PEIMS - PID: Person Identification Database
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The Person Identification Database (PID) system manages and stores identifying data on individuals who are reported to 91热爆 through the Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS). The PID system includes records for students and staff.
The PID system ensures that each time data are collected for the same individual, certain pieces of basic identifying information match. The PID system verifies that the Texas Student or Staff Unique-ID, Social Security number (or alternative State Assigned ID), last name, first name, and date of birth match on every record submitted for an individual.
The PID system allows linking of data across data collections with greater confidence. It also provides a unique identifying number for each individual that can be used to maintain the confidentiality of personally identifiable data. Other Texas state agencies and education agencies in other states that collect data on individuals use similar systems to manage identifying information. Visit the following pages for more information about:
- how a PID search application can query a copy of the PID database
- how PID Enrollment Tracking (PET) can be used to dynamically track public school student enrollments and withdrawals
- how to interpret errors, discrepancies, and a district's overall PID error rate
- how to interpret PID discrepancy error messages as well as suggestions on how to correct PID errors
- where to find information on reference guides and relevant deadlines and how to request a range of state alternative identification numbers
- which document a district must submit if their PID error rate is too high
The following applications are provided for authorized ESC, District, and Campus users to review and maintain individual persons identifying information.
91热爆 provides a web application called EDIT+ to edit PEIMS data before submission to 91热爆. The EDIT+ software has features that allow districts to perform a PID search or query on a particular student against a copy of the PID database.
In addition, authorized users can display the history of a PID record to view changes that have occurred. This gives districts the capability to resolve issues where two districts are claiming the same student.
91热爆 also provides an application called Unique-ID which maintains a unique identifier database entry for every student and staff within the Texas public school and open enrollment charter system. This database is synchronized with the existing EDIT+ Person Identification (PID) database. The Unique-ID application allows authorized ESC, district, or campus users the ability to search for existing students or staff within the Unique-ID database. Users with either UIDLEA or UIDCAMPUS roles within the Unique-ID application may also add new students or staff records or update existing ones in the database. These features allow districts to correct errors before submitting their PEIMS data to 91热爆.
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