Mathematics Frequently Asked Questions
This webpage contains the most common frequently asked questions course selection, prerequisites, graduation plans, and other topics related to decision making regarding mathematics. Here is a pdf document of the table. Here is a pdf document of the frequently asked questions.
Mathematics Prerequisite Table
Course | Prerequisite | CTE Course? |
Algebra I | Grade 8 Mathematics, or its equivalent | No |
Geometry | Algebra I* | No |
* Per , "[a] school district may allow a student to enroll concurrently in Algebra I and geometry."
Third Credit Only courses per 19 TAC §74.12(b)(2)(A)
Course | Prerequisite | CTE Course? |
Mathematical Models with Applications | Algebra I | No |
Mathematical Applications in Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources | Algebra I; Recommended: one credit in from Texas Administrative Code §130.A | Yes |
Digital Electronics | Algebra I and Geometry | Yes |
Financial Mathematics | Algebra I | Yes |
Applied Mathematics for Technical Professionals | Algebra I and Geometry | Yes |
Accounting II | Accounting I | Yes |
Manufacturing Engineering Technology II | Manufacturing Engineering Technology I; Recommended: Algebra II, Computer Science I, or Physics | Yes |
Robotics II | Robotics I | Yes |
Third or Fourth Credit Only courses per 19 TAC §74.12(b)(2)(A) or §74.13(e)(2)
Course | Prerequisite | CTE Course? |
Algebra II | Algebra I | No |
Precalculus | Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II | No |
Advanced Quantitative Reasoning | Geometry and Algebra II | No |
Discrete Mathematics for Problem Solving | Algebra II | No |
Algebraic Reasoning | Algebra I | No |
Statistics | Algebra I | No |
Advanced Placement (AP) Statistics | Recommended: Algebra II and Geometry | No |
AP Precalculus | Recommended Algebra II and Geometry | No |
AP Calculus AB | Recommended: Precalculus | No |
AP Calculus BC | Recommended: Precalculus | No |
International Baccalaureate (IB) Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches Standard Level | Recommended Algebra II and Geometry | No |
IBMathematics: Analysis and HigherLevel | Recommended Algebra II and Geometry | No |
IBMathematics: Applications and Interpretations Standard Level | Recommended Algebra II and Geometry | No |
IBMathematics: Applications and Interpretations Higher Level | Recommended Algebra II and Geometry | No |
AP Computer Science A | Recommended Algebra I | Yes |
IB Computer Science Higher Level | Recommended Computer Science I and Algebra II | Yes |
Engineering Mathematics | Algebra II | Yes |
Statistics and Business Decision Making | Algebra II | Yes |
Mathematics for Medical Professionals | Geometry and Algebra II | Yes |
Algebra II | Yes | |
Pursuant to | Algebra II | No |
Pursuant to | Algebra I and Geometry | No |
Fourth Credit Only courses per TAC §74.13(e)(4)
Course | Prerequisite | CTE Course? |
Algebra I, Geometry, and a third course listed in | No |
Frequently Asked Questions
You are also welcome to download the Mathematics Frequently Asked Questions as a pdf document for your convenience.
Students are required to earn credit for Algebra I, geometry, and one additional mathematics course from the following list (subject to prerequisite requirements) per :
Students are required to earn a fourth mathematics credit. To earn a Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics or STEM endorsement, one of these mathematics credits must be Algebra II. For the mathematics pathway to the STEM endorsement, students must earn a total of five mathematics credits, including Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, and two courses for which Algebra II is a prerequisite. The course options for endorsements can be found in the following list (subject to prerequisite requirements) per :
Prerequisites are found in the General Requirements section of the introduction in the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for each course . They can also be found in the Mathematics Prerequisite Table above.
No, however, the material for each grade builds to the next grade. A student missing the material of one grade may be at a disadvantage in subsequent grade levels or classes.
Yes, states, “[t]he additional credit may be selected from . . . a combination of two half credits from two different courses, subject to prerequisite requirements, from the following courses or a credit selected from the courses listed in subparagraph (B) of this paragraph.”
These courses are listed in and the Mathematics Prerequisite Table.
These courses are listed in and the Mathematics Prerequisite Table.
