publishers can be found on theÌýAdoption Resources for PublishersÌýweb page.
The SBOE issuedÌýProclamation 2015Ìýin April 2013. Instructional materials were adopted by the SBOE in November 2014 for high school mathematics, social studies, grades K–12, and fine arts, grades K–12. The materials went into classrooms in the 2015–16 school year.
- Proclamation 2015Ìý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)
- SBOE-Adopted Proclamation 2015 MaterialsÌý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)
- Proclamation 2015ÌýTEKS Not Addressed ReportÌý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)
Important documents specific to publishers can be found on theÌýAdoption Resources for PublishersÌýweb page.
The SBOE issuedÌýProclamation 2014Ìýin April 2012. Instructional materials were adopted by the SBOE in November 2013 for science, grades K–12, mathematics, grades K–8, and technology applications, grades K–12. The materials went into classrooms in the 2014–15 school year.
- Proclamation 2014Ìý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)
- SBOE-Adopted Proclamation 2014 MaterialsÌý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)
- Proclamation 2014ÌýTEKS Not Addressed ReportÌý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)
Important documents specific to publishers can be found on theÌýAdoption Resources for PublishersÌýweb page.
The SBOE issued a request for supplemental science materials that met all the new and expanded requirements of the TEKS adopted by theÌý SBOE in March 2009. The supplemental science materials went out of adoption with the adoption ofÌýProclamation 2014Ìýscience materials.Ìý
- Request for Supplemental Science Materials Middle SchoolÌýÌý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)
- Request for Supplemental Science Materials High SchoolÌý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)
Important documents specific to publishers can be found on theÌýAdoption Resources for PublishersÌýweb page.
The SBOE issuedÌýMidcycle 2011Ìýin March 2010. The instructional materials were adopted by the SBOE in January and April 2011. The materials were available for use in the 2011–12 school year.
- Midcycle 2011 ProclamationÌý(PDF)
Important documents specific to publishers can be found on theÌýAdoption Resources for PublishersÌýweb page.
The SBOE issuedÌýProclamation 2011Ìýin May 2008 and amended it in September 2008. The instructional materials were adopted by the SBOE inÌýNovember 2010. The materials went into classrooms in the 2011–12 school year.
- Proclamation 2011 Vol.1Ìý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)
- Proclamation 2011 Vol.2Ìý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)
Important documents specific to publishers can be found on theÌýAdoption Resources for PublishersÌýweb page.
The SBOE issuedÌýProclamation 2010Ìýin November 2007 and amended it to include Spanish Language Arts in September 2008. The instructional materials were adopted by the SBOE in November 2009. The materials went into classrooms in the 2010–11 school year.Ìý
- Proclamation 2010Ìý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)
Important documents specific to publishers can be found on theÌýAdoption Resources for PublishersÌýweb page.
The SBOE issuedÌýProclamation 2005Ìýin November 2005. The instructional materials were adopted by the SBOE in November 2007. The materials went into classrooms in the 2008–09 school year. The mathematics materials went out of adoption with the adoption ofÌýProclamation 2014ÌýK-8 mathematics materials.
- Proclamation 2005Ìý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)
Important documents specific to publishers can be found on theÌýAdoption Resources for PublishersÌýweb page.
The SBOE issuedÌýProclamation 2004Ìýin May 2004. The instructional materials were adopted by the SBOE in November 2006. The materials went into classrooms in the 2007–08 school year. The high school mathematics materials went out of adoption with the adoption ofÌýProclamation 2015Ìýhigh school mathematics materials.
- Proclamation 2004Ìý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)
Important documents specific to publishers can be found on theÌýAdoption Resources for PublishersÌýweb page.
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Instructional Materials and Implementation Division
1701 North Congress Avenue, Room 3-110
Austin, Texas 78701-1494