It is listed in . This course is listed in and the Mathematics Prerequisite Table.
These courses are listed in for the third mathematics credit and for the fourth mathematics credit. Also, this may be listed in paragraph (a) of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills or TEKS for the course. Alternatively, you can use the Mathematics Prerequisite Tableat the top of this web page.
No, only those courses listed in or , may count for mathematics credit. These courses are also listed in the Mathematics Prerequisite Table.
SBOE rules in establish that a student may not be enrolled in a course that has a required prerequisite unless:
(1) the student has successfully completed the prerequisite course(s);
(2) the student has demonstrated equivalent knowledge as determined by the school district; or
(3) the student was already enrolled in the course in an out-of-state, an out-of-country, or a Texas nonpublic school and transferred to a Texas public school prior to successfully completing the course.”
Note: if the second subparagraph is appropriate, we suggest recording how that decision was reached for each individual in a letter and including that letter in the student’s permanent file in case questions arise in the future.
Algebra I has as a prerequisite of Grade 8 or its equivalent. There is no prescription in law and rule on what the equivalent of Grade 8 Mathematics is. However, students should be able to demonstrate proficiency in all the before enrolling in Algebra I.
For questions regarding the impact of this decision on testing, please contact the 91ȱ Division at (512) 463-9536 or at the .
Yes, if a district allows students to take Algebra I and Geometry concurrently per.
If the district decides not to permit concurrent enrollment, then Algebra I remains a required prerequisite for Geometry. In this case, a student must meet prerequisite requirements for each course as listed in see question #11 above.
Yes, if a district allows students to take Algebra I and Geometry concurrently per .
If the district decides not to exercise this provision, then Algebra I remains a required prerequisite for Geometry.
A student must meet prerequisite requirements for each course as listed in the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for each course and the table above. gives the requirements for enrolling in a course with prerequisites (see question #11 above for these conditions to meet the prerequisite requirements and the Mathematics Prerequisite Tableat the top of this webpage for the prerequisites).
Yes, if there is no prerequisite conflict. For example, a student may take Algebraic Reasoning and Algebra II concurrently as both have a prerequisite of Algebra I. However, Algebra II and Precalculus must be in accordance with as Precalculus has Algebra II as a prerequisite.
Yes, there are no sequencing or prerequisite conflicts. Please note that as Math Models may only count as a third credit, Algebra II will serve as the fourth credit, per .
No, both courses can only count as a third mathematics credit per .
No, Strategic Learning for High School Mathematics is an innovative course. As such, it can only satisfy statewide elective credit.
No, innovative courses can only serve as statewide elective credits.
Yes, permits students to take their fourth credit mathematics course before the third mathematics credit course.
For the most part, Mathematical Models with Applications may be used for a third mathematics credit for students pursuing every pathway of every endorsement, EXCEPT the mathematics pathway to the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) endorsement [] which requires Algebra II and two courses with Algebra II as a prerequisite.
Yes, Mathematical Models with Applications may serve as a third mathematics credit in pursuit of the distinguished level achievement. However, Algebra II MUST be the fourth mathematics credit to satisfy those requirements.
Algebra II and any other additional mathematics courses that are necessary to complete the requirements of the Foundation High School Program and the student’s chosen pathway to an endorsement.
The mathematics pathway to the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) endorsement [] requires Algebra II and two courses for which Algebra II is a prerequisite.
Students must complete the requirements for the Foundation High School Program, that is three mathematics credits: Algebra I, Geometry, and one more that is listed in before enrolling in .
says one full credit may be awarded to satisfy a fourth math credit after the three math credits have been earned under the Foundation High School Program and after successful completion* of the college prep mathematics course. Note: the Texas College Bridge Mathematics course is designed as one full credit course. Where coursework and/or college preparation assessment (SAT/ACT/TSIA) indicate the student is not ready to perform entry-level college coursework.
The requirements for the course listed "pursuant to —
- Students must complete .
- The course must be endorsed by an institution of higher education for course for which
- the student can receive course credit from the institution, or
- the student can use the course as prerequisite for a course that they would receive course credit from the institution.
"(1) The district develops a program under which the district partners with a public or private institution of higher education and local business, labor, and community leaders to develop and provide the courses; and
(2) The course or other activity allows students to enter:
(A) a career or technology training program in the district's region of the state;
(B) an institution of higher education without remediation;
(C) an apprenticeship training program; or
(D) an internship required as part of accreditation toward an industry-recognized credential or certificate for course credit."
Both courses must be endorsed by an institution of higher education, and the following criteria are met:
- The course pursuant to requires Algebra II as a prerequisite.
- The course pursuant to TEC §28.025(b-5) may be used as either a third or fourth mathematics credit. can only serve as a FOURTH mathematics credit toward graduation.
- College Preparatory Mathematics requires three mathematics credits: Algebra I, Geometry, and one other.
It is a district decision how to award high school credit for a College Algebra course. Here are three options—
- the course is determined to meetthe requirements for a course pursuant to ,
- the course is determined tocover all of the TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills) for a TEKS-based mathematics course such as , or
- the course is determined to cover all of the TEKS of .
In Texas, allows students to earn high school credit at any grade or after any amount of instruction if the student demonstrates proficiency in the subject matter. Further, gives districts the authority to evaluate student’s knowledge and place them in classes appropriately. If the district determines that the student fulfills the state requirements (demonstrates proficiency in the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for the course) and local requirements, then the district may award credit.
Districts should compare the material to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). If the district determines that the material covered all of the TEKS for a given course and the student can demonstrate proficiency in the subject matter, then credit may be awarded for that TEKS-based course.
The certifications for kindergarten – grade 6 (self-contained) are listed in 5.
For grades 6 – 8, the relevant portion of the Texas Administrative Code is ; defer questions about teaching high school courses in middle school to Educator Certification.
For grades 9 – 12, the relevant portion of the code is . This section applies to all mathematics courses except for Algebraic Reasoning, which is listed in , and Statistics, which is listed in .
Any certificate listed in that expressly allows for the teaching of Algebra I or any certificate that is also listed in .
Any certificate that is listed in ,, or .
The certifications for innovative courses are listedunder the Teacher Qualifications section of thecourse description.
Any certificate listed for the given CTE course will allow students to earn mathematics credit toward graduation.
For all questions pertaining to STAAR assessments, please contact the or see the .
No, the Texas Success Initiative Assessment is an assessment offered by our colleagues at the .
ESC (Education Service Center) Region 13 manages the ESTAR/MSTAR help desk at or 1-855-462-8489.
Elementary School Students in Texas: Algebra Ready (ESTAR) and Middle-School Students in Texas: Algebra Ready (MSTAR) are assessments of Algebra readiness. These assessments provide universal screening for grade-level readiness and progress monitoring of algebraic foundations for grade 2 to grade 8 students. Additional diagnostic assessments can be administered to determine specific areas of targeted development. The Texas Formative Assessment Resource or TFAR is a free online platform that helps educators design, give, and share formative assessments of grade-level content student expectations.
Both are optional and free to Texas school districts and public charter schools.
Elementary School Students in Texas: Algebra Ready (ESTAR) and Middle-School Students in Texas: Algebra Ready (MSTAR) are assessments of Algebra readiness. These assessments provide universal screening for grade-level readiness and progress monitoring of algebraic foundations for grade 2 to grade 8 students. Additional diagnostic assessments can be administered to determine specific areas of targeted development. The State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) Interim Assessments offer a free online platform that helps educators design, give, and share formative assessments.
Both are optional and free to Texas school districts and public charter schools.
The placement of students in an advanced or accelerated class is a local district decision. The parent has the right to request of the district, with the expectation that the request is not unreasonably denied, that their student be placed in an accelerated class unless the school expects that the child cannot perform satisfactorily in the class ().
Any program where students demonstrate proficiency for the Grades 6 through 8 mathematics Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and allows those students to take Algebra I in grade 8.
There are no state-mandated instructional time requirements. The State Board of Education (SBOE) rules in (elementary) and (secondary) require that a district “must ensure that sufficient time is provided for teachers to teach and for students to learn” all of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for each subject of the required curriculum.
The Mathematics Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) are listed in of the Texas Administrative Code.
The Mathematics Supporting Information documents may be found on the , the “Parent Teacher Resources” page, and the